Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?


初中生学习·低 2015年5期


(一) 对话

A=Jim B=Li Xiang

A: Excuse me, where are you from?

B: Im from Nantong, a city near the Yangtze River. My hometown is near mountains with pleasant climate.

A: Can you tell something about it?

B: Sure, the mountains are the most beautiful places in my hometown in spring. There are all kinds of flowers, grass and plants attracting many types of animals. People can breathe fresh air to relax themselves. Some people lose themselves in the beautiful field.

A: What about summer?

B: In summer, there are lots of big forests. They are good places to enjoy cool air. Every afternoon, a water park is open to tourists, it is a paradise for children to play. Children can swim, play hide-and-seek, catch fish or collect shells...

A: Chinese food is so delicious, can you tell me something special in your hometown?

B: My hometown has a lot of special fruit and vegetables, the bamboo shoots, watermelon, strawberries, oranges, grapes and some seafood. If you come here, after eating them, you wont forget them.

A: Is it easy to shop in your hometown?

B: It is also a good place for shopping, different shopping malls, supermarkets, shops are everywhere, and you can buy what you want.

A: Im very glad to visit your hometown some day.

B: The people in our hometown are very friendly and warm-hearted. Welcome to our home.

New words:

1. paradise n. 天堂

2. hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

3. bamboo shoots 竹笋


A Visit to Guilin


After two hours flight, we arrived in Guilin. I felt very excited, and everyone says Guilin has the best mountains and water, I wondered to see how special the scenery is.

My parents and I went to Guilin scenic area — the elephant trunk hill, what a beautiful elephant trunk hill! I cant believe my eyes. Nature is really amazing! Green elephant trunk hill looks like a huge elephants nose. It puts into the clear water. We lost ourselves in the beautiful mountain and water!

The second day we came to the Lijiang River. The Lijiang River is clear. The scenery on both sides is different, the water is like a beautiful and lovely picture. Under the direction of the guide, we see many things like pictures. After visiting the Lijiang River, I understand why there are so many poems to write about its beautiful scenery.

Guilins landscape is very famous, and its cave is also very strange. The last day we went to see the cave. I came to the hole. I cant wait to rush to his stones, how beautiful they look! They are in thousands of ways. They surprised us a lot!

Guilin tour ended, I was very tired, but I was so happy. When I went to bed, I fell asleep soon. I had a dream. In the dream, Im still climbing the mountain in Guilin, visiting the Lijiang River by boat...I hope to visit Guilin with my parents again.

New words:

1.flight n. 飞行;班机

2.scenery n. 风景;景色

3.scenic area 景区

4.trunk n. 树干;躯干;象鼻

5. amazing adj. 令人惊异的

6. lose oneself in... 沉浸于……

7. guide n. 指南;向导

8. poems n. 诗歌,诗集

9. landscape n. 风景,景色

10. cave n. 洞穴





埃利伯斯火山海拔为4 167米,边缘两侧分布着几百座冰塔,乍看像是巨人脸上新长出不久的须茬。这座火山恐怕是南极洲上唯一一块冰火交融的地方了,既翻腾着火的热焰,又充满冰的严酷。冰塔有20米高,时常吞云吐雾,弥漫在南极上空,像是随时会喷发。有些蒸汽还没出塔就被冻住了,使得塔身膨胀得越来越大。









人教版新目标八年级(下)Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 课外延伸阅读


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