一、标记性语言的含义话语标记语(discourse markers)又称话语联系语 (discourse connectives),就是表现句子结构的一个单词或者词组,它是依存于前言后语,划分说话单位的界标,位置不固定,可在句子的开头、中间或者结尾,话语标记语为进行中的话语提供了语境坐标,它表明了语句与前面或后面的话相联系,或者与前后同时相联系。如类似下面斜体加粗部分的词语或结构:1.We were late in leaving office.Nevertheless,we arrived on time.2.It is my fault .After all,you are the boss.3.A:Good morning,Fred,I hope you ve recovered from your illness.B:Yes,thank you.Er —well,not fully,but I m on the mend.4.Vivian: what do you do anyway?Myth: I am a writer,I guess. 话语标记语包括部分连词如 and、therefore、so等,副词如actually、really、unfortunately等,感叹词如oh、well、ok等及某些短语如you see、you know、as a result of等。它们所传递的不是句子意义或语义意义,也就是说它们实际上没有词性意义,而是为话语理解提供信息标记,从而对话语理解起引导作用。 二、话语标记语的用法1.用于开头(1)意示对前面所说内容的认同 如:right,okay,all right,I see,I know等举例:Vivian: Today Betty wears a new beautiful skirt.May: I know,she is dating with a boy resently.Lily: Mom,I want to go to paly football.Mom: Okay,but be careful.(2)意示前面所说内容改变了自己原有的认知,如oh,ah等举例:Vivian: I heard that Mark failed the exam. May: Ah,I thought he would succeed.Olia: Mr.Huang married a business woman.David: Oh,I remember he wanted to marry a teacher.(3)意示在无准备或不得已情况下接替他人的话,如:well举例:1)意示与前面所说的话作一了断并开始自己的话 如well,all right,okay等举例:①Teacher: (when hearing the bell ring) Well,let s begin our class.② A: I have many chocolates.B:Well,how much did you pay for that?2)在当前话题中间转移话题 如 well,okay,right等举例:Vicky: Can I drive you to office?David: No,thanks a lot.The bus is just up the street.It won t take me long at all.Vicky: Well,you really saved the day for me,David.2.用于中间 (1)表示偏离主题,突发的想法,自我修补等如I mean,w ell,oh,right等举例:Lily: Dear,what do you think of this dress?Mart: Hurry up.We are late for the party.(at the same time,the wife is angry.) I mean this dress is fit for you.Come on.(2)意示语气含糊,对所说的话不够肯定或者要负责任的程度较低如like,just,a bit,sort/ kind of,well,or something,not really,and everything/things/ stuff/that,I think等举例:A:Good morning,David,I hope youve recovered from your illness.B: Yes,thank you.Er —well,not fully,but I m on the mend.A: What do you think of tonight speech,Lily?B: I think it is kind of boring.I saw many audiences fell asleep during the speech.3.用于结尾(1)意示话题即将结束。如 and everything/ things/ stuff/that,or something等举例:Im more into things like going to museums,concerts,and that kind of thing.You bored or something?(2)意示要对方认同自己的话语。如I guess,I suppose,I m sure,you know,you see,okay,right等举例:1) Holly: what do you do anyway?Paul: I am a writer,I guess.2) Uncle: Now you know what you are doing,I suppose.Roy: Yes,sir.You'd be proud of her too,sir.I m sure.本文介绍了话语标记语的概念,并尝试从话语标记语的不同位置来进一步阐述其用法。 话语标记语是日常会话中的一种十分常见的话语现象,其作用是丰富多彩的。总的而言,话语标记语可从局部上或整体上对他人的话语理解起着引导或指示的功能,帮助听话者更好地识别话语所要表达的意思。参考文献:[1]程海燕,陈芸.话语标记的功能[J].牡丹江教育学院学报,2005.[2]李民,陈新仁.英语专业学生习得话语标记语WELL语用功能之实证研究[J].外语教学与研究,2007:21-26.