数据来源:Web of Science文献出版时间:2013.1—2014.11检索时间:2014.12.1
被引频次: 22
来源出版物: British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 2013, 66(1): 8-38
联系邮箱: Gelman, A; gelman@stat.columbia.edu
被引频次: 19
Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable
Hayes, AF; Preacher, KJ
Abstract: Virtually all discussions and applications of statistical mediation analysis have been based on the condition that the independent variable is dichotomous or continuous, even though investigators frequently are interested in testing mediation hypotheses involving a multicategorical independent variable(such as two or more experimental conditions relative to a control group). We provide a tutorial illustrating an approach to estimation of and inference about direct, indirect, and total effects in statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable. The approach is mathematically equivalent to analysis of(co)variance and reproduces the observed and adjusted group means while also generating effects having simple interpretations. Supplementary material available online includes extensions to this approach and Mplus, SPSS, and SAS code that implements it.
Keywords: effect size; models; regression; interventions; strategies; moderation; behavior; system; path
来源出版物: British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 2014, 67(3): 451-470
联系邮箱: Hayes, AF; hayes.338@osu.edu
被引频次: 11
Replication, statistical consistency, and publication bias
Francis, G
Abstract: Scientific methods of investigation offer systematic ways to gather information about the world; and in the field of psychology application of such methods should lead to a better understanding of human behavior. Instead, recent reports in psychological science have used apparently scientific methods to report strong evidence for unbelievable claims such as precognition. To try to resolve the apparent conflict between unbelievable claims and the scientific method many researchers turn to empirical replication to reveal the truth. Such an approach relies on the belief that true phenomena can be successfully demonstrated in well-designed experiments, and the ability to reliably reproduce an experimental outcome is widely considered the gold standard of scientific investigations. Unfortunately, this view is incorrect;and misunderstandings about replication contribute to the conflicts in psychological science. Because experimental effects in psychology are measured by statistics, there should almost always be some variability in the reported outcomes. An absence of such variability actually indicates that experimental replications are invalid, perhaps because of a bias to suppress contrary findings or because the experiments were run improperly. Recent investigations have demonstrated how to identify evidence of such invalid experiment sets and noted its appearance for prominent findings in experimental psychology. The present manuscript explores those investigative methods by using computer simulations to demonstrate their properties and limitations. The methods are shown to be a check on the statistical consistency of a set of expe-riments by comparing the reported power of the experiments with the reported frequency of statistical significance. Overall, the methods are extremely conservative about reporting inconsistency when experiments are run properly and reported fully. The manuscript also considers how to improve scientific practice to avoid inconsistency, and discusses criticisms of the investigative method.
Keywords: post hoc power; unethical behavior; exploratory test; social-class; p-values; psychology; metaanalysis; prevalence; confidence;decisions
来源出版物: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2013, 57(5): 153-169联系邮箱: Francis, G; gfrancis@purdue.edu
被引频次: 10
Multidimensionality and Structural Coefficient Bias in Structural Equation Modeling: A Bifactor Perspective
Reise, SP; Scheines, R; Widaman, KF; et al.
Abstract: In this study, the authors consider several indices to indicate whether multidimensional data are "unidimensional enough" to fit with a unidimensional measurement model, especially when the goal is to avoid excessive bias in structural parameter estimates. They examine two factor strength indices(the explained common variance and omega hierarchical)and several model fit indices(root mean square error of approximation, comparative fit index, and standardized root mean square residual). These statistics are compared in population correlation matrices determined by known bifactor structures that vary on the(a)relative strength of general and group factor loadings,(b)number of group factors, and(c)number of items or indicators. When fit with a unidimensional measurement model, the degree of structural coefficient bias depends strongly and inversely on explained common variance, but its effects are moderated by the percentage of correlations uncontaminated by multidimensionality, a statistic that rises combinatorially with the number of group factors. When the percentage of uncontaminated correlations is high, structural coefficients are relatively unbiased even when general factor strength is low relative to group factor strength. On the other hand, popular structural equation modeling fit indices such as comparative fit index or standardized root mean square residual routinely reject unidimensional measurement models even in contexts in which the structural coefficient bias is low. In general, such statistics cannot be used to predict the magnitude of structural coefficient bias.
Keywords: item response models; quality-of-life; unidimensionality; fit; reliability; criteria; issues; common; tests
来源出版物: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2013, 73(1): 5-26联系邮箱: Reise, SP; reise@psych.ucla.edu
被引频次: 7
A clusterwise simultaneous component method for capturing within-cluster differences in component variances and correlations
De Roover, K; Ceulemans, E; Timmerman, ME; et al.
Abstract: This paper presents a clusterwise simultaneous component analysis for tracing structural differences and similarities between data of different groups of subjects. This model partitions the groups into a number of clusters according to the covariance structure of the data of each group and performs a simultaneous component analysis with invariant pattern restrictions(SCA-P)for each cluster. These restrictions imply that the model allows for between-group differences in the variances and the correlations of the cluster-specific components. As such, clusterwise SCA-P is more flexible than the earlier proposed clusterwise SCA-ECP model, which imposed equal average cross-products constraints on the component scores of the groups that belong to the same cluster. Using clusterwise SCA-P, a finer-grained,yet parsimonious picture of the group differences and similarities can be obtained. An algorithm for fitting clusterwise SCA-P solutions is presented and its performance is evaluated by means of a simulation study. The value of the model for empirical research is illustrated with data from psychiatric diagnosis research.
Keywords: personality; rotation
来源出版物: British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 2013, 66(1): 81-102
联系邮箱: De Roover, K; Kim.DeRoover@ppw.kuleuven.be
被引频次: 92
Executive Functions
Diamond, A
Abstract: Executive functions(EFs)make possible mentally playing with ideas; taking the time to think before acting; meeting novel,unanticipated challenges; resisting temptations; and staying focused. Core EFs are inhibition [response inhibition(self-control-resisting temptations and resisting acting impulsively)and interference control(selective attention and cognitive inhibition)], working memory, and cognitive flexibility(including creatively thinking "outside the box," seeing anything from different perspectives, and quickly and flexibly adapting to changed circumstances). The developmental progression and representative measures of each are discussed. Controversies are addressed(e. g., the relation between EFs and fluid intelligence, self-regulation, executive attention, and effortful control, and the relation between working memory and inhibition and attention). The importance of social, emotional, and physical health for cognitive health isdiscussed because stress, lack of sleep, loneliness, or lack of exercise each impair EFs. That EFs are trainable and can be improved with practice is addressed, including diverse methods tried thus far.
Keywords: working-memory capacity; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; frontal-lobe lesions; short-term-memory; reactive cognitive control; event-related potentials; latent-variable analysis; obstructive sleep-apnea; adult age-differences; top-down modulation
来源出版物: Annual Review of Psychology, 2013, 64: 135-168联系邮箱: Diamond, A; adele.diamond@ubc.ca
被引频次: 52
The Endocannabinoid System and the Brain
Mechoulam, R; Parker, LA
Abstract: The psychoactive constituent in cannabis, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), was isolated in the mid-1960s, but the cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, and the major endogenous cannabinoids(anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol)were identified only 20 to 25 years later. The cannabinoid system affects both central nervous system(CNS)and peripheral processes. In this review, we have tried to summarize research-with an emphasis on recent publications-on the actions of the endocannabinoid system on anxiety, depression, neurogenesis, reward, cognition, learning, and memory. The effects are at times biphasic-lower doses causing effects opposite to those seen at high doses. Recently, numerous endocannabinoid-like compounds have been identified in the brain. Only a few have been investigated for their CNS activity, and future investigations on their action may throw light on a wide spectrum of brain functions.
Keywords: cannabinoid CB2 receptors; short-term-memory; impairs spatial memory; induced heroin-seeking; knock-out mice; monoacylglycerol lipase; anandamide hydrolysis; basolateral amygdala; synaptic plasticity; squirrel-monkeys
来源出版物: Annual Review of Psychology, 2013, 64: 21-47联系邮箱: Mechoulam, R; mechou@cc.huji.ac.il
被引频次: 49
The Malleability of Spatial Skills: A Meta-Analysis of Training Studies
Uttal, DH; Meadow, NG; Tipton, E; et al.
Abstract: Having good spatial skills strongly predicts achievement and attainment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields(e.g., Shea, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2001; Wai, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2009). Improving spatial skills is therefore of both theoretical and practical importance. To determine whether and to what extent training and experience can improve these skills, we meta-analyzed 217 research studies investigating the magnitude, moderators, durability, and generalizability of training on spatial skills. After eliminating outliers, the average effect size(Hedges's g)for training relative to control was 0.47(SE = 0.04). Training effects were stable and were not affected by delays between training and posttesting. Training also transferred to other spatial tasks that were not directly trained. We analyzed the effects of several moderators, including the presence and type of control groups, sex, age, and type of training. Additionally, we included a theoretically motivated typology of spatial skills that emphasizes 2 dimensions: intrinsic versus extrinsic and static versus dynamic(Newcombe & Shipley, in press). Finally, we consider the potential educational and policy implications of directly training spatial skills. Considered together, the results suggest that spatially enriched education could pay substantial dividends in increasing participation in mathematics, science, and engineering.
Keywords: water-level task; field-dependence-independence; video-game experience; mental-rotation; sex-differences; gender-differences;visualization ability; individual-differences; 3-dimensional objects; childrens performance
来源出版物: Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(2): 352-402联系邮箱: Uttal, DH; duttal@northwestern.edu
被引频次: 43
Distinguishing How From Why the Mind Wanders: A Process-Occurrence Framework for Self-Generated Mental Activity
Smallwood, J
Abstract: Cognition can unfold with little regard to the events taking place in the environment, and such self-generated mental activity poses a specific set of challenges for its scientific analysis in both cognitive science and neuroscience. One problem is that the spontaneous onset of self-generated mental activity makes it hard to distinguish the events that control the occurrence of the experience from those processes that ensure the continuity of an internal train of thought once initiated. This review demonstrates that a distinction between process and occurrence(a)provides theoretical clarity that has been absent from current discussions of self-generated mental activity,(b)affords conceptual leverage on seemingly disparate results associating the state with both domain-general processes and task error, and(c)draws attention to important questions for understanding unconstrained thought in contexts such as psychopathology and education. It is suggested that identifying the moment that self-generated mental events begin is a necessary next step in moving toward a testable account of why the mind has evolved to neglect the present in favor of ruminations on the past or imaginary musings of what may yet come to pass.
Keywords: working-memory capacity; stimulus-independent thought; attention-related errors; default network; sustained attention; executive attention; visual-perception; prefrontal cortex; cognitive control; social cognition
来源出版物: Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(3): 519-535联系邮箱: Smallwood, J; smallwood@cbs.mpg.de
被引频次: 39
Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Depression and Anxiety? A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies
Sowislo, JF; Orth, U
Abstract: Low self-esteem and depression are strongly related, but there is not yet consistent evidence on the nature of the relation. Whereas the vulnerability model states that low self-esteem contributes to depression, the scar model states that depression erodes self-esteem. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the models are specific for depression or whether they are also valid for anxiety. We evaluated the vulnerability and scar models of low self-esteem and depression, and low self-esteem and anxiety, by meta-analyzing the available longitudinal data(covering 77 studies on depression and 18 studies on anxiety). The mean age of the samples ranged from childhood to old age. In the analyses, we used a random-effects model and examined prospective effects between the variables, controlling for prior levels of the predicted variables. For depression, the findings supported the vulnerability model: The effect of self-esteem on depression(beta = -0.16)was significantly stronger than the effect of depression on self-esteem(beta =-0.08). In contrast, the effects between low self-esteem and anxiety were relatively balanced: Self-esteem predicted anxiety with beta = -0.10, and anxiety predicted self-esteem with beta = -0.08. Moderator analyses were conducted for the effect of low self-esteem on depression; these suggested that the effect is not significantly influenced by gender, age, measures of self-esteem and depression, or time lag between assessments. If future research supports the hypothesized causality of the vulnerability effect of low self-esteem on depression, interventions aimed at increasing self-esteem might be useful in reducing the risk of depression.
Keywords: national comorbidity survey; excessive reassurance-seeking; cross-temporal metaanalysis; narcissistic personality-inventory;confirmatory factor-analyses; negative feedback-seeking; birth cohort differences; stressful life events; middle-aged women; dsm-iv disorders
来源出版物: Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(1): 213-240联系邮箱: Sowislo, JF; julia.sowislo@unibas.ch
被引频次: 5
Fibromyalgia syndrome as a psychosomatic disorder - Diagnosis and therapy according to current evidence-based guidelines
Hauser, W; Burgmer, M; Kollner, V; et al.
Abstract: Fibromyalgia syndrome as a psychosomatic disorder Diagnosis and therapy according to current evidence-based guidelines Objectives: The classification and therapy of patients with chronic widespread pain without evidence of somatic factors as an explanation is currently a matter of debate. The diagnostic label "fibromyalgia syndrome"(FMS)has been rejected by some representatives of general and psychosomatic medicine.
Methods: A summary is given of the main recommendations from current evidence-based guidelines on FMS and nonspecific/functional/somatoform bodily complaints.
Results: The criteria of FMS and of persistent somatoform pain disorder or chronic pain disorder with somatic and psychological factors partly overlap. They include differential clinical characteristics of persons with chronic widespread pain but without sufficiently explaining somatic factors. Not all patients diagnosed with FMS meet the criteria of a persistent somatoform pain disorder. FMS is a functional disorder, in which in most patients psychosocial factors play an important role in both the etiology and course of illness. FMS can be diagnosed by looking at the history of a typical symptom cluster and excluding somatic differential diagnoses(without a tender point examination)using the modified 2010 diagnostic criteria of the American College of Rheumatology. Various levels of severity of FMS can be distinguished from a psychosomatic point of view, ranging from slight(single functional syndrome)to severe(meeting the criteria of multiple functional syndromes)forms of chronic pain disorder with somatic and psychological factors, of persistent somatoform pain disorder or of a somatization disorder. The diagnosis of FMS as a functional syndrome/stress-associated disorder should be explicitly communicated to the patient. A therapy within collaborative care adapted to the severity should be provided. For long-term management, nonpharmacological therapies such as aerobic exercise are recommended. In more severe cases, psychotherapy of comorbid mental disorders should be conducted.
Conclusions: The coordinated recommendations of both guidelines can synthesize general medical, somatic, and psychosocial perspectives,and can promote graduated care of patients diagnosed with FMS.
Keywords: functional somatic syndromes; somatoform disorders; mental-disorders; pain; metaanalysis; care; classification; psychotherapy;patient
来源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 2013, 59(2): 132-152
联系邮箱: Hauser, W; whaeuser@klinikum-saarbruecken.de
被引频次: 4
The future of psychotherapy in psychosomatic medicine
Beutel, ME; Kruse, J; Michal, M; et al.
Abstract: The future of psychotherapy in psychosomatic medicine Objective: To review the current perspectives and trends of psychotherapy as a key area of psychosomatic medicine with regard to both societal and scientific challenges as well as patient health care services. Also, to draw conclusions regarding the future training and practice of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy.
