(解放军总医院南楼临床部综合外二科,北京 100853)
血管内皮细胞(vascular endothelial cells,VECs)是血管内循环血液与中层平滑肌细胞之间的机械屏障,维持机体重要的生理功能。内皮细胞损伤后脱落,胶原及组织因子暴露,是形成动静脉血栓的重要始动因素。因此,血管内皮损伤后修复可作为血栓性疾病治疗的方法之一。其修复原理主要包括两方面:一是增强成熟内皮细胞的增殖和分化能力,加速内皮的自身修复;二是动员间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)归巢到损伤部位,内皮化后替代修复[1]。血小板衍生生长因子(platelet derived growth factor,PDGF)是正常组织生长和维持的重要生长因子,包括至少PDGF-A,B,C,D 4个成员,其中PDGF-A和B的研究已较成熟,而PDGF-C则是新发现成员之一。研究表明PDGF-C有较强的促进血管新生能力[2.3],其所具有的多重生物学效应是血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)等其他生长因子所不具备的独特功能[4]。且PDGF-C参与了动脉损伤后修复的过程,机制是促血管平滑肌细胞凋亡或干预血管平滑肌细胞迁移[5],而对内皮细胞和干细胞的作用尚没有明确涉及。为此,我们利用PDGF-C对体外培养的主动脉内皮细胞和骨髓MSCs进行刺激,测定细胞增殖情况,评价细胞的迁移能力,从而了解PDGF-C对VECs及MSCs的影响。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试剂
PDGF-C(美国Peprotech公司);DMEM细胞培养液(美国Gibco公司);胎牛血清(fatal bovine serum,FBS);流式细胞周期检测试剂盒、Hoechst33258染色试剂盒(碧云天生物技术研究所);噻唑蓝(美国Sigma公司)。
1.2 仪器
超净工作台(苏州市净化设备公司YJ-875);二氧化碳培养箱(美国Shell-Lab2323型);倒置相差荧光显微镜(日本Nikon公司);流式细胞仪(美国Elite SP型);酶标分析仪(美国Bio-RAD Model 550型)、细胞计数仪(美国FJ-2003型)。
1.3 细胞培养
VECs的原代培养和体外增殖:过量1g/L戊巴比妥钠注入SD大鼠(150g)的腹腔内,麻醉致死,75%乙醇浸泡消毒3min后移入超净台,无菌条件下打开胸腔暴露胸主动脉,快速取胸主动脉。用眼科镊夹除动脉外周的结缔组织及脂肪,磷酸盐缓冲液(phosphate buffer solution,PBS)冲洗管腔内面残留血液。眼科剪剪开血管腔,将血管剪成2mm×2mm大小均匀的组织块后转移到25ml的培养瓶中,在含10% FBS的DMEM中培养,待内皮细胞长成典型的铺路石样、细胞融合达到80%~90%,经胰酶消化后传代、取第5~8代细胞用作实验,因子Ⅷ免疫荧光鉴定VECs。将存有MSCs(军事医学科学院提供)的冻存管从液氮中取出,37℃水浴复苏,用含10% FBS的α-MEM培养液常规培养。
1.4 MTT法检测细胞增殖
分别取第5代对数生长期的VECs和MSCs,消化离心后计数,以2×104个/ml密度接种于96孔培养板,常规培养24h后换用2%FBS继续培养24h后,分别加入不同浓度的PDGF-C(10,20,30,40,50μg/L),设对照组,加入等体积PBS。每组设5个复孔,培养24h后加入MTT溶液(5g/L)20μl,继续孵育4h后弃培养基,每孔加入150μl二甲基亚砜(dimethyl sulfoxide,DMSO),吹匀后492nm波长处测吸光度值(492nm),以时间为横轴,吸光度为纵轴绘制细胞生长曲线。
1.5 流式细胞仪检测细胞周期
取VECs和MSCs,常规培养24h,换含2%FBS的培养基及培养24h后,加入PDGF-C(20μg/L),对照组加入等量的PBS,再孵育24h后,胰酶消化3min,轻轻吹打呈细胞悬液,800r/min离心后,PBS漂洗3遍,重复离心,加入1ml PBS重悬细胞调整细胞密度至1.5×106/ml,过300目细胞筛,去除团聚细胞,加入-20℃预冷的70%乙醇溶液,4℃过夜。PBS充分漂洗离心后加入10μl RNA酶,37℃水浴30min,后加入25μl碘化丙啶染色,避光30min放于4℃冰箱,上样前轻弹试管,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期(激发波长488nm)。
1.6 细胞划痕实验
1.7 Transwell细胞迁移实验
用50mg/L Matrigel稀释8倍后滴加于Transwell小室底部膜的下室面,在超净台内风干后备用。取第5代对数期细胞消化离心后,PBS洗1~2遍,用含10g/L牛血清白蛋白的培养基重悬细胞,调整细胞密度为2×105/ml。在Transwell小室内加200µl细胞悬液,下室加入500µl含20μg/L PDGF-C的培养基,对照组加入等体积PBS。于二氧化碳培养箱中培养24h后,用4%多聚甲醛液4℃固定15min,PBS充分清洗2遍,每次3min。分别加入Hoechst33258染色液,室温静置30min,充分染色后PBS清洗,荧光倒置显微镜下观察并拍照取材。
1.8 统计学处理
2 结 果
2.1 细胞形态及鉴定
原代培养VECs 4d时,显微镜下可见有少量的细胞迁出贴壁生长,细胞呈短梭形或多角形。培养至12d,细胞贴壁生长达到培养瓶面积>2/3,呈现内皮细胞典型的“铺路石”样特征。取第4代生长良好的VECs,经因子Ⅷ抗体进行细胞免疫荧光化学染色鉴定,呈阳性表现;复苏后的MSCs融合单层,细胞形态大多呈长梭形或多角形,符合MSCs的细胞形态(图1)。
2.2 PDGF-C对细胞增殖的影响
图1 血管内皮细胞与间充质干细胞的细胞培养及鉴定
Figure 1 Cultivation and identification of VECs and MSCs
VECs: vascular endothelial cells; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells; A: primary VECs (×100); B: cultured MSCs (×100); C: VECs Dapi nuclear staining (×400); D: positive expression of factor Ⅷ in VECs (×400)
2.3 PDGF-C对细胞周期的影响
图2 PDGF-C在不同浓度时对血管内皮细胞增殖能力的影响
Figure 2 Effects of PDGF-C in different concentrations on VECs proliferation
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; VECs: vascular endothelial cells. PDGF-C promotes VECs proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with control group,*<0.05,**<0.01
图3 PDGF-C在不同浓度时对间充质干细胞增殖能力的影响
