

地球物理学报 2015年10期

王亮, 毛志强, 孙中春, 罗兴平, 宋永, 王振林

1 西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院, 成都 610500 2 国土资源部沉积盆地与油气资源重点实验室, 成都 610081 3 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 北京 102249 4 北京市地球探测与信息技术重点实验室, 北京 102249 5 新疆油田公司勘探开发研究院, 新疆克拉玛依 834000


王亮1,2, 毛志强3,4, 孙中春5, 罗兴平5, 宋永5, 王振林5

1 西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院, 成都 610500 2 国土资源部沉积盆地与油气资源重点实验室, 成都 610081 3 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 北京 102249 4 北京市地球探测与信息技术重点实验室, 北京 102249 5 新疆油田公司勘探开发研究院, 新疆克拉玛依 834000



1 引言

渗透率描述了流体在岩石内部流动的难易程度,是评价泥质砂岩渗流特性与预测油气产能的重要参数.目前,对泥质砂岩渗透率的评价主要集中在绝对渗透率与液相渗透率的评价两个方面(匡立春等, 2002).绝对渗透率是指单一流体在岩石孔隙中流动而与岩石没有发生物理化学作用时所测得的渗透率(孙建孟和闫国亮, 2012; 景成等, 2013; 闫国亮等, 2014).在渗透率实验测量中,由于空气与岩石难以发生物理化学作用;因此,通常将空气渗透率作为岩石的绝对渗透率.液相渗透率是指盐水溶液在岩石孔隙中流动且与岩石孔隙表面黏土矿物发生物理化学作用时所测得的渗透率(匡立春等, 2002).由于液相渗透率的测量条件更加接近实际地层泥质砂岩的条件,使得液相渗透率更能反映地层条件下泥质砂岩的渗流特性(Macary, 1999; 谢伟彪等, 2014).

对绝对渗透率计算方法的研究国内外众多学者做了大量工作,研究的思路可总结为:①根据岩石物理实验数据,在分析影响绝对渗透率主控因素的基础上,建立绝对渗透率的统计模型.②基于毛管束模型与Darcy定律,推导建立绝对渗透率的理论模型.大量岩心实验数据表明,影响绝对渗透率的参数较多,主要有孔隙度、束缚水饱和度、颗粒分选性与平均粒径、矿物组分、岩石比表面、孔隙曲折度、喉道半径等.基于这些影响因素,众多学者建立了大量的渗透率统计模型.Jennings与Lucia(2001)、焦翠华与徐朝晖(2006)根据孔隙度与渗透率的幂函数与指数函数关系,分别建立了基于孔隙度参数的绝对渗透率统计模型.Krumbein和Monk(1943)提出了考虑颗粒分选性与平均粒径的绝对渗透率统计模型.Herron(1987)提出了考虑矿物组成的绝对渗透率统计模型.Timur(1968)、Coates与Denoo(1981)建立了基于孔隙度、束缚水饱和度等参数的绝对渗透率评价模型.Kenyon(1997)、Kenyon 等(1988)、Coates等(1991)、陈刚等(2012)在Timur公式的基础上,提出了SDR模型、Coates模型与孔隙空间集中分布模型.考虑喉道半径对绝对渗透率的作用,Schowalter(1979)、Thompson与Raschke (1987)、Pittman(1992)、Swanson(1981)、成志刚等(2014)根据压汞曲线分别用R10、R35、Swanson等参数计算绝对渗透率.Waxman 与Smits(1968)提出阳离子交换容量(Qv)对泥质砂岩导电性的影响以后,众多学者注意到了阳离子交换容量对渗透率的影响.De Lima (1995)、Sen等(1990)根据阳离子交换容量与绝对渗透率之间的统计关系,建立了绝对渗透率的统计模型.对渗透率理论模型的研究主要体现在Kozeny-Carman(KC)模型的建立.Kozeny (1927)基于毛管束理论,提出了Kozeny绝对渗透率计算公式.Carman (1937)对Kozeny公式进行了证明,并进一步修改得到了KC模型.由于KC模型中比表面与喉道曲折度等参数求取困难,KC模型的使用受到限制.Nooruddin与Hossain(2012)根据喉道曲折度与胶结指数、地层因素的关系,提出了基于胶结指数、地层因素等参数的改进KC模型.Amaefule等(1993)、宋宁等(2013)在分析KC模型的基础上,提出了基于划分流动单元的绝对渗透率计算方法.Shan和Chen(1993)、Grunau等(1993)、Chen等(1998)、He等(1999)基于格子Boltzmann方法探索了流体的流动及多相渗透率.



