万水霞, 朱宏斌, 唐 杉, 郭熙盛, 王允青*
(1 安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 合肥 230031;2 安徽养分循环与资源环境省级实验室, 合肥 230031)
万水霞1,2, 朱宏斌1,2, 唐 杉1,2, 郭熙盛1,2, 王允青1,2*
(1 安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 合肥 230031;2 安徽养分循环与资源环境省级实验室, 合肥 230031)
紫云英; 土壤微生物量碳; 土壤微生物量氮; 土壤酶活性
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
试验开始于2008年,安排在安徽省桐城市吕亭镇新店村,成土母质为河流冲积物发育的水稻土,作物体系为紫云英—早稻—晚稻。土壤主要农化性状: pH 6.2,有机质17.5 g/kg,全氮1.34 g/kg,碱解氮75 mg/kg,速效磷(P)6 mg/kg,速效钾(K) 78 mg/kg,缓效钾(K)246 mg/kg。早稻品种为早籼7038,2008年开始早稻每年3月28日左右播种,播种密度大约为每公顷30 万丛,4月28日左右移栽。紫云英为弋江籽,在晚稻收获后播种,第二年早稻移栽前两星期收割还田。小区面积20 m2,4次重复,随机区组排列。小区埂宽30 cm,高20 cm,用薄膜覆盖,防止小区间串水串肥。每小区在灌排小沟一端设灌排水口。
试验设5个处理: 1)不施紫云英和化肥(对照,CK);2)100%化肥,不施紫云英(T1);3)70%化肥,施紫云英7500 kg/hm2(T2);4)70%化肥,施紫云英15000 kg/hm2(T3);5)70%化肥,施紫云英30000 kg/hm2(T4)。其中,100%化学肥料用量(N、 P2O5、 K2O分别为165、 75、 90 kg/hm2)。除对照外,各处理均施硫酸锌15 kg/hm2。试验中的磷肥、钾肥、锌肥全部作基肥一次施用,氮肥按基肥50%、 蘖肥30%、 穗肥20%施用。
1.2 样品采集与分析方法
2013年早稻生长季内采集0—20 cm 土样,具体为: 紫云英施用前、早稻移栽后15、30、50、80 d 随机选取0—20 cm土层采集5个土样,混匀。样品带回实验室后手工拣去植物残体、砾石等,过2 mm 筛,将一部分土样保存在4℃冰箱用于测定土壤微生物量碳、氮,剩余部分风干过1 mm 筛和0.15 mm 筛测定土壤酶活性和土壤养分。
土壤微生物量碳、氮的测定采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法[11],其含量计算用熏蒸和未熏蒸样品碳含量之差除以回收系数(KC=0.45,KN =0.45)。土壤酶活性的测定根据关松荫的方法[12],脲酶采用苯酚钠比色法;酸性磷酸酶用磷酸苯二钠比色法;过氧化氢酶活性采用高锰酸钾滴定法;土壤化学性质采用常规土壤农化分析方法[11]。
1.3 数据处理
本研究所有数据的基本统计采用Microsoft Excel 2003软件完成,方差分析及相关性分析采用SPPS 17.0统计软件进分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 对稻田土壤微生物量的影响
表1 不同施肥处理稻田土壤微生物生物量
注(Note):A.S.—Astragalussinicus; 表中数据为平均数±标准差 Data in the table are Mean±SD; 同列数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达到5%显著水平Values followed by different letters with in the same column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.
2.2 对稻田土壤酶活性的影响
表2 不同处理土壤酶活性
注(Note):A.S.—Astragalussinicus; 同列数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达到5%显著水平Values followed by different letters with in the same column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.
2.3 对水稻产量的影响
2.4 土壤化学肥力因素与土壤微生物量及酶活性的关系
表3 不同施肥处理对水稻产量及其构成要素的影响
注(Note): 同列数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达到5%显著水平Values followed by different letters with in the same column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.
表4 土壤化学性质、微生物量碳氮以及酶活性之间的线性相关系数
注(Note): *—P<0.05; **—P<0.01.
