All men are created equal.For centuries,human have been struggling for their rights.Women,as a special social force,are fighting vigorously for their equal rights with men.According to an introduction to feminism,there are three main types of feminism:socialist,reformist and radical (Feminism 101).In order to eliminate gender inequality,socialist feminist suggests the replacement of capitalism by socialism while reformist feminist advocates legislative or electoral reforms.Radical feminist however tries to separate themselves from men in that the source of womens oppression they believe lies in male psychology or biology,whose presence makes it impossible to achieve gender equality.It suggests a total breakup with men as a solution to ending suppression,which in my opinion is not necessary and cant eradicate racism.
To begin with,a total breakup will inevitably undermine womens cause for equality by driving away supportive male allies.Mens importance in achieving gender equality has been promoted in international conferences.For example,in 2004 the concluding priority theme of the context of the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005) was the role of men in the promotion of gender equality,in particular the role of men and fathers in the reconciliation of work and private life (Scambor,Wojnicka,and Bergmann 1).Mens advantageous position can also benefit women in their drive.“Men control 81% of Congress.Men hold 95% of Fortune 500 CEO titles.Men occupy 70% of state judge seats.Its men and boys (soon to be men) in the drivers seat.Its men who are obligated to help create change” (Lui).Therefore,men play an important role in gender equality.If women fight for rights on their own,they will lose support from men because women treat men as their enemy in the same way one treats the other in the battlefield.Thus womens cause for equality will be undermined.
Second,women and men are inseparate.They need each other.Women need mens protection.In the primitive times,men went to hunt for food for their pregnant wife and protected them from being hurt by wild beasts and harsh environment.Nowadays,women are still vulnerable during pregnancy.Men is the breadwinner who strive for food and shelter for their wife during pregnancy.Women need mens spiritual support.When in difficulty,women can turn to male friends and husband for suggestions.Men need women to produce their next generation because it is physically impossible for men to bear a baby.Moreover,women play an important role in raising children because womens femininity,which men are in need of,is what children need in the process of growing up.Men need spiritual support from women in their life.When men are down-spirited,women can help them get through depressions.Sons can seek warmth from their mother when they encounter hardships.
Women and men are dependent on each other and they cant be separated in daily life.
Furthermore,it will be not fare to be hated for the men who are also the victim to racism.Men are stereotyped to be strong,tough and masculine.They are expected to be better than women in society.When men fail to express their masculinity,they are mocked at,insulted and even physically abused.For instance,boys are called “sissy”,which is a pejorative term for a boy or man who does not meet the standard male gender role.Men are usually seen as a leader or someone who should take responsibilities.If they fail to do so,they will feel great pressure from others.For example,in the countryside of China,if two people,a man and a woman,compete for one position in their village and the man is defeated by the women,he will be described as “useless” by his friends and even parents.
Therefore,the radical feminists view is unacceptable.Their decision is irrational and impractical because women will drive away supportive male allies; they separate what cant be divided; men are victims to racism.Womens right equal to men cant be ignored but their rights must be achieved by reasonable methods.Women should unite all forces that can be united and separate their enemy and allies.Men have a part to play in the process of striving for gender equality.Therefore,women should unite men in this cause.In this way,it will be much easier for them to achieve gender equality.Society should support this cause by cracking down on racism,discrimination against women.Only in this way can our society become increasingly harmonious.
[1]Feminism 101.Red Letter Press.Red Letter Press.27 August 2007.28 March 2015.
[2]Lui,Richard.The Crucial Role of Men in Gender Equality. msnbc.com.n.p.3 June 2014.28 March 2015.
[3]Scambor,Elli,Katarzyna Wojnicka,and Nadja Bergmann.The Role of Men in Gender Equality European Strategies & Insights.Belgium:Publications Office of the European Union,2013.Print.