

世界建筑 2015年11期



Byneset Health and Welfare Center,Trondheim,Norway,2003


Architects: Norconsult Solem Arkitektur

1 总平面/Site plan







作为建筑师,我们很荣幸能与发起人共同承担这个项目。(尚晋 译)

2.3 外景/Exterior views

4 外景/Exterior views

Organized by a local building society (TOBB )in cooperation with local authorities (Trondheim kommune),the project provides flats and a nursing home for elderly people of different ages and with different needs. The design competition was held in 1999,and the building was completed in 2003.

The project consists of 16 flats for senior citizens,30 flats for elderly people,an activity-service center and a nursing home. Each senior flat measures 75m2,has two bedrooms and a garage in the basement. Built as separate units,they are not physically linked to the service center and nursing home,but are conveniently situated in adjacent to homecare services. Therefore the residents can have a sense of security without the feeling of living at a nursing home.

The 30 flats for elderly people are physically linked to the activity-service center. Those who need assistance on a regular basis can get 24-hour assistance from the homecare center or the nursing home through indoor communication. Each of these flats measures roughly 54m2.

The activity-service center contains homecare services,kitchen for training purposes,administration offices and cafeteria. The cafeteria and activity rooms are open to the public. The latter can be used for various social activities such as meetings,games,birthday parties,etc. Foldable walls can open up the central area for large gatherings such as Christmas celebration,with a fireplace and a high roof to accommodate a large Christmas tree following the Norwegian tradition.

The nursing home has 24 single bedrooms. In addition there are 6 flats for patients with dementia,situated close to one another but separate from the rest of the nursing home. Bedrooms are situated in groups of 6,each having a shared living room and a separate kitchen. Within each group,every two bedrooms are placed next to each other,thus reducing the number of staff needed.

The connection between the interior and the exterior plays an important part of the design. The project is situated in beautiful rural surroundings at Spongdal,between the village center and a golf course. Patients with dementia have often a great need for physical exercise to avoid restlessness and aggression. This can often substitute the medication that has many unwanted side effects. In this project,the users have been given a real chance to conduct outdoor activities even on their own.

As architects we are proud to have contributed to the project together with the initiators.

5-7 外景/Exterior views

8 内景/Interior view



9 老年公寓首层平面局部/Floor 0 plan (partial),flats for elderly people



ZHOU Yanmin: The design makes the best of the site's favorable natural environment,integrating the building with its surroundings. The flora and fauna corners in the exterior courtyard also become a nice place for elderly people to expose to nature and to relax. In the treatment of public areas,particular emphasis is given to spatial mobility: without being completely separated from the rest of the building complex,the entrance hall,canteen and lounge are interconnected so as to create an open,lively setting. During the visit,I felt that there is not much independent office space for the staff; after some inquires,I was told that this is because the facility managers encourage them to communicate with elderly people,so they spend a lot of time together. For me the kind of effect that management pattern has on spatial design is quite inspiring.

10.11 活动服务中心内景/Interior views,activity and service center12 内景/Interior view

GONG Kai: Since I have visited several elderly-care centers in Europe,the design concept of this project does not seem unfamiliar to me. In this type of architectural designs,there are far greater concerns for the "public" areas than for the "private" areas. Here "public" does not merely refer to the canteen,nursing rooms and offices that are commonly regarded as population-concentrated areas,but rather refers to places where elderly people may chat and idle whenever they like during their daily life. I am very touched to see the way every six rooms are arranged around a common living room in the design for single units. During my visit I saw several old people sitting around together,quietly passing the long afternoon with minimum exchange of words.

项目信息/Credits and data

项目建筑师/Project Architect: Sivilarkitekt MNAL Erik Vestgaard景观建筑师/Landscape Architect: Nina Wang Bjørsvik

单方造价/Cost: Approx. 27,000 NOK/m2

面积/Area: Approx. 10,000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 1999-2003

摄影/Photos: Erling Skakkes/Norconsult Solem Arkitektur


老人入住老年公寓 权益如何保护