

地球物理学报 2015年8期

吴小平, 刘洋, 王威

1 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院 地震与地球内部物理实验室, 合肥 230026 2 蒙城地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站, 蒙城 233500 3 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司研究院, 广州 510240


吴小平1,2, 刘洋1,2, 王威3

1 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院 地震与地球内部物理实验室, 合肥 230026 2 蒙城地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站, 蒙城 233500 3 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司研究院, 广州 510240


电阻率; 三维反演; 非结构网格; 地形

1 引言

直流电阻率法是电法勘探的最经典方法之一,在金属矿产、非金属矿产、煤田、油气及地下水等资源、能源勘探中获得广泛而有效的应用,并已拓展到水文、工程、环境、考古等与国民经济建设、人类社会生活密切相关的探测领域(傅良魁,1983;吴小平和汪彤彤,2002).电法勘探具灵活性及勘探费用低的显著特点,演变出诸如单极、偶极及多极装置的电剖面法、电测深方法等多种观测方式.特别是20世纪末发明的高密度电法仪器,可以高效地获得大量地电观测数据,使得地下精细结构的电阻率三维反演成像成为可能,并迅速成为该领域国内外学者关注的前沿课题(Park and Van Gregory,1991;Li and Oldenburg,1994;Dabas et al.,1994;Sasaki,1994;Zhang et al.,1995;Loke and Barker,1996;何继善,1997;底青云等,1997;吴小平和汪彤彤,2002;黄俊革等,2004).

随着计算机及数值计算技术的发展,电阻率三维正、反演取得很大进展,预条件共轭梯度、多重网格等算法的引入大大提高了电阻率三维有限差分法、有限单元法数值模拟的计算速度和精度(Spitzer,1995;Zhou and Greenhalgh,2001;Li and Spitzer,2002;Wu,2003;Wu et al.,2003;Lu et al.,2010;Ren and Tang,2010;Pan and Tang,2014;Ren and Tang,2014),为电阻率三维快速反演奠定基础.在电阻率三维反演中,由于反演参数多和数据量大,雅可比矩阵(偏导数矩阵)巨大的计算量和存储需求难于克服.许多学者研究可避开计算雅可比矩阵的反演算法,如基于Born近似的三维反演方法(Li and Oldenburg,1994),避开了雅可比矩阵计算,简单快速地得到地下介质导电率的三维分布.Born近似在地下介质导电率变化不大时比较精确,地下介质越复杂,则精确程度越低,反演分辨率受到很大限制.Zhang等(1995)、吴小平和徐果明(2000)引入共轭梯度方法,解决了电阻率三维有限差分正演效率及三维反演中雅可比矩阵求取、存储两方面问题,实现了比较快速、有效的电阻率真三维反演.宛新林等(2005)通过对光滑度矩阵元素进行适当改进,使之适用于各种情况下光滑度矩阵的求取,并用最小二乘正交分解法求解反演方程,有效地提高了计算速度.李长伟等(2012)基于改进Krylov子空间算法实现了井中激电快速反演;戴前伟等(2012)、刘斌等(2012a)研究了不同约束条件下的电阻率三维反演.Pidlisecky等(2007)采用预条件双共轭梯度法求解正演中的大型线性方程组,开发了电阻率三维不完全Gauss-Newton反演程序.电阻率三维反演也逐渐在水文、工程地球物理(Park,1998;Chambers et al.,2011;刘斌等,2012b)、环境地质(Weller et al.,1999;Chambers et al.,2002;Bentley and Gharibi,2004;)、考古(Papadopoulos et al.,2006,2007)以及永久冻土探测(Rödder and Kneisel,2012;Kneisel et al.,2014)等领域获得应用.