3 讨论与结论
本研究还发现,在水稻不同生育时期,土壤微生物量碳、氮的动态变化呈现出相似的规律性,这与李正等[23]研究结果相一致,但与武雪萍等[24]研究芝麻饼肥结果有差异。紫云英还田前,各处理土壤微生物量碳、氮均处于较低值的状态,随着化肥基肥的施入,紫云英的施用,土壤微生物量碳、氮含量开始上升,其中T3、T4上升幅度最大,并于水稻移栽30 d左右达到最大。紫云英施入土壤后腐解,微生物利用其腐解产物作为碳源大量繁殖,将紫云英中的碳同化为微生物体碳[25],进而使微生物量碳含量提高。土壤微生物活性增强促进了紫云英有机物质的转化与养分的释放,并转化为较为稳定的微生物碳氮等物质,土壤中的氮素营养积累增多。水稻前期养分需求量相对较小,多余的氮素被微生物同化固定起来,从而使微生物量氮含量不断升高。水稻生长进入拔节期后,养分需要量增加,土壤中碳、氮养分被大量消耗,部分微生物碳、氮又被释放出来,进而土壤微生物量碳、氮开始降低。移栽80 d左右,水稻生长成熟,此时水稻生命活动减弱,需肥量减少,施用紫云英的处理土壤中残存的有机物继续腐解,土壤中微生物将再次被激活,微生物活性又有所增强,土壤微生物量碳、氮含量有所回升。这也说明施用紫云英使土壤保肥性能提升。
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Effects ofAstragalussinicusmanure and fertilizer combined application on biological properties of soil in Anhui double cropping rice areas along the Yangtze River
WAN Shui-xia1,2, ZHU Hong-bin1,2, TANG Shan1,2, Guo Xi-sheng1,2, WANG Yun-qing1,2*
(1SoilandFertilizerResearchInstitute,AnhuiAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Hefei230031,China; 2AnhuiProvincialKeyLaboratoryofNutrientRecycling,ResourcesandEnvironment,Hefei230031,China)
【Objectives】Astragalussinicus-rice rotation system has been extended in rice production in order to prevent the ever growing areas of fallow fields. The effects of incorporation ofAstragalussinicuscombined with chemical fertilize of rice production and soil microbial properties were studied in order to provide a theoretical support for improving soil biochemical environment and soil quality, insuring high and steady yield of crops. 【Methods】 Based on the vetch-rice-rice experiment which was set by theSoil and Fertilizer Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2008, microbial biomass C and N contents, soil enzymatic activities and correlation between biological characteristics of the soil and soil nutrients of paddy topsoil (0-20 cm) were analyzed. The soil productivity was evaluated with yield and agricultural traits of rice. The experiment included five treatments: no fertilizer (CK), 100% fertilizer, incorporatingAstragalusinicusof 7500, 15000, 30000 kg/ha with 70% of normal amount of chemical fertilizers. 【Results】 1)Application ofAstragalusinicuscan significantly improve grain yield of rice, increase the effective panicles and seed setting rate, especially in treatment applicationAstragalusinicus15000 kg/ha with 70% amounts o f chemical fertilizers, in which the highest yield of 7604.53 kg/ha was obtained, the effective panicles and seed setting rates are about 228.06% and 36.29% higher than those in CK and 100% fertilizer treatment. 2) Compared with the control, soil microbial biomass carbon(SMBC), soil microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN), enzyme activities of soil acid phosphatase and urease are increased in chemical fertilizer treatments while the catalase activity decreased. Compared with the treatments of chemical fertilizer and CK, application ofAstragalussinicuscombined with 70% chemical fertilizer significantly increased SMBC, SMBN, and soil enzyme activities. Which increased with the increasing amount ofAstragalussinicusapplication, and the treatment with 15000-30000 kg/ha ofAstragalussinicusreturning with 70% amounts of chemical fertilizer had better comprehensive effects. During the whole growth period, the contents of soil microbial biomass C and N were increased by 21.03%-142.33% and 19.97%-83.91%, and the activities of soil urease, acid phosphatase, catalase by 10.12%-100.33%,10.22%-43.23%,0.14%-7.28% after turnover ofAstragalussinicus, compared with CK. All the soil microbial biomass, activities of urease, and acid phosphatase had positive and significant relationship with soil organic matter, total N, alkalitic N (P<0.05,P<0.01), but the correlation between hydrogen peroxidase activityand soil nutrients content was not obvious. 【Conclusions】 Long-term application ofAstragalussinicuscombined with chemical fertilizer can significantly increase the rice yield, soil microbial biomass and soil enzyme activity, improve paddy soil micro-ecological environment. Within the test area and on the condition of appropriate amount of fertilizer 70%, the incoporation of 15000-30000 kg/haAstragalussinicusis appropriate. This combination ratio of Astragalus sinicus and chemical fertilizer is conducive to improve soil productivity, and it is an effective way to improve crop yield and soil fertility in double-cropping paddy field areas along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province.
Astragalussinicus; soil microbial carbon; soil microbial nitrogen; enzyme activity
2014-01-10 接受日期: 2014-05-09
万水霞(1978—),女,安徽东至人,硕士,主要从事农业微生物和农业废弃物资源化研究。 * 通信作者 E-mail: yunqingw@126.com
S154.37; S551+.9