

植物营养与肥料学报 2015年2期

范元广, 李 壮, 厉恩茂, 李 敏, 程存刚

(中国农业科学院果树研究所, 农业部果树种质资源重点开放实验室, 辽宁兴城 125100)


范元广, 李 壮, 厉恩茂, 李 敏, 程存刚*

(中国农业科学院果树研究所, 农业部果树种质资源重点开放实验室, 辽宁兴城 125100)

CND;‘富士’苹果; 标准参比值; 营养诊断; 营养状况

叶分析营养诊断技术[1]是指导果园科学施肥的重要手段,我国陕西[2]、山东[3]、河南[4]、河北[5]等‘富士’苹果主产区先后开展大批量的叶营养分析工作,在提高肥料利用效率、降低环境生态压力等方面发挥了积极作用。辽西地区为苹果渤海湾优势主产区,主栽品种为‘富士’[6],长期以来,辽西地区‘富士’苹果园施肥管理主要凭借经验,盲目投入,缺乏科学的理论依据,果园营养不平衡现象严重,苹果产量和品质日趋下降,因此,迫切需要系统开展红富士苹果叶片营养诊断研究,提高果园施肥管理水平。1992年Parent和Dafir[7]提出了CND叶营养诊断分析方法,而在我国CND法的营养诊断研究却很少见;国外对于CND法的研究多是基于产量,而现在苹果生产中果实品质与产量是要解决的关键问题,本研究以辽西地区“长富2号”苹果为研究试材,选取了86个有代表性的果园,对果园的产量,果实品质以及叶片中氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)的含量进行了测定分析,通过CND法确定了高产优质果园产量和果实品质划分的临界值(Cutoff Value)[8],将高产优质果园称为高生产水平果园,其余果园称为低生产水平果园,根据CND标准参比值(CND Norms)[8]进行了叶营养诊断,并对土壤中有效养分进行了丰缺状况分析,以期为辽西‘红富士’苹果园的营养管理提供理论和技术支撑。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料与样品采集

采样果园分布: 辽西‘红富士’苹果主产区: 兴城市三道沟乡;绥中县西甸子镇、李家堡乡、秋子沟乡、前所镇、大王庙乡;建昌县素珠营子乡,根据各乡镇‘富士’的栽植面积,每个乡镇采40%比例的‘富士’果园数。

采样方法: 每个果园采用对角线取样法选5点,每点5株树,每个果园共计250片叶样和5个混合土样,叶样取样部位采用肯沃西[9]取样法,取当年生新梢中部叶片,土样取样方法参照金继运等[11]的取样方法。


1.2 测定项目

植物样品测定: 参照鲍士旦[12]的植株矿质营养含量测定方法,叶样消煮采用H2SO4-H2O2消煮法,氮(N)、磷(P)用连续流动分析仪(ATUOSAMPLER AA3,澳大利亚)测定,钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)用原子吸收分光光度计(WFX-120C,中国北京瑞利)测定,Ca、Mg测定时用氧化镧作为掩蔽剂,测定在中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所国家测土施肥中心实验室。

产量测定: 每个果园选有代表性的10株果树,测定产量,根据每公顷株数,计算公顷产量。

果实品质的测定: 果形指数=果实纵径/横径,用电子游标卡尺(SYLVAC,瑞士)测定果实的纵、横径,并计算出果形指数;果实硬度采用GY-14型果实硬度计测定;果实可溶性固形物用手持式数显折光仪(PAL-1,日本)测定;可滴定酸用自动滴定仪(ZDJ-5,中国上海精科)测定;果实单果重(鲜重) 用电子天平测定;果实着色面积采用目测法。

土壤样品测定: 参照鲍士旦[12]土壤养分测定方法对土壤中的碱解氮进行测定,参照金继运等[11]的M3法对速效磷、铁、锰进行测定。

1.3 数据处理

应用Microsoft Excel 2003和Statistics Analysis System 9.1.3(SAS)软件进行数据统计分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 高生产水平果园的划分







Vn=ln(N/G),Vp= ln(P/G)……,VR= ln(R/G);Vn+Vp……+VR=0









图1 叶片矿质营养含量累积方差函数与产量之间的关系Fig.1 Relationship between cumulative variance function and yield


表1 各矿质营养分析参数与产量之间的函数关系式

图2 叶片矿质营养含量累积方差函数与果实品质主成分综合得分的关系Fig.2 Relationship between cumulative variance function and composite scores of fruit quality

根据产量确定的高产园比例占总体采样园19.77%,根据果实品质主成分综合得分确定的优质果园比例占总体采样园44.18%,同时满足高产和优质划分标准的果园仅有8个,占总体采样园的9.30%,低于CND方法中要求的高产群体比例≥ 12%的标准[17],产量下限定为37.500t/hm2,降低产量划分标准,选择38.451t/hm2和0.792作为划分高生产水平果园产量和品质综合得分的临界值,满足此条件的果园有13个,占总体采样园的15.12%,符合CND方法的标准。

