建筑教育 AA建筑学院学生作品专栏


世界建筑导报 2015年4期

客座编辑:郭 馨


建筑教育 AA建筑学院学生作品专栏

客座编辑:郭 馨




AA School是一所享誉全球的建筑教育机构,被大家公认是一座历史悠久、非常国际化,但又会不断地孕育出新思想、新理念的学校。11年前,《世界建筑导报》曾经出版过《建筑联盟(AA)建筑教育专辑》(2004年1、2期),首次在中国比较全面地对AA School的教学体制和教学内容作了系统的介绍,收到广泛的关注和好评。今天,我们在“建筑教育”栏目中,再次对AA School的研究生课程设计研究实验室 (AA. DRL)进行介绍,即是希望读者在看到AA教学变化的同时,能够取长补短,对我们的建筑教育有所启迪。


英国AA 建筑联盟学院的设计研究实验室(Design Research Lab 俗称DRL)是世界上极具国际多样性的,以小组合作模式为基础的16 个月建筑学硕士学位课程。它现在包含四个平行的课程设计工作室,分别由Theodore Spyropoulous, Robert Stuart-Smith, Patrik Schumacher and Shajay Bhooshan主持。本期介绍的是ROB-STUARTSMITH课程设计工作室2009-2015年的精选项目。DRL是一个开放资源的设计工作室,致力于探索新的设计工具、设计系统、以及设计理论,从而实现在建筑设计与城市规划领域的突破和创新。DRL 积极调查和开发设计策略,并通过不同的设计策略去提取、控制和塑造当今飞速进化的数字化设计学中数据网络的连续信息流。自1997 年以来,DRL 在英国AA 建筑联盟学院这样一个充满生机的环境中不断成长、改变,并在建筑实践、研究和教育领域产生着更大的国际影响。


The Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA School) is a worldfamous institution for architectural education, and considered a key international contributor to architectural discourse, continuously breeding new ideas and ideologies. Eleven years ago, World Architecture Review published a special edition on the AA (the first and second joined edition of 2004). It was the first extensive presentation of the AA in China and introduced the AA School's unique educational system and teaching contents in detail, receiving widespread interest and praise. Now, our journal introduces an AA graduate design course studio from the Design Research Laboratory (AA. DRL) in order that our readers can see the continued evolution of architectural teaching at the AA, and hope that we can learn from it and see it positively influence our architectural education.

Course Introduction

The DRL is one of the most international and diverse post-professional design programmes, leading to an MArch (Architecture & Urbanism) degree. It is currently directed by Theodore Spyropoulous and contains 4 parallel 16-month design studios run by Theodore Spyropoulous, Robert Stuart-Smith, Patrik Schumacher and Shajay Bhooshan. The work featured in this edition is a selection of projects from Studio Robert Stuart-Smith over the course of the last six years 2009-2015. For over a decade, the DRL has been organised as an open-source design studio dedicated to a systematic exploration of new design tools, systems and discourses, targeting design innovations in architecture and urbanism. The DRL actively investigates and develops design skills with which to capture, control and shape a continuous flow of information across the distributed electronic networks of today’s rapidly-evolving digital design disciplines. Since 1997, DRL keeps growing, changing and evolving among the lively atmosphere of the AA school. Its international influence on architectural practice, research and education is prolific and continues to shape the future of architecture.


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