

校园英语·中旬 2015年1期



【关键词】化妆品说明书 目的论 翻译原则

With Chinas entry into WTO,the trades between China and the rest of the world are developing very fast and an increasing number of foreign cosmetic products have been introduced into Chinese market.Actually,the cosmetics instructions are regarded as the most direct way to show the overall information of the cosmetic products to the consumers.Therefore,the translation of cosmetics instructions is of great significance.

The Skopos rule is regarded as the top-ranking rule for any translation.According to Skopostheorie,the purpose of the translational action is the prime principle.For the translation of cosmetics instructions,the main purpose is to arouse the consumers desire to purchase in order to promote the commercial sales.To achieve this goal,translation of cosmetics instructions should be well expressed and be acceptable to the target consumers in order to meet their demand,so it is essential to adjust the content or form of the source text to meet the selling purpose.In this essay,some representative examples are given.The author points that we can make some adjustments when we apply three rules of Skopos theory in the translation of cosmetic instruction.Moreover,it is advisable to employ the technique of change of content and form in the process of translation.

Example 1:English version:Protects skin and restores resilience.CRD-1 component reinforces the cell membranes to protect skin from drying wind and sun.Moisturizes Moist CM relieves and smoothes dry skin.

Chinese version:保护皮肤、增强弹性“CRD一1”成分强化皮肤松懈保护膜,保护皮肤不受紫外线、干燥等外界刺激的伤害,令皮肤年轻而富有弹性。强化皮肤保湿能力:Moist CM等高级保湿成分向干燥的皮肤供给水分,令皮肤湿润细滑。(郭星余,2007:56)

For consumers who can not understand the chemical effects of the ingredients,it is necessary to give some further explanations.In this example,“令皮肤年轻而富有弹性”and “等高级保湿成分” can not be founded in the source text.Since the ingredient “Moist CM” is not familiar to the consumers,translator adds functions of the ingredients to make the cosmetics instructions more understandable and so as to stimulate consumers desire to purchase.The target text focused on the functions and effects of the producing technique since most of the potential readers are ordinary consumers.

At this point,the translator should avoid offering the complicated definition or some obscure words that make the consumers confused.On the contrary,if the translator just gives the complicated definition,such cosmetics instructions can not be acceptable by the consumers or promote the commercial sales.Therefore,we can find that this example obeys the skopos rule and the coherence rule.

Example 2:English version: AVON Exfoliating Facial Scrub,developed with tiny rounded microsphere helps to reveal fresher,younger looking skin by gently sweeping away this layer of dulling skin and debris.With just one will see the visible improvement.

Chinese version:本品是雅芳护肤研究中心推荐的特效护肤品。含超微粒分子,圆滑柔和,不伤皮肤,可立即清除积聚于表皮的死皮(又称老化角质)及毛孔内污垢,解决面部皮肤晦暗、粗糙及疲倦问题:木瓜、风梨等植物萃取精华,令肌肤清新舒爽,更有朝气。(潘登,2011:67)

In this example,its wise of the translator to cross out the first sentences to emphasis the function and effect of the products,because what the consumers first see often impressed them deeply.For instance,the expression “dead skin” and “duller” may make the consumers feel unpleasant,so these expressions are deleted in the target text.However ,the problem of this example is that the amplification of “木瓜、风梨等植物萃取精华” can not be found in the source text,which may make the consumers confused.

As a special kind of products,cosmetics are made of complex ingredients.The consumers may be in danger if they fail to use them properly due to the poor translation of instructions,especially for some people who are allergic to some ingredients.A good translation can break the barriers between consumers and manufactures and promote sales while the wrong guidance of instruction may cause the companies to bear tremendous loss.Therefore,from this example,we can see that the translation of cosmetics instructions is of great importance.

Example 3: English version:Spreads over the skin with velvety and melting touch to leave the skin lively fine-textured with rich moisture.Skin enjoys sweeping fresh texture from the moment you apply。

Chinese version:顺滑地延展,深层沁入肌肤,调理肌肤。使肌肤滋润、细腻而富有弹性。涂抹于肌肤的瞬间,即有水嫩轻灵的触感。(潘登,2011:67)

From the example above,we can see that the application of the four- Chinese-character idioms achieves the aesthetic and vocative functions.The four- Chinese-character idioms rich content and balanced form caters to the female's pursuit for beauty.This translation fulfills the Skopos of translation with the application of the three rules of the skopostheorie.

In this essay,the author mainly studies the E-C translation of cosmetics instructions from the perspective of Skopostheorie.With the rapid development of Chinas economy and international trade,an increasingly number of cosmetic products will be exported to other countries.Therefore,people should pay more attention to this study and C-E translation is also needed to study.In addition,people should take more aspects into consideration,such as economy,culture and society and so on.People should also do more thorough research on the translation of cosmetics instructions and try their best to collect more material and information.Moreover,more representative examples are needed to be cited in the research in order to make contributions to better application of Skopostheorie.