表2 各矿质营养分析参数与果实品质综合得分之间的函数关系式

2.2 低产果园叶片营养诊断




辽西地区整体低生产水平‘富士’果园的各营养元素的诊断指数为: IN=-0.073,IP=-0.125,IK=0.008,ICa=-0.040,IMg=0.281,IFe=-0.295,ICu=0.035,IMn=-0.179,IZn=0.201,IR=0.088,根据以上营养诊断结果得到辽西低生产水平‘富士’苹果园的需肥顺序为Fe>Mn>P>N>Ca>K>Cu>Zn>Mg。

2.3 果园土壤有效养分分析

3 讨论

图3 辽西‘富士’苹果园土壤有效养分分级结果分布Fig.3 Results of ‘Fuji’ apple orchards soil available nutrient classification in west Liaoning Province




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Nutrient diagnosis of ‘Fuji’ Apple in west Liaoning Province using compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) method

FAN Yuan-guang, LI Zhuang, LI En-mao, LI Min, CHENG Cun-gang*


【Objectives】 The cultivation areas and yields of "Fuji" apples in west Liaoning Province account for a larger proportion of the total apple production in Liaoning Province. The fertilizer managements are deficient in scientific base. The Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis method (CND) is preliminary used for the study of the status of ‘Fuji’ apple nutrition in west Liaoning Province, and provides a guide for the orchards fertilization management. 【Methods】 Eighty six representative apple orchards were selected, the yields, fruit qualities and contents of nitrogen (N)、 phosphorus (P)、 potassium (K)、 calcium (Ca)、 magnesium (Mg)、 iron (Fe)、 copper(Cu)、 manganese (Mn)、 zinc (Zn) were measured. The CND method was adopted for dividing the samples into high and low production level subpopulation, and bringing the low production level subpopulation nutrient diagnosis into force. The yield cutoff value of high production level subpopulation was confirmed by CND, and the procedures of fruit quality evaluation composite scores cutoff value were as follows: firstly, the six indexes of fruit quality were normalized; secondly, the principal component analysis was carried out on the six indexes, composite evaluation scores of six indexes were determined; thirdly, by the method of CND, fruit quality composite evaluation scores cutoff value was obtained. Orchards which met with the CND and expert consultation method standards of yield and quality cutoff values at the same time were separated from the samples. CND norms were calculated according to the high level production subpopulation nutritional status. Based on which, leaf nutrient diagnosis was put into effect, and the condition of nutrient was present. 【Results】 The leaf analysis with CND indicated that yield cutoff value of the high production level subpopulation was 44.556 t/ha, the fruit quality evaluation composite scores cutoff value was 0.792. There were 13 orchards which met the conditions, accounting for 15.12% of the total orchards. The CND norms were VN*=2.776, VP*=0.212, VK*=1.884, VCa*=2.042, VMg*=0.814, VFe*=-2.470, VCu*=-5.090, VMn*=-2.631, VZn*=-3.867, VR*=6.330; SDN*=0.173, SDP*=0.144, SDK*=0.155, SDCa*=0.266, SDMg*=0.307, SDFe*=0.189, SDCu*=0.474, SDMn*=0.467, SDZn*=0.325, SDR*=0.134; the low level production subpopulation fertilizer orders were Fe > Mn > P > N > Ca > K > Cu > Zn > Mg. 【Conclusions】 The leaf analysis is established on the yield and fruit quality with CND. The investigation results obtained using the method show that in west Liaoning Province, the criteria for high yield is 38.451 t/ha, for good fruit quality is 0.792. The number of orchards meet the two criteria is 13, only accounting for the 15.12% of the total orchards. In ‘Fuji’ apple of west Liaoning Province, Fe, Mn, P and N are in deficiency; soil available Fe and Mn contents are appropriate, soil N and P are deficient. Therefore, N and P fertilizers are recommended to be applied in small amount and several times, Fe and Mn could be foliar sprayed appropriately in the apple production of west Liaoning Province.

CND; ‘Fuji’ apple; norms; nutrient diagnosis; status of nutrients

2014-01-07 接受日期: 2014-11-24

国家“863计划”项目(2013AA102405); 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目“绿肥作物生产与利用技术集成研究及示范”(201103005); 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助(CARS-28)

范元广(1988—), 男, 河北衡水人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事果树生理与栽培研究。 E-mail: 李壮与第一作者同等贡献。 *通信作者 E-mail:

S661.1; S147.21+3




富士苹果价 将低于往年
史前勤求索 辽西秀芬芳——纪念索秀芬先生