Figure 3 Effects of PDGF-C in different concentrations on MSCs proliferation
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells. PDGF-C promotes MSCs proliferation, and MSCs proliferation reaches peak at 20μg/L concentration of PDGF-C. Compared with control group,*<0.05,**<0.01
图4 PDGF-C对间充质干细胞周期的影响
Figure 4 Effects of PDGF-C on MSCs phases
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells. Compared with control MSCs,*<0.05
图5 PDGF-C对血管内皮细胞周期的影响
Figure 5 Effects of PDGF-C on VECs phases
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; VECs: vascular endothelial cells. Compared with control VECs,*<0.05
2.4 细胞迁移的划痕实验检测
2.5 细胞迁移能力Transwell实验检测
3 讨 论
图6 间充质干细胞细胞迁移能力划痕实验
Figure 6 Cell scratch test for detection of MSCs migration (×100)
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells. A: control MSCs; B: PDGF-C treated MSCs
图7 血管内皮细胞细胞迁移能力划痕实验
Figure 7 Cell scratch test for detection of VECs migration (×100)
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; VECs: vascular endothelial cells. A: control VECs; B: PDGF-C treated VECs
图8 血管内皮细胞及间充质干细胞transwell迁移实验
Figure 8 Transwell assay for detection of VECs and MSCs migration at 24h (×100)
PDGF-C: platelet-derived growth factor-C; VECs: vascular endothelial cells; MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells. A: control VECs; B: PDGF-C treated VECs; C: control MSCs; D: PDGF-C treated MSCs
PDGF-C在组织的损伤修复中不仅表现其丝裂原活性,同时能增加细胞的迁移能力。研究表明PDGF-C可促进基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinases,MMPs)的上调[12],MMPs通过其酶解能力,减少细胞外基质,从而促使细胞迁移[13],而MMP-2和MMP-9均可刺激局部组织血管的新生[14]。在细胞划痕实验及Transwell细胞迁移实验中,观察到20μg/L的PDGF-C能明显促进VECs及MSCs的迁移,而其对MSCs促进作用更为明显。
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(编辑: 周宇红)
Platelet-derived growth factor-C promotes proliferation and migration of vessel endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells
WANG Zi-Jing, QIAN Zhi-Yong, GUO Xi-Min, GAO De-Wei*
(Second Department of Geriatric Comprehensive Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)
To determine the effect of platelet-derived growth factor-C (PDGF-C) on vascular endothelial cells (VECs) and mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) culturedo.The VECs were isolated from thoracic aorta of SD rats and then cultured. Cryopreserved MSCs were cultured after water bath at 37℃. Cell counting and MTT assay were used to detect the effect of PDGF-C (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50μg/L) on cell proliferation. Flow cytometry was used to detect cell phases. Transwell assay and cell scratch test were used to detect cell migration.PDGF-C significantly promoted the proliferation of VECs and MSCs, and increased the percentage of the cells arrested at S phase. Its effect on the VECs proliferation was found in a dose-dependent manner. PDGF-C of 20μg/L promoted the MSCs proliferation at a summit. PDGF-C also promoted the migration ability of cultured VECs and MSCs, especially on MSCs.PDGF-C promotes the proliferation and migration of cultured VECs and MSCs.
rats; platelet-derived growth factor-C; vascular endothelial cells; mesenchymal stem cells; cell proliferation; migration
高德伟, E-mail: gaodw301@sina.com