朱伯强 符林春 张苗苗
【摘要】 目的:以艾滋病模型猴不同组织的CD4分子表达为靶点,比较艾滋病模型猴不同组织中CD4分子的表达,探讨中药复方艾可清加味对艾滋病模型猴不同组织CD4分子表达的影响。方法:通过标准方法建立艾滋病猴模型,分别设立正常对照组、模型对照组、中药组和阳性药物组。正常组不作任何处理,模型组给予生理盐水灌胃,中药组给予中药复方煎剂灌胃,阳性药物组给予替诺福韦皮下注射治疗。治疗结束后取材相关组织,用Western blot分析模型猴不同组织的CD4分子的表达。结果:艾滋病模型猴的胃、十二指肠、回肠、结肠、直肠、肠系膜淋巴结、脾、浅表淋巴结织组中CD4表达水平中药组均数值与模型组比较分别高出11.69%、10.67%、54.55%、15.31%、27.36%、22.68%、2.11%、10.75%。结论:中药复方可以有效调节艾滋病模型猴中不同组织的免疫情况,提升CD4的表达,改善免疫功能,对猴艾滋病有一定治疗作用。
【关键词】 艾滋病;CD4分子;中国恒河猴;免疫印迹;中药复方
【中图分类号】R285.5【文献标志码】 A【文章编号】1007-8517(2015)10-0007-03
Intervention of traditional Chinese medicine Viagra flavored clear expression of the CD4 molecule on monkeys with AIDS in different tissues
ZHU BoqiangFU Linchun*ZHANG Miaomiao
Tropical Medicine Institute;Guangzhou University of TCM,Guang dong Guang zhou 510405
Abstract: Objective The monkey model of AIDS CD4 molecule expression in different tissues as a target, compare expression monkey model of AIDS CD4 molecules in different tissues to study the effects of traditional Chinese medicine monkey model of AIDS CD4 molecule expression in different tissues. Methods AIDS monkey model by standard methods, namely the establishment of the normal control group, model group, TCM group and positive drug group. Normal group without any treatment, the model group was given normal saline, TCM group were given traditional Chinese medicine decoction, positive drug tenofovir group was given subcutaneous treatment. Minutes after the end of treatmentrelated organizations drawn expression monkey model of CD4 molecules in different tissues analyzed by Western blot. Results AIDS model monkey stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon, rectum, mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, lymph node tissue superficial group TCM group CD4 expression levels were higher than the value of the model group were 11.69%, 10.67%, 54.55%, 15.31%, 27.36%, 22.68%, 2.11%, 10.75%. [WTHZ]Conclusion[WTBZ] The traditional Chinese medicine can effectively regulate the immune monkey model of AIDS cases in different organizations, to enhance the expression of CD4, improve immune function, AIDS monkeys have some therapeutic effect.
Keywords: AIDS;CD4 molecule;Chinese rhesus;immunoblotting;traditional Chinese medicine
艾滋病(AIDS)全称为获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),是人体感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,HIV)后,造成CD4+ T淋巴细胞数量进行性减少,引起细胞免疫功能严重缺陷,最后导致各种机会性感染、恶性肿瘤及中枢神经系统退行性变的临床综合征,严重者可导致患者死亡,严重威胁人类健康[1-2] 。人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染人体的机制中, HIV外膜gp120的第1受体是CD4分子,为HIV侵入CD4+T细胞、单核-巨噬细胞等的关键。CD4分子与gp120结合后,gp120构象发生变化,然后暴露第2受体CCR5、CXCR4的结合位点,进而激活HI外膜gp41,并插入细胞膜,最终完成病毒包膜与宿主细胞膜的融合[3] 。本文通过建立中国恒河猴艾滋病模型,在中医理论指导下采用中药复方艾可清加味进行治疗,研究不同组织中的CD4分子表达的情况及中药干预情况下不同组织中CD4分子表达变化情况,以探讨中药改善艾滋病免疫功能的可能靶点和机制,为艾滋病的防治提供新的思路和方法。