Biological Databases for Human Research


Genomics,Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2015年1期

Dong ZouLina MaJun Yu*Zhang Zhang*d

CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information,Beijing Institute of Genomics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,China

Biological Databases for Human Research

Dong Zou#,a,Lina Ma#,b,Jun Yu*,c,Zhang Zhang*,d

CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information,Beijing Institute of Genomics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,China



Big data;

Database category;


The completion of the Human Genome Project lays a foundation for systematically studying the human genome from evolutionary history to precision medicine against diseases. With the explosive growth of biological data,there is an increasing number of biological databases that have been developed in aid of human-related research.Here we present a collection of humanrelated biological databases and provide a mini-review by classifying them into different categories according to their data types.As human-related databases continue to grow not only in count but also in volume,challenges are ahead in big data storage,processing,exchange and curation.


As biological data accumulate at larger scales and increase at exponential paces,thanks principally to higher-throughput and lower-cost DNA sequencing technologies,the number of biological databases that have been developed to manage such data deluge is growing at ever-faster rates.The major objectives of biological databases are not only to store,organize and share data in a structured and searchable manner with the aim to facilitate data retrieval and visualization for humans,but also to provide web application programming interfaces(APIs)for computers to exchange and integrate datafrom various database resources in an automated manner. Therefore,developing databases to deal with gigantic volumes of biological data is a fundamentally essential task in bioinformatics.To be short,biological databases integrate enormous amounts ofomicsdata,servingascruciallyimportant resources and becoming increasingly indispensable for scientists from wet-lab biologists toin silicobioinformaticians.

According to a report of 2014 Molecular Biology Database Collection in the journalNucleic Acids Research,there are a sum of 1552 databases that are publicly accessible online[1]. It should be noted,however,that such count of publicly accessible databases is conservative.In fact,there are some databases providing online services without publication in peer-reviewed journal(e.g.,The RNA Modifcation Database at being developed by commercial companies(e.g.,Ingenuity Pathway Analysis at http://, making them underrepresented in the scientifc community.Considering the continuously proliferating number of biological databases,it becomes increasingly daunting and time-consuming to navigate in the huge volume of databases of interest.Thecompletion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 holds signifcant benefts for many felds from human evolution to personalized healthcare and precision medicine.In this report,we present a collection of biological databases relevant to human research and provide a mini-review by classifying them into different categories.

Database classifcation

Biological databases are developed for diverse purposes, encompass various types of data at heterogeneous coverage and are curated at different levels with different methods,so that there are accordingly several different criteria applicable to database classifcation.

Scope of data coverage

According to the scope of data coverage,biological databases can be classifed as comprehensive and specialized databases. Comprehensive databases cover different types of data from numerous species and typical examples are GenBank[2], European Molecular Biology Laboratory(EMBL)[3],and DNA Data Bank of Japan(DDBJ)[4].These three databases were established as the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration in 1988 to collect and disseminate DNA and RNA sequences.On the other hand,specialized databases contain specifc types of data or data from specifc organisms.For example,WormBase[5]is for nematode biology and genomics and RiceWiki[6]is for community curation of rice genes.

Level of biocuration

According to level of data curation,biological databases can roughly fall into primary and secondary or derivative databases.Primary databases contain raw data as archival repository such as the NCBI Sequence Read Archive(SRA)[7], whereas secondary or derivative databases contain curated information as added value,e.g.,NCBI RefSeq[8].

Method of biocuration

As a consequence of the explosive growth of data,curation increasingly requires collective intelligence for collaborative data integration and annotation.Therefore,biological databases can also be classifed as(1)expert-curated databases,e.g.,RefSeq[8]and TAIR,[9]and(2)community-curated databases,which are curated in a collective and collaborative manner by a number of researchers,e.g.,LncRNAWiki[10] and GeneWiki[11].

Type of data managed

According to the types of data managed in different databases, biological databases can roughly fall into the following categories:(1)DNA,(2)RNA,(3)protein,(4)expression,(5)pathway,(6)disease,(7)nomenclature,(8)literature,and(9) standard and ontology.

Human-related databases

Decoding the human genome bears great signifcance in,from a theoretical view,unveiling human evolutionary history,and from an application view,exploring personalized medicine against diverse diseases.Considering the heterogeneity in data type,scope and curation,biological databases can be classifed into multiple categories under different criteria as presented above,making it easier for people to effectively characterize databases and identify the database(s)of interest.However, some databases are inaccessible over time or poorly maintained/updated or even never used[12].In this study,therefore, we assemble a collection of human-related databases that are widely used and currently accessible via the Internet(Table 1). As database classifcation based on data type is informative andstraightforward,weassignonemajorcategorytoeachdatabase,albeitonedatabasemaycorrespondtomultiplecategories. In what follows,we focus on databases categorized in DNA, RNA,protein,expression,pathway and disease,respectively.

