

重庆与世界 2015年7期



Li Jiping, Vice President of China Development Bank

I have three suggestions for further improving Asia-Europe connectivity. First, we should strengthen the dialogue and cooperate practically in areas like the connectivity of infrastructure,equipment export, international cooperation on capacity, high technology and hi-tech products. Moreover, we should actualize demonstrative projects like high speed rail, electricity,telecommunication, iron and steel, nonferrous metals and cement. Secondly, we should take full advantage of the development, research and planning of China Development Bank’s international cooperation projects, match with other member countries’ regional cooperation plan to eff i ciently integrate resources from all parts, carry out multi-level and multi-channel negotiations to push forward the signing of memorandum of cooperation and planning cooperation, and make out a series of demonstrative cooperation rules. Thirdly, we should strengthen multilateral cooperation and build a benefit sharing value chain through Asia-Europe connectivity. Based on the blueprint of Asia-Europe connectivity, we should improve the arrangement of financial service methods, innovate the financing mode of financial products, strengthen cooperation with multilateral developmental fi nancial institutes like World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, as well as fi nancial institutes in projects host countries to attract private equity to participate in common construction.



Ozoliņš, State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Transport

The rapid development of Asia-Europe trade has brought multimodal transport connectivity into focus. The emerging land bridge routes has been demonstrating a high potential as supplements to sea and air transportation, and the crucial challenge lies in building a comprehensive and efficient multimodal transport network to promote integrated solutions for transportation and logistics between Asia and Europe. In this regard, a synchronized development of the Trans-European Transport Network and the Silk Road Economic Belt would lead to important synergies.Another important task is the simplif i cation of administrative procedures. We should work together towards technical interoperability and red tape elimination to alleviate the existing bottlenecks in the development of Asia-Europe connectivity. We should also make sure that adequate funding is available to fi nance such transport infrastructure development. All the European and Asian nations that participated at this meeting have shown their support for these proposals, further cementing our common understanding that eff i cient transport connectivity is a prerequisite for the relationship between the world’s largest trading partners – Asia and Europe – to fl ourish.



Xiao Fengtong, General Manager of China International Engineering Consulting Corporation

“Soft connection” has gained lots of attention in this dialogue meeting. If we can provide practical privilege and institutional guarantee for the loan fi nancing, capital fund, risk management and control and apportion in the earlier stage of projects, the pace of project implementation and interconnection will be largely improved. Xiao also thinks that transportation and infrastructure, which includes the interconnection of railroad, aviation, pipeline and other transportation methods as well as international multimodal transport, are among the most important fi elds in interconnection and interworking. He suggested that some projects should be given priority so that capital and technology in crucial aspects can develop fi rst; regional capital market should be set up; private entrepreneurs are encouraged to participate in building infrastructure. He mentioned that “the method that making an overall plan that ASEAN took is a good example.”



Cheltsov, International Road Transport Union General Delegate to Eurasia

40% of the traff i c time is spent in transiting with 30% of the transport cost increases. We need some mechanisms to solve this problem and help intergovernmental organizations to implement relevant policies and other conventions. Trade, transport, security and transit facilitation via streamlining border crossing procedures may successfully be driven by the globally recognised international instruments, including the TIR Convention (1975)and the Harmonization Convention(1982).I think today is a great opportunity as every Eurasian country has connection with China,and we hope to further improve the connection between Europe and Asia, thus pushing both sides developing. In recent years, we have seen that central-Asia area’s role in international land transport protocol has been increasing; they have a good performance in governmental execution so they will def i nitely increase the transportation. More importantly, we must have an international view, as it could facilitate Asia-Europe trade.



Sun Ziyu, Vice President of China Communications Construction Company Limited

I have three personal opinions on the topic “Proactively build an action community, Propel the Asia-Europe interconnection and interworking of transportation infrastructure.” First, we should proactively build the interconnection and interworking action community. The large territory of Eurasia endows every economic entity with its own resources. There is a Chinese saying, “If you want to become rich, build roads fi rst.” The connectivity of transportation infrastructure will also push forward the joint development and economic prosperity of every economic entity in Eurasia. Secondly, we should take the implementation of “One Belt, One Road” into consideration. Connectivity and “One Belt, One Road” rely on each other and supplement each other. Thirdly, enterprises should play an active role. To push forward the Asia-Europe connectivity of transportation infrastructure, we should fully mobilize and rally the power of governments, enterprises, schools, institutes, and financial organizations. Among these forces, enterprises who take the responsibility of developing and constructing should play a dominant role.



