Archaeologists have found evidence that as far back as the Neanderthals1), humans had been using various things to change the color of both hair and skin. Ancient Gauls2) and Saxons dyed their hair various vibrant colors to show rank and to instill3) fear into enemies on the battlefield. Babylonian men sprinkled gold dust into their hair. By the time of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, plant and animal matter were being used on a regular basis to color hair. The very first mixtures could only darken the hair, but methods were found to bleach4) hair blond, often by exposing the painted hair to sunlight for hours. Throughout history, various means have been used to produce a full spectrum5) of hair dye colors.
Hair Dye Through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Victorian Era
In the Dark Ages6), red hair first appeared as the result of a genetic mistake. For many years, people with natural red hair were subjected to suspicions of witchcraft. However, in the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I's natural vibrant red hair made red hair more acceptable, and soon hair was being reddened with items such as henna7), which dated back to the ancient Egyptians. During the Baroque period8), when elaborate powdered wigs9) were popular, the colors ran the gamut of10) pastels11), from pink and yellow, to even blue. Blond hair continued to be desirable, with caustic soda12) being used to bleach the hair. Victorian women used large hats with an open top to expose their treated hair to the strong sun. At the same time, gray hair was popular, bringing back hair powder to heighten the effect. For a time, silver nitrate13) was used to darken hair until overuse resulted in a purple color. It was this purple result that would eventually lead to the creation of the first synthetic hair dye.
1. Neanderthal [ni??nd?tɑ?l] n. (公元前12,000年居住于欧洲的)尼安德特人
2. Gaul [ɡ??l] n. 高卢人,铁器时代居住在现今西欧的法国、比利时、意大利北部、荷兰南部、瑞士西部和德国南部莱茵河西岸一带的凯尔特人。
3. instill [?n?st?l] vt. 逐渐灌输
4. bleach [bli?t?] v. (使)变成淡色;(使)脱色。n. 漂白剂
5. spectrum [?spektr?m] n. 范围
6. Dark Ages: 指欧洲中世纪(大约从476年至14世纪欧洲文艺复兴开始前的整个中世纪时期)。
Synthetic Hair Dye 合成染发剂
In the 1800s, chemists discovered para-phenylenediamine (PPD) and its use in the creation of synthetic dye. At the same time, it was found that hydrogen peroxide was a gentler and safer chemical for hair bleaching. These two discoveries paved the way for Eugène Schueller, who created the first commercial chemical hair dye, which he christened14) "Aureole". That product would go on to be known as "L'Oréal". The double-process for dying hair blond soon followed, and in 1932 hair dye was further refined by Lawrence Gelb who created hair dye that actually penetrated the shaft15) of the hair. His company would be called "Clairol". Later, in 1950, he would introduce the first one-step hair dye product that actually lightened hair without bleach. This ushered in the modern era of hair dye, including the ability for hair to be dyed at home.
7. henna [?hen?] n. 散沫花染剂(一种从散沫花叶提炼出来的棕红色化妆染剂)
8. Baroque period: 巴洛克时期,西方艺术史上的一个时代,大致为17世纪,盛行巴洛克风格的艺术。
9. wig [w?ɡ] n. 假发
10. run the gamut of: 涉及……的全部范围
11. pastel [?p?stl] n. 淡色彩
12. caustic soda: 【化】苛性钠;烧碱
13. silver nitrate: 【化】硝酸银
14. christen [?kr?sn] vt. 给……取名
15. shaft [?ɑ?ft] n. (人发的)发干
16. condition [k?n?d??n] vt. (涂保护剂)使(头发或皮肤)保持健康
17. exotic [?ɡ?z?t?k] adj. 奇异的,异乎寻常的
18. semi-: [前缀] (用于形容词和名词前构成其他形容词和名词)表示“部分”
19. demi-: [前缀] (用于形容词和名词前构成其他形容词和名词)表示“半”
20. ammonia [??m??ni?] n. 【化】氨
21. cortex [?k??teks] n. 【动物学】皮质;皮层
22. melanin [?mel?n?n] n. 黑色素
23. cuticle [?kju?t?kl] n. 角质层
24. silicon [?s?l?k?n] n. 硅
Types of Hair Dye Available Today 如今市面上的染发剂类型
An infinite array of color is available today, from a vast selection of natural shades, to colors that don't occur in nature at all. Dyeing one's hair causes damage to the hair, but thanks to numerous conditioning16) products, most of this damage can be minimized.
There are four major variations in hair dye today:
Temporary Color. More like a paint or hair mask, these colors are applied on top of the hair and do not penetrate the hair shaft. Mostly available in bright and exotic17) colors, temporary hair colors will wash out of the hair.
Semi18)-permanent/Demi19)-permanent Color. This dye also coats the hair but unlike temporary color, it chemically bonds with the hair. It cannot be used to lighten hair, but adds vibrancy to the color. Semi-permanent color will eventually wash out. Demi-permanent color slightly penetrates the hair shaft, so it lasts longer.
Permanent Hair Color. Because it contains both ammonia20) and peroxide, permanent color allows dye to penetrate the cortex21) and break up the natural melanin22). It fundamentally changes the hair, and cannot be washed out, although it can be subject to fading due to improper application, damage to the cuticle23) (also called over processing) and even exposure to sunlight.
The Future of Hair Color 发色的未来
The addition of silicon24) and other similar ingredients to conditioners have greatly reduced the amount of damage caused by repeated dyeing of the hair. Constant research continues to produce products that work at the hair's molecular level. Eventually, lasers may be used to color hair, as experiments have shown them to be very effective at removing hair color. However, controlling a laser to the degree needed to make subtle changes in a safe way to human hair on a living person may still be science fiction.