Cruising the Pacific Coast: From California to Canada余味无穷的沿太平洋海岸航行之旅


疯狂英语·初中天地 2015年11期

by Pat Woods


Cruising the Pacific Coast: From California to Canada余味无穷的沿太平洋海岸航行之旅

by Pat Woods



We were looking for a “different” kind of cruise, so after reviewing dozens of colorful cruise1)brochures, Rob and I chose the seven day Coastal Wine Country tour onthe Golden Princess注1注1:黄金公主号,主要航线为夏威夷、阿拉斯加及沿岸航线。.We liked the Los Angeles-Vancouver route and ports.

At2)Pier93 in Los Angeles, it took only 15 minutes to check in.Just back from dry dock updating, the 3,100 passenger ship had a fresh carpet smell and a new Horizon Court buffet.Throughout the ship we found friendly international crew eager to please.We noted today’s cruisers are somewhat younger and prefer casual dress.



1 ) brochure [brəʊ'ʃjʊə] n.小册子

2 ) pier [pIə] n.码头

We chose “Anytime” dining in the Bernini (main) dining room.Making a standing 7 p.m.dinner reservation enabled us to3)bypassa long entrance line.While dining with friendly cruisers from Australia, Canada and throughout the U.S., we enjoyed exchanging tips and4)anecdoteswith other5)veterancruisers.

Waiters delivered delicious meals with smiles and a sense of humor.Anyone trying to decide between two desserts got both! One of my favorite meals was a6)shrimp cocktailfollowed by green specialty salad, an amazing7)broiled salmonand a8)sinfuldessert.

A popular casual dining option, International Café served European-style sandwiches, salads and9)wickeddesserts 24 hours a day (extra charge for beverages).Cruisers can find10)alcoholic11)beveragesin seven venues and food in nine.




Music is a big part of the cruise experience.Entertainment venues offered everything from folk and classical to jazz and rock, as well as dance music.The Princess Theater hosted12)Broadway-style production shows with singers and dancers, plus comedians, a13)mentalistand more.In the14)piazzaon deck, fve things were always happening: a series of musicians, fashion shows,15)spelling bees, games and more.

To16)work offthe calories, cruisers hit the17)fitness center, swam, danced or simply circled the ship on the walking deck.With a18)casino, karaoke, art shows, wine tasting, lectures, spa consultations and treatments, plus onboard shopping and specialty classes, no one was bored.

For us, the19)highlightwas the bridge tour where an offcer explained the ship’s communication and20)navigationsystems.We were21)thrilledto experience the same views senior offcers have as they control the ship.




3 ) bypass ['baIpBːs] v.回避

4 ) anecdote ['ænIkdəʊt] n.轶事,奇闻

5 ) veteran ['vetərən] a.资格老的,经验丰富的

6 ) shrimp cocktail 鸡尾酒虾

7 ) broiled salmon 烤鲑鱼

8 ) sinful ['sInfʊl] a.罪恶的

9 ) wicked ['wIkId] a.邪恶的

10) alcoholic [ælkə'hɒlIk] a.含酒精的

11) beverage ['bevərIdʒ] n.饮料

12) Broadway ['brCːdweI] n.百老汇

13) mentalist ['mentəlIst] n.催眠师

14) piazza [pI'ætsə] n.露天市场

15) spelling bee 拼字比赛

16) work off 除去,清除

17) ftness center 健身房

18) casino [kə'siːnəʊ] n.娱乐场,赌场

19) highlight ['haIlaIt] n.最精彩的部分

20) navigation [nævI'geIʃən] n.导航

21) thrilled [θrIld] a.极为激动的

Pretty purple22)jacarandatrees welcomed us to Santa Barbara.At the23)waterfront, we hopped on the white shuttle bus (50 cents, 25 cents for seniors) to attend church services.While there, sunshine broke through the morning fog.From the waterfront we walked past the yacht24)basinto the25)MaritimeMuseum.

Later on the popular Santa Barbara26)trolleytour, Richard, our knowledgeable driver, made local history come alive with fascinating anecdotes about the city’s architectural styles, celebrities, and local27)entrepreneursincluding Ty Warner, inventor ofBeanie Babies注2注2:豆豆娃(Beanie Babies,也常称为豆豆公仔),在上世纪90年代由美国人哈洛德·泰·华纳(Harold Ty Warner)与他所创设的Ty公司发明,是一种使用豆状聚氯乙烯材料作为填充物的绒毛玩具。.

On State Street, beautiful government buildings28)meldwith a row of friendly29)retailerswho warmly welcome cruise ships.The trolley tour included a 20-minute stop at Old Santa Barbara Mission.




Our ship docked at Pier 27 for a full day.We chose the Woods & Wine tour with San Francisco City Sightseeing Tours.It was a joy to walk among the giant Coastal Redwood trees in Muir Woods, just 30 minutes from Fisherman’s30)Wharf.The fresh31)pineyscent and peaceful environment are great for the soul.


In Canada’s island city, welcoming hosts directed cruisers to waiting shuttle buses.A motor coach driver narrated passing scenery as he drove us to the world-famous Butchart Gardens, which were32)ablazewith millions of spring flowers.Built on a former stone33)quarry, the spectacular34)sunkengarden elicited a “Wow” factor from everyone.

A special treat was35)high teawith a delightful variety of tasty teas, tiny sandwiches and sweet treats elegantly presented in a three36)tierserver.The gardens are open all year, displaying seasonal flowers to a million guests.Christmas is a magical time with musical entertainment, massive37)poinsettiaand 12 Days of Christmas displays.

After we have learned about Victoria’s famous landmarks, history and neighborhoods, the considerate driver offered to drop off cruise guests just a few blocks from our ship.

22) jacaranda [dʒækə'rændə] n.蓝花楹

23) waterfront ['wCːtəfrˆnt] n.水边,海滨

24) basin ['beIsən] n.内湾

25) maritime ['mærItaIm] a.海的

26) trolley ['trɒlI] n.电车

27) entrepreneur [ɒntrəprə'nзːr] n.企业家

28) meld [meld] v.(使)融合

29) retailer ['riːteIlə] n.零售商

30) wharf [wCːf] n.码头

31) piney ['paInI] a.松树般的

32) ablaze [ə'bleIz] a.发光的,闪耀的

33) quarry ['kwɒrI] n.采石场

34) sunken ['sˆŋkən] a.下陷的

35) high tea 下午茶

36) tier [tIə] n.层,排

37) poinsettia [pɒIn'setIə] n.一品红