Results: Psychotherapy is confronted with many new challenges because of the high prevalence of mental and psychosomatic disorders,because of their increasing recognition as major health problems and because of the rapid technological and demographic changes going on in modern society. Despite its growth, psychotherapeutic care is still limited in many, especially rural, regions and for patients with complex psychosomatic and somatopsychic disorders.
Conclusions: New models of training as well as integrated and multimodal care are needed in order to provide both, rapid, low-threshold and specialized, disorder-specific care.
Keywords: randomized controlled-trial; german health interview; global mental-health; stress reactivity; disorders; workplace; internet;network; disease; risk
来源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 2013, 59(1): 33-50
联系邮箱: Beutel, ME; manfred.beutel@unimedizin-mainz.de
被引频次: 4
Treatment of mental and psychosomatic complaints - How the general population in Germany gets treatment, and what it expects and knows about treatment alternatives
Larisch, A; Heuft, G; Engbrink, S; et al.
Abstract: Treatment of mental and psychosomatic complaints How the general population in Germany gets treatment, and what it expects and knows about treatment alternatives Objectives: The healthcare sector provides a wide range of services with various treatment approaches for mental or psychosomatic complaints. The present study assesses treatment preferences and knowledge within the general population in Germany. Methods: In 2011, a total of n = 2555 individuals aged 14-97 years were interviewed as part of a representative population survey. Using a structured interview, we examined the retrospective, current, and prospective utilization of outpatient psychotherapy, treatment preferences,and knowledge of the alternatives.
Results: Outpatient psychotherapy was currently or in the past used by 7.1 % of respondents, inpatient psychotherapy by 3.2 %. Medical psychotherapists were consulted by 12.5 %, psychological psychotherapists by 8.8 % of the respondents. Future treatment expectations were directed more frequently towards medical than psychological psychotherapists. The primary care physician continues to play a pivotal role in the treatment of mental/psychosomatic disorders. Treatment expectations were largely independent of the type of disorder. Women were nearly twice as likely as men to utilize or have utilized outpatient psychotherapy(9.1 % vs. 4.8 %).
Discussion: The existing outpatient care for patients with mental or psychosomatic complaints is well accepted among large parts of the the population. For mental or psychosomatic problems, the majority of respondents prefer a medical psychotherapist. Further research needs to clarify which factors determine this preference.
Keywords: primary-care; psychiatric comorbidity; illness behavior; health-care; unmet need; disorders; psychotherapy; prevalence; physicians; europe
来源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 2013, 59(2): 153-169
联系邮箱: Larisch, A; Astrid.Larisch@psycho.med.uni-giessen.de
被引频次: 3
Depressives have the better view - the influence of mood on the recognition of emotional expression
Beck, T; Mitmansgruber, H; Kumnig, M; et al.
Abstract: Objectives: There are different approaches to whether depressed people perceive their environment differently than nondepressed. We analyzed whether depressed patients show greater deficits in decoding emotional expressions than nondepressives.
Methods: A sample of 52 depressed patients and a sample of 72 nondepressed persons were investigated as to their ability to identify emotionally laden facial expressions(computer-assisted presentation of photos).
Results: Our results demonstrate significant differences between depressive patients and nondepressive persons in the ability to decode the emotional states of others. In four out of six tests the depressive persons achieved significantly better results.
Conclusions: We suggest that these results can be interpreted as further evidence for the concept of depressive emotional realism.
Keywords: cultural-differences; intertrial interval; realism; judgments; bias
来源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 2013, 59(3): 247-253
联系邮箱: Beck, T; thomas.beck@uki.at
被引频次: 3
The efficacy of psychodynamic therapy: a controversy
Leichsenring, F; Rabung, S
Abstract: The efficacy of psychodynamic therapy: a controversy There is growing evidence from randomized controlled trials supporting the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy(PDT)in specific mental disorders. Yet the evidence for the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy has not gone unchallenged. Several responses have addressed these concerns, showing that most of the criticism was not justified. Nevertheless, the evidence for psychodynamic psychotherapy continues to be frequently ignored, criticized or presented in a distorted way. A recent controversy published in the Nervenarzt may serve as an illustrative example, which is discussed here more in detail. This example shows that some authors are not interested in a truly scientific discussion, but rather try to discredit a rival method of psychotherapy and its scientific representatives for political reasons.
Keywords: cognitive-behavioral therapy; randomized controlled-trials; borderline personality-disorder; collaborative research-program;term psychoanalytic-therapy; interpersonal psychotherapy; treatment integrity; treatment duration; depression; metaanalysis
来源出版物: Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 2013, 59(1): 13-32
联系邮箱: Leichsenring, F; Falk.Leichsenring@psycho.med.uni-giessen.de
被引频次: 177
Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal
Barr, DJ; Levy, R; Scheepers, C; et al.
Abstract: Linear mixed-effects models(LMEMs)have become increasingly prominent in psycholinguistics and related areas. However,many researchers do not seem to appreciate how random effects structures affect the generalizability of an analysis. Here, we argue that researchers using LMEMs for confirmatory hypothesis testing should minimally adhere to the standards that have been in place for many decades. Through theoretical arguments and Monte Carlo simulation, we show that LMEMs generalize best when they include the maximal random effects structure justified by the design. The generalization performance of LMEMs including data-driven random effects structures strongly depends upon modeling criteria and sample size, yielding reasonable results on moderately-sized samples when conservative criteria are used, but with little or no power advantage over maximal models. Finally, random-intercepts-only LMEMs used on within-subjects and/or within-items data from populations where subjects and/or items vary in their sensitivity to experimental manipulations always generalize worse than separate F-1 and F-2 tests, and in many cases, even worse than F-1 alone. Maximal LMEMs should be the 'gold standard' for confirmatory hypothesis testing in psycholinguistics and beyond.
Keywords: fixed-effect fallacy; repeated-measures designs; linear mixed models; language
来源出版物: Journal of Memory and Language, 2013, 68(3): 255-278联系邮箱: Barr, DJ; dale.barr@glasgow.ac.ukss
被引频次: 92
Executive Functions
Diamond, A
Abstract: Executive functions(EFs)make possible mentally playing with ideas; taking the time to think before acting; meeting novel,unanticipated challenges; resisting temptations; and staying focused. Core EFs are inhibition [response inhibition(self-control-resisting temptations and resisting acting impulsively)and interference control(selective attention and cognitive inhibition)], working memory, and cognitive flexibility(including creatively thinking "outside the box," seeing anything from different perspectives, and quickly and flexibly adapting to changed circumstances). The developmental progression and representative measures of each are discussed. Controversies are addressed(e.g., the relation between EFs and fluid intelligence, self-regulation, executive attention, and effortful control, and the relation between working memory and inhibition and attention). The importance of social, emotional, and physical health for cognitive health is discussed because stress, lack of sleep, loneliness, or lack of exercise each impair EFs. That EFs are trainable and can be improved with practice is addressed, including diverse methods tried thus far.
Keywords: working-memory capacity; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; frontal-lobe lesions; short-term-memory; reactive cognitive control; event-related potentials; latent-variable analysis; obstructive sleep-apnea; adult age-differences; top-down modulation
来源出版物: Annual Review of Psychology, 2013, 64: 135-168联系邮箱: Diamond, A; adele.diamond@ubc.ca
被引频次: 52
The Endocannabinoid System and the Brain
Mechoulam, R; Parker, LA
Abstract: The psychoactive constituent in cannabis, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), was isolated in the mid-1960s, but the cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, and the major endogenous cannabinoids(anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol)were identified only 20to 25 years later. The cannabinoid system affects both central nervous system(CNS)and peripheral processes. In this review, we have tried to summarize research-with an emphasis on recent publications-on the actions of the endocannabinoid system on anxiety, depression, neurogenesis, reward, cognition, learning, and memory. The effects are at times biphasic-lower doses causing effects opposite to those seen at high doses. Recently, numerous endocannabinoid-like compounds have been identified in the brain. Only a few have been investigated for their CNS activity, and future investigations on their action may throw light on a wide spectrum of brain functions.
Keywords: cannabinoid CB2 receptors; short-term-memory; impairs spatial memory; induced heroin-seeking; knock-out mice; monoacylglycerol lipase; anandamide hydrolysis; basolateral amygdala; synaptic plasticity; squirrel-monkeys
来源出版物: Annual Review of Psychology, 2013, 64: 21-47联系邮箱: Mechoulam, R; mechou@cc.huji.ac.il
被引频次: 49
The Malleability of Spatial Skills: A Meta-Analysis of Training Studies
Uttal, DH; Meadow, NG; Tipton, E; et al.
Abstract: Having good spatial skills strongly predicts achievement and attainment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields(e.g., Shea, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2001; Wai, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2009). Improving spatial skills is therefore of both theoretical and practical importance. To determine whether and to what extent training and experience can improve these skills, we meta-analyzed 217 research studies investigating the magnitude, moderators, durability, and generalizability of training on spatial skills. After eliminating outliers, the average effect size(Hedges's g)for training relative to control was 0.47(SE =0.04). Training effects were stable and were not affected by delays between training and posttesting. Training also transferred to other spatial tasks that were not directly trained. We analyzed the effects of several moderators, including the presence and type of control groups, sex, age, and type of training. Additionally, we included a theoretically motivated typology of spatial skills that emphasizes 2 dimensions: intrinsic versus extrinsic and static versus dynamic(Newcombe & Shipley, in press). Finally, we consider the potential educational and policy implications of directly training spatial skills. Considered together, the results suggest that spatially enriched education could pay substantial dividends in increasing participation in mathematics, science, and engineering.
Keywords: water-level task; field-dependence-independence; video-game experience; mental-rotation; sex-differences; gender-differences;visualization ability; individual-differences; 3-dimensional objects; childrens performance
来源出版物: Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(2): 352-402联系邮箱: Uttal, DH; duttal@northwestern.edu
被引频次: 43
Distinguishing How From Why the Mind Wanders: A Process-Occurrence Framework for Self-Generated Mental Activity
Smallwood, J
Abstract: Cognition can unfold with little regard to the events taking place in the environment, and such self-generated mental activity poses a specific set of challenges for its scientific analysis in both cognitive science and neuroscience. One problem is that the spontaneous onset of self-generated mental activity makes it hard to distinguish the events that control the occurrence of the experience from those processes that ensure the continuity of an internal train of thought once initiated. This review demonstrates that a distinction between process and occurrence(a)provides theoretical clarity that has been absent from current discussions of self-generated mental activity,(b)affords conceptual leverage on seemingly disparate results associating the state with both domain-general processes and task error, and(c)draws attention to important questions for understanding unconstrained thought in contexts such as psychopathology and education. It is suggested that identifying the moment that self-generated mental events begin is a necessary next step in moving toward a testable account of why the mind has evolved to neglect the present in favor of ruminations on the past or imaginary musings of what may yet come to pass.
Keywords: working-memory capacity; stimulus-independent thought; attention-related errors; default network; sustained attention; executive attention; visual-perception; prefrontal cortex; cognitive control; social cognition
来源出版物: Psychological Bulletin, 2013, 139(3): 519-535联系邮箱: Smallwood, J; smallwood@cbs.mpg.de
被引频次: 101
White matter integrity, fiber count, and other fallacies: The do's and don'ts of diffusion MRI
Jones, DK; Knosche, TR; Turner, R
Abstract: Diffusion-weighted MRI(DW-MRI)has been increasingly used in imaging neuroscience over the last decade. An early form of this technique, diffusion tensor imaging(DTI)was rapidly implemented by major MRI scanner companies as a scanner selling point. Due to the ease of use of such implementations, and the plausibility of some of their results. DTI was leapt on by imaging neuroscientists who saw it as a powerful and unique new tool for exploring the structural connectivity of human brain. However, DTI is a rather approximate technique, and its results have frequently been given implausible interpretations that have escaped proper critique and have appeared mis-leadingly in journals of high reputation. In order to encourage the use of improved DW-MRI methods, which have a better chance of characterizing the actual fiber structure of white matter, and to warn against the misuse and misinterpretation of DTI, we review the physics of DW-MRI, indicate currently preferred methodology, and explain the limits of interpretation of its results. We conclude with a list of 'Do's and Don'ts' which define good practice in this expanding area of imaging neuroscience.
Keywords: non-gaussian diffusion; human brain; tensor MRI; water diffusion; in-vivo; weighted MRI; spherical deconvolution; alzheimers-disease; gray-matter; orientation distributions
来源出版物: Neuroimage, 2013, 73: 239-254联系邮箱: Jones, DK; jonesd27@cardiff.ac.uk
被引频次: 92
Recommendations for the Management of Subsolid Pulmonary Nodules Detected at CT:A Statement from the Fleischner Society
Naidich, DP; Bankier, AA; MacMahon, H; et al.
Abstract: This report is to complement the original Fleischner Society recommendations for incidentally detected solid nodules by proposing a set of recommendations specifically aimed at subsolid nodules. The development of a standardized approach to the interpretation and management of subsolid nodules remains critically important given that peripheral adenocarcinomas represent the most common type of lung cancer, with evidence of increasing frequency. Following an initial consideration of appropriate terminology to describe subsolid nodules and a brief review of the new classification system for peripheral lung adenocarcinomas sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer(IASLC), American Thoracic Society(ATS), and European Respiratory Society(ERS), six specific recommendations were made, three with regard to solitary subsolid nodules and three with regard to multiple subsolid nodules. Each recommendation is followed first by the rationales underlying the recommendation and then by specific pertinent remarks. Finally, issues for which future research is needed are discussed. The recommendations are the result of careful review of the literature now available regarding subsolid nodules. Given the complexity of these lesions, the current recommendations are more varied than the original Fleischner Society guidelines for solid nodules. It cannot be overemphasized that these guidelines must be interpreted in light of an individual's clinical history. Given the frequency with which subsolid nodules are encountered in daily clinical practice, and notwithstanding continuing controversy on many of these issues, it is anticipated that further refinements and modifications to these recommendations will be forthcoming as information continues to emerge from ongoing research.
Keywords: ground-glass opacity; cell lung-cancer; thin-section CT; positron-emission-tomography; high-resolution CT; noninvasive bronchioloalveolar carcinoma; growth-factor receptor; part-solid-nodules; computed-tomography; follow-up
来源出版物: Radiology, 2013, 266(1): 304-317联系邮箱: Naidich, DP; david.naidich@nyumc.org
被引频次: 86
An improved framework for confound regression and filtering for control of motion artifact in the preprocessing of resting-state functional connectivity data
Satterthwaite, TD; Elliott, MA; Gerraty, RT; et al.
Abstract: Several recent reports in large, independent samples have demonstrated the influence of motion artifact on resting-state functional connectivity MRI(rsfc-MRI). Standard rsfc-MRI preprocessing typically includes regression of confounding signals and band-pass filtering. However, substantial heterogeneity exists in how these techniques are implemented across studies, and no prior study has examined the effect of differing approaches for the control of motion-induced artifacts. To better understand how in-scanner head motion affects rsfc-MRI data, we describe the spatial, temporal, and spectral characteristics of motion artifacts in a sample of 348 adolescents. Analyses utilize a novel approach for describing head motion on a voxelwise basis. Next, we systematically evaluate the efficacy of a range of confound regression and filtering techniques for the control of motion-induced artifacts. Results reveal that the effectiveness of preprocessing procedures on the control of motion is heterogeneous, and that improved preprocessing provides a substantial benefit beyond typical procedures. These results demonstrate that the effect of motion on rsfc-MRI can be substantially attenuated through improved preprocessing procedures, but not completely removed.
