

风景园林 2015年10期

1 平面图Master Plan







3休息区穿插于高大的乔木和灌木丛中,为水池使用者提供了一个安静的世外桃源。Seating areas emerging from the luscious trees and shrubs providing a peaceful sanctuary amidst nature for the pool's users.

4 向主泳池区域内部看,下沉的座椅空间突显了泳池弯曲的形状。A view looking inwards to the main swimming pool area and the sunken seating space accentuating the curved form of the pool.

5内置座椅空间沉入景观中创造了人与自然的相互联系Built in seating enclave sunken into the landscape creates interaction between nature and human.

6按摩池和下沉式座椅空间直接联系了水池和居民。The Jacuzzi pool and the sunken seating enclave provide a distinct physical connection between the pool and the residents.

7-8通向游泳池的台阶踏步也采取了同样的曲线形状,统一了项目的设计语言。The steps leading into the swimming pool also flow along the same curvature lines, retaining the same design language throughout the project

此外,一系列的小草堆是模仿现有场地的天然沙丘 ,赋予景观竖向上的变化,并同时可以作为很棒的儿童游乐区。













设计总监:Yossapon Boonsom

风景园林师:Yossit Poonprasit

园艺师:Wimonporn Chaiyathet

业主及开发商:Sansiri PCL.


机械及电气:V6 集团

结构工程: ACTEC建造

9 向某个公寓单元看去,可以清楚地看到水池的曲径贯穿了整个场地。View looking from one of the condominium units clearly shows the winding path of the pool throughout the entire site.

10-11休息区仿佛延伸到水池,形成安静的世外桃源。Seating areas are designed to look as if it is extended into the pool providing a peaceful sanctuary amidst nature and water.

12水池的弧线边缘设计反映了海洋水体的流动性The curved pool edge reflects the flowing movement of the sea.


场地面积:20 573m2




图片拍摄:Wison Tungthunya

景观预算:2 300万泰铢




景观面积:14 622m2

建筑规模:11栋建筑, 4-7层高




“Baan San Ngam”, a low rise beach front condominium is situated in the Prachuabkirikhan province of Thailand, a province which faces the Gulf of Thailand and is considered one of the most popular beach vacation destinations for both Thai and Foreigners because of its white sandy beach and the short travelling distance from Bangkok. Located away from the typical tourist area, “Baan San Ngam” low rise condominium has a much quieter and peaceful setting and is surrounded by mangroves and grove wood forest along with the backdrop of mountainous terrain in the distant.

The varying ecological elements within the area from the sea, dunes, swamp, swale, mound and forest scape provides the site with an interesting variation in topography and ground textures to experiment with. We wanted to explore new types and interpretation of natural forms which is how the concept of “Nature vs. Art” is derive from. We studied the translation of different shapes, colors and textures when different ecological elements merge into each other such as how water reacts when it fl ows and penetrate through sand and how that produces a unique pattern which we are able to take inspiration into our designs.

The main concept plays with the transition between these 6 ecological elements by creating a natural form of the swimming pool flowing through all functional areas of the site to mimic the flowing of the sea. There are altogether four swimming pool areas accommodating a varying of functions for different needs of the users such as the main pool which curves along the site for recreational swim, a 30 metre lap pool for serious swimming, a wading pool with fl oating deck and a kid’s pool.

Furthermore, recreational spaces such as timber pool decks, front beach lawn, grass sand dunes, fl oating cabanas, pavilions and sunken decks are created and placed throughout the landscape area in order to create a balance with the flat surface of ground covers and to encourage various activities and also to engage with the landscape.

This can be seen in spaces such as the pockets of sunken seating space penetrating into the swimming pool, according to the client’s brief of creating an enclosed area resembling a bird’s nest,giving the sense of warmth, security and embracing its users.

Moreover, the series of small grass dunes mimicking the natural sand dunes on the existing site, providing a change in level and also great children play area.

Along the edges of the pool, a slanted run-off edge was designed playing with different heights and level resembling a stepped terrain to slow the runoff water from the pool and also to refl ect the natural formation of soil erosion.

To correspond with our designs, the selection of ground materials reflects the existing natural environment of the ecological elements. We use sandwash as the walkway ground cover around the pool area because sandwash is a material which can be designed and created patterns easily with various colours and shades to choose from.

Moreover, sand and grass are also used in alternation with the white sandwash walkway; dark sandwash planter kerb and the timber deck which creates a clear distinction between colors and textures, giving the ground surface an interesting and bold contrasting space for the users to interact with. The hardscape of "Baan San Ngam" is designed to be linked with the flow of the water and integrate well with the natural environment.

13水池贯穿整个场地,使得所有公寓单元的住户都能直接到达。The pool flows throughout the entire site, allowing all condominium units to have direct access.