DNA databases

A DNA database centers on managing DNA data from many or some specifc species.The primary function of human DNA databases includes establishment of the reference genome(e.g., NCBI RefSeq[8]),profling of human genetic variation(e.g., dbSNP[13]),association of genotype with phenotype(e.g., EGA[14]),and identifcation of human microbiome metagenomes(e.g.,IMG/HMP[15]).A representative example of DNA database is GenBank[2],a collection of all publiclyavailable DNA sequences( its inception in 1982,GenBank grows at an extraordinary pace and as of December 2014,contains over 184 billion nucleotide bases in more than 179 million sequences (

RNA databases

It is well acknowledged that only a tiny proportion of the human genome is transcribed into mRNAs,whereas the vast majority of the genome is transcribed into‘‘dark matter’’––non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs)that do not encode proteins [16],including microRNAs(miRNAs),small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs),piwiRNAs(piRNAs),andlongnon-coding RNA(lncRNA).Therefore,an increasing number of human RNA databases have been built for deciphering ncRNAs (e.g.,GENCODE[17]),in particular lncRNAs that attract the rising interest(e.g.,LncRNAWiki[10]),and characterizing their functions and interactions(e.g.,RNAcentral[18]).A representative example of RNA database is RNAcentral[18]. It provides unifed access to the ncRNA sequence data supplied by multiple databases including Rfam[19],lncRNAdb[20],and miRBase[21](

Protein databases

The purpose of constructing protein databases includes collection of universal proteins(e.g.,UniProt[22]),identifcation ofprotein families and domains(e.g.,Pfam[23]),reconstruction of phylogenetic trees(e.g.,TreeFam[24]),and profling of protein structures(e.g.,PDB[25]).A representative example of protein database is PDB,the main primary database for 3D structures of biological macromolecules determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR.Established in 1971,PDB contains 105,465 biologicalmacromolecularstructuresasof30 December 2014,in which 27,393 entries belong to human ( example is the Universal Protein Resource(UniProt).Asa collaborativeproject between EMBL-EBI,Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics(SIB), and Protein Information Resource(PIR),UniProt provides a comprehensive,high-quality,and freely-accessible resource of protein sequenceand functionalinformation.Currently, UniProt includes three member databases: UniProt Knowledgebase(UniProtKB),UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef),and UniProt Archive(UniParc).In addition, UniProtKB consists of two sections:Swiss-Prot(containing a collection of547,357 manually-annotated and -reviewed proteins as of January 2015)and TrEMBL(containing a collection of 89,451,166 un-reviewed proteins as of January 2015)(

Table 1 Human-related biological databases*


Table 1 (continued)

Table 1 (continued)

Expression databases

Expression databases can be used for various purposes,including archiving expression data(e.g.,GEO[26]),detecting differential and baseline expression(e.g.,Expression Atlas[27]), exploring tissue-specifc gene expression and regulation(e.g., TiGER[28]),and profling expression information based on both RNA and protein data(e.g.,Human Protein Atlas[29]). A representative case of expression database is Human Protein Atlas.As of 30 December 2014,it encompasses expression profles for a large majority of human protein-coding genes based on both RNA(transcriptome analysis based on 213 tissue and cell line samples)and protein data(proteome analysis based on 24,028 antibodies)(

Pathway databases

Pathway databases contain biological pathways for metabolic, signaling,and regulatory pathway analysis.A representative example is KEGG PATHWAY[30],a curated biological pathway resource on the molecular interaction and reaction networks.As the core of KEGG,KEGG PATHWAY integrates manyentitiesthatarestoredinKEGGsiblingdatabases,including genes,proteins,RNAs,chemical compounds,and chemical reactions(

Disease databases

There are at least 200 forms of cancer in the world,causing 14.6% of all human deaths( Cancer).Thus,obtaining complete cancer genomes and identifying molecular mutations and abnormal genes can provide new insights for cancer prevention,detection,andeventually,personalized treatment[31].Toward this end,there are two well-known cancer projects,viz.,The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA)[32]and InternationalCancerGenome Consortium(ICGC)[33].TCGA,founded in 2006 by the National Cancer Institute and National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health,aims to collect a wide diversity of omics data(including exome, SNP,mRNA,miRNA,and methylation)for more than 20 different types of human cancer( Unlike TCGA,ICGC is a voluntary collaborative organization initiated in 2008 and open to all cancer and genomic researchers in the world.It aims to obtain a comprehensive description of genomic,transcriptomic,and epigenomic changes in 50 different tumor types and/or subtypes,which are of clinical and societal importance across the globe(


Here we summarize a collection of biological databases relevant to human research.This collection,however,by no means pictures the whole range of human-related databases that are currently available.As primary databases store raw data,databases in this collection are most derivative databases,which are built from primary databases and contain curated information for different data types,and thus would be of great usefulness for studying the human genome.In the era of big data, human-related biological databases continue to grow not only in count but also in volume,posing unprecedented challenges in data storage,processing,exchange,and curation.From this point,it would be necessary to establish a cloud computing platform to store and process such big data and facilitate construction/update of a secondary or derivative database[34].As biological databases are physically distributed and heterogeneous in data type and format,it is additionally required to build web open APIs to ease data exchange and sharing among different resources[35].The last but not the least is curation, which becomes an indispensable part in biological databases, principally because curation involves added value by standardization and quality control and accordingly enhances data interoperability and consistency[36].Taken together,biological databases hold great utilities for human research and can be regarded as an indicator of our potential to translate big data into big discovery.Considering the current situation in China when compared to other countries,it is our hope that this report may raise the general awareness,albeit better improved nowadays,of the signifcant role of human-related biological databases not only for academic studies but also for clinical applications.

Competing interests

The authors declared that there are no competing interests.


This work was supported by the‘‘100-Talent Program’’of Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No. XDB13040500),and the National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program;Grant No.2012AA020409)by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China awarded to ZZ.

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Received 1 January 2015;revised 16 January 2015;accepted 16 January 2015

Available online 21 February 2015

Handled by Ge Gao

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