以上所述电阻率三维反演及其应用均是基于平坦地形.而实际勘探中,地形影响不可避免,并对电阻率反演结果可能造成难于预料的偏差.Oppliger(1984)、Holcombe和Jiracek(1984)分别利用积分方程、有限元法进行了电阻率三维地形改正,Tsourlos等(1999)研究了二维情况下各种电极排列的地形影响及其改正.他们的结果表明:做地形改正只能是非常近似的,地下结构稍复杂,这种改正误差就很大.只有将地形同时带入反演算法中,才能精确消除地形影响及其对反演结果的偏差.Yi等(2001)、吴小平(2005)分别利用有限元和有限差分数值模拟实现了带地形电阻率三维反演,由于采用结构化的网格单元剖分,不能适应于复杂地形下的电阻率三维反演.近年来,非结构有限元方法在复杂地形电阻率三维数值模拟中取得极大成功(Rücker et al.,2006;Ren and Tang,2010,2014;Wang et al.,2013),非结构化网格具有单元质量可控、允许局部加密、能够模拟复杂几何模型等优点,使得三维非结构有限单元求解效率大幅提高,同等计算精度情况下,非结构化网格相对于结构化规则网格,计算时间和存储量均可下降约一个数量级.在此基础上,Günther和Rücker(2006)实现了电阻率带地形三维反演,是该领域的一个重要进展.

电阻率三维观测方式也是值得研究的重要方面,它不仅关系到野外观测的效率和成本,也关系到数据的分辨力和反演效果(吴小平和汪彤彤,2002).传统的地面物探往往都需要先进行人工物探测量网布设,这是一项繁重的野外工作,其效率低、成本高.在山区、森林覆盖地区,通视条件差,国家控制点少且远离工区,使得用传统的经纬仪来测定电法观测点的坐标几乎不可能(林君和石磊,1996;陈清礼和胡家华,1998).GPS/GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)导航与定位技术快速发展(陈俊勇等,2007),中国的北斗卫星导航系统也日趋成熟(杨元喜,2010),手持型设备的定位精度也在不断提高(刘少杰等,2006;李国防和闫新亮,2010;王克晓等,2012),为电法勘探测网布设提供了一种全新的工作方法(刘会敏和赵灏,2013),在进行区域地球物理调查时,可形成适应于工区地形、环境条件的任意灵活三维测量电极布设方式,而不必严格按设定的规则测网顺序进行.然而,由于任意布极三维测量的观测数据结构复杂,其三维反演面临诸多挑战,Günther和Rücker(2006)的电阻率带地形三维反演没有这方面的解决方案,也未见有针对性的其他工作发表.


2 电阻率三维非结构有限单元正演










我们实现了电阻率三维非结构有限单元数值模拟(Wangetal.,2013),本文利用三维非结构有限单元可对任意电阻率模型进行正演计算.图1a显示均匀半空间中有一半径为35m的低阻球体模型及其非结构网格剖分,图1b为供电极及测量电极分布的示意图.点A(30,500)为供电点,21个测量电极位于井中测线z=900~1000 m(x=-70 m)上,间隔10 m.背景电阻率为500 Ωm,球体电阻率为5 Ωm.该球体模型的电位分布有解析解(Large,1971;Zhdanovand Keller,1994),可用于检验电阻率三维正演数值解的可靠性.图2是三维非结构有限单元数值模拟结果与解析解的对比,平均误差为0.9%,表明我们的电阻率三维非结构有限单元数值模拟结果是可靠的,获得较高的计算精度.

图3是平坦地形下的高阻体模型示意图,地下高阻异常体电阻率2000 Ωm,异常尺寸20 m×20 m×20 m,顶部埋深10 m,背景电阻率200 Ωm,地表测区80 m×80 m,相邻电极间距离均为4 m,即有21×21个测量电极,供电极距AB=100 m.图4是非结构有限元三维正演计算获得的中间梯度视电阻率平面图,图中明显可见高阻异常响应.

图1 球体模型(a) 非结构网格剖分; (b) 供电极及测量电极分布示意图.Fig.1 Sphere model(a) Unstructured grids; (b) Schematic diagram of electrodes as source and receivers.

图2 球体模型的数值解与解析解对比Fig.2 Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions of the sphere model

实际测量中,地形影响不可避免.非结构有限元方法在三维地形的数值模拟中具有结构化网格无可比拟的优势.图5是一个用凸起半球模拟山峰地形下的高阻异常体及其非结构网格剖分,异常体参数与图3中的模型相同.图6为山峰地形下高阻体模型的中间梯度视电阻率平面图(AB=100 m),结果表明:地形影响非常大,反映的主体响应为低阻异常,基本掩盖了地下为高阻异常体的真实结构.

