旋毛虫Hsp70与Ts87融合蛋白的构建表达及鉴定 孙 靓 孙 青 房 磊 杨 静 顾 园 毕 阔 诸欣平(1)
活性氧清除剂NAC抑制阴道毛滴虫排泄分泌物诱导的SiHa细胞凋亡 全娟花 李 鹏 黄 瑞 楚佳奇(7)
云南省蚊媒病毒分离物的初步鉴定 赵秋敏 郭晓芳 左曙青 周红宁 张久松(12)
家蝇幼虫抗菌肽粗提物与8种纯化物对SUP-B15细胞增殖抑制和诱导的凋亡作用 王文健 赵瑞君 李 珀 杜 斌 原发家 聂守民 程璟侠 李彦红(18)
家蝇抗菌肽对FBL-3红白血病原代细胞增殖影响浓度的探索 杜 斌 赵瑞君 程璟侠 王文健 原发家 聂守民 李彦红(24)
中国棘蝇起源、分化和种类及种团地理分布格局 于 腾 薛万琦(29)
黑龙江口岸斑点热群立克次体调查研究 鞠文东 程 成 付维明 王延禄 呼满霞 梁慧杰 王红霞 徐 宁 耿 聪(37)
应用DNA条形码技术鉴定凭祥口岸蚊种 王海玲 万道正 张晓龙 孙肖红 梁中平 于建国 杨会敏 徐宝梁(44)
光泽棘蝇种团一新种 (双翅目:蝇科:棘蝇属) 吴传刚 董钧铭 魏濂艨(48)
峨眉山的库蠓及一新种描述 廖忠友 王飞鹏 虞以新(52)
大型工程建设项目对血吸虫病传播流行的影响 谢 娟 闻礼永(55)
蜱RNA干扰的不同方法与应用 崔 杰 周金林(65)
基于山梨醇多次同步化处理的恶性疟原虫体外培养同步化方法 姚 瑶 张连惠 席珏敏 郭 莉 李 月 王 恒(71)
湖南怀化地区三带喙库蚊和猪自然感染乙脑病毒调查 陈 晨 郭晓霞 蒋 勇 宋世佩 李春晓 赵彤言 (77)
2008~2013年中国流行性乙型脑炎流行病学特征分析 刘其龙 雷正龙 赵彤言(82)
2008~2013年北京市恙虫病分布特征及临床诊断分析 田丽丽 张立芹 张华岗 刘玉英 严 燕 吕燕宁 任海林 李 旭 王全意 黎新宇(88)
中国璃眼蜱属(蜱螨亚纲:硬蜱科)研究—附新记录种盾陷璃眼蜱HyalommaexcavatumKoch, 1844的描述 黎 唯 孙 毅 张桂林 许荣满(94)
威洛莫尔尻麻蝇Liopygianodosa(Engel,1925)(双翅目:麻蝇科)的重描述及分类地位探讨 张丽杰 邓耀华 刘兴亮 郭慧琳 张冠楠 刘艳华(104)
国境口岸进口动物及动物产品传入人畜共患病风险分析体系的建立 任 彤 马树宝 刘艳华 赵彤言(110)
国际航行船舶外来媒介及其携带传染病传入的风险评估系统的建立 陈卫军 谭绪良 刘志辉 赵彤言(117)
湖南吉首地区硬蜱科种类初步调查分析 张开仁 段绩辉 龚锡文(126)
棘蝇属仿游荡棘蝇种团一新种(双翅目 蝇科) 吴传刚 董钧铭 魏濂艨(130)
蚊虫蛋白质组学的研究进展 朱长强 谭伟龙(133)
恙虫病东方体三种膜蛋白抗原包被酶联免疫吸附试验的特异性和敏感性分析 汪鹏程 熊小路 焦 俊 龚文平 杨晓梅 温博海(141)
成蚊监测方法中监测频率与监测周期的准确度分析及优化 高 强 周毅彬 曹 晖 冷培恩(147)
我国不同地理株尖音库蚊复合组雄蚊尾器的分类学研究 邢 丹 赵明惠 张恒端 王 刚 刘美德 汪中明 董言德 赵彤言(157)
陕西省蚊科区系调查 韩雪玲 刘增加 史锋庆 张亚萍 胡淑芳(163)
新疆北部干旱区湿地蚊虫区系研究 郑 重 刘晓明 张桂林 孙 响 刘 然 李海龙 赵 焱(171)
在无杀虫剂选择下家蝇拟除虫菊酯抗性等位基因频率的变化 潘 婧 周云辉 李 梅 李保同 邱星辉(176)
中国硬蜱属(蜱目:硬蜱科)研究—系统分类与检索 严 格 孙 毅 许荣满(181)
四川省峨眉山区有瓣蝇类(昆虫纲,双翅目)昆虫名录初报 冯 炎(189)
毛蠓八新种(双翅目:蠓科) 虞以新 严 格(198)
弓形虫gra14基因真核表达载体的构建及其免疫保护性研究 陈晓恒 郑 斌 丁建祖 楼 涤 童群波 孔庆明 陈 睿 陆绍红(205)
致倦库蚊卵黄羧肽酶基因与溴氰菊酯抗性关系的研究 刘钦梅 李春晓 刁晓平 廖承红 韩 谦 赵彤言(212)
云南高原湖泊湿地蚊类多样性空间分布特征及与重要环境因素关系 臧颖惠 龚正达 连宏宇 边长玲 琚俊科 李 栋 岳仁萍 张丽云 周红宁(217)
蚊虫RNAi显微注射方法的建立 吴 群 李春晓 廖承红 韩 谦 赵彤言(233)
DNA条形码技术在媒介生物种类鉴定中的应用 张 勤 刘亚风 王晓梦 张 芳 王 凯 高 洁(238)
家蝇幼虫抗菌肽粗提物对原代FBL-3细胞增殖周期的影响 聂守民 邢佳欣 赵瑞君 程璟侠 刘娟娟(244)
中国扇头蜱属(蜱目:硬蜱科) (Ixodida:Ixodidae) 系统分类与检索 孙 毅 黎 唯 许荣满(250)
福建长乐松下码头小型兽类及体表寄生虫监测分析 邱元明 黄恩炯 林 伟 郑 峰 陈光敏 张晓龙(259)
细蠓一新种的描述 尹小平 田延河 虞以新(263)
病媒生物防治新技术研究进展 陈 晨 刘 冰 高志丹 宋世佩 薛金伟 郝永建(266)
Expression and characterization of a fusion proteinTs-Hsp70 andTs87 ofTrichinellaspiralisSUNLiangSUNQingFANGLeiYANGJingGUYuanBIKuoZHUXin-Ping(6)
Reactive oxygen species scavenger protects SiHa cell apoptosis induced byTrichomonasvaginalisexcretory-secretory productsQUANJuan-HuaLIPengHUANGRuiCHUJia-Qi(11)
Identification of mosquito-borne virus isolates in Yunnan Province, ChinaZHAOQiu-MinGUOXiao-FangZUOShu-QingZHOUHong-NingZHANGJiu-Song(17)
Crude extracts and purified products of antimicrobial peptides from housefly larvae on SUP-B15 cell proliferation inhibition and induce apoptosisWANGWen-JianZHAORui-JunLIPoDUBinYUANFa-JiaNIEShou-MinCHENGJing-XiaLIYan-Hong(23)
