徐金娥,彭秋菊,邓 波,李裕明
华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院内分泌科,武汉 430022
徐金娥,彭秋菊,邓 波,李裕明△
华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院内分泌科,武汉 430022
目的 回顾分析222例行131I治疗的Graves病患者,评估各临床指标对预后的影响及131I治疗对抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(A-TPO)、促甲状腺激素受体抗体(TRAb)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)的影响。方法 比较222例患者131I治疗后半年的临床效果,根据治疗后甲状腺功能评估,将患者分为治疗后甲亢组、正常组、甲减组;Logistic回归分析患者性别、病程、发病年龄、甲状腺重量、摄碘率、治疗前TRAb水平与疗效之间的关系;分析131I治疗对A-TPO、TRAb、IL-17水平的影响。结果 治疗前甲状腺重量、TRAb水平为影响疗效的独立危险因素(OR值分别为1.108、8.917,P值分别为0.009 4、0.041 1);A-TPO值在治疗后转归为甲减组较治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),而甲亢组和正常组患者较治疗前均无明显变化(P>0.05);TRAb值在治疗后转归为甲亢组和甲减组患者较治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),而正常组较治疗前无明显变化(P>0.05);IL-17值在131I治疗前后各组均无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论 甲状腺重量越大、治疗前TRAb的水平越高,131I治疗失败的可能性越大;治疗后半年A-TPO升高明显者更容易发生甲减;治疗后TRAb、IL-17水平与预后的关系不明确。
Graves病; 甲状腺功能减退症;131I治疗; 促甲状腺激素受体抗体; 抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体; 白细胞介素-17
1 资料与方法
1.1 对象及分组
1.2 方法
①采用电化学发光法检测FT3、FT4、TSH、TRAb值,参考范围:FT33.1~6.8pmol/L,FT412~22pmol/L,TSH 0.27~4.2mU/L,TRAb 0~1.58U/L。②采用放射免疫分析法检测A-TPO,试剂购自天津九鼎医学生物工程有限公司,正常参考值:<35U/mL。③采用ELISA检测IL-17,试剂购自上海联硕生物科技有限公司。④清晨空腹口服131I溶液2~10μCi(1μCi=37kBq),口服131I溶液后2、24h分别测定甲状腺部位放射性计数,按以下公式计算各时间点甲状腺摄碘率:
1.3 统计学处理
2 结果
2.1 A、B两组治疗效果比较
2.2 A、B组间各临床指标比较
表1 A、B组间各临床指标比较(¯x±s)Table1 Comparison of clinical indicators between groups A and B(¯x±s)
2.3 B组不同治疗转归组比较
表2 B组内不同治疗转归的3组间临床指标比较()Table2 Comparison of clinical indicators in three sub groups of grpup B with different clinical outcomes)
表2 B组内不同治疗转归的3组间临床指标比较()Table2 Comparison of clinical indicators in three sub groups of grpup B with different clinical outcomes)
2.4 影响预后的因素分析
表3 Logistic回归分析B组各临床参数与治疗结局的相关性Table3 Logistic regression analysis of the association of clinical indicators with treatment outcomes in group B
2.5 甲状腺重量与预后的关系
2.6 治疗前后各抗体的变化
3 讨论
图1 不同治疗转归组内131I治疗前后A-TPO、TRAb和IL-17的比较Fig.1 Comparison of serum levels of A-TPO,TRAb and IL-17before and after treatment among the three groups with different clinical outcomes
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(2014-08-28 收稿)
Evaluation of the Prognosis of Graves’Disease after Radioiodine Treatment and the Effects of Radioiodine on A-TPO,TRAb and IL-17
Xu Jin’e,Peng Qiuju,Deng Bo et al
Department of Endocrinology,Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430022,China
Objective To explore the effects of each clinical factor on the prognosis of Graves’disease after radioiodine treatment and the effects of radioiodine on the levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody(A-TPO),thyrotropin receptor antibody(TRAb)and interleukin-17(IL-17).Methods Clinical data of 222patients who were treated with radioactive iodine for six months were retrospectively analyzed.They were divided into hyperthyroid,hypothyroid and euthyroid groups according to their thyroid function.Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association of gender,duration of disease,age of onset,the weight of the thyroid,radioactive iodine uptake,serum TRAb levels before treatment with the treatment efficacy.The impact of radioiodine treatment on the levels of A-TPO,TRAb and IL-17was examined as well.Results The weight of the thyroid and serum TRAb levels before radioiodine treatment were independent risk factors for the efficacy of radioiodine treatment(OR: 1.108and 8.917,P=0.009 4and 0.041 1,respectively).After 6-month treatment,the titers of A-TPO were increased significantly in the hypothyroid group(P<0.05),but not in the hyperthyroid and the euthyroid groups(P>0.05).The titers of TRAb were increased significantly in the hyperthyroid group and the hypothyroid group(P<0.05),but not significantly in the euthyroid group(P>0.05).The titers of IL-17had no significant changes after the treatment in all three groups.Conclusion The higher TRAb levels and the greater thyroid weigh before radioiodine treatment are associated with a relative resistance to the therapy.Patients with high levels of A-TPO after radioiodine treatment for six months tend to develop hypothyroidism.The association of the levels of TRAb and IL-17with prognosis is undetermined.
Graves’disease; hypothyroidism; radioiodine treatment; TRAb; A-TPO; IL-17
△通讯作者,Corresponding author,E-mail:lym.1020@163.com