Keywords: physiological noise correction; fMRI time-series; human brain; cerebral-cortex; global signal; networks; fluctuations; optimization; model; anticorrelations
来源出版物: Neuroimage, 2013, 64: 240-256联系邮箱: Satterthwaite, TD; sattertt@upenn.edu
被引频次: 73
A comprehensive assessment of regional variation in the impact of head micromovements on functional connectomics
Yan, CG; Cheung, B; Kelly, C; et al.
Abstract: Functional connectomics is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of neuroimaging research. Yet, concerns remain regardingthe use of resting-state fMRI(R-fMRI)to characterize inter-individual variation in the functional connectome. In particular, recent findings that "micro" head movements can introduce artifactual inter-individual and group-related differences in R-fMRI metrics have raised concerns. Here, we first build on prior demonstrations of regional variation in the magnitude of framewise displacements associated with a given head movement, by providing a comprehensive voxel-based examination of the impact of motion on the BOLD signal(i.e., motion-BOLD relationships). Positive motion-BOLD relationships were detected in primary and supplementary motor areas, particularly in low motion datasets. Negative motion-BOLD relationships were most prominent in prefrontal regions, and expanded throughout the brain in high motion datasets(e.g., children). Scrubbing of volumes with FD > 0.2 effectively removed negative but not positive correlations;these findings suggest that positive relationships may reflect neural origins of motion while negative relationships are likely to originate from motion artifact. We also examined the ability of motion correction strategies to eliminate artifactual differences related to motion among individuals and between groups for a broad array of voxel-wise R-fMRI metrics. Residual relationships between motion and the examined R-fMRI metrics remained for all correction approaches, underscoring the need to covary motion effects at the group-level. Notably, global signal regression reduced relationships between motion and inter-individual differences in correlation-based R-fMRI metrics;Z-standardization(mean-centering and variance normalization)of subject-level maps for R-fMRI metrics prior to group-level analyses demonstrated similar advantages. Finally, our test-retest(TRT)analyses revealed significant motion effects on TRT reliability for R-fMRI metrics. Generally, motion compromised reliability of R-fMRI metrics, with the exception of those based on frequency characteristics particularly, amplitude of low frequency fluctuations(ALFF). The implications of our findings for decision-making regarding the assessment and correction of motion are discussed, as are insights into potential differences among volume-based metrics of motion.
Keywords: prospective motion correction; fMRI time-series; independent component analysis; resting-state fMRI; human brain; connectivity MRI; global signal; noise correction; networks; regression
来源出版物: Neuroimage, 2013, 76(1): 183-201联系邮箱: Milham, MP; Michael.Milham@childmind.org
被引频次: 72
EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 1:Basic Principles and Technology
Bamber, J; Cosgrove, D; Dietrich, CF; et al.
Abstract: The technical part of these Guidelines and Recommendations, produced under the auspices of EFSUMB, provides an introduction to the physical principles and technology on which all forms of current commercially available ultrasound elastography are based. A difference in shear modulus is the common underlying physical mechanism that provides tissue contrast in all elastograms. The relationship between the alternative technologies is considered in terms of the method used to take advantage of this. The practical advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the techniques are described, and guidance is provided on optimisation of scanning technique, image display, image interpretation and some of the known image artefacts.
Keywords: acoustic radiation force; in-vivo demonstration; transient elastography; elastic properties; soft-tissue; liver fibrosis; hepatitis-c;breast; strain; contrast
来源出版物: Ultraschall in Der Medizin, 2013, 34(2): 169-184联系邮箱: Bamber, J; jeff@icr.ac.uk
被引频次: 56
Satellite-derived land surface temperature: Current status and perspectives
Li, ZL; Tang, BH; Wu, H; et al.
Abstract: Land surface temperature(LST)is one of the key parameters in the physics of land surface processes from local through global scales. The importance of LST is being increasingly recognized and there is a strong interest in developing methodologies to measure LST from space. However, retrieving LST is still a challenging task since the LST retrieval problem is ill-posed. This paper reviews the current status of selected remote sensing algorithms for estimating LST from thermal infrared(TIR)data. A brief theoretical background of the subject is presented along with a survey of the algorithms employed for obtaining LST from space-based TIR measurements. The discussion focuses on TIR data acquired from polar-orbiting satellites because of their widespread use, global applicability and higher spatial resolution compared to geostationary satellites. The theoretical framework and methodologies used to derive the LST from the data are reviewed followed by the methodologies for validating satellite-derived LST. Directions for future research to improve the accuracy of satellite-derived LST are then suggested.
Keywords: thermal-infrared data; split-window algorithm; track scanning radiometer; high-resolution radiometer; neural-network technique; remote-sensing data; emissivity separation algorithm; 2-step physical algorithm; passive microwave data; in-flight validation
来源出版物: Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 131: 14-37联系邮箱: Li, ZL; lizl@igsnrr.ac.cn
被引频次: 47
Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data
Gong, P; Wang, J; Yu, L; et al.
Abstract: We have produced the first 30 m resolution global land-cover maps using Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM)and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus(ETM+)data. We have classified over 6600 scenes of Landsat TM data after 2006, and over 2300 scenes of Landsat TM and ETM+ data before 2006, all selected from the green season. These images cover most of the world's land surface except Antarctica and Greenland. Most of these images came from the United States Geological Survey in level L1T(orthorectified). Four classifiers that were freely available were employed, including the conventional maximum likelihood classifier(MLC), J4.8 decision tree classifier, Random Forest(RF)classifier and support vector machine(SVM)classifier. A total of 91433 training samples were collected by traversing each scene and finding the most representative and homogeneous samples. A total of 38664 test samples were collected at preset, fixed locations based on a globally systematic unaligned sampling strategy. Two software tools, Global Analyst and Global Mapper developed by extending the functionality of Google Earth, were used in developing the training and test sample databases by referencing the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer enhanced vegetation index(MODIS EVI)time series for 2010 and high resolution images from Google Earth. A unique land-cover classification system was developed that can be crosswalked to the existing United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)land-cover classification system as well as the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme(IGBP)system. Using the four classification algorithms, we obtained the initial set of global land-cover maps. The SVM produced the highest overall classification accuracy(OCA)of 64.9% assessed with our test samples, with RF(59.8%), J4.8(57.9%), and MLC(53.9%)ranked from the second to the fourth. We also estimated the OCAs using a subset of our test samples(8629)each of which represented a homogeneous area greater than 500 mx500 m. Using this subset, we found the OCA for the SVM to be 71.5%. As a consistent source for estimating the coverage of global land-cover types in the world, estimation from the test samples shows that only 6.90% of the world is planted for agricultural production. The total area of cropland is 11.51% if unplanted croplands are included. The forests, grasslands, and shrublands cover 28.35%, 13.37%, and 11.49% of the world, respectively. The impervious surface covers only 0.66% of the world. Inland waterbodies, barren lands, and snow and ice cover 3.56%, 16.51%, and 12.81% of the world, respectively.
Keywords: earth observation data; remotely-sensed data; satellite data; research priorities; accuracy assessment; use classification; brazilian amazon; aerial imagery; large areas; vegetation
来源出版物: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(7): 2607-2654联系邮箱: Gong, P; penggong@berkeley.edu
被引频次: 36
Land surface emissivity retrieval from satellite data
Li, ZL; Wu, H; Wang, N; et al.
Abstract: As an intrinsic property of natural materials, land surface emissivity(LSE)is an important surface parameter and can be derived from the emitted radiance measured from space. Besides radiometric calibration and cloud detection, two main problems need to be resolved to obtain LSE values from space measurements. These problems are often referred to as land surface temperature(LST)and emissivity separation from radiance at ground level and as atmospheric corrections in the literature. To date, many LSE retrieval methods have been proposed with the same goal but different application conditions, advantages, and limitations. The aim of this article is to review these LSE retrieval methods and to provide technical assistance for estimating LSE from space. This article first gives a description of the theoretical basis of LSE measurements and then reviews the published methods. For clarity, we categorize these methods into(1)(semi-)empirical or theoretical methods,(2)multi-channel temperature emissivity separation(TES)methods, and(3)physically based methods(PBMs). This article also discusses the validation methods, which are of importance in verifying the uncertainty and accuracy of retrieved emissivity. Finally, the prospects for further developments are given.
Keywords: thermal infrared data; airborne imaging spectrometer; reflection radiometer aster; 2-step physical algorithm; m atmospheric window; remote-sensing data; mu-m; directional emissivity; bidirectional reflectance; split-window
来源出版物: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(9-10): 3084-3127联系邮箱: Li, ZL; lizl@igsnrr.ac.cn
被引频次: 36
Global Data Sets of Vegetation Leaf Area Index(LAI)3g and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation(FPAR)3g Derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies(GIMMS)Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI3g)for the Period 1981 to 2011
Zhu, ZC; Bi, J; Pan, YZ; et al.
Abstract: Long-term global data sets of vegetation Leaf Area Index(LAI)and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation(FPAR)are critical to monitoring global vegetation dynamics and for modeling exchanges of energy, mass and momentum between the land surface and planetary boundary layer. LAI and FPAR are also state variables in hydrological, ecological, biogeochemicaland crop-yield models. The generation, evaluation and an example case study documenting the utility of 30-year long data sets of LAI and FPAR are described in this article. A neural network algorithm was first developed between the new improved third generation Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies(GIMMS)Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI3g)and best-quality Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)LAI and FPAR products for the overlapping period 2000-2009. The trained neural network algorithm was then used to generate corresponding LAI3g and FPAR3g data sets with the following attributes: 15-day temporal frequency, 1/12 degree spatial resolution and temporal span of July 1981 to December 2011. The quality of these data sets for scientific research in other disciplines was assessed through(a)comparisons with field measurements scaled to the spatial resolution of the data products,(b)comparisons with broadly-used existing alternate satellite data-based products,(c)comparisons to plant growth limiting climatic variables in the northern latitudes and tropical regions, and(d)correlations of dominant modes of interannual variability with large-scale circulation anomalies such as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation. These assessment efforts yielded results that attested to the suitability of these data sets for research use in other disciplines. The utility of these data sets is documented by comparing the seasonal profiles of LAI3g with profiles from 18 state-of-the-art Earth System Models: the models consistently overestimated the satellite-based estimates of leaf area and simulated delayed peak seasonal values in the northern latitudes, a result that is consistent with previous evaluations of similar models with ground-based data. The LAI3g and FPAR3g data sets can be obtained freely from the NASA Earth Exchange(NEX)website.
Keywords: net primary production; MODIS-LAI product; remote-sensing data; satellite data; land-cover; biophysical parameters; multiscale analysis; biosphere model; spot-vegetation; north-america
来源出版物: Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(2): 927-948联系邮箱: Zhu, ZC; zzc@bu.edu
被引频次: 31
Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: Estimating accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified estimation
Olofsson, P; Foody, GM; Stehman, SV; et al.
Abstract: The area of land use or land cover change obtained directly from a map may differ greatly from the true area of change because of map classification error. An error-adjusted estimator of area can be easily produced once an accuracy assessment has been performed and an error matrix constructed. The estimator presented is a stratified estimator which is applicable to data acquired using popular sampling designs such as stratified random, simple random and systematic(the stratified estimator is often labeled a poststratified estimator for the latter two designs). A confidence interval for the area of land change should also be provided to quantify the uncertainty of the change area estimate. The uncertainty of the change area estimate, as expressed via the confidence interval, can then subsequently be incorporated into an uncertainty analysis for applications using land change area as an input(e.g., a carbon flux model). Accuracy assessments published for land change studies should report the information required to produce the stratified estimator of change area and to construct confidence intervals. However, an evaluation of land change articles published between 2005 and 2010 in two remote sensing journals revealed that accuracy assessments often fail to include this key information. We recommend that land change maps should be accompanied by an accuracy assessment that includes a clear description of the sampling design(including sample size and, if relevant, details of stratification), an error matrix, the area or proportion of area of each category according to the map, and descriptive accuracy measures such as user's, producer's and overall accuracy. Furthermore, mapped areas should be adjusted to eliminate bias attributable to map classification error and these error-adjusted area estimates should be accompanied by confidence intervals to quantify the sampling variability of the estimated area. Using data from the published literature, we illustrate how to produce error-adjusted point estimates and confidence intervals of land change areas. A simple analysis of uncertainty based on the confidence bounds for land change area is applied to a carbon flux model to illustrate numerically that variability in the land change area estimate can have a dramatic effect on model outputs.
Keywords: remotely-sensed data; thematic map accuracy; cover change; classification accuracy; satellite data; tropical deforestation; urban-growth; biodiversity; allocation; inference
来源出版物: Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 129: 122-131联系邮箱: Olofsson, P; olofsson@bu.edu
被引频次: 53
Restoration of ovarian activity and pregnancy after transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue:a review of 60 cases of reimplantation
Donnez, J; Dolmans, MM; Pellicer, A; et al.
Abstract: Aggressive chemotherapy/radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation can cure >90% of girls and young women affected by disorders requiring such treatment. However, the ovaries are very sensitive to cytotoxic drugs, especially to alkylating agents. Several options are currently available to preserve fertility in cancer patients. The present review reports the results of 60 orthotopic reimplantations of cryopreserved ovarian tissue performed by three teams, as well as 24 live births reported in the literature to date. Restoration of ovarianactivity occurred in almost all cases in the three series. Among the 60 patients, eleven conceived and six of those had already delivered twelve healthy babies. In the future, we are looking to: 1)improve freezing techniques; and 2)enhance the "vascular bed'' before reimplantation to increase pregnancy rates. On the other hand, cryopreservation of ovarian tissue may be combined with removal, via puncture, of small antral follicles, making it possible to freeze both ovarian tissue and isolated immature oocytes.
Keywords: monozygotic twins discordant; bone-marrow-transplantation; pre-antral follicles; fertility preservation; live birth; follicular-growth; oocyte retrieval; cortical tissue; young-patients; failure
来源出版物: Fertility and Sterility, 2013, 99(6): 1503-1513联系邮箱: Donnez, J; jacques.donnez@gmail.com
被引频次: 44
Why do singletons conceived after assisted reproduction technology have adverse perinatal outcome? Systematic review and meta-analysis
Pinborg, A; Wennerholm, UB; Romundstad, LB; et al.
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Assisted reproduction technology(ART)is used worldwide, at increasing rates, and data show that some adverse outcomes occur more frequently than following spontaneous conception(SC). Possible explanatory factors for the well-known adverse perinatal outcome in ART singletons were evaluated.
