1 引言
语用施为力修饰语(PTM, pragmatic force modifiers)指那些用来增强或缓和命题传达的语用意义,并具有多方面社会语用功能的语言手段(Lin,2010),如just,can,actually, sort of, you know等,经常出现在日常会话、磋商论辩、商务谈判、课堂话语等不同体裁的语篇中,扮演着重要角色。学术讲座(academic lectures)通常指“教师在课堂中就所教内容展开的讲解以及讲座者就某一学术题目对学校师生或公众所做的演讲”(刘静,2007)。研究语用施为力修饰语在学术讲座中的使用,对于EAP教学、理解学术观点和进行学术交流具有重要意义。
2 学术讲座中的语块研究
语块,又称多词表达,词丛,词块,词束等,(multi-word expressions, clusters, chunks, lexical bundles)(Hyland, 2008)泛指语言中的多词单位,如习语、成语、谚语及其他常用词语组合。它们一般形式固定,意义非合成,在交际活动中被高频地用于表达特定意义,在语言社团内被用作套语,对语境有依赖性。Howarth(1998)认为语块中的功能表达式(functional expressions)在语篇或话语中具有特定的功能;Cowie(1998)认为程式语(formulae)中的言语程式语(speech formulae)是句子和话语层级的功能性单位,实施言语行为和话语态度功能。(詹宏伟,2013。)
在学术语篇的语块研究方面,Biber(2004)把大学书面语的四词语块分为三类:情态性表达式(stance expressions),如you are expected to;语篇组织器(discourse organizers),如is designed to;参照性表达式(referential expressions),如a wide range of。Biber(2006)发现大学课堂话语中出现较多的情态性语块(相比日常话语)和参照性语块(相比学术写作),这说明课堂话语是一种比较特殊的体裁;Biber et al.(2007)认为语块在大学口语体裁中普遍使用,且多用来表达情态。桂世春(2009)发现语言学学术书面语体中具有参照和语篇组织功能的语块较多,表达情态的语块次之。Hyland(2008)比较了不同学科论文中的语块,并根据功能分为三类:面向研究,面向语篇和面向参与者的语块。以上研究说明,学术体裁中出现的语块具有元话语功能,然而目前对于学术讲座中具有元话语功能的二词语块的研究还不多见。Hyland(2008)认为,在不同的学术语篇中,语块的使用也不同。因此,有必要在学术讲座中考察元话语语块的使用。为此,本研究提出以下研究问题:(1) 英语学术讲座中的二词语用修饰语都有哪些?(2) 英语学术讲座中的二词语用修饰语在具体的语境中有何语用功能?
3 语料选取及研究方法
本研究所使用的学术讲座语料来自美国密歇根大学学术口语语料库(MICASE,Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English),共有152个文本,涵盖4个学科领域。本研究选取了62个讲座的语料进行分析。利用AntConc 3.2.1w软件进行了二元词丛检索,从中筛选出具有元话语功能的8种语块,分别是you know, I think, I mean, kind of, sort of, in fact,of course和you see。接着对它们在语境中的功能进行分析。
4 结果及讨论
根据Hyland(2005)对元话语的分类,in fact, of course属于语义增强语,模糊语中却不包括kind of, sort of这样的词语,可能Hyland主要是从书面语或写作的角度提出这个分类,而讲座是一种特殊语类,既有书面语的较正式严谨的风格,也有口语化的非正式倾向。因此本文按照这些语块在讲座中的主要语用功能进行分析,而不是强制归类。笔者发现语义增强语并不总是表达语义的强调,而模糊语也不绝对只扮演一种角色。
(1) ...without quantum mechanics we'd never, have um uh been able to build a computer. uh, in the time we have remaining we can't um um, go on to great detail, in these theories but i think it's worth, uh it it it's very worthwhile for you to at least have a taste of what they're like. uh to get some idea sort of a working knowledge, of what the basic ideas are. (Introduction to Physics Lecture)讲座者在讲座的开始简要介绍了在20世纪产生重要影响的相对论和量子论,并以I think强调了解这两个理论的重要性。
(2)no i meani thinki think she i think she would say that like, i thinki think there's l- i think there's like a an agreement in the sense that pornography, ca- is used and can be used to perpetuate a power, um, inequity. (Sex, Gender and the Body Lecture)短短一句话中出现的7个元话语语块说明了讲话者对自己的话语缺乏自信。
4.3 提示关联
(3)...and let's say this guy, B, is traveling at two-thirds C, so that would be two hundred meters per microsecond. and let's say at the instant, that B goes (at) by A, there's this light pulse traveling at C, which of course is three hundred meters per microsecond. ...(Introduction to Physics Lecture)讲座者通过使用of course,预设了听者应该知道的背景信息:光速是一微秒300米,这样可以使听讲者更清楚地了解讲座者的意图。
(4)and the ability to coordinate the needs of working women, something that happened in England which you know, stores were kept open until late at night, childcare was provided for uh the understanding that if you're gonna have married women with children in the work force you have to help them, continue to take care of their families that didn't go over here so well. (History of the American Family Lecture)
在上例中you know 是一种明示的语言手段,表达对听讲者的知识的假设,对后面的信息加以强调,同时提示对方意识到该信息的相关性和隐含意义:英国的职业女性照顾孩子的需求无法得到满足和商店关门过早之间的关系,实际表示you should know。讲座者并不一定知道听讲者是否知道此信息,通过you know的使用,对听讲者获取信息的认知语境(背景知识)进行推测和假设,目的在于使听讲者熟悉这一背景,与自己达成共知,增加话语的劝说力,同时缩短心理距离,取得满意的交际效果。
(5) well the Soviet Union of course was not very happy with this, so what did the Soviets do? they launched a massive propaganda campaign to influe- in if possible the attentive, educated publics at Universities mostly, in Western Europe um, to get, that, attentive public to reject and put pressure on on Western European leaderships, not actually to decide, in their parliaments, to accept missiles from the U-S, uh accept missiles from the U-S. i mean the countries that were most affected by those missiles that were supposed to be deployed in Western Europe, um, England, there were four countries England Netherlands Germany and Italy. um so those four countries, um you had you found a tremendous campaign, propaganda campaign by the Soviet Union to prevent those publics, and make them make sure that those public influenced their leaders, not to accept, those counter-missiles. (Political Science Lecture)
学术讲座中需要准确的措辞,因此,元话语语块可以表明话语中的信息补充和错误修正。这里I mean引导的话语对之前的West European leaders进行了补充和具体化,清楚地表明了苏联对四个欧洲国家在反导弹问题上的的宣传和造势,以防这些国家利用反导弹对苏联进行报复。这样,澄清了之前话语引起的理解上的模糊和不确定。
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