14夜晚,水下的灯光照明突出了水池弯曲的形状。Under water lighting illuminating the pool exaggerates its curved shape at night.

15水池的蓝色和软质景观元素的绿色形成鲜明的对比。The contrasting play of colours between the blue of the pool and the greenery of the softscape elements.

16夜晚,水下的灯光照明突出了水池弯曲的形状Under water lighting illuminating the pool exaggerates its curved shape at night.

17远望沙滩,游泳池和大海之间产生了视觉联系。Looking towards the beach, the swimming pool is seen as a visual connection to the sea ahead

18地 面上 像沙 丘般 的凸 起草 堆设 计营 造了更 丰富 和激 动人心的空 间与 肌理 的新 体验 。The raised grass dunes resembling sand dunes offer an exciting and experiential play of space and textures between the flat ground surfaces.

Circulation wise, the walkway route running along the inner zone of the landscape area is designed to guide users through all the different activity nodes and allow the users to receive the varying experience of the designed features throughout the site while being surrounded by nature.

The connection between the landscape and the architectural design is to design the swimming pool to be accessible by all rooms on the ground fl oor.For those rooms on the upper level, the amount of green area is maximized by planting tall plants.

Because of the setback regulations of a typical beach front development, the project has a varying change in level from 4 to 7 stories high where the area towards the beach are at a lower level so that views of the sea are not blocked. Therefore,the planting concept also has to correspond with this to create a harmony between landscape and architecture.

The idea behind the selection of types of plants to relate to each of the 6 ecological elements mentioned is to enhance the atmospheric quality to resemble the natural environment as much as possible.

Starting with the Dune area towards the beachfront where the selection of plants are durable to wind and sea breeze. They will have the characteristic of thick, large leaves and low lying plants such as the Swollen Finger Grass (Chloris Barbata) or the Fish Poison Tree (Barringtonia Asiatic).

Luscious, green plants are selected for the Swamp area such as the Othalanga (Cerbera odollam) and Calabash Tree (Crescentia cujete)while colourful flowers, trees and ground cover plants such as Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia) and Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida) are chosen for the Swale area.

In the Mound area, ground cover plants with small and delicate leaves are chosen like the Pygmy Bamboo (Arundinaria pygmaea). Lastly, the Forest area along the edges of the project site contains big and tall trees such as the Malabar bauhinia (Bauhinia malabarica) to act as both a barrier to the outside and also emphasize the atmospheric quality of the‘forest’ environment.

All in all, “Baan San Ngam” condominium project truly pays attention to the surrounding environment within and around the site and incorporate it into the landscape design which is not only practical to the function of the architectural design but also corresponds to the natural ecology surrounding the site reflecting in the design. “Baan San Ngam” condominium, with no doubt, acknowledges the idea of “The Precious Nature”.

19 口袋式插入的休闲娱乐空间几近与游泳池融为一体,为休闲空间的使用者提供了一个封闭的自然氛围。Pockets of recreational spaces which is seem to b integrated within the swimming pool provide its user with an enclosed natural atmosphere

20鸡蛋花树是当地的一种特色植物,在整个场地中种植,不仅提供遮阴,且与当地的生态环境匹配。The Frangipani tree, a local plant species specific to the area, and planted throughout the site providing not only shade but also corresponds.

21砂石与黑色卵石和草交替使用,颜色和质地的区别都显得很分明Sandwash and dark pebble are used in alternation with grass, creating a clear distinction between colours and textures.

Landscape Architect: Shma Company Limited (

Project Team:

Design Director-Yossapon Boonsom

Landscape Architect-Yossit Poonprasit

Horticulturist-Wimonporn Chaiyathet

Client & Developer: Sansiri PCL.

Architect: Somdoon Architects

M&E: V6 Group

C&S Engineering: ACTEC Construction

Project Type: Low Rise Condominium

Site Area: 20,573 sq.m.

Completion Year: 2014

Period of Design/Construction: 2012-2014

Location: Hua Hin, Thailand

Photograph Credit: Wison Tungthunya

Landscape Budget: 23 Million Baht

Lighting Budget: 2 Million Bath

Location: Hua Hin, Thailand

Use: Low Rise Condominium

Landscape Area: 14,622 sq. m.

Building Scale: 11 Buildings 4-7 stories high

Project Feature:“Bird nest” seating space enclosure Translation: JIN Lan-lan

Proofreading: FENG Yi-jia

22鸡蛋花树是当地的一种特色植物,在整个场地中种植,不仅提供遮阴,且与当地的生态环境匹配。The Frangipani tree, a local plant species specific to the area, and planted throughout the site providing not only shade but also corresponds.