METHODS: PubMed and Cochrane databases from 1982 to 2012 were searched. Studies using donor or frozen oocytes were excluded, as well as those with no control group or including <100 children. The main outcome measure was preterm birth(PTB defined as delivery <37 weeks of gestation), and a random effects model was used for meta-analyses of PTB. Other outcomes were very PTB, low-birthweight(LBW), very LBW, small for gestational age and perinatal mortality.
RESULTS: The search returned 1255 articles and 65 of these met the inclusion criteria. The following were identified as predictors for PTB in singletons: SC in couples with time to pregnancy(TTP)> I year versus SC singletons in couples with TTP <= 1 year [adjusted odds ratio(AOR)1.35, 95% confidence interval(CI)1.22, 1.50]; IVF/ICSI versus SC singletons from subfertile couples(TTP > 1 year; AOR 1.55,95% CI 1.30, 1.85); conception after ovulation induction and/or intrauterine insemination versus SC singletons where TTP < 1 year(AOR 1.45, 95% CI 1.21, 1.74); IVF/ICSI singletons versus their non-ART singleton siblings(AOR 1.27, 95% CI 1.08, 1.49). The risk of PTB in singletons with a 'vanishing co-twin' versus from a single gestation was AOR of 1.73(95% CI 1.54, 1.94)in the narrative data. ICSI versus IVF(AOR 0.80, 95% CI 0.69-0.93), and frozen embryo transfer versus fresh embryo transfer(AOR 0.85, 95% CI 0.76, 0.94)were associated with a lower risk of PTB.
CONCLUSIONS: Subfertility is a major risk factor for adverse perinatal outcome in ART singletons, however, even in the same mother an ART singleton has a poorer outcome than the non-ART sibling; hence, factors related to the hormone stimulation and/or IVF methods per se also may play a part. Further research is required into mechanisms of epigenetic modification in human embryos and the effects of cryo-preservation on this, whether milder ovarian stimulation regimens can improve embryo quality and endometrial conditions, and whether longer culture times for embryos has a negative influence on the perinatal outcome.
Keywords: in-vitro fertilization; low-birth-weight; double-embryo-transfer; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; long-term health; ovarian stimulation; oocyte donation; increased risk; children born; cryopreserved embryos
来源出版物: Human Reproduction Update, 2013, 19(2): 87-104联系邮箱: Pinborg, A; pinborg@nru.dk
被引频次: 41
Added value of ovarian reserve testing on patient characteristics in the prediction of ovarian response and ongoing pregnancy: an individual patient data approach
Broer, SL; van Disseldorp, J; Broeze, KA; et al.
Abstract: Although ovarian reserve tests(ORTs)are frequently used prior to IVF treatment for outcome prediction, their added predictive value is unclear. We assessed the added value of ORTs to patient characteristics in the prediction of IVF outcome.
An individual patient data(IPD)meta-analysis from published studies was performed. Studies on FSH, anti-Mllerian hormone(AMH)or antral follicle count(AFC)in women undergoing IVF were identified and authors were contacted. Using random intercept logistic regression models, we estimated the added predictive value of ORTs for poor response and ongoing pregnancy after IVF, relative to patient characteristics.
We were able to collect 28 study databases, comprising 5705 women undergoing IVF. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve(AUC)for female age in predicting poor response was 0.61. AFC and AMH each significantly improved the model fit(P-value 0.001). Moreover, almost a similar accuracy was reached using AMH or AFC alone(AUC 0.78 and 0.76, respectively). Combining the two tests, however, did not improve prediction(AUC 0.80, P 0.19)of poor response. In predicting ongoing pregnancy after IVF, age was the best single predictor(AUC 0.57), and none of the ORTs added any value.
This IPD meta-analysis demonstrates that AFC and AMH clearly add to age in predicting poor response. As single tests, AFC and AMH both fully cover the prediction of poor ovarian response. In contrast, none of the ORTs add any information to the limited capacity of fe-male age to predict ongoing pregnancy after IVF. The clinical usefulness of ORTs prior to IVF will be limited to the prediction of ovarian response.
Keywords: in-vitro fertilization; follicle-stimulating-hormone; anti-mullerian hormone; assisted reproductive technology; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; randomized clinical-trial; basal fsh concentration; antimullerian hormone; inhibin-b; IVF treatment
来源出版物: Human Reproduction Update, 2013, 19(1): 26-36联系邮箱: Broer, SL; S.L.Broer-2@umcutrecht.nl
被引频次: 36
Assisted reproductive technology in Europe, 2009: results generated from European registers by ESHRE
Ferraretti, AP; Goossens, V; Kupka, M; et al.
Abstract: The 13th European in vitro fertilization(IVF)-monitoring(EIM)report presents the results of treatments involving assisted reproductive technology(ART)initiated in Europe during 2009: are there any changes in the trends compared with previous years?
Despite some fluctuations in the number of countries reporting data, the overall number of ART cycles has continued to increase year by year and, while pregnancy rates in 2009 remained similar to those reported in 2008, the number of transfers with multiple embryos(3)and the multiple delivery rates declined.
Since 1997, ART data in Europe have been collected and reported in 12 manuscripts, published in Human Reproduction.
Retrospective data collection of European ART data by the EIM Consortium for the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology(ESHRE); cycles started between 1st January and 31st December are collected on a yearly basis; the data are collected by the National Registers, when existing, or on a voluntary basis.
From 34 countries(2 compared with 2008), 1005 clinics reported 537463 treatment cycles including: IVF(135621), intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI, 266084), frozen embryo replacement(FER, 104153), egg donation(ED, 21604), in vitro maturation(IVM, 1334),preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening(PGD/PGS, 4389)and frozen oocyte replacements(FOR, 4278). European data on intrauterine insemination using husband/partners semen(IUI-H)and donor(IUI-D)semen were reported from 21 and 18 countries, respectively. A total of 162843 IUI-H(12.7)and 29235 IUI-D(17.3)cycles were included. Data available from each country are presented in the tables; total values(as numbers and percentages)refer to those countries where all data have been reported.
In 21 countries where all clinics reported to the ART register, a total of 399020 ART cycles were performed in a population of 373.8 million,corresponding to 1067 cycles per million inhabitants. For IVF, the clinical pregnancy rates per aspiration and per transfer were 28.9 and 32.9, respectively and for ICSI, the corresponding rates were 28.7 and 32.0. In FER cycles, the pregnancy rate per thawing was 20.9; in ED cycles, the pregnancy rate per transfer was 42.3. The delivery rate after IUI-H was 8.3 and 13.4 after IUI-D. In IVF and ICSI cycles, 1, 2, 3 and 4 embryos were transferred in 24.2, 57.7, 16.9 and 1.2, respectively. The proportions of singleton, twin and triplet deliveries after IVF and ICSI(combined)were 79.8, 19.4 and 0.8, respectively, resulting in a total multiple delivery rate of 20.2, compared with 21.7 in 2008,22.3 in 2007, 20.8 in 2006 and 21.8 in 2005. In FER cycles, the multiple delivery rate was 13.0(12.7 twins and 0.3 triplets). Twin and triplet delivery rates associated with IUI cycles were 10.4/0.7 and 10.3/0.5, following treatment with husband and donor semen, respectively.
The method of reporting varies among countries, and registers from a number of countries have been unable to provide some of the relevant data such as initiated cycles and deliveries. As long as data are incomplete and generated through different methods of collection, results should be interpreted with caution.
The 13th ESHRE report on ART shows a continuing expansion of the number of treatment cycles in Europe, with more than half a million of cycles reported in 2009. The use of ICSI has reached a plateau. Pregnancy and delivery rates after IVF and ICSI remained relatively stable compared with 2008 and 2007. The number of multiple embryo transfers(3 embryos)and the multiple delivery rate have shown a clear decline.
The study has no external funding; all costs are covered by ESHRE. There are no competing interests.
Keywords: sperm injection; countries; trends
来源出版物: Human Reproduction, 2013, 28(9): 2318-2331联系邮箱: Ferraretti, AP; annapia.ferraretti@sismer.it
被引频次: 36
Blastocyst biopsy with comprehensive chromosome screening and fresh embryo transfer significantly increases in vitro fertilization implantation and delivery rates: a randomized controlled trial
Scott, RT; Upham, KM; Forman, EJ; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To determine whether blastocyst biopsy and rapid quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(qPCR)-based comprehensive chromosome screening(CCS)improves in vitro fertilization(IVF)implantation and delivery rates.
Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Setting: Academic reproductive medicine center.
Patient(s): Infertile couples in whom the female partner(or oocyte donor)is between the ages of 21 and 42 years who are attempting conception through IVF.
Intervention(s): Embryonic aneuploidy screening.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Sustained implantation and delivery rates.
Result(s): We transferred 134 blastocysts to 72 patients in the study(CCS)group and 163 blastocysts to 83 patients in the routine care(control)group. Sustained implantation rates(probability that an embryo will implant and progress to delivery)were statistically significantly higher in the CCS group(89 of 134; 66.4%)compared with those from the control group(78 of 163; 47.9%). Delivery rates per cycle were also statistically significantly higher in the CCS group. Sixty one of 72 treatment cycles using CCS led to delivery(84.7%), and 56 of 83(67.5%)control cycles ultimately delivered. Outcomes were excellent in both groups, but use of CCS clearly improved patient outcomes. Conclusion(s): Blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based comprehensive chromosomal screening results in statistically significantly improved IVF outcomes, as evidenced by meaningful increases in sustained implantation and delivery rates.
Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT01219283.
Keywords: live birth; single; metaanalysis; aneuploidy
来源出版物: Fertility and Sterility, 2013, 100(3): 697-703联系邮箱: Scott, RT; rscott@rmanj.com
被引频次: 461
Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease GOLD Executive Summary
Vestbo, J; Hurd, SS; Agusti, AG; et al.
Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)is a global health problem, and since 2001, the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease(GOLD)has published its strategy document for the diagnosis and management of COPD. This executive summary presents the main contents of the second 5-year revision of the GOLD document that has implemented some of the vast knowledge about COPD accumulated over the last years. Today, GOLD recommends that spirometry is required for the clinical diagnosis of COPD to avoid misdiagnosis and to ensure proper evaluation of severity of airflow limitation. The document highlights that the assessment of the patient with COPD should always include assessment of(1)symptoms,(2)severity of airflow limitation,(3)history of exacerbations, and(4)comorbidities. The first three points can be used to evaluate level of symptoms and risk of future exacerbations, and this is done in a way that splits patients with COPD into four categories-A, B, C, and D. Nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic management of COPD match this assessment in an evidence-based attempt to relieve symptoms and reduce risk of exacerbations. Identification and treatment of comorbidities must have high priority, and a separate section in the document addresses management of comorbidities as well as COPD in the presence of comorbidities. The revised document also contains a new section on exacerbations of COPD. The GOLD initiative will continue to bring COPD to the attention of all relevant shareholders and will hopefully
Keywords: randomized controlled-trial; air-flow obstruction; positive-pressure ventilation; requiring mechanical ventilation; respiratorytract infections; protected specimen brush; lung-function impairment; acute copd exacerbation; heart-failure; salmeterol/fluticasone propionate
来源出版物: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2013, 187(4): 347-365
联系邮箱: Vestbo, J; jorgen.vestbo@manchester.ac.uk
被引频次: 142
Fifth INTERMACS annual report: Risk factor analysis from more than 6000 mechanical circulatory support patients
Kirklin, JK; Naftel, DC; Kormos, RL; et al.
Abstract: The 5th annual report of the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support(INTERMACS)summarizes and analyzes the first 6 years of patient and data collection. The current analysis includes more than 6000 patients and updated risk factors for continuous flow pumps. Among continuous flow pumps, actuarial survival is 80% at 1 year and 70% at 2 years. Quality of life indicators are generally favorable and adverse event burden will likely influence patient selections of advanced heart failure therapies.
来源出版物: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2013, 32(2): 141-156联系邮箱: Kirklin, JK; jkirklin@uab.edu
被引频次: 82
Molecular Testing Guideline for Selection of Lung Cancer Patients for EGFR and ALK Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Guideline from the College of American Pathologists, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, and Association for Molecular Pathology
Lindeman, NI; Cagle, PT; Beasley, MB; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To establish evidence-based recommendations for the molecular analysis of lung cancers that are that are required to guide EGFR- and ALK-directed therapies, addressing which patients and samples should be tested, and when and how testing should beperformed.
Participants: Three cochairs without conflicts of interest were selected, one from each of the 3 sponsoring professional societies: College of American Pathologists, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, and Association for Molecular Pathology. Writing and advisory panels were constituted from additional experts from these societies.
Evidence: Three unbiased literature searches of electronic databases were performed to capture articles published published from January 2004 through February 2012, yielding 1533 articles whose abstracts were screened to identify 521 pertinent articles that were then reviewed in detail for their relevance to the recommendations. Evidence was formally graded for each recommendation.
Consensus Process: Initial recommendations were formulated by the cochairs and panel members at a public meeting. Each guideline section was assigned to at least 2 panelists. Drafts were circulated to the writing panel(version 1), advisory panel(version 2), and the public(version 3)before submission(version 4).
Conclusions: The 37 guideline items address 14 subjects, including 15 recommendations(evidence grade A/B). The major recommendations are to use testing for EGFR mutations and ALK fusions to guide patient selection for therapy with an epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)or anaplastic lymphoma kinase(ALK)inhibitor, respectively, in all patients with advanced-stage adenocarcinoma, regardless of sex, race, smoking history, or other clinical risk factors, and to prioritize EGFR and ALK testing over other molecular predictive tests. As scientific discoveries and clinical practice outpace the completion of randomized clinical trials, evidence-based guidelines developed by expert practitioners are vital for communicating emerging clinical standards. Already, new treatments targeting genetic alterations in other, less common driver oncogenes are being evaluated in lung cancer, and testing for these may be addressed in future versions of these guidelines.
Keywords: epidermal-growth-factor; factor-receptor gene; in-situ-hybridization; polymerase-chain-reaction; mutation-specific antibodies;resolution melting analysis; performance liquid-chromatography; chemotherapy-naive patients; eml4-alk fusion gene; smart-amplification process
来源出版物: Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013, 8(7): 823-859联系邮箱: Lindeman, NI; nlindeman@part-ners.org
被引频次: 77
An Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement: Key Concepts and Advances in Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Spruit, MA; Singh, SJ; Garvey, C; et al.
Abstract: Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation is recognized as a core component of the management of individuals with chronic respiratory disease. Since the 2006 American Thoracic Society(ATS)/European Respiratory Society(ERS)Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, there has been considerable growth in our knowledge of its efficacy and scope.
Purpose: The purpose of this Statement is to update the 2006 document, including a new definition of pulmonary rehabilitation and highlighting key concepts and major advances in the field.
Methods: A multidisciplinary committee of experts representing the ATS Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly and the ERS Scientific Group 01.02, "Rehabilitation and Chronic Care," determined the overall scope of this update through group consensus. Focused literature reviews in key topic areas were conducted by committee members with relevant clinical and scientific expertise. The final content of this Statement was agreed on by all members.
