

当代外语研究 2015年11期




Cook, V. & D. Singleton. 2014.KeyTopicsinSecondLanguageAcquisition. Croydon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 9781783091799. pp. ⅹⅲ+149.

《二语习得中的重要话题》由Multilingual Matters出版社于2014年4月出版。它不是一本全面介绍二语习得的书,而是作者根据对二语习得的理解和研究讲述了二语习得领域的八个重要话题。




















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DeKeyser, R. 2000. The robustness of critical period effects in second language acquisition [J].StudiesinSecondLanguageAcquisition22: 499-533.

Gardner, R. C. 1985.SocialPsychologyandSecondLanguageLearning:TheRoleofAttitudesandMotivation[M]. London: Edward Arnold.

Rokita, J. 2006. Comparing early L2 lexical development in naturalistic and instructional settings [A]. In J. Leniewska & E. Witalisz (eds.).LanguageandIdentity:EnglishandAmericanStudiesintheAgeofGlobalization[C]. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press. 70-82.

Vallerand, R. J. 1997. Toward a hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation [J].AdvancesinExperimentalSocialPsychology29: 271-360.

Wilkins, D. A. 1990. Second language: How they are learned and taught [A]. In N. E. Collinge (ed.).AnEncyclopediaofLanguage[C]. London: Routledge. 518-50.


Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

His Philosophical Ideas Are Still with Us, by HUANG Guowen, p. 6

In this article the author recalls his communications with Professor XU Guozhang (born 100 years ago), during the 1980s and the 1990s, whose ideas of foreign language education and academic studies have influenced China’s foreign language teaching, learning and research for the past decades. The importance and value of teacher-student relationships in the Chinese context are also highlighted in this article.

Obligations and Missions of Foreign Language Discipline: On Professor Xu Guozhang’s Tribute to Foreign Language Education, by SHEN Qi, p. 11

Foreign Language Discipline in China owes much to Professor Xu Guozhang’s contributions to foreign language education. Thumbing through Professor Xu’s works, this paper critically reviews on disciplinary challenges and proposes to promote the institutional, academic and pedagogical thoughts of Professor Xu. It concludes by advocating four approaches to strengthening disciplinary development.

Thousands of Grateful Students in Tribute to Thee as Peach and Plumb Trees in Bloom Every Year, by CHANG Fengqi, p. 15

This article is the author’s recollection of the steps he has taken onto the path of English learning and teaching under the beacon of the late Professor Xu Guozhang. In high school the author decided to choose English as his major of study at university. Since entry into the university he has stepped into the palace of English learning, and the four years of majoring in English was completed with the reading of Professor Xu’s essays on English learning. In the course of postgraduate studies and in the English teaching career, he was ushered to English teaching and research through the reading of Prof. Xu’s academic papers. Though never favored the chance to meet Prof. Xu in person, the author has proudly recognized the professor as his own tutor. This article is thus written in commemoration of a deceased mentor.

Study on the Metaphorical Mechanism of Verb with Thinking Activity Meaning, by PENG Yuhai & LV Ye, p. 18

Thinking activity belongs to human’s spirit and will action of invisible hierarchy, often needs to be expressed through method of metaphoric-cognitive semantics in language. The paper selects typical verb word and verbal phrase, idiom with shift meaning of thinking activity as object, and analyzes metaphor mechanism and cognitive operation of the unique thinking verb from metaphorical image schema and cognitive model. The analysis would widen horizons of verbal metaphorical research, provide new theoretical clue for exploring verbal cognitive semantics and metaphor theory, and moreover, provide new revelation for studying verb polysemy and its cognitive semantics.

The Reversibility of Figure-Ground Theory and the Cognitive Mechanism of Metonymy, by LU Junyu, p. 24

The reversal of Figure-Ground organization not only illuminates the reversibility of metonymic mappings but also finds its way to set up a holistic framework to elaborate the cognitive mechanisms in generating and construing metonymy which are two reverse cognitive processes occurring in different time and space, and, therefore, it is inadvisable and misleading to mix up the two processes or only pay attention to either of them in metonymic research.

Philosophical Foundation and Cultural Mapping of Love Metaphors in English and Chinese from a Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, by HE Jie & ZHOU Liuxi, p. 30

The traditional metaphorical view believes that a metaphor is a figure of speech without a metonymic word and its basic paradigm is A is B. Meanwhile, it is regarded as a pure linguistic phenomenon and simple rhetorical device, and the study on it is limited to the category of rhetorical device and literature. However, with the deeper development of metaphor studies in cognitive linguistics, metaphor is regarded not only as a linguistic phenomenon, but also as an important tool and thinking mode of human beings to know the world. On the basis of analyzing a considerable amount of metaphorical expressions about love in English and Chinese with a comparative way from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, this paper elaborates the philosophical foundation of their common and different traits showing the relative cognitive mechanism and reflecting the nature of cultural mapping.

A Study on Problems with the Curriculum for Postgraduate Students of English Majors in Chinese Tertiary Institutions, by CHANG Junyue & YU Xinhui, p. 40

Curriculum is an important part of postgraduates’ education. In view of the inadequate attention to curriculum study for English-majoring postgraduates, this study probed the problem concerning curriculum through a qualitative study of a typical educational institution for English-majoring postgraduates with in-depth interview as an instrument of data collection. The study discovered the problems of disproportionated courses on English studies and non-English studies, inadequate offering of important courses, insufficient guidance in postgraduates’ selection of courses, and unbalanced courses for theory and practice. Causes of the problems were examined and their coping strategies were proposed. The findings are likely to benefit the development of curriculum for English-majoring postgraduates in Chinese tertiary institutions.

The Impact of Different Cooperative Learning Patterns on Learners’ Positive Interdependence and Autonomous Learning Ability, by ZHANG Mulin & SONG Hongbo, p. 44

This study explores the impact of different cooperative learning patterns on learners’ positive interdependence and English autonomous learning ability. Based on the hypothesis of “output-driven, input-enabled”, this study designs a blended cooperative learning pattern. A 24-week contrastive teaching experiment and a questionnaire survey reveal that, learners engaged in blended cooperative learning show a significantly higher degree of positive interdependence, especially resource interdependence. Blended cooperative learning also resulted in significantly higher autonomous learning ability in general, but improvement with the strategy-oriented ability is not so obvious. Correlation analysis suggests that positive interdependence and its two forms, i.e., goal interdependence and resource interdependence, are all positively correlated with autonomous learning ability, but the correlation between resource interdependence and autonomous learning ability is significantly stronger. To ensure the effectiveness of cooperative learning and thereby improve learners’ autonomous learning ability, teachers should make improve evaluative mechanism, pinpoint individual accountability, conduct explicit strategy-oriented teaching and reinforce constructive guidance on learners’ cooperative learning.

The Poetic Features of Xi Jinping’s Important Expositions and Their Translation: From a Perspective of Soft Power, by CHEN Wei, p. 59

The way Xi Jinping expounds his series views on the governance of China presents a new poetic appearance to the world. The paper firstly analyzes the poetic features of Xi’s important expositions, and then studies how the poetic features could produce mutual influence over our national soft power, from the perspective of which how Xi’s important expositions should be translated is accordingly explored.