图3 高阻体模型示意图Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the high resistivity model

图4 高阻体模型的视电阻率平面图(AB=100 m)Fig.4 Apparent resistivity of the high resistivity model (AB=100 m)

3 电阻率三维不完全Gauss-Newton反演










图5 山峰地形下高阻体模型的非结构网格剖分图Fig.5 Unstructured grids of the high resistivity model under a hill

W= (αsI+αxGx+αyGy+αzGz)T















(1) 先计算一个中间向量w=Bv;

(2) 然后求解线性系统y=A-1w;

(3) 之后y向量左乘投影矩阵Q即可.



(1) 给定初始模型和参考模型,均取为均匀半空间.

(2) 利用PCG算法不精确求解方程(7),获得模型修正量Δm.

(3) 确定线性搜索步长α:

(4) 更新模型:


(5) 判断是否继续迭代:


图6 山峰地形下高阻体模型的视电阻率平面图(AB=100 m)Fig.6 Apparent resistivity of the high resistivity model under a hill (AB=100 m)

4 任意偶极-偶极数据的电阻率三维反演4.1 任意偶极-偶极观测方式


4.2 平坦地形下高阻体模型的反演

模型设置如前文图3中模型,即平坦地形下有一立方体高阻异常,背景电阻率为200 Ωm,异常体电阻率为2000 Ωm.反演结果如图8所示,该结果表明地下存在高阻异常,与图3所示的模型示意图相当一致,定位准确,反演获得很好的效果.

4.3 平坦地形下多异常体的反演

为了验证反演算法的正确性与分辨率,反演更为复杂一些的模型很有必要.图9为平坦地形下并排两个立方体异常模型,其中一个为低阻体,电阻率20 Ωm;另一个为高阻体,电阻率2000 Ωm,顶部埋深均为10 m,异常间隔20 m,背景电阻率为200 Ωm.


4.4 山峰地形下高阻体模型的反演

模型设置如前文图5中模型,山峰地形下有一立方体高阻异常,背景电阻率为200 Ωm,异常体电阻率为2000 Ωm.倘若不考虑山峰地形的影响,直接使用平坦地形下的电阻率三维反演,则结果如图11所示,显示地下为一低阻异常体,与图5的真实模型完全不一致.可见,地形造成的影响非常大,甚至获得相反的异常结果.


4.5 复杂起伏地形条件下的电阻率三维反演


图7 随机观测装置示意图Fig.7 Schematic of the random acquisition

图8 高阻体模型的反演结果Fig.8 Inversion of the high resistivity model

图9 低阻和高阻共存的组合模型示意图Fig.9 Schematic diagram of the model with low and high resistivity anomalous bodies

图10 低阻和高阻异常体的组合模型反演结果Fig.10 Inversion of the combination model with a low resistivity and a high resistivity anomalous bodies

图11 山峰地形下高阻体模型的反演结果,反演中没有考虑地形Fig.11 Inversion of the high resistivity model under a hill,ignoring the influence of the topography


图13是模拟野外实际情况构建的一个相对复杂的起伏地形及其非结构网格剖分.我们分别反演该复杂地形下的低阻异常体和高阻异常体三维模型,低阻异常体电阻率为20 Ωm,高阻异常体电阻率为2000 Ωm,背景电阻率均为200 Ωm,其他模型参数见图3.当起伏地形下分别存在低阻异常体和高阻异常体时,带地形电阻率三维反演结果见图14、图15,均清晰地反映了地下的真实电阻率结构,获得很好的反演效果,表明本文基于非结构网格的电阻率三维反演方法在野外复杂地形条件下亦可获得可靠结果.

4.6 数据含10%高斯噪声的三维反演

模型设置与4.2节相同,即平坦地形下有一立方体高阻异常,背景电阻率为200 Ωm,异常体电阻率为2000 Ωm.在生成合成数据时,将默认引入的5%高斯噪声增加为10%高斯噪声.反演结果如图16所示,同样取得较好的反演结果,电阻率结构清晰并且无多余的虚假信息.与图8的反演结果相比,只是在高阻异常中心处的电阻率值略有减小,表明本文的电阻率三维反演结果可靠,反演方法对观测数据的噪声依赖性不大.