Effect of the concentration ofMuscadomesticaantimicrobial peptide on the proliferation of primary FBL-3 cellsDUBinZHAORui-JunCHENGJing-XiaWANGWen-JianYUANFa-JiaNIEShou-MinLIYan-Hong(28)
Origin, evolution, species and species-groups distribution patterns of the genusPhaoniain ChinaYUTengXUEWan-Qi(36)
Investigation of spotted fever groupRickettsiain Heilongjiang portJUWen-DongCHENGChengFUWei-MingWANGYan-LuHUMan-XiaLIANGHui-JieWANGHong-XiaXUNingGENGCong(43)
Identification of mosquitoes in Pingxiang port with DNA barcoding techniquesWANGHai-LingWANDao-ZhengZHANGXiao-LongSUNXiao-HongLIANGZhong-PingYUJian-GuoYANGHui-MinXUBao-Liang(47)
A new species ofPhaonianymphaearum-group (Diptera, Muscidae) from ChinaWUChuan-GangDONGJun-MingWEILian-Meng(51)
A new species ofCulicoides(Diptera:Ceratopogonidae) from Emei Mountain, ChinaLIAOZhong-YouWANGFei-PengYUYi-Xin(54)
Impact of gigantic engineering construction projects on transmission and prevalence of schistosomiasisXIEJuanWENLi-Yong(64)
Deliver methods and applications of RNA interference in ticksCUIJieZHOUJin-Lin(70)
Invitrosynchronization ofPlasmodiumfalciparumerythrocytic stages by serial treatment of sorbitolYAOYaoZHANGLian-HuiXIYu-MinGUOLiLIYueWANGHeng(76)
Natural infection of Japanese encephalitis virus inCulextritaeniorhynchusmosquitoes and pigs in Huaihua city of Hu′nan Province, ChinaCHENChenGUOXiao-XiaJIANGYongSONGShi-PeiLIChun-XiaoZHAOTong-Yan(81)
Epidemiological characteristic analysis of Japanese encephalitis in mainland China during 2008~2013LIUQi-LongLEIZheng-LongZHAOTong-Yan(87)
Analysis on epidemiologic distribution and clinical diagnosis of Scrub typhus in Beijing, ChinaTIANLi-LiZHANGLi-QinZHANGHua-GangLIUYu-YingYANYanLYUYan-NingRENHai-LinLIXuWANGQuan-YiLIXin-Yu(93)
GenusHyalommaKoch, 1844 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) in China with description of new record speciesHyalommaexcavatumKoch, 1844LIWeiSUNYiZHANGGui-LinXURong-Man(103)
Redescription ofLiopygianodosa(Engel, 1925) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), with discussion taxonomic statusZHANGLi-JieDENGYao-HuaLIUXing-LiangGUOHui-LinZHANGGuan-NanLIUYan-Hua(109)
Risk analysis for zoonosis retrieved by imported animals and animal products at border portsRENTongMAShu-BaoLIUYan-HuaZHAOTong-Yan(116)
Risk evaluation system on imported medical vectors and vector-borne disease for international navigation shipsCHENWei-JunTANXu-LiangLIUZhi-HuiZHAOTong-Yan(125)
Preliminary investigation and analysis on Ixodidae ticks in Jishoucity, Hu’nan ProvinceZHANGKai-RenDUANJi-HuiGONGXi-Wen(129)
A new speciesPhaoniajizushanaofPhaoniasimulans-group (Diptera, Muscidae,Phaonia) from ChinaWUChuan-GangDONGJun-MingWEILian-Meng(132)
Advances in researches of mosquito proteomicsZHUChang-QiangTANWei-Long(140)
