

校园英语·上旬 2015年7期

【Abstract】As one of the most frequently used sentence patterns in various languages,ditransitive construction has been a hot issue argued by many linguists and scholars.This thesis discusses the verbs of “Giving” class of Ditransitive Construction in English and the relationship between verbs and constructions,in attempt to reveal the features of this structure.

【Key Words】ditransitive construction; construction grammar

Ditransitive construction is a common phenomenon in many languages,which is closely related to humans daily life.In English,it appears as the form of VN1N2,that is,a verb followed by two nouns,and the first noun is usually called direct object,the latter indirect object.In this thesis,the structure SVN1N2 is called the representative form of “Giving” class ditransitive construction.According to Xu (2001),English ditransitive verbs of “giving” class can be classified into three types:verbs of specific transference sense,verbs of metaphorical transference sense and verbs of additional sense.

1.Ditransitive verbs of specific transference sense

This kind of verbs refers to the material-spatial verbs of “giving” sense.It mainly includes give,hand,send,cost,etc.“Give N1N2” construction is the representative with plenty of meanings.Usually,N1 refers to the alive,while N2 prototypically refers to the practical things,but it can refer to concepts of other cognitive fields by way of metaphorical extension.For example,it can dictate an expression:He gave her a smile.It can dictate the content of telling:Ill give you my name.It can be seen that the common characteristic of this kind of ditransitive construction is:through the change of N2,the construction can be metaphorized to non-material-spatial cognitive field.However,some verbs,such as,provide,grant,hand,serve are exceptions.

2.Ditransitive verbs of metaphorical transference sense

This kind of verbs has no corresponding “giving” sense,and they mainly express mutual communication between people (Xu,2001).Different from specific verbs,ditransitive constructions of metaphorical verbs construct transferring events of abstract conceptual fields(Talmy,2000:345-383) and are cross-field extension of specific conceptual framework,so they are called verbs of metaphorical transfer,for example,tell,teach,promise,wish,hold,keep,excuse,forgive,etc(Quick et al,1985).Meanwhile,they share similarity with the verbs of specific transferring sense:they both construct a pure transfer event.N2 in the construction of metaphorical verbs must come through tansfer reference.For example,“S teaches N1 mathematics”.Actually,it can be illustrated as:(1) S gives N1 the knowledge and skill in mathematics.Of course,that is not to say N2 in this ditransitive construction can not refer to practical things.Look at the following examples:(2) Lisa guaranteed Zach a book.(Goldberg,2003:221);(3) Lisa refused Zach a book.(ibid).

3.Ditransitive verbs of additional sense

Xu points that this kind of verbs has no sense of “transference”,and it mainly includes verbs of “making”,such as,make,bake,paint,etc.However,some verbs of “non-making” can also enter SNN construction,such as,find,buy,read,slice,cry,etc.Look at two examples:(4) Pat sliced Chris a piece of pie.(Goldberg,2003:221);(5) Cry me a river.(ibid)

“Slice” and “cry” are not verbs of “making”,but they can also enter ditransitive construction.The above shows that verbs of additional sense can extend to “non-making” verbs.

4.The relationship between verbs and construction

Goldberg (1995) believes that simple sentences are directly associated with the semantic structures which reflect the basic human scenes.Constructions result from the schematization or abstraction of human daily life experience.

Though the construction meaning plays an important role in determining the meaning of a ditransitive expression,the languages of English and Chinese show a great discrepancy.Construction and verb not only influence each other,but also compete against each other when determining the meaning of an expression,especially when the direction of transfer is concerned.


“Giving” sense is the prototype of ditransitive construction,and the double objects can be shifted through to and two passive transformations can be derived.When determining the meaning of an expression,construction and verb meaning not only influence each other,but also compete against each other.


[1]Goldberg,A.E.Constructions:a construction grammar approach to argument structure.Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press.1995.

[2]Goldberg,A.E.Constructions:A new theoretical approach to language.TRENDS in Cognitive Science,(7):219-224.2003.

[3]Quirk,R.,S.Greenbaum,G.Leech,and J.Svartvik.A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.London:Longman Group Limited.1985.

[4]Talmy,L.Toward A Cognitive Semantics,Vol.I:Concept Structuring Systems.The MIT Press.2000.




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