图12 山峰地形下高阻体模型的带地形反演结果Fig.12 Inversion of the high resistivity model under a hill,considering the influence of the topography

图14 复杂起伏地形下存在低阻异常体的带地形反演结果Fig.14 Inversion of the low resistivity model under a complex topography,considering the influence of the topography

图15 复杂起伏地形下存在高阻异常体的带地形反演结果Fig.15 Inversion of the high resistivity model under a complex topography,considering the influence of the topography

图16 引入10%测量误差时高阻体模型的反演结果Fig.16 Inversion of the high resistivity model with a measurement error of 10%

图13 复杂起伏地形的非结构网格剖分示意图Fig.13 Unstructured grids of a complex topography

5 结论


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(本文编辑 何燕)

3D resistivity inversion incorporating topography based on unstructured meshes

WU Xiao-Ping1,2, LIU Yang1,2, WANG Wei3


Surface topographies have a great influence for the direct current (DC) resistivity methods, which cannot be avoided in actual mineral explorations. 3D DC resistivity forward modeling is available in recent years, especially for arbitrary topography and complicated subsurface structures using unstructured grids. However, surface topography is still a challenge for 3D interpretation in realistic applications, which may cause significant error in the 3D resistivity inversion without topography. Additionally it is a hard work to lay measurement points on regular observation network in complex terrains and the corresponding data cannot be simulated on ordinary structured grid. Therefore, 3D resistivity inversion incorporating topography based on unstructured meshes is necessary.We use unstructured finite element method for 3D resistivity forward modeling in order to simulate arbitrary topography and complicated subsurface structures. Our modeling result for a sphere model shows high accuracy in comparison with analytical solution. On the basis, we implement an inexact Gauss-Newton inversion for dipole-dipole configuration on arbitrary surface topography. With the development of GPS/GNSS technique, it is not necessary to lay measurement points on regular observation network exactly in the field survey. The inversion method developed in this paper can inverse the resistivity data from arbitrary dipole-dipole measurements, which is more convenient for 3D interpretation in realistic applications.A random acquisition system for arbitrary dipole-dipole measurements is designed, including 16 dipoles as transmitted electrodes and 100 random diploes as receiver electrodes, i.e. 1600 random dipole-dipole apparent resistivities. Firstly, flat terrain models are used to verify our 3D resistivity inversion for the random dipole-dipole apparent resistivities data, obtaining the inverted model in good agreement with subsurface geoelectrical structures. Then a high resistivity model under a mountain ridge is simulated to show the significant influence from surface topography. The 3D resistivity inversion obtains a low resistivity structure if the topography is ignored, showing a wrong subsurface structure. Our 3D resistivity inversion incorporating topography based on unstructured meshes, in which the topography is directly incorporated into the inversion algorithm, obtains the true high resistivity structure under a mountain ridge. The 3D inversions for models with complicated topography also turn out to be very successful. All dipole-dipole apparent resistivities data for synthetic examples above are generated with 5% Gaussian errors. The 3D resistivity inversion for synthetic data with 10% Gaussian errors is presented finally. Good result shows the 3D resistivity inversion algorithm in this study is very robust.It becomes simple and practicable for the location of measurement points in field geophysical survey using modern GPS/GNSS technique, providing favorable conditions for flexible and efficient 3D resistivity field measurements. In combination to 3D resistivity modeling using unstructured finite element method, we implement an inexact Gauss-Newton 3D resistivity inversion for the random dipole-dipole measurements on arbitrary surface topographies. Synthetic examples show our 3D inversion routines obtain good results for theoretical model and simulated realistic model with complicated topography. The 3D resistivity inversion for synthetic data with 10% Gaussian errors converges stably and the result is also reliable. The 3D resistivity inversion incorporating topography based on unstructured meshes in this paper promotes a key step towards the 3D field interpretation in realistic applications.

Resistivity; Three-dimensional inversion; Unstructured mesh; Topography







吴小平, 刘洋, 王威. 2015. 基于非结构网格的电阻率三维带地形反演. 地球物理学报,58(8):2706-2717,

Wu X P, Liu Y, Wang W. 2015. 3D resistivity inversion incorporating topography based on unstructured meshes.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),58(8):2706-2717,doi:10.6038/cjg20150808.