Analyses of specificity and sensitivity of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with three membrane-associated proteins ofOrientiatsutsugamushiWANGPeng-ChengXIONGXiao-LuJIAOJunGONGWen-PingYANGXiao-MeiWENBo-Hai(146)
Accuracy analysis and optimization of mosquito monitoring frequency and monitoring cycleGAOQiangZHOUYi-BinCAOHuiLENGPei-En(156)
Taxonomic studies on the male genitalia of different geographic strains ofCulexpipienscomplex in ChinaXINGDanZHAOMing-HuiZHANGHeng-DuanWANGGangLIUMei-DeWANGZhong-MingDONGYan-DeZHAOTong-Yan(161)
Fauna of Culicidae insects in Shaanxi ProvinceHANXue-LingLIUZeng-JiaSHIFeng-QingZHANGYa-PingHUShu-Fang(170)
Studies on mosquito fauna in the wetlands of the arid region of northern XinjiangZHENGZhongLIUXiao-MingZHANGGui-LinSUNXiangLIURanLIHai-LongZHAOYan(175)
Frequency dynamics of pyrethroid resistance alleles in a field-derived house fly colony in absence of insecticide selectionPANJingZHOUYun-HuiLIMeiLIBao-TongQIUXing-Hui(180)
Ticks of genusIxodes(Ixodida, Ixodidae) in China:Systematic and key to subgeneraYANGeSUNYiXURong-Man(188)
Checklist of calyptratae flies (Insecta: Diptera) in Mount Emei area of Sichuan province, ChinaFENGYan(197)
New species of genusDasyhelea(Dipetra:Ceratopogonidae)YUYi-XinYANGe(204)
Construction of eukaryotic expression vector ofToxoplasmagondiigra14 gene and its immunoprotective effectCHENXiao-HengZHENGBinDINGJian-ZuLOUDiTONGQun-BoKONGQing-MingCHENRuiLUShao-Hong(211)
Relationship between VCP gene and resistance to deltamethrin inCulexpipiensquinquefasciatusLIUQin-MeiLIChun-XiaoDIAOXiao-PingLIAOCheng-HongHANQianZHAOTong-Yan(216)
The mosquitoes diversity space distribution characteristics and relationship with environmental factors of lake wetland in Yunnan plateauZANGYing-HuiGONGZheng-DaLIANHong-YuBIANChang-LingJUJun-KeLIDongYUERen-PingZHANGLi-YunZHOUHong-Ning(232)
Microinjection method for RNAi on adult mosquitoesWUQunLIChun-XiaoLIAOChen-HongHANQianZHAOTong-Yan(237)
Application of DNA barcoding to the identification of medical vectors species at frontier portZHANGQinLIUYa-FengWANGXiao-MengZHANGFangWANGKaiGAOJie(243)
Effect of crude extracts of antibacterial peptides inMuscadomesticalarvae on cell cycle of primary FBL-3 cellsNIEShou-MinXINJia-XinZHAORui-JunCHENGJing-XiaLIUJuan-Juan(249)
Systematic classification ofRhipicephalusticks (Ixodida:Ixodidae) in ChinaSUNYiLIWeiXURong-Man(258)
The surveillance analysis of small mammals and epizoa at Fujian Changle Songxia PortQIUYuan-MingHUANGEn-JiongLINWeiZHENGFengCHENGuang-MinZHANGXiao-Long(262)
A new species ofLeptoconopsSkuse (Diptera:Ceratopogonidae) from Xinjiang,ChinaYINXiao-PingTIANYan-HeYUYi-Xin(265)
Research progress of disease vectors control technologiesCHENChenLIUBingGAOZhi-DanSONGShi-PeiXUEJin-WeiHAOYong-Jian(269)