1 水合物赋存区氯化物浓度低值异常的形成
图1 天然气水合物层原地孔隙水氯离子浓度演化及水合物层岩心氯离子低值异常形成[13]Fig.1Chlorine ion concentration evolution of pore water in situ and the formation of abnormal low value of core chlorine ion of natural gas hydrate layer
2 氯化物低值异常对天然气水合物的指示意义
图2 南海神狐海域SH2孔地球物理测井与孔隙水氯离子浓度剖面[36,38]Fig.2SH2 pore geophysical well logging and pore water chlorine ion concentration profile of Shenhu sea area of South China Sea
地层孔隙水氯离子指标主要用于钻井过程中水合物赋存层段的识别,可单独使用或结合测井资料及时识别井孔天然气水合物赋存层段。在中国南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物钻探研究中,综合采用地球物理测井与孔隙水氯离子浓度分析,较好地识别出了钻遇地层含天然气水合物层段的分布范围。图2是采集到水合物样品的SH2孔部分地球物理测井剖面与氯离子浓度分布[36-37]。可以看出,该孔声波速度测井、电阻率测井、孔隙度测井和孔隙水氯离子地球化学研究结果具有较高的一致性,不同研究方法均在195~215 m层段获得明显异常[38]。该站位水合物存在于海底以下195~220 m,厚度约25 m[39],呈分散状分布在黏土质粉砂和粉砂岩层之中。虽然难以肉眼分辨,但放入水中可见明显的气泡,证实了氯离子低值异常与地球物理测井技术用于钻遇地层天然气水合物识别的有效性。
近年在美国阿拉斯加北部斜坡冻土区所钻的Mount Elbert水合物研究井,氯离子浓度与多种测井方法联合使用,较好地识别出了该井天然气水合物赋存层段[40],识别出的水合物赋存层段与该区1972年Northwest Eileen State 2井测井结果[34,41-42]相符。图3是Mount Elbert水合物研究井电阻率测井与孔隙水氯离子浓度剖面。按氯离子地球化学特征将Mount Elbert水合物研究井划分为7个层段,其中第2、4两个层段氯离子浓度出现明显低值异常,与早年North⁃west Eileen State 2井测井资料确定的C段与D段两个水合物赋存层段具有较好的吻合性(图3b)。早年勘探结果揭示这两个层段岩性为砂岩,并于其中的C层段采集到水合物样品(图3d)[15]。
Mount Elbert井氯离子浓度分布特征及其对天然气水合物赋存层段的指示意义,也获得该井电阻率测井结果(图3c)的支持;配合电阻率测井与其他勘探资料,氯离子低值异常对该井天然气水合物赋存层段起到了很好的指示作用。
图3 阿拉斯加北坡区Mount Elbert水合物研究井氯离子浓度与水合物赋存层段分布[15]Fig.3Chloride concentration and hydrate occurrence interval distribution of hydrate research well in Mount Elbert,Alaska North Slope
3 氯化物指标在天然气水合物饱和度估算中的应用
3.1 氯化物指标估算水合物饱和度一般方法
式中:Sh表示水合物饱和度;Clpw表示水合物发生分解之后岩心样品实测的孔隙水氯离子浓度;Clsw表示取样之前孔隙水氯离子的原地背景浓度;ρh为纯天然气水合物的密度,一般取0.924 g/cm3[19,46]。
3.2 氯化物指标估算水合物饱和度应用实例
在南海北部神狐海域采出天然气水合物样品的SH2站位,采用氯离子浓度、甲烷浓度、电阻率测井、声波速度测井等多种技术方法,估算了天然气水合物饱和度。发现上述各方法在海底以下大约190~220 m水合物赋存层段估算的水合物饱和度数值相近,不同方法估算出的水合物饱和度分布趋势几乎一致[27,39]。图4是SH2孔多种测井资料和氯离子浓度值估算的水合物饱和度分布剖面。氯离子浓度估算结果表明,SH2孔水合物饱和度介于10%~48%,与电阻率测井、声波速度测井以及岩心甲烷气体资料估算结果相符[27]。
图4 中国南海北部神狐海域SH2孔测井资料与氯离子浓度估算的天然气水合物饱和度分布(据Wang等,2011,有删改)[27]Fig.4SH2 pore logging data and hydrate saturation distribution estimated by chloride concentration of Shenhu sea area of South China Sea(According to Wang, et al,2011,revised)
图5 阿拉斯加北坡区Mount Elbert水合物研究井氯离子浓度及估算的水合物饱和度分布[15]Fig.5Chloride concentration and estimated hydrate saturation distribution of hydrate research well in Mount Elbert,Alaska North Slope
图5所示是美国阿拉斯加北部斜坡冻土区Mount Elbert水合物研究井氯离子浓度剖面与天然气水合物饱和度估算结果。分别采用线性外推法与扩散衰减法确定了孔隙水氯离子原地背景浓度,并采用经验公式对水合物饱和度进行计算。研究结果揭示,在该井钻获水合物且氯离子浓度明显降低的两个层段(图3),氯离子浓度指标估算的水合物饱和度可高达80%(图5)。估算结果与电阻率测井资料估算结果大体相符,但也存在一些差异,主要表现在当水合物饱和度小于20%时,氯离子浓度法估算的水合物饱和度更高[15]。
4 技术优势与存在问题
4.1 技术优势
4.2 存在问题与建议
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Application of Chloride Indicator in Natural Gas Hydrate Exploration
Wu Chuanzhi1,Zhao Kebin2,Sun Changqing1,Rong Fazhun1and Yang jun1
(1.Wuxi Research Institute of Petroleum Geology,Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Wuxi, Jiangsu 214162,China;2.Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083,China)
As a phenomenon closely related to gas hydrate occurrence,low concentration of chloride in the pore-water has been studied and applied for decades,and some achievements have been made in both theoretical and application aspects.The applica⁃tion of chloride indicator in natural gas hydrate exploration majorly focuses on 2 fields,that is,the recognition of gas hydrate con⁃centrated intervals of a well based on the vertical distribution characteristics of chloride concentration from the cores recovered con⁃tinuously from the wellbore,and the evaluation of gas hydrate saturation of the hydrate-bearing intervals according to chloride infor⁃mation.Based on a large amount of published data,the researches and application achievements of the chloride indicator used in exploring natural gas hydrate were summarize.By doing this,the relationship between the low chloride concentration anomaly de⁃tected in the pore water and the occurrence of natural gas hydrate has been analyzed;the significance of the low chloride concentra⁃tion anomaly in indicating gas hydrate occurrence and the application effectiveness of the low chloride anomaly in estimating gas hydrate saturation have been studied,revealing the latest research advances and main achievements of chloride indicator used in natural gas hydrate exploration;and finally,a few major problems relating to the application of chloride indicator in recognizing gas hydrate occurrence and estimating gas hydrate saturation have been discussed,and some advice has been proposed to the further development of the chloride indicator in gas hydrate geochemical exploration.
natural gas hydrate,chloride concentration,gas hydrate occurrence recognition,gas hydrate exploration,geochemical exploration