2 泥质砂岩液相渗透率理论计算模型

2.1 泥质砂岩液相渗透率与黏土束缚水饱和度的关系

将长度为L,截面积为A的多孔介质岩石等效为个数为n,半径为r的平行毛细管束模型(Kozeny, 1927; Carmen, 1937; Nooruddin and Hossain, 2011; 葛新明等, 2011).基于泊肃叶方程,可得到纯岩石的毛细管模型:


















图1 泥质砂岩毛细管模型示意图Fig.1 Capillary model of shaly sandstone





















2.2 泥质砂岩黏土束缚水饱和度与阳离子交换容量、溶液矿化度的关系




式中,mCBW为黏土束缚水质量,g.ρCBW为黏土束缚水密度,假设为1 g·cm-3.引入参数Ws,代表每单位质量干岩样含有的黏土活化水的质量,即








图2 泥质砂岩岩石物理体积模型Fig.2 Physical volume model of shaly sandstone









2.3 泥质砂岩液相渗透率理论计算模型









图3 液相渗透率与阳离子交换容量的关系Fig.3 Relationship between cation exchange capacity and fluid permeability

图4 不同溶液矿化度条件下的渗透率变化特征Fig.4 Characteristics of fluid permeability with different salinity

3 泥质砂岩液相渗透率与空气渗透率转化模型


3.1 液相渗透率与空气渗透率的转换模型

在岩心空气渗透率测量过程中,由于空气与黏土不发生电化学反应,在黏土表面不会形成水膜,即空气渗透率不受黏土表面束缚水的影响(Juhasz,1979;Hill et al.,1979).此时,公式(26)中(1-(0.084S-1/2+0.22)Qv)m值为1.因此,空气渗透率可以表示为





3.2 液相渗透率与空气渗透率转换模型的刻度






3.3 液相渗透率与空气渗透率转换模型的有效性验证



图5 岩心液相渗透率与模型计算液相渗透率交会图Fig.5 Cross plot of core analyzed fluid permeability and estimated fluid permeability

4 结论

1) 液相渗透率理论计算模型由KC模型与(1-(0.084S-1/2+0.22)Qv)m两部分组成;与绝对渗透率相比,液相渗透率除了受到岩石孔隙度、比表面、喉道曲折度等影响因素外,还受溶液矿化度、岩石阳离子交换容量的影响.液相渗透率随阳离子交换容量的增大而降低,随溶液矿化度的降低而降低.

表1 岩心基本物性参数与两种不同溶液矿化度液相渗透率测量结果(匡立春等,2002)Table 1 Physical parameters of cores and its fluid permeability with two salinity

表2 岩心基本物性参数与液相渗透率测量结果 (S=12 g·L-1) (Waxman与Smits, 1968)Table 2 Physical parameters of cores and its fluid permeability with one salinity (S=12 g·L-1)

2) 液相渗透率理论计算模型中喉道曲折度、比表面等参数求取困难,直接利用理论模型计算液相渗透率困难.利用液相渗透率与空气渗透率之间的转换模型,可有效计算液相渗透率.

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(本文编辑 汪海英)

A new method for calculating fluid permeability of shaly sandstone

WANG Liang1,2, MAO Zhi-Qiang3,4, SUN Zhong-Chun5, LUO Xing-Ping5, SONG Yong5, WANG Zhen-Lin5


The fluid permeability describes the flow characteristics of rock, which is an important parameter in the evaluation of reservoirs and prediction of oil and gas production. The fluid permeability can be measured when brine solution flow in pores and has physical and chemical effects with clays which adhere to or coat the grains. The measurement conditions of fluid permeability are similar to the actual conditions of shale sandstone reservoirs, so this parameter is considered to be better expression of the flow characteristics of shale sandstone reservoirs. However, there are few evaluation models of fluid permeability reported, and the existing models cannot reveal the relationship between fluid permeability and salinity of solution. To address this issue, this paper presents a model for fluid permeability calculation.In this study, based on the assumption that the shaly sand can be simplified as a capillary tubes model, a expression of fluid permeability in terms of the surface area, tortuosity of throat, total porosity, and bound water porosity of clay is deduced. In addition, according to the physics volume model, the relationship of bound water porosity of clay to cation exchange capacity and salinity of solution is derived. Finally, by means of introducing the bound water porosity of clay to the expression of fluid permeability, a theoretical model of fluid permeability in terms of total porosity, cation exchange capacity, salinity of solution, surface area, and tortuosity of throat is deduced. The theoretical model and two sets of experimental data of fluid permeability show that the fluid permeability decreases with the increasing cation exchange capacity, and increases with the growing salinity of solution.However, in the application of the model of fluid permeability, it is difficult to calculate the parameters of the surface area and tortuosity of throat. So the application of the theoretical model to calculate the fluid permeability is limited. Based on the analysis of the models of fluid permeability and air permeability, a transformation model of fluid permeability and air permeability is established. Then, with the help of the transformation model, a new method for calculating fluid permeability is suggested. In order to verify the accuracy of the transformation model of fluid permeability and air permeability, two sets of experimental data are used to calculate fluid permeability. Comparison of the calculated fluid permeability and core measured fluid permeability shows that the calculated fluid permeability matches fairly well with core measured results, which indicates that the transformation model in this study is credible.

Fluid permeability; Cation exchange capacity; Fluid salinity; Shaly sandstone

10.6038/cjg20151033.Wang L, Mao Z Q, Sun Z C, et al. 2015. A new method for calculating fluid permeability of shaly sandstone.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),58(10):3837-3844,doi:10.6038/cjg20151033.






≤≥≪ ≫图7 (b) Upscaled facies sequence;王亮, 毛志强, 孙中春等. 2015. 泥质砂岩液相渗透率计算新方法.地球物理学报,58(10):3837-3844,

