1.中国科学院计算地球动力学重点实验室,北京 100049 2.中国科学院大学地球科学学院,北京 100049
1.中国科学院计算地球动力学重点实验室,北京 100049 2.中国科学院大学地球科学学院,北京 100049
0 引言
1 材料与方法
1.1 样品采集
采样地点位于北京东灵山地区(39° 48′ N, 115° 24′ E)一次生林东坡,海拔1 500~1 600 m,主要植被有白桦(Betulaplatyphylla)、辽东栎(Quercusliaotungenisis)和蒙古栎(Quercusmongolicus),另有少量五角枫(Acermono)和胡桃楸(Juglansmandshurica)伴生。
根据凋落物的新鲜程度和物理性状差异,可区分新鲜凋落物层(fresh litter layer, F)和半分解凋落物层(fragmented litter layer, R)。其中:F层为新鲜黄色或轻微变色的未分解凋落物,叶片基本完整,仅局部有微小破损,干燥易碎;R层为中度到强度破碎成片段的凋落物,叶脉可见,叶肉呈棕黑色,湿度大。二者分层清晰,外观差别明显。
用五点取样法分别采集F层和R层样品,装入信封后立即封口,用冷藏箱带回实验室,在4 ℃冰箱内暂时保存备用。
1.2 实验方法
准确称取相当于5 g干物质质量的凋落物,置于95 mL无菌NaCl溶液(0.85%)中,振荡摇匀30 min,每个样品均设置未离心(分别记为F-1,R-1)和离心(分别记为F-2,R-2)两组不同处理,其中做离心处理的相对离心力为1 500 g,离心时间为10 min。在超净台中,用10倍稀释法将样品淋洗液浓度稀释至10-3梯度。移取150 μL样品稀释液于预热至25 ℃的BIOLOGTMECO板微孔后,25 ℃避光恒温培养228 h,每隔12 h在BIOLOG读数器上读取590 nm和750 nm两波段下的吸光度值。对微生物群落第72 h的CLPP进行主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)和多样性指数分析[6,31-32]。样品测定在中国科学院生态环境研究中心系统生态重点实验室完成。
1.3 数据统计
微生物代谢活性用590 nm(颜色+浊度)与750 nm(浊度)两波段处吸光度的差值表示[33]。计算微孔的平均颜色变化率(average well color development,AWCD):
2 结果
2.1 离心操作对样品培养液浊度的影响
BIOLOGTMECO微平板的对照孔(A1,A5,A9)中无单一碳底物,其在波长750 nm[33]处吸光度的变化可以指示培养液浊度的变化、追踪浊度对平板显色的干扰程度。
图1 凋落物层微生物培育过程中微孔吸光度变化Fig.1 Variations of absorbance of micro pores in the proass of microbial communities overtime in BIOLOGTM ECO micro-plates
2.2 离心操作对微生物群落功能多样性的影响
2.2.1 AWCD曲线
图2 凋落物层微生物培育过程中AWCD变化Fig.2 Variations of AWCD over time in the process of microbial communities in BIOLOGTM ECO micro-plates
2.2.2 多样性指数
表1 微生物群落功能多样性指数①
Table 1 Functional diversified indices of microbial communities in litter fall
2.2.3 PCA成分图
3 讨论
图3 微生物群落碳源利用特性的主成分分析图Fig.3 Principal component analysis of microbial communities in fallen leaves for sole carbon sources
对照孔浊度在前36 h的增幅较大,之后趋于平稳(图1)。这可能是由于微生物短期内利用培养液中含有的有机质进行生命代谢、微孔内微生物群落数量增多造成的。当可利用的有机质消耗殆尽,微生物生命代谢变弱,群落数量逐渐稳定。这一现象也证明,微生物会利用培养液本身的有机质,导致额外的颜色反应[28],干扰平板显色结果。
F层凋落物经历风化、分解时间较短,破碎程度很小;而R层凋落物经历一定时期(本试验采集凋落物样品为400~460 d)的分解过程,破碎程度大,可溶性有机成分和细小颗粒含量较多[35-38],微生物群落数量也多。因此,半分解层凋落物的微生物群落活性高于新鲜凋落物。同时,这也是导致半分解层凋落物离心(1 500 g, 10 min)后溶液浊度减小幅度较大(图1)的原因。
表2 BIOLOGTM ECO微平板上PC1和PC2的主要负荷因子碳源
4 结论
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Centrifugation Effect on the Functional Diversity of Microbial Community in Fallen Leaves Displaying in BIOLOG Micro-Plates
Li Yumei1,2, Luo Mingqi1,2, Pan Guoyong1,2, Tao Qianye1,2
The decomposition of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystem is an important link in the global carbon cycle; however, and the knowledge of this process are still not sufficient. One of the reasons is the lack of a systematical recognition to the changes of microbial community functional diversity during a decomposition of plant litter. Things will get better if the method of BIOLOG micro-plates can be introduced into the initial degradation process of plant litter. Unfortunately, there was no conclusion on how to use this method to the initial degradation, and whether a centrifugal operation should be used during the process of pretreatment. We choose the eluting solution of Beijing birch forest litter as inoculums and consider the effects of centrifugal operation on the BIOLOG micro-plates. The results show that centrifugation can reduce the turbidity (absorbance decreases 0.13) and the interference of color to the solution. At the same time, centrifugation could reduce the measured quantity of microbial communities (AWCDvalue can be reduced by 0.4). The less the quantity of microbial communities in the sample is, the greater the impact on the functional diversity of soil microbial communities is. Therefore, a specific study target should be the judging basis to determine whether a centrifugation is used for its pretreatment.
BIOLOG;centrifugation;leaf litter;microbial community;functional diversity
Li Yumei, Luo Mingqi, Pan Guoyong, et al. Centrifugation Effect on the Functional Diversity of Microbial Community in Fallen Leaves Displaying in BIOLOG Micro-Plates.Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition,2015,45(4):1198-1204.doi:10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201504206.