What does he look like?(第一课时)教学设计


开心素质教育 2015年8期



(1)知识目标: 熟练掌握重点句型:

①—What does he look like? —He is really tall. And he has curly hair.

②—What do you/they look like? —Im/Theyre of medium height.

③—Is she tall? —No,she isnt.

④词汇:curly,straight,medium,height,build,always look like等





教學难点:能正确使用is 与has描述外貌。



Step 1. Warm-up/Revision

Free talk:

T:Hello,boys and girls. How are you?

Ss:Im fine. Thank you. And you?

T:Fine, too. Thank you. Do you like songs?


T:I have a song here. lets enjoy it,ok?

播放歌曲“Head Shoulder Knees”,导入课题。

T:Its very nice.Now,Lets finish Task 1-have a brainstorm:让学生快速回忆自己所知道的parts of the body和描述人体外貌的单词。

<设计说明> 歌曲欢快,有节奏的韵律,使得学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入学习状态,温故知新,也为以下的任务打好词汇基础。

Step 2. Lead in

T Say: Look at me.Im tall and thin. And I have big eyes ,a small mouth and black hair (注意配以肢体语言).同时课件出示句型SO what do I look like? Oh, Im ...学生跟读2遍。

多媒体出示一张又矮又瘦并且有着卷发的男孩照片,一边说 Look at this man.Hes short and thin. He has curly hair. 然后老师自问自答引出本单元的课题也是本节课的重点句型 “What does he look like?”,以及回答 “Hes short and thin. He has curly hair.”学生模仿练习,语速由慢而快,回答时一定得用动作来加以描述。

<设计说明> 从学生身边熟悉的人和事入手,以轻松的状态进入到新课内容的学习。

Step 3. Presentation and practice

1.Show a picture with a beautiful girl who is short,heavy and has long curly hair to students, then ask them:what does she look like?教学She is short.Shes heavy.And she has long curly hair.每小组的第一个学生开火车,操练此句型,及时点评。

2.Show a picture with a handsome boy who is of medium height and build and has short straight hair.

T:Is he very tall?Is he very short?Is he very thin?Is he very heavy?Does he have long curly hair? What does he look like?

Teach:Hes of medium height.Hes of medium build.He has short straight hair.用单词卡重点讲解medium,height build,straight的发音和拼读。学生小组内轮着问答此句型并一起向全班展示。师生一起评价,加星。

3.Lets finish Task 2-play a game(Good memory). First 用多媒体展示the sentences below,Ss read them together and remember them for one minute,then guess what is No1/2/...Teacher works as a judge.答对的同学能给小组获得一颗小星星。

(1)He is tall. (2)He is thin.

(3)He has short hair. (4)She is heavy.

(5)She has long straight hair.

(6).She is of medium build.

(7)She has long curly hair.

(8)He is short.

(9)She is of medium height.

4.Finish Book Page41 1a.Match the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.

<设计说明>通过Good memory和1a的练习,不仅掌握和巩固了本课的新词汇与短语,更为下面的任务打好了语言基础。

Step 4. Task 3 pairwork

1.A girl wants to know what Amys friend looks like,so she asks Amy, listen to 1b and fill in the blanks in the picture above.Can you find Amys friend?

2.多媒体展示有鲜明特征的人物。Ask Ss:“Do you know these persons?What do they look like? Choose one as your friend.Then work in pairs. A:What does your friend look like? B:Hes tall.He has short hair.He wears a T—shirt.


4.T:…is….She has…Teach:What do you look like?I….Ss小组开火车问答。


Step 5. Listening

1.Listen and circle(2a)Tell the students there is a listening.There are three conversations. Listen to Conversation 1,finish 1-3.Listen to Conversation 2,finish 4-6.Listen to Conversation 3,finish 7-9.Then ask a student to say full sentences to check the answers. Show the summary:is后面接形容词,表示是什么样子的;has后面接名词,表示有什么东西。

2.Listen and fill(2b)Say:Today,three new friends come to our class. They are David,Sally and Pete.Now,Lets listen and fill what they look like.

<设计说明>这一环节是本课内容的扩展,通过听力练习巩固所学句型和词汇;通过summary使学生能更好地理解is和 has的正确使用,突破本课重点和难点;通过模仿录音,纠正学生的语音语调。

Step 6. Task 4 Groupwork

1.First teacher gives an example about describing a student in class and let the others guess who is it. Then students describe his/her good friend in groups and ask the others to guess. For example:S1:I have a good boy/girl friend.

Ss:What does he/she look like?

S1:….Who is he/she?

Ss:Is he/she …?He/She is…


<设计说明>根据前面所学的全部内容,设计出Task 4 Groupwork,让学生在小组内综合运用语言合作去描述同班同学和自己的外貌。

Step 7. Task 5 Lets write.

Lily has a new friend in Class Five.Ss look at the picture in part 3 and finish the dialoge.Then ask a student to describe what Nancy look like.Nancy is my new friend.She is…She has….And she always wears….

Boys and girls,do you have a friend?What does your friend look like?Now lets write a short passage(短文)about your friend.Then show us your passage.


Step 8. Homework

Write a passage about your family(50字以上)

<设计说明> 家庭作业是对本课所学知识的一个汇总,也为下一节课的语法讲解打好基础。



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