A Child in Fantasia


校园英语·中旬 2015年3期


【Abstract】Salingers the Catcher in the Rye has aroused various disputes after its publication.Either standing on the best-seller list or got banned from reach of juveniles,the book could hardly define a definite position for long.A lost hero with the low-pitched author offered the work to the world without much comment or declaration against vicious criticism.However,read within a certain historical environment,ignoring the content which may have triggered positive or negative responses from the society,the work well explains its intension of expression as well as a function calling for caution.Holdens mind originates from that contemporary world,manipulated by the postwar Salinger who has got a full brain of mind.The degenerated anti-hero is the outcome of both the outer society of decaying and inner complex of childhood innocence.This essay is going to analyze the above mentioned aspects to better understand the meaning of the Catcher in the Rye,a certain work within a certain social background,which may provide some constructive methods in interpreting works under different environments.

【Key words】the Catcher in the Rye; anti-hero; postwar society childhood innocence


The Catcher in the Rye was on the best-seller list for some time and has received various responses since its publication.Objectively speaking,critical responses to the work were mixed and had their respective bases.The heros lack of passion for life,hatred towards human daily activities and colloquial uniqueness contribute reasons for being blamed.However,the fact of being one of the top twelves for long indicated a need from the society.The following are some of criticisms it received.

Some of the critics were definitely impressed.Cliff Fadiman,on behalf of the Book-of-the-Month Club wrote that it was“ an unusually brilliant first novel”; Harold L.Roth,wrote in Library Journal that it “may be a shock to many parents who wonder about a young mans thoughts and actions,but its effect can be a salutary one.An adult book and highly recommended”; the critic for Time praised the authors talent of being able to“understand the adolescent mind without displaying one”.

II.Holdens childhood complex

Throughout the reading,readers could discern the dualism in Holdens character.The everlasting chattering of vulgar words and phrases leave us an impression of a rude teenager who aimlessly arranged a route around the country with an unsure ending.Holdens wanting to be a catcher in the rye,on the other hand,implies his pure innocence and a will of escaping from the real world.The above two features come from his love of children and childhood,which in turn stood out his unwillingness of become an adult in the material world.As a child with two brothers and a sister,Holden groped his value in comparisons between the adult world and his own.

2.1 Elder brother D.B.D.B.was previously worshipped by Holden for his talent in writing.Holden sincerely appreciated D.B.s work The Secret Goldfish but later disgusted his elder brother for betraying his writing talent in front of money and fame infused greatly in adult world.D.B.adapted himself in movie writing,which has much relationship with worldly affairs.Thats why Holden call D.B.a “prostitute”.

Although D.B.was rich,and met Holden at the school once a week,he couldnt avoid the alienation from Holden.Because the purity of children remains in Holdens heart,with reminders from Allie who died young and Phoebe whos quite angel-like.Obviously,D.B.was a total adult,one among the disgusted crowd.

2.2 younger brother Allie.Besides Phoebe,Allie is the only person Holden loved and praised.When Holden was asked to write a composition for Stadlater,his first response was to write something about Allies baseball mitt.In Holdens eyes,Allie was totally different from D.B.for his innocence and wisdom.Holden clearly remembered Allies traits and was sure of the readers affection toward Allie.On talking about Allies death,the telling of exact date and name of leukemia was penetrated by sadness from loss and sweetness from memories.

However,Allie was no longer around Holden and thus remained an angel in the latters heart.If Allie hadnt died of leukemia but had lived in quite great conditions,he would grow up and embrace the real world.With life moving on,those golden traits of a little boy would have gone with the wind and left Allie another D.B..

In a word,Holdens just fond of an ideal image with child-like traits as Allie.Hes scared of loss of those ideals,which well explained Holdens dream of being a catcher in the rye and forever protecting those symbols of innocence.

2.3 Phoebe.Holdens younger sister Phoebe seems to be the only living person that was free of his blame and discontent.While no one could understand Holdens mind,Phoebe was pleased to listen to her brother.Thus when Holden felt that he would be frozen to death,he worried about Phoebes sorrow; when Holden decided to run to the west,he remembered to say goodbye to her; when Holden saw the rude words on the wall in Phoebes school,he was angry in fear of any pollution on children like Phoebe; when Holden got to know Phoebes leaving with him,he suddenly changed his decision of running away for he couldnt stand any hurt on his younger sister.

Holden couldnt afford any lose or spot on Phoebe but the latter is anyway a child who sometimes cant share every opinion with Holden.She was a innocent child but could tell a modern value from real world.Phoebes pointing out Allies death was against Holdens mind and her arguing Holdens dislike towards anybody or anything sort of shocked him.Thus those disagreements and shocks showed Holdens fantasy impossible.


Holdens unsettled ending was the result of his failure to find something that could match his fantasia.Facing rejections from the real world,Holden found neither Allie nor Phoebe can stand with him as supporters.Though Phoebe was willing to listen to him,she wanted to wake him up and drag him back to the real world.Her innocence meant to arouse Holden from the sky-high fantasia rather than an unchangeable angle with golden heart leading Holden into forever fantasy.But Holden misunderstood that and could hardly find his reason of existence.

The anti-hero left nothing about merit but thoughts,all kinds of thoughts.Whatever the readers responses are,anger,pity or disgust,the work triggers out the sleeping aspect of the postwar Americans.Lets discard all the biases and blind praises,read by heart to feel minds of that time,which will do good to our feeling towards culture and thus literature.


[1]Salinger J.D., the Catcher in the Rye[M].Yilin Press, 2007.

[2]Salzman Jack, New Essays on The Catcher in the Rye[M]. Peking University Press, 2007.