Results: An updated definition of pulmonary rehabilitation is proposed. New data are presented on the science and application of pulmonary rehabilitation, including its effectiveness in acutely ill individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and in individuals with other chronic respiratory diseases. The important role of pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic disease management is highlighted. In addition,the role of health behavior change in optimizing and maintaining benefits is discussed.
Conclusions: The considerable growth in the science and application of pulmonary rehabilitation since 2006 adds further support for its efficacy in a wide range of individuals with chronic respiratory disease.
Keywords: quality-of-life; randomized controlled-trial; air-flow limitation; critically-ill patients; chronic heart-failure; neuromuscular electrical-stimulation; intensive-care-unit; 6-minute walk distance; cell lung-cancer; functional exercise capacity
来源出版物: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2013, 188(8): E13-E64
被引频次: 59
Clusters of Comorbidities Based on Validated Objective Measurements and Systemic Inflammation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Vanfleteren, LEGW; Spruit, MA; Groenen, M; et al.
Abstract: Rationale: Comorbidities contribute to disease severity and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). Comorbidities have been studied individually and were mostly based on self-reports. The coexistence of objectively identified comorbidities and the role of low-grade systemic inflammation in the pathophysiology of COPD remain to be elucidated.
Objectives: To cluster 13 clinically important objectively identified comorbidities, and to characterize the comorbidity clusters in terms ofclinical outcomes and systemic inflammation.
Methods: A total of 213 patients with COPD(FEV1, 51±17% predicted; men, 59%; age, 64±7 yr)were included prospectively. Comorbidities were based on well-known cut-offs identified in the peer-reviewed English literature. Systemic inflammatory biomarkers were determined in all patients. Self-organizing maps were used to generate comorbidity clusters.
Measurements and Main Results: A total of 97.7% of all patients had one or more comorbidities and 53.5% had four or more comorbidities. Five comorbidity clusters were identified:(1)less comorbidity,(2)cardiovascular,(3)cachectic,(4)metabolic, and(5)psychological. Comorbidity clusters differed in health status but were comparable with respect to disease severity. An increased inflammatory state was observed only for tumor necrosis factor(TNF)receptors in the metabolic cluster(geometric mean [lower and upper limit]; TNF-R1, 2377[1850, 3055] pg/ml, confidence, 98.5%; TNF-R2, 4080 [3115, 5344] pg/ml, confidence, 98.8%)and only for IL-6 in the cardiovascular cluster(11-6, 3.4 [1.8, 6.6] pg/ml; confidence, 99.8%).
Conclusions: Multimorbidity is common in patients with COPD, and different comorbidity clusters can be identified. Low-grade systemic inflammation is mostly comparable among comorbidity clusters. Increasing knowledge on the interactions between comorbidities increases the understanding of their development and contributes to strategies for prevention or improved treatment.
Keywords: clinical copd phenotypes; bone-mineral density; myocardial-infarction; arterial stiffness; diagnosed copd; primary-care; mortality; prevalence; rehabilitation; depression
来源出版物: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2013, 187(7): 728-735
联系邮箱: Vanfleteren, LEGW; lowievanfleteren@ciro-horn.nl
被引频次: 63
EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2013 update
Smolen, JS; Landewe, R; Breedveld, FC; et al.
Abstract: In this article, the 2010 European League against Rheumatism(EULAR)recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis(RA)with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs(sDMARDs and bDMARDs, respectively)have been updated. The 2013 update has been developed by an international task force, which based its decisions mostly on evidence from three systematic literature reviews(one each on sDMARDs, including glucocorticoids, bDMARDs and safety aspects of DMARD therapy); treatment strategies were also covered by the searches. The evidence presented was discussed and summarised by the experts in the course of a consensus finding and voting process. Levels of evidence and grades of recommendations were derived and levels of agreement(strengths of recommendations)were determined. Fourteen recommendations were developed(instead of 15 in 2010). Some of the 2010 recommendations were deleted, and others were amended or split. The recommendations cover general aspects, such as attainment of remission or low disease activity using a treat-to-target approach, and the need for shared decision-making between rheumatologists and patients. The more specific items relate to starting DMARD therapy using a conventional sDMARD(csDMARD)strategy in combination with glucocorticoids, followed by the addition of a bDMARD or another csDMARD strategy(after stratification by presence or absence of adverse risk factors)if the treatment target is not reached within 6months(or improvement not seen at 3months). Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors(adalimumab, certolizumab pegol, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, biosimilars), abatacept, tocilizumab and, under certain circumstances,rituximab are essentially considered to have similar efficacy and safety. If the first bDMARD strategy fails, any other bDMARD may be used. The recommendations also address tofacitinib as a targeted sDMARD(tsDMARD), which is recommended, where licensed, after use of at least one bDMARD. Biosimilars are also addressed. These recommendations are intended to inform rheumatologists, patients, national rheumatology societies and other stakeholders about EULAR's most recent consensus on the management of RA with sDMARDs, glucocorticoids and bDMARDs. They are based on evidence and expert opinion and intended to improve outcome in patients with RA.
Keywords: adalimumab plus methotrexate; randomized controlled-trial; rapid radiographic progression; placebo-controlled trial; low-dose prednisolone; post hoc analyses; double-blind; combination therapy; joint damage; treatment strategies
来源出版物: Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, 2014, 73(3): 492-509联系邮箱: Smolen, JS; josef.smolen@wienkav.at
被引频次: 52
Adalimumab: long-term safety in 23458 patients from global clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis,juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis and Crohn's disease
Burmester, GR; Panaccione, R; Gordon, KB; et al.
Abstract: Background As long-term treatment with antitumour necrosis factor(TNF)drugs becomes accepted practice, the risk assessment requires an understanding of anti-TNF long-term safety. Registry safety data in rheumatoid arthritis(RA)are available, but these patients may not be monitored as closely as patients in a clinical trial. Cross-indication safety reviews of available anti-TNF agents are limited. Objective To analyse the long-term safety of adalimumab treatment.
Methods This analysis included 23458 patients exposed to adalimumab in 71 global clinical trials in RA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis(AS), psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis(Ps)and Crohn's disease(CD). Events per 100 patient-years were calculated using events reported after the first dose through 70 days after the last dose. Standardised incidence rates for malignancies were calculated using a National Cancer Institute database. Standardised death rates were calculated using WHO data.
Results The most frequently reported serious adverse events across indications were infections with greatest incidence in RA and CD trials. Overall malignancy rates for adalimumab-treated patients were as expected for the general population; the incidence of lymphoma was increased in patients with RA, but within the range expected in RA without anti-TNF therapy; non-melanoma skin cancer incidence was raised in RA, Ps and CD. In all indications, death rates were lower than, or equivalent to, those expected in the general population.
Conclusions Analysis of adverse events of interest through nearly 12 years of adalimumab exposure in clinical trials across indications demonstrated individual differences in rates by disease populations, no new safety signals and a safety profile consistent with known information about the anti-TNF class.
Keywords: tumor-necrosis-factor; nonmelanoma skin-cancer; factor-alpha therapy; postmarketing surveillance; serious infections; factor antagonists; factor inhibitors; increased risk; association; lymphoma
来源出版物: Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, 2013, 72(4): 517-524联系邮箱: Burmester, GR; gerd.burmester@charite.de
被引频次: 52
EXTENDED REPORT Efficacy and safety of strontium ranelate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis:results of a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial
Reginster, JY; Badurski, J; Bellamy, N; et al.
Abstract: Background Strontium ranelate is currently used for osteoporosis. The international, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled Strontium ranelate Efficacy in Knee OsteoarthrItis triAl evaluated its effect on radiological progression of knee osteoarthritis. Methods Patients with knee osteoarthritis(Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2 or 3, and joint space width(JSW)2.5-5 mm)were randomly allocated to strontium ranelate 1 g/day(n = 558), 2 g/day(n = 566)or placebo(n = 559). The primary endpoint was radiographical change in JSW(medial tibiofemoral compartment)over 3 years versus placebo. Secondary endpoints included radiological progression, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index(WOMAC)score, and knee pain. The trial is registered(ISRCTN41323372).
Results The intention-to-treat population included 1371 patients. Treatment with strontium ranelate was associated with smaller degradations in JSW than placebo(1 g/day: -0.23(SD 0.56)mm; 2 g/day: -0.27(SD 0.63)mm; placebo: -0.37(SD 0.59)mm); treatment-placebo differences were 0.14(SE 0.04), 95% CI 0.05 to 0.23, p < 0.001 for 1 g/day and 0.10(SE 0.04), 95% CI 0.02 to 0.19, p = 0.018 for 2 g/day. Fewer radiological progressors were observed with strontium ranelate(p < 0.001 and p = 0.012 for 1 and 2 g/day). There were greater reductions in total WOMAC score(p = 0.045), pain subscore(p = 0.028), physical function subscore(p = 0.099)and knee pain(p = 0.065)with strontium ranelate 2 g/day. Strontium ranelate was well tolerated.
Conclusions Treatment with strontium ranelate 1 and 2 g/day is associated with a significant effect on structure in patients with knee osteoarthritis, and a beneficial effect on symptoms for strontium ranelate 2 g/day.
Keywords: postmenopausal osteoporosis; glucosamine sulfate; chondroitin sulfate; subchondral bone; progression; 2-year; women; osteoblasts; radiographs; arthritis
来源出版物: Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, 2013, 72(2): 179-186联系邮箱: Reginster, JY; jyreginster@ulg.ac.be
被引频次: 50
Efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis:results of a randomised placebo-controlled trial(ABILITY-1)
Sieper, J; van der Heijde, D; Dougados, M; et al.
Abstract: Purpose To evaluate the efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis(nr-axSpA). Methods Patients fulfilled Assessment of Spondyloarthritis international Society(ASAS)criteria for axial spondyloarthritis, had a Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index(BASDAI)score of ≥4, total back pain score of ≥4(10 cm visual analogue scale)and inadequate response, intolerance or contraindication to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs); patients fulfilling modified New York criteria for ankylosing spondylitis were excluded.
Patients were randomised to adalimumab(N=91)or placebo(N=94). The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients achieving ASAS40 at week 12. Efficacy assessments included BASDAI and Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score(ASDAS). MRI was performed at baseline and week 12 and scored using the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada(SPARCC)index. Results Significantly more patients in the adalimumab group achieved ASAS40 at week 12 compared with patients in the placebo group(36% vs 15%,p<0.001). Significant clinical improvements based on other ASAS responses, ASDAS and BASDAI were also detected at week 12 with adalimumab treatment, as were improvements in quality of life measures. Inflammation in the spine and sacroiliac joints on MRI significantly decreased after 12 weeks of adalimumab treatment. Shorter disease duration, younger age, elevated baseline C-reactive protein orhigher SPARCC MRI sacroiliac joint scores were associated with better week 12 responses to adalimumab. The safety profile was consistent with what is known for adalimumab in ankylosing spondylitis and other diseases.
Conclusions In patients with nr-axSpA, adalimumab treatment resulted in effective control of disease activity, decreased inflammation and improved quality of life compared with placebo. Results from ABILITY-1 suggest that adalimumab has a positive benefit-risk profile in active nr-axSpA patients with inadequate response to NSAIDs.
Keywords: society classification criteria; sacroiliac joint inflammation; resonance-imaging index; activity score asdas; Anti-TNF agents;ankylosing-spondylitis; research consortium; clinical-trials; double-blind; disease
来源出版物: Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, 2013, 72(6): 815-822联系邮箱: Sieper, J; joachim.sieper@charite.de
被引频次: 44
Effect of IL-17A blockade with secukinumab in autoimmune diseases
Patel, DD; Lee, DM; Kolbinger, F; et al.
Abstract: Genetic studies and correlative expression data in diseased tissues have pointed to the role of interleukin(IL)-17 and Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and seronegative spondyloarthropathies. Th17 cells are known to produce the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17A as well as other effector cytokines, including IL-17F and IL-22. Recent research has demonstrated that IL-17A is also expressed by multiple lineages of the innate immune system, including mast cells, neutrophils, dendritic cells, gamma delta-T cells, macrophages and natural killer cells. It can thus be expected that the inhibition of IL-17A as a therapeutic target in autoimmune disease would exert different physiological effects than the suppression of Th17 cell activity. Early clinical data are now available on secukinumab(AIN457), a recombinant, highly selective, fully human monoclonal anti-IL-17A antibody of the IgG1/kappa isotype, enabling a preliminary assessment of the effects of IL-17A inhibition in multiple autoimmune diseases. Rapid and sustained symptom reductions in psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis have been observed in secukinumab-treated patients, with no overt safety signals. In conjunction with studies using the humanised anti-IL-17A monoclonal antibody(mAb)ixekizumab(LY2439821)and the fully human anti-IL-17RA mAb brodalumab(AMG 827), the findings on secukinumab provide evidence for the role of IL-17A in the pathophysiology of autoimmune disease and suggest the potential value of targeting this cytokine.
Keywords: anti-interleukin-17 monoclonal-antibody; interleukin-17 receptor; double-blind; rheumatoid-arthritis; plaque psoriasis; family-members; mast-cells; Th17 cells; t-cells; inflammation
来源出版物: Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, 2013, 72: 116-123联系邮箱: Patel, DD; office.patel@novartis.com
被引频次: 23
Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective
Brambilla, M; Ferrante, E; Birattari, M; et al.
Abstract: Swarm robotics is an approach to collective robotics that takes inspiration from the self-organized behaviors of social animals. Through simple rules and local interactions, swarm robotics aims at designing robust, scalable, and flexible collective behaviors for the coordination of large numbers of robots. In this paper, we analyze the literature from the point of view of swarm engineering: we focus mainly on ideas and concepts that contribute to the advancement of swarm robotics as an engineering field and that could be relevant to tackle real-world applications. Swarm engineering is an emerging discipline that aims at defining systematic and well founded procedures for modeling, designing, realizing, verifying, validating, operating, and maintaining a swarm robotics system. We propose two taxonomies:in the first taxonomy, we classify works that deal with design and analysis methods; in the second taxonomy, we classify works according to the collective behavior studied. We conclude with a discussion of the current limits of swarm robotics as an engineering discipline and with suggestions for future research directions.
Keywords: self-organized aggregation; collective decision-making; social foraging swarms; cockroach-like-robots; division-of-labor; mobile robots; stability analysis; autonomous robots; task allocation; physical robots
来源出版物: Swarm Intelligence, 2013, 7(1): 1-41联系邮箱: Brambilla, M; mbrambilla@iridia.ulb.ac.be
被引频次: 17
Absolute calibration of an ABB IRB 1600 robot using a laser tracker
Nubiola, A; Bonev, IA
Abstract: The absolute accuracy of an ABB IRB 1600 industrial robot is improved using a 29-parameter calibration model, developed after extensive experimentation. The error model takes into account all possible geometric errors(25 geometric error parameters to be identified through optimization, in addition to the pose parameters for the base and tool frames and four error parameters related to the compliance in joints 2, 3, 4 and 5). The least squares optimization technique is used to find the 29 error parameters that best fit the measures acquired with a laser tracker. Contrary to most other similar works, the validation of the robot's accuracy is performed with a very large number of meas-ures(1,000)throughout the complete robot's joint space. After calibration, the meant maximum position errors at any of eight different measurement points on the end-effector(all offset from axis 6 by approximately 120 mm)are reduced from 0.968 mm/2.158 mm respectively, to 0.364 mm/0.696 mm.