Chen Heping, Deputy Mayor of Chongqing

For a long period, western China and inland areas have suffered a slow-developed exportoriented economy because of the restriction of geography and logistics environment. Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway has broken through the logistic problem for inland China and has dispelled the misgivings on investing inland especially western areas from the foreign investors. The success of Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway is not only a link and support for the “New Silk Road,” but also an important bond for China-Europe connectivity. At present, 230 companies, which are among the global top 500 companies, have entered Chongqing. Two thirds of China top 500 companies have invested in Chongqing. This Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe passage has promoted the economic and trade cooperation between China and central-Asia, Europe and other areas. There are over 30 countries that are along the line of Railway and in its radiance range. China has built international mechanisms on railroads, customs and postal service with these countries, which accordingly has strengthened the bilateral and multilateral relationship with these countries.



Zheng Yongnian, Director of East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore

The driving force of Asia-Europe connectivity and “One Belt, One Road” is the going out of Chinese capital for a broader market. Enterprises play a leading role, government only provides a platform, and the crucial part lies in the Chinese capital looking for the market by itself. This is similar to what we are saying today, i. e. globalization is propelled by capital and there is no ideological difference between capitals. China has become a capital surplus country and accumulated many technical skills in infrastructure building in the past 30 years since its reform and opening up, and it needs to explore new markets. Therefore, China attached great importance to cooperation on capacity, which is highly demanded in developing countries. We hear different interest demands and opinions from the countries that are along the line of “One Belt, One Road.” This is positive because it shows that it is getting much attention. At the same time, all parties should value cooperation,participation, each other’s interests and projects’ openness and inclusiveness. I believe China will make it.



Yang Jianzhong, Deputy Secretary of Working Committee of Suzhou Industrial Park

Apart from improving the construction of infrastructure, Asia-Europe cooperation also requires support from enterprises. It would become a virtuous cycle if we carry out cooperation between productivity in every industry and its host country through the construction of industrial parks. We should encourage enterprises in the industrial parks to go out and invest in the industrial parks in countries that are along the line of “One Belt, One Road,” and deepen the industrial connection and cooperation. The preliminary idea of Suzhou Industrial Park is to build a national overseas investment service area, thus making it a one-stop service window for the enterprises that follow the new trend and go out, and a new platform for deepening industrial connection and cooperation,facilitating in Asia-Europe connectivity. This action will further improve China’s economic status and Chinese enterprises’ overall competitiveness.



Chris Pok, Singapore Airlines General Manager China

In the system of Asia-Europe connectivity, airline industry plays an unique role. In trying to strengthen connectivity between Asia and Europe, airline industry would need to overcome constraints including geographical limitation of hub airport, airport capacity constraint, airspace congestion and high operating costs arising from high fuel prices. To overcome these limitations,airline industry can tap on better and more fuel-eff i cient aircraft, develop new hubs, operating to less congested but growing secondary markets and deploying bigger capacity aircraft.




Guillaume BURGHOUWT, Head of section aviation economics, SEO Economic Research

Connectivity by air between Asia and Europe has increased considerably during the past ten years. Still, many opportunities exist for further enhancing the connectivity by air between both regions. Further connectivity growth is important, as connectivity by air is key to competitiveness.Growth in connectivity by air can enhance competitiveness and propel countries and cities to take part in economic integration. First of all, connectivity growth by air (more destinations, more direct flights, shorter travel times)reduces travel costs for consumers, which translates into welfare benef i ts for society. Secondly, there are wider economic benef i ts associated with air connectivity growth. An impressive research at the University of Barcelona shows that a 10% increase in longhaul fl ights results in a 4% growth in headquarters in European metropolitan areas. Recent research also shows that a 10% increase in connectivity results in a 0.5% increase in GDP in European countries. In addition, there is increasing evidence that connectivity growth by air results in increases in productivity, Research and Development, international trade and tourism. On the whole, the growth in connectivity by air reduces travelers’ cost and increases cities’ competitiveness, as it will do in Amsterdam and Chongqing.



Thurnherr, Vice President of Luxaviation

Business Aviation is a high-end air transport option tailored to the specific needs of highnet-worth individuals as well as company executives. It provides efficient, productive and secure business travel to accommodate schedules and reach destinations not compatible with the limitations set by commercial airline itineraries. Business Aviation is therefore very important for the development of the Asian market, helping to increase eff i ciency and connectivity.

We are happy to see that Chongqing has established a General Aviation Industrial Park,fostering awareness of our industry and developing Business Aviation in China.


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