Keywords: measurement configurations; industrial robot; accuracy; selection
来源出版物: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2013, 29(1): 236-245联系邮箱: Bonev, IA; ilian.bonev@etsmtl.ca
被引频次: 15
Stability Analysis of Underconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
Carricato, M; Merlet, JP
Abstract: This paper studies cable-driven parallel robots with less than six cables, in crane configuration. A geometrico-static model is provided, and the stability of static equilibrium is assessed within the framework of a constrained optimization problem. The method relies on ordinary linear-algebra routines, and it may be very simply applied to the most general architectures. Several examples are provided,concerning robots with a number of cables that range from 2 to 4.
Keywords: manipulators; design; generation; workspace; mechanism; dynamics; system
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2013, 29(1): 288-296联系邮箱: Carricato, M; marco.carricato@unibo.it
被引频次: 14
RFID-enabled real-time manufacturing execution system for mass-customization production
Zhong, RY; Dai, QY; Qu, T; et al.
Abstract: Mass-customization production(MCP)companies must fight with shop-floor uncertainty and complexity caused by wide variety of product components. The research is motivated by a typical MCP company that has experienced inefficient scheduling due to paper-based identification and manual data collection. This paper presents an RFID-enabled real-time manufacturing execution system(RT-MES). RFID devices are deployed systematically on the shop-floor to track and trace manufacturing objects and collect real-time production data. Disturbances are identified and controlled within RT-MES. Planning and scheduling decisions are more practically and precisely made and executed. Online facilities are provided to visualize and manage real-time dynamics of shop-floor WIP(work-in-progress)items. A case study is reported in a collaborating company which manufactures large-scale and heavy-duty machineries. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed RT-MES are evaluated with real-life industrial data for shop-floor production management in terms of workers, machines and materials.
Keywords: resource-management; tracking; architecture; technology; operations; design; model
来源出版物: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2013, 29(2): 283-292联系邮箱: Huang, GQ; gqhuang@hku.hk
被引频次: 14
Active learning of inverse models with intrinsically motivated goal exploration in robots
Baranes, A; Oudeyer, PY
Abstract: We introduce the Self-Adaptive Goal Generation Robust Intelligent Adaptive Curiosity(SAGG-RIAC)architecture as an intrinsically motivated goal exploration mechanism which allows active learning of inverse models in high-dimensional redundant robots. This allows a robot to efficiently and actively learn distributions of parameterized motor skills/policies that solve a corresponding distribution of parameterized tasks/goals. The architecture makes the robot sample actively novel parameterized tasks in the task space, based on a measure of competence progress, each of which triggers low-level goal-directed learning of the motor policy parameters that allow to solve it. For both learning and generalization, the system leverages regression techniques which allow to infer the motor policy parameters corresponding to a given novel parameterized task, and based on the previously learnt correspondences between policy and task parameters.
We present experiments with high-dimensional continuous sensorimotor spaces in three different robotic setups:(1)learning the inverse kinematics in a highly-redundant robotic arm,(2)learning omnidirectional locomotion with motor primitives in a quadruped robot, and(3)an arm learning to control a fishing rod with a flexible wire. We show that(1)exploration in the task space can be a lot faster than exploration in the actuator space for learning inverse models in redundant robots;(2)selecting goals maximizing competence progress creates developmental trajectories driving the robot to progressively focus on tasks of increasing complexity and is statistically significantly more efficient than selecting tasks randomly, as well as more efficient than different standard active motor babbling methods:(3)this architecture allows the robot to actively discover which parts of its task space it can learn to reach and which part it cannot.
Keywords: central pattern generators; muscle synergies; mastery motivation; arm movements; dimensions; algorithms; locomotion; regression; evolution; dopamine
来源出版物: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2013, 61(1): 49-73联系邮箱: Baranes, A; adrien.baranes@gmail.com
被引频次: 55
Hyperaccumulators of metal and metalloid trace elements: Facts and fiction
van der Ent, A; Baker, AJM; Reeves, RD; et al.
Abstract: Plants that accumulate metal and metalloid trace elements to extraordinarily high concentrations in their living biomass have inspired much research worldwide during the last decades. Hyperaccumulators have been recorded and experimentally confirmed for elements such as nickel, zinc, cadmium, manganese, arsenic and selenium. However, to date, hyperaccumulation of lead, copper, cobalt,chromium and thallium remain largely unconfirmed. Recent uses of the term in relation to rare-earth elements require critical evaluation.
Since the mid-1970s the term 'hyperaccumulator' has been used millions of times by thousands of people, with varying degrees of precision,aptness and understanding that have not always corresponded with the views of the originators of the terminology and of the present authors. There is therefore a need to clarify the circumstances in which the term 'hyperaccumulator' is appropriate and to set out the conditions that should be met when the terms are used. We outline here the main considerations for establishing metal or metalloid hyperaccumulation status of plants,(re)define some of the terminology and note potential pitfalls.
Unambiguous communication will require the international scientific community to adopt standard terminology and methods for confirming the reliability of analytical data in relation to metal and metalloid hyperaccumulators.
Keywords: rare-earth-elements; thlaspi-caerulescens; arabidopsis-halleri; new-caledonia; cadmium hyperaccumulator; manganese accumulation; nickel accumulation; hyper-accumulator; ultramafic soils; genetic-basis
来源出版物: Plant and Soil, 2013, 362(1-2): 319-334联系邮箱: van der Ent, A; a.vanderent@uq.edu.au
被引频次: 53
Soil enzymes in a changing environment: Current knowledge and future directions
Burns, RG; DeForest, JL; Marxsen, J; et al.
Abstract: This review focuses on some important and challenging aspects of soil extracellular enzyme research. We report on recent discoveries, identify key research needs and highlight the many opportunities offered by interactions with other microbial enzymologists. The biggest challenges are to understand how the chemical, physical and biological properties of soil affect enzyme production, diffusion, substrate turnover and the proportion of the product that is made available to the producer cells. Thus, the factors that regulate the synthesis and secretion of extracellular enzymes and their distribution after they are externalized are important topics, not only for soil enzymologists,but also in the broader context of microbial ecology. In addition, there are many uncertainties about the ways in which microbes and their extracellular enzymes overcome the generally destructive, inhibitory and competitive properties of the soil matrix, and the various strategies they adopt for effective substrate detection and utilization. The complexity of extracellular enzyme activities in depolymerising macromolecular organics is exemplified by lignocellulose degradation and how the many enzymes involved respond to structural diversity and changing nutrient availabilities. The impacts of climate change on microbes and their extracellular enzymes, although of profound importance, are not well understood but we suggest how they may be predicted, assessed and managed. We describe recent advances that allow for the manipulation of extracellular enzyme activities to facilitate bioremediation, carbon sequestration and plant growth promotion. We also contribute to the ongoing debate as to how to assay enzyme activities in soil and what the measurements tell us, in the context of both traditional methods and the newer techniques that are being developed and adopted. Finally, we offer our collective vision of the future of extracellular enzyme research: one that will depend on imaginative thinking as well as technological advances, and be built upon synergies between diverse disciplines.
Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; polycyclic aromatic-hydrocarbons; microbial community composition; simulated nitrogen deposition; organic-matter decomposition; drying-rewetting frequency; northern hardwood forest; municipal solid-waste; plant-growth; carbon-cycle
来源出版物: Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2013, 58: 216-234联系邮箱: Burns, RG; r.burns@uq.edu.au
被引频次: 26
A review of earthworm impact on soil function and ecosystem services
Blouin, M; Hodson, ME; Delgado, EA; et al.
Abstract: Biodiversity is responsible for the provision of many ecosystem services; human well-being is based on these services, and consequently on biodiversity. In soil, earthworms represent the largest component of the animal biomass and are commonly termed ecosystem engineers'. This review considers the contribution of earthworms to ecosystem services through pedogenesis, development of soil structure,water regulation, nutrient cycling, primary production, climate regulation, pollution remediation and cultural services. Although there has been much research into the role of earthworms in soil ecology, this review demonstrates substantial gaps in our knowledge related in particular to difficulties in identifying the effects of species, land use and climate. The review aims to assist people involved in all aspects of landmanagement, including conservation, agriculture, mining or other industries, to obtain a broad knowledge of earthworms and ecosystem services.
Keywords: polycyclic aromatic-hydrocarbons; northern hardwood forests; south-eastern australia; ray computed-tomography; organicmatter dynamics; oil-contaminated soil; Pb/Zn mine tailings; nitrous-oxide N2O; lumbricus-terrestris; plant-growth
来源出版物: European Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 64(2): 161-182联系邮箱: Blouin, M; blouin@u-pec.fr
被引频次: 26
Responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to moisture availability: An exploration of processes and models
Moyano, FE; Manzoni, S; Chenu, C
Abstract: Soil moisture strongly affects the dynamics of soil organic matter and is an important environmental variable in all models predicting changes in soil carbon stocks from site to global scales. Despite this, the mechanisms determining the response of heterotrophic soil respiration to soil moisture remain poorly quantified, being represented in most current carbon cycle models as simple empirical functions. With the aim of providing an overview and new insights into the mechanisms involved, here we review the observations and theory behind the respiration-moisture relationship. We start by calculating best estimates of average empirical relationships using published data and comparing the results for contrasting soil types. The theoretical linkages between substrate and gas diffusivity in soil pores and heterotrophic respiration are then explored as a function of temperature and textural properties. Based on this theoretical model we interpret the variability of moisture effects observed in previous empirical studies. Transient CO2efflux moisture relationships are discussed next, reviewing the theory and models developed in the last years with particular emphasis on the 'Birch effect'. We continue by giving an overview of recent pore-scale models and consider how these can be used to gain a more mechanistic understanding of carbon storage and stabilization in variably saturated soils. From this review we conclude that current empirical models are useful but limited approximations, with questionable predictive capacity. Significant efforts are still necessary to represent the full range of soil moisture responses in a unifying model with a sound theoretical basis that can help identify common underlying processes. Equations present here, combining diffusion,texture and substrate to model respiration, are a step forward in this direction.
Keywords: organic-matter decomposition; plant litter decomposition; unsaturated porous-media; water-retention curves; scale network model; filled pore-space; microbial activity; carbon-dioxide; forest soil; nitrogen mineralization
来源出版物: Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2013, 59: 72-85联系邮箱: Moyano, FE; nanomoyano@gmail.com
被引频次: 21
Sensitivity of soil organic carbon stocks and fractions to different land-use changes across Europe
Poeplau, C; Don, A
Abstract: Land-use changes(WC)influence the balance of soil organic carbon(SOC)and hence may cause CO2emissions or sequestration. In Europe there is a side by side of LUC types that lead to SOC loss or SOC accumulation. However, there is a lack of studies covering all major LUC types to investigate qualitative and quantitative LUC effects on SOC. In this study we sampled 24 paired sites in Europe to a depth of 80 cm, covering a wide range of pedo-climatic conditions and comprising the major European LUC types cropland to grassland, grassland to cropland, cropland to forest and grassland to forest To assess qualitative changes and the sensitivity of different functional SOC pools with distinct turnover times, we conducted a fractionation to isolate five different fractions of SOC. The mean SOC stock changes after LUC were 18±11 Mg ha-1(cropland to grassland), 21±13 Mg ha-1(cropland to forest), -19±7 Mg ha-1(grassland to cropland)and 10±7 Mg ha-1(grassland to forest)with the main changes occurring in the topsoil(0-30 cm depth). However, subsoil carbon stocks( >30 cm depth)were also affected by LUC, at 19 out of 24 sites in the same direction as the topsoil. LUC promoting subsoil SOC accumulation might be a sustainable C sink Particulate organic matter(POM)was found to be most sensitive to LUC After cropland afforestation. POM accounted for 50%(9.1±2.3 Mg ha-1)of the sequestered carbon in 0-30 cm: after grassland afforestation POM increased on average by 5±23 Mg ha-1, while all other fractions depleted. Thus, afforestations shift SOC from stable to labile pools. The resistant fraction comprising the so-called inert carbon was found to be only slightly less sensitive than the total SOC pool, suggesting that an inert carbon pool was not chemically extracted with NaOCl oxidation, if there is any inert carbon.
Keywords: southeastern united-states; acid subsoil horizons; former arable land; matter fractions; physical fractionation; grassland management; new-zealand; turnover; sequestration; tillage
来源出版物: Geoderma, 2013, 192: 189-201联系邮箱: Don, A; axel.don@vti.bund.de
被引频次: 157
The HITRAN2012 molecular spectroscopic database
Rothman, LS; Gordon, IE; Babikov, Y; et al.
Abstract: This paper describes the status of the 2012 edition of the HITRAN molecular spectroscopic compilation. The new edition replaces the previous HITRAN edition of 2008 and its updates during the intervening years. The HITRAN molecular absorption compilation is comprised of six major components structured into folders that are freely accessible on the internet. These folders consist of the traditional line-by-line spectroscopic parameters required for high-resolution radiative-transfer codes, infrared absorption cross-sections for molecules not yet amenable to representation in a line-by-line form, ultraviolet spectroscopic parameters, aerosol indices of refraction, collision-induced absorption data, and general tables such as partition sums that apply globally to the data. The new HITRAN is greatly extended in terms of accuracy, spectral coverage, additional absorption phenomena, and validity. Molecules and isotopologues have been added that address the issues of atmospheres beyond the Earth. Also discussed is a new initiative that casts HITRAN into a relational database format that offers many advantages over the long-standing sequential text-based structure that has existed since the initial release of HITRAN in the early 1970s.
Keywords: mu-m region; absorption cross-sections; cw-cavity ring; complex refractive-indexes; spectral-line parameters; o-2 a-band; including temperature dependences; electric quadrupole transitions; rotational-vibrational spectra; submillimeter-wave spectrum
来源出版物: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2013, 130: 4-50
联系邮箱: Rothman, LS; LSR_JQSRT@verizon.net
被引频次: 55
The Large Underground Xenon(LUX)experiment
Akerib, DS; Bai, X; Bedikian, S; et al.
Abstract: The Large Underground Xenon(LUX)collaboration has designed and constructed a dual-phase xenon detector, in order to conduct a search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles(WIMPs), a leading dark matter candidate. The goal of the LUX detector is to clearly detect(or exclude)WIMPS with a spin independent cross-section per nucleon of 2×10-46cm2, equivalent to similar to 1 event 100 kg month in the inner 100 kg fiducial volume(FV)of the 370 kg detector. The overall background goals are set to have <1 background events characterized as possible WIMPs in the FV in 300 days of running. This paper describes the design and construction of the LUX detector.
Keywords: dark-matter detector; zeplin-iii; gas
来源出版物: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment,2013, 704: 111-126
联系邮箱: Wolfs, FLH; wolfs@pas.rochester.edu
被引频次: 40
Mass spectrometry imaging under ambient conditions
Wu, CP; Dill, AL; Eberlin, LS; et al.
Abstract: Mass spectrometry imaging(MSI)has emerged as an important tool in the last decade and it is beginning to show potential to provide new information in many fields owing to its unique ability to acquire molecularly specific images and to provide multiplexed information, without the need for labeling or staining. In MSI, the chemical identity of molecules present on a surface is investigated as a function of spatial distribution. In addition to now standard methods involving MSI in vacuum, recently developed ambient ionization techniques allow MSI to be performed under atmospheric pressure on untreated samples outside the mass spectrometer. Here we review recent developments and applications of MSI emphasizing the ambient ionization techniques of desorption electrospray ionization(DESI),laser ablation electrospray ionization(LAESI), probe electrospray ionization(PESI), desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization(DAPPI), femtosecond laser desorption ionization(fs-LDI), laser electrospray mass spectrometry(LEMS), infrared laser ablation metastable-induced chemical ionization(IR-LAMICI), liquid microjunction surface sampling probe mass spectrometry(LMJ-SSP MS), nanospray desorption electrospray ionization(nano-DESI), and plasma sources such as the low temperature plasma(LTP)probe and laser ablation coupled to flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow(LA-FAPA). Included are discussions of some of the features of ambient MSI for example the ability to implement chemical reactions with the goal of providing high abundance ions characteristic of specific compounds of interest and the use of tandem mass spectrometry to either map the distribution of targeted molecules with high specificity or to provide additional MS information on the structural identification of compounds. We also describe the role of bioinformatics in acquiring and interpreting the chemical and spatial information obtained through MSI, especially in biological applications for tissue diagnostic purposes. Finally, we discuss the challenges in ambient MSI and include perspectives on the future of the field.
Keywords: desorption electrospray-ionization; thin-layer-chromatography; atmospheric-pressure photoionization; surface sampling probe;assisted-laser-desorption/ionization; temperature plasma probe; tissue-sections; in-vivo; transmission geometry; chemical-ionization
来源出版物: Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2013, 32(3): 218-243联系邮箱: Cooks, RG; cooks@purdue.edu
被引频次: 40
Quantum Dots in Bioanalysis: A Review of Applications Across Various Platforms for Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging
Petryayeva, E; Algar, WR; Medintz, IL
Abstract: Semiconductor quantum dots(QDs)are brightly luminescent nanoparticles that have found numerous applications in bioanalysis and bioimaging. In this review, we highlight recent developments in these areas in the context of specific methods for fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging. Following a primer on the structure, properties, and biofunctionalization of QDs, we describe Select examples of how QDs have been used in combination with steady-state or time-resolved spectroscopic techniques to develop a variety of assays, bioprobes, and biosensors that function via changes in QD photoluminescence intensity, polarization, or lifetime. Some special attention is paid to the use of Forster resonance energy transfer type methods in bioanalysis, including those based on bioluminescence and chemiluminescence. Direct chemiluminescence, electro-chemiluminescence, and charge transfer quenching are similarly discussed. We further describe the combination of QDs and flow cytometry, including traditional cellular analyses and spectrally encoded barcode-based assay technologies, before turning our attention to enhanced fluorescence techniques based on photonic crystals or plasmon coupling. Finally, we survey the use of QDs across different platforms for biological fluorescence imaging, including epilluorescence, confocal, and two. photon excitation microscopy; single particle tracking and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy; super-resolution imaging; near-field scanning optical microscopy; and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. In each of the above-mentioned platforms, QDs provide the brightness needed for highly sensitive detection, the photostability needed for tracking dynamic processes, or the multiplexing capacity needed to elucidate complex systems. There is a clear synergy between advances in QD materials and spectroscopy and imaging techniques, as both must be applied in concert to achieve their full potential.
Keywords: resonance energy-transfer; photoinduced electron-transfer; colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals; cross-correlation spectroscopy; plasmon-coupled emission; ligand-receptor binding; in-vivo; electrogenerated chemiluminescence; cdse nanocrystals; enhanced electrochemiluminescence
来源出版物: Applied Spectroscopy, 2013, 67(3): 215-252联系邮箱: Algar, WR; algar@chem.ubc.ca
被引频次: 38
Vibrational energy distribution analysis(VEDA): Scopes and limitations
Jamroz, MH
Abstract: The principle of operations of the VEDA program written by the author for Potential Energy Distribution(PED)analysis of theoretical vibrational spectra is described. Nowadays, the PED analysis is indispensible tool in serious analysis of the vibrational spectra. To perform the PED analysis it is necessary to define 3N-6 linearly independent local mode coordinates. Already for 20-atomic molecules it is a difficult task. The VEDA program reads the input data automatically from the Gaussian program output files. Then, VEDA automatically proposes an introductory set of local mode coordinates. Next, the more adequate coordinates are proposed by the program and optimized to obtain maximal elements of each column(internal coordinate)of the PED matrix(the EPM parameter). The possibility for an automatic optimization of PED contributions is a unique feature of the VEDA program absent in any other programs performing PED analysis.
Keywords: correlated molecular calculations; nonlinear-optical properties; density-functional theory; spectroscopic ft-ir; gaussian-basis sets; homo-lumo analysis; ab-initio hf; dft calculations; electronic-structure; 1st-order hyperpolarizability
来源出版物: Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2013, 114: 220-230
联系邮箱: Jamroz, MH; micjam@wp.pl
被引频次: 313
GROMACS 4.5: a high-throughput and highly parallel open source molecular simulation toolkit
Pronk, S; Pall, S; Schulz, R; et al.
Abstract: Motivation: Molecular simulation has historically been a low-throughput technique, but faster computers and increasing amounts of genomic and structural data are changing this by enabling large-scale automated simulation of, for instance, many conformers or mutants of biomolecules with or without a range of ligands. At the same time, advances in performance and scaling now make it possible to model complex biomolecular interaction and function in a manner directly testable by experiment. These applications share a need for fast and efficient software that can be deployed on massive scale in clusters, web servers, distributed computing or cloud resources.
Results: Here, we present a range of new simulation algorithms and features developed during the past 4 years, leading up to the GROMACS 4.5 software package. The software now automatically handles wide classes of biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids andlipids, and comes with all commonly used force fields for these molecules built-in. GROMACS supports several implicit solvent models, as well as new free-energy algorithms, and the software now uses multithreading for efficient parallelization even on low-end systems, including windows-based workstations. Together with hand-tuned assembly kernels and state-of-the-art parallelization, this provides extremely high performance and cost efficiency for high-throughput as well as massively parallel simulations.
Keywords: force-field; free-energy; biomolecular simulation; dynamics; model; refinement; transition; efficient; constant; proteins
来源出版物: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(7): 845-854联系邮箱: Lindahl, E; erik.lindahl@scilifelab.se
被引频次: 96
STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner
Dobin, A; Davis, CA; Schlesinger, F; et al.
Abstract: Motivation: Accurate alignment of high-throughput RNA-seq data is a challenging and yet unsolved problem because of the non-contiguous transcript structure, relatively short read lengths and constantly increasing throughput of the sequencing technologies. Currently available RNA-seq aligners suffer from high mapping error rates, low mapping speed, read length limitation and mapping biases.
Results: To align our large(> 80 billon reads)ENCODE Transcriptome RNA-seq dataset, we developed the Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference(STAR)software based on a previously undescribed RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses sequential maximum mappable seed search in uncompressed suffix arrays followed by seed clustering and stitching procedure. STAR outperforms other aligners by a factor of > 50 in mapping speed, aligning to the human genome 550 million 2×76 bp paired-end reads per hour on a modest 12-core server,while at the same time improving alignment sensitivity and precision. In addition to unbiased de novo detection of canonical junctions,STAR can discover non-canonical splices and chimeric(fusion)transcripts, and is also capable of mapping full-length RNA sequences. Using Roche 454 sequencing of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction amplicons, we experimentally validated 1960 novel intergenic splice junctions with an 80-90% success rate, corroborating the high precision of the STAR mapping strategy.
Keywords: splice junctions; alignment; reads; algorithms; sequence; genomes; encode
来源出版物: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(1): 15-21联系邮箱: Dobin, A; dobin@cshl.edu
被引频次: 58
RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies
Stamatakis, A
Abstract: Motivation: Phylogenies are increasingly used in all fields of medical and biological research. Moreover, because of the next-generation sequencing revolution, datasets used for conducting phylogenetic analyses grow at an unprecedented pace. RAxML(Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood)is a popular program for phylogenetic analyses of large datasets under maximum likelihood. Since the last RAxML paper in 2006, it has been continuously maintained and extended to accommodate the increasingly growing input datasets and to serve the needs of the user community.
Results: I present some of the most notable new features and extensions of RAxML, such as a substantial extension of substitution models and supported data types, the introduction of SSE3, AVX and AVX2 vector intrinsics, techniques for reducing the memory requirements of the code and a plethora of operations for conducting postanalyses on sets of trees. In addition, an up-to-date 50-page user manual covering all new RAxML options is available.
Keywords: maximum-likelihood; bootstrap; performance; algorithms; inference
来源出版物: Bioinformatics, 2014, 30(9): 1312-1313联系邮箱: Stamatakis, A; alexandros.stamatakis@h-its.org
被引频次: 41
Propy: a tool to generate various modes of Chou's PseAAC
Cao, DS; Xu, QS; Liang, YZ
Abstract: Sequence-derived structural and physiochemical features have been frequently used for analysing and predicting structural,functional, expression and interaction profiles of proteins and peptides. To facilitate extensive studies of proteins and peptides, we developed a freely available, open source python package called protein in python(propy)for calculating the widely used structural and physicochemical features of proteins and peptides from amino acid sequence. It computes five feature groups composed of 13 features, including amino acid composition, dipeptide composition, tripeptide composition, normalized Moreau-Broto autocorrelation, Moran autocorrelation,Geary autocorrelation, sequence-order-coupling number, quasi-sequence-order descriptors, composition, transition and distribution of various structural and physicochemical properties and two types of pseudo amino acid composition(PseAAC)descriptors. These features could be generally regarded as different Chou's PseAAC modes. In addition, it can also easily compute the previous descriptors based on userdefined properties, which are automatically available from the AAindex database.
Availability: The python package, propy, is freely available via http://code.google.com/p/protpy/downloads/list, and it runs on Linux and MS-Windows.Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Keywords: amino-acid-composition; bioinformatics; prediction; proteins; features; biology
来源出版物: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(7): 960-962联系邮箱: Liang, YZ; yizeng_liang@263.net
被引频次: 41
The product of C9orf72, a gene strongly implicated in neurodegeneration, is structurally related to DENN Rab-GEFs
Levine, TP; Daniels, RD; Gatta, AT; et al.
Abstract: Motivation: Fronto-temporal dementia(FTD)and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS, also called motor neuron disease, MND)are severe neurodegenerative diseases that show considerable overlap at the clinical and cellular level. The most common single mutation in families with FTD or ALS has recently been mapped to a non-coding repeat expansion in the uncharacterized gene C9ORF72. Although a plausible mechanism for disease is that aberrant C9ORF72 mRNA poisons splicing, it is important to determine the cellular function of C9ORF72, about which nothing is known.
Results: Sensitive homology searches showed that C9ORF72 is a full-length distant homologue of proteins related to Differentially Expressed in Normal and Neoplasia(DENN), which is a GDP/GTP exchange factor(GEF)that activates Rab-GTPases. Our results suggest that C9ORF72 is likely to regulate membrane traffic in conjunction with Rab-GTPase switches, and we propose to name the gene and its product DENN-like 72(DENNL72).
Keywords: guanine-nucleotide exchange; protein homology detection; hexanucleotide repeat; binding-protein; ALS; polarity; trafficking;prediction; disorders; expansion
来源出版物: Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(4): 499-503联系邮箱: Levine, TP; tim.levine@ucl.ac.uk
被引频次: 50
Awareness and Ever-Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among U.S. Adults, 2010-2011
King, BA; Alam, S; Promoff, G; et al.
Abstract: Introduction: Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, were introduced into the U.S. market in recent years. However, little is known about the health impact of the product or the extent of its use. This study assessed the prevalence and correlates of awareness and ever-use of e-cigarettes among U.S. adults during 2010-2011.
Methods: Data were obtained from the HealthStyles survey, a national consumer-based survey of U.S. adults aged years old. In 2010, data collection for the HealthStyles survey was both mail-based(n = 4184)and web-based(n = 2505), and in 2011, web-based(n = 4050)only. Estimates of awareness and ever-use of e-cigarettes were calculated overall and by sex, age, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, household income, region, and smoking status.
Results: In 2010, overall awareness of e-cigarettes was 38.5%(mail survey)and 40.9%(web survey); in 2011, awareness was 57.9%(web survey). Ever-use of e-cigarettes among all respondents was 2.1% in the 2010 mail survey, 3.3% in the 2010 web survey, and 6.2% in the 2011 web survey. Ever-use of e-cigarettes was significantly higher among current smokers compared with both former and never-smokers,irrespective of survey method or year. During 2010-2011, ever-use increased among both sexes, those aged 45-54 years, non-Hispanic Whites, those living in the South, and current and former smokers.
Conclusions: Awareness and ever-use of e-cigarettes increased among U.S. adults from 2010 to 2011. In 2011, approximately 1 in 5 current smokers reported having ever-used e-cigarettes. Continued surveillance of e-cigarettes is needed for public health planning.
Keywords: nicotine delivery-systems; tobacco; policy; smoke; rise
来源出版物: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013, 15(9): 1623-1627联系邮箱: King, BA; baking@cdc.gov
被引频次: 45
Electronic Cigarettes: Effective Nicotine Delivery After Acute Administration
Vansickel, AR; Eissenberg, T
Abstract: Introduction: Electronic cigarettes(ECs)are marketed as nicotine delivery devices. Two studies with EC-naive participants suggest that ECs deliver little or no nicotine. In those studies, standard-sized ECs were used, though experienced EC users often use larger devices that house higher voltage and/or longer lasting batteries. Whether user experience and device characteristics influence EC nicotine delivery is uncertain. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of ECs in experienced users who were using their preferred devices.
Methods: Eight EC users(3 women)who had been using ECs for at least 3 months, completed one 5-hr session using devices they provided and the flavor/strength nicotine cartridges they selected. Sessions consisted of 4 phases: baseline, 10 puffs(30 s interpuff interval)from the device, 1-hr ad lib puffing period, and a 2-hr rest period(no puffing). Outcome measures in each phase included plasma nicotine concentra-tion, heart rate, and subjective ratings of nicotine/product effects and abstinence symptoms.
Results: Relative to baseline, plasma nicotine and heart rate increased significantly within 5 min of the first puff and remained elevated throughout the ad lib puffing period. Increases in ratings of direct effects of nicotine and product were observed as well as decreases in abstinence symptoms.
Conclusions: User experience and/or device characteristics likely influence EC nicotine delivery and other effects. Systematic manipulation of these and other variables could elucidate conditions that produce intended effects.
来源出版物: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013, 15(1): 267-270联系邮箱: Eissenberg, T; teissenb@vcu.edu
被引频次: 39
Acute toxicity due to the confirmed consumption of synthetic cannabinoids:clinical and laboratory findings
Hermanns-Clausen, M; Kneisel, S; Szabo, B; et al.
Abstract: Aims Recently, several synthetic cannabinoids were identified in herbal mixtures consumed as recreational drugs alternative to cannabis products. The aim was to characterize the acute toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids as experienced by emergency patients. Design This was a retrospective study targeting patients seeking emergency treatment after recreational use of synthetic cannabinoids. Setting and participants Patients were selected from the database of the Poisons Information Center Freiburg between September 2008 and February 2011. The inclusion criteria were: hospitalization, available clinical reports and analytical verification of synthetic cannabinoid uptake. In total, 29 patients were included(age 1430 years, median 19; 25 males, four females). Measurements Clinical reports were evaluated and synthetic cannabinoids and other drugs were determined analytically. Findings CP-47,497-C8(one), JWH-015(one), JWH-018(eight),JWH-073(one), JWH-081(seven), JWH-122(11), JWH-210(11), JWH-250(four)and AM 694(one)were quantified in blood samples. JWH-018 was most common in 20089, JWH-122 in 2010, and JWH-210 in 2011. Tachycardia, agitation, hallucination, hypertension, minor elevation of blood glucose, hypokalaemia and vomiting were reported most frequently. Chest pain, seizures, myoclonia and acute psychosis were also noted. Conclusions There appears to have been an increase in use of the extremely potent synthetic cannabinoids JWH-122 and JWH-210. Acute toxic symptoms associated with their use are also reported after intake of high doses of cannabis, but agitation, seizures,hypertension, emesis and hypokalaemia seem to be characteristic to the synthetic cannabinoids, which are high-affinity and high-efficacy agonists of the CB1 receptor. Thus, these effects are due probably to a strong CB1 receptor stimulation.
Keywords: cannabimimetic indoles; receptor-binding; herbal mixture; spice; intoxication; CB1; identification; psychosis; ligands; ingestion
来源出版物: Addiction, 2013, 108(3): 534-544联系邮箱: Hermanns-Clausen, M; maren.hermanns-clausen@uniklinik-freiburg.de
被引频次: 39
Nicotine Levels in Electronic Cigarettes
Goniewicz, ML; Kuma, T; Gawron, M; et al.
Abstract: The electronic cigarette(EC)is a plastic device that imitates conventional cigarettes and was developed to deliver nicotine in a toxin-free vapor. Nicotine in a solution is heated and vaporized when a person puffs through the device and is inhaled as a vapor into the mouth. The EC is a new product on the market and little is known about its safety and nicotine delivery efficacy. The aim of the study was to analyze nicotine levels in vapor generated from various EC brands and models. The study was designed to assess efficacy and consistency of various ECs in converting nicotine to vapor and to analyze dynamics of nicotine vaporization.
Sixteen ECs were selected based on their popularity in the Polish, U.K. and U.S. markets. Vapors were generated using an automatic smoking machine modified to simulate puffing conditions of real EC users. Nicotine was absorbed in a set of washing bottles with methanol and analyzed with gas chromatography.
The total level of nicotine in vapor generated by 20 series of 15 puffs varied from 0.5 to 15.4 mg. Most of the analyzed ECs effectively delivered nicotine during the first 150-180 puffs. On an average, 50%-60% of nicotine from a cartridge was vaporized.
ECs generate vapor that contains nicotine, but EC brands and models differ in their efficacy and consistency of nicotine vaporization. In ECs, which vaporize nicotine effectively, the amount inhaled from 15 puffs is lower compared with smoking a conventional cigarette.
Keywords: delivery-systems
来源出版物: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013, 15(1): 158-166联系邮箱: Goniewicz, ML; m.goniewicz@qmul.ac.uk
被引频次: 34
Dawkins, L; Turner, J; Roberts, A; et al.
Abstract: Aims To characterize e-cigarette use, users and effects in a sample of Electronic Cigarette Company(TECC)and Totally Wicked E-Liquid(TWEL)users. Design and setting Online survey hosted at the University of East London with links from TECC/TWEL websites from September 2011 to May 2012. Measurements Online questionnaire. Participants One thousand three hundred and forty-seven respon-dents from 33 countries(72% European), mean age 43 years, 70% male, 96% Causacian, 44% educated to degree level or above. Findings Seventy-four percent of participants reported not smoking for at least a few weeks since using the e-cigarette and 70% reported reduced urge to smoke. Seventy-two percent of participants used a tank' system, most commonly, the eGo-C(23%). Mean duration of use was 10 months. Only 1% reported exclusive use of non-nicotine(0 mg)containing liquid. E-cigarettes were generally considered to be satisfying to use; elicit few side effects; be healthier than smoking; improve cough/breathing; and be associated with low levels of craving. Among ex-smokers, time to first vape' was significantly longer than time to first cigarette'(t1104=11.16, P<0.001)suggesting a lower level of dependence to e-cigarettes. Ex-smokers reported significantly greater reduction in craving than current smokers(21=133.66, P<0.0007)although few other differences emerged between these groups. Compared with males, females opted more for chocolate/sweet flavours(21=16.16, P<0.001)and liked the e-cigarette because it resembles a cigarette(23=42.65, P<0.001). Conclusions E-cigarettes are used primarily for smoking cessation, but for a longer duration than nicotine replacement therapy, and users believe them to be safer than smoking.
Keywords: nicotine delivery; withdrawal; tobacco; desire; smoke
来源出版物: Addiction, 2013, 108(6): 1115-1125联系邮箱: Dawkins, L; l.e.dawkins@uel.ac.uk
被引频次: 142
Fifth INTERMACS annual report: Risk factor analysis from more than 6000 mechanical circulatory support patients
Kirklin, JK; Naftel, DC; Kormos, RL; et al.
Abstract: The 5th annual report of the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support(INTERMACS)summarizes and analyzes the first 6 years of patient and data collection. The current analysis includes more than 6000 patients and updated risk factors for continuous flow pumps. Among continuous flow pumps, actuarial survival is 80% at 1 year and 70% at 2 years. Quality of life indicators are generally favorable and adverse event burden will likely influence patient selections of advanced heart failure therapies.
来源出版物: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2013, 32(2): 141-156联系邮箱: Kirklin, JK; jkirklin@uab.edu
被引频次: 117
Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery Worldwide 2011
Buchwald, H; Oien, DM
Abstract: Metabolic/bariatric procedures for the treatment of morbid obesity, as well as for type 2 diabetes, are among the most commonly performed gastrointestinal operations today, justifying periodic assessment of the numerical status of metabolic/bariatric surgery and its relative distribution of procedures.
An email questionnaire was sent to the leadership of the 50 nations or national groupings in the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders(IFSO). Outcome measurements were numbers of metabolic/bariatric operations and surgeons, types of procedures performed, and trends from 2003 to 2008 to 2011 worldwide and in the regional groupings of Europe, USA/Canada, Latin/South America, and Asia/Pacific.
Response rate was 84 %. The global total number of procedures in 2011 was 340768; the global total number of metabolic/bariatric surgeons was 6705. The most commonly performed procedures were Roux-en-Y gastric bypass(RYGB)46.6 %; sleeve gastrectomy(SG)27.8 %; adjustable gastric banding(AGB)17.8 %; and biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch(BPD/DS)2.2 %. The global trends from 2003 to 2008 to 2011 showed a decrease in RYGB: 65.1 to 49.0 to 46.6 %; an increase, followed by a steep decline, in AGB: 24.4 to 42.3 to 17.8 %; and a marked increase in SG: 0.0 to 5.3 to 27.89 %. BPD/DS declined: 6.1 to 4.9 to 2.1 %. The trends from the four IFSO regions differed, except for the universal increase in SG.
Periodic metabolic/bariatric surgery surveys add to the knowledge and understanding of all physicians caring for morbidly obese patients. The salient message of the 2011 assessment is that SG(0.0 % in 2008)has markedly increased in prevalence.
Keywords: bariatric surgery
来源出版物: Obesity Surgery, 2013, 23(4): 427-436联系邮箱: Buchwald, H; buchw001@umn.edu
被引频次: 82
Consensus Guidelines on the Testing and Clinical Management Issues Associated With HLA and Non-HLA Antibodies in Transplantation
Tait, BD; Susal, C; Gebel, HM; et al.
Abstract: Background. The introduction of solid-phase immunoassay(SPI)technology for the detection and characterization of human leukocyte antigen(HLA)antibodies in transplantation while providing greater sensitivity than was obtainable by complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity(CDC)assays has resulted in a new paradigm with respect to the interpretation of donor-specific antibodies(DSA). Although the SPI assay performed on the Luminex instrument(hereafter referred to as the Luminex assay), in particular, has permitted thedetection of antibodies not detectable by CDC, the clinical significance of these antibodies is incompletely understood. Nevertheless, the detection of these antibodies has led to changes in the clinical management of sensitized patients. In addition, SPI testing raises technical issues that require resolution and careful consideration when interpreting antibody results.
Methods. With this background, The Transplantation Society convened a group of laboratory and clinical experts in the field of transplantation to prepare a consensus report and make recommendations on the use of this new technology based on both published evidence and expert opinion. Three working groups were formed to address(a)the technical issues with respect to the use of this technology,(b)the interpretation of pretransplantation antibody testing in the context of various clinical settings and organ transplant types(kidney, heart, lung,liver, pancreas, intestinal, and islet cells), and(c)the application of antibody testing in the posttransplantation setting. The three groups were established in November 2011 and convened for a "Consensus Conference on Antibodies in Transplantation" in Rome, Italy, in May 2012. The deliberations of the three groups meeting independently and then together are the bases for this report.
Results. A comprehensive list of recommendations was prepared by each group. A summary of the key recommendations follows. Technical Group:(a)SPI must be used for the detection of pretransplantation HLA antibodies in solid organ transplant recipients and, in particular,the use of the single-antigen bead assay to detect antibodies to HLA loci, such as Cw, DQA, DPA, and DPB, which are not readily detected by other methods.(b)The use of SPI for antibody detection should be supplemented with cell-based assays to examine the correlations between the two types of assays and to establish the likelihood of a positive crossmatch(XM).(c)There must be an awareness of the technical factors that can influence the results and their clinical interpretation when using the Luminex bead technology, such as variation in antigen density and the presence of denatured antigen on the beads. Pretransplantation Group:(a)Risk categories should be established based on the antibody and the XM results obtained.(b)DSA detected by CDC and a positive XM should be avoided due to their strong association with antibody-mediated rejection and graft loss.(c)A renal transplantation can be performed in the absence of a prospective XM if single-antigen bead screening for antibodies to all class I and II HLA loci is negative. This decision, however, needs to be taken in agreement with local clinical programs and the relevant regulatory bodies.(d)The presence of DSA HLA antibodies should be avoided in heart and lung transplantation and considered a risk factor for liver, intestinal, and islet cell transplantation. Posttransplantation Group:(a)High-risk patients(i.e., desensitized or DSA positive/XM negative)should be monitored by measurement of DSA and protocol biopsies in the first 3 months after transplantation.(b)Intermediate-risk patients(history of DSA but currently negative)should be monitored for DSA within the first month. If DSA is present, a biopsy should be performed.(c)Low-risk patients(nonsensitized first transplantation)should be screened for DSA at least once 3 to 12 months after transplantation. If DSA is detected, a biopsy should be performed. In all three categories, the recommendations for subsequent treatment are based on the biopsy results.
Conclusions. A comprehensive list of recommendations is provided covering the technical and pretransplantation and posttransplantation monitoring of HLA antibodies in solid organ transplantation. The recommendations are intended to provide state-of-the-art guidance in the use and clinical application of recently developed methods for HLA antibody detection when used in conjunction with traditional methods.
Keywords: human-leukocyte antigen; donor-specific antibodies; renal-allograft rejection; antiendothelial cell antibodies; positive cross-match; incompatible kidney-transplantation; coronary-artery-disease; preformed lymphocytotoxic antibodies; pediatric cardiac transplantation; bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
来源出版物: Transplantation, 2013, 95(1): 19-47联系邮箱: Opelz, G; Gerhard.Opelz@med.uni-heidelberg.de
被引频次: 60
Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery Fifteen-Year Follow-Up of Adjustable Gastric Banding and a Systematic Review of the Bariatric Surgical Literature
O'Brien, PE; MacDonald, L; Anderson, M; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To describe the long-term outcomes after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding(LAGB)and compare these with the published literature on bariatric surgery.
Background: Because obesity is a chronic disease, any proposed obesity treatment should be expected to demonstrate long-term durability to be considered effective. Yet for bariatric surgery, few long-term weight loss data are available. We report our 15-year follow-up data after LAGB and provide a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature for weight loss at 10 years or more after bariatric surgical procedures.
Methods: We performed a prospective longitudinal cohort study of LAGB patients using an electronic database system(LapBase)to track progress, measure weight changes, and document revisional procedures. The evolution of the LAGB procedure was recognized, and revisional rates for 3 separate periods between September 1994 and December 2011 were described. In addition, we performed a systematic review of the peer-reviewed published literature collecting all reports that included weight loss data at or beyond 10 years.
Results: A total of 3227 patients, with a mean age of 47 years and a mean body mass index of 43.8 kg/m2, were treated by laparoscopic adjustable gastric band placement between September 1994 and December 2011. Seven hundred fourteen patients had completed at least 10 years of follow-up. Follow-up was intact in 81% of patients overall and 78% of those beyond 10 years. There was no perioperative mortality for the primary placement or for any revisional procedures. There was 47.1% of excess weight loss(% EWL)at 15 years [n = 54; 95% confidence interval(CI)= 8.3] and 62% EWL at 16 years(n = 14; 95% CI = 13.6). There was a mean of 47.0% EWL(n = 714; 95% CI =1.3)for all patients who were at or beyond 10 years follow-up. Revisional procedures were performed for proximal enlargement(26%),erosion(3.4%), and port and tubing problems(21%). The band was explanted in 5.6%. The need for revision decreased as the technique evolved, with 40% revision rate for proximal gastric enlargements in the first 10 years, reducing to 6.4% in the past 5 years. The revision group showed a similar weight loss to the overall group beyond 10 years. The systematic review of all bariatric procedures with 10 or more years of follow-up showed greater than 50% EWL for all current procedures. The weighted mean at maximum follow-up for LAGB was 54.2% EWL and for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was 54.0% EWL.
Conclusions: The LAGB study from 1 center demonstrates a durable weight loss with 47% EWL maintained to 15 years. This weight loss occurred regardless of whether any revisional procedures were needed. A systematic review shows substantial and similar long-term weight losses for LAGB and other bariatric procedures.
Keywords: vertical banded gastroplasty; adjustable gastric band; 10-year follow-up; quality-of-life; morbid-obesity; biliopancreatic diversion; weight-loss; randomized-trial; bypass; metaanalysis
来源出版物: Annals of Surgery, 2013, 257(1): 87-94联系邮箱: O'Brien, PE; paul.obrien@monash.edu
被引频次: 59
Immunohistochemistry Is Highly Sensitive and Specific for the Detection of V600E BRAF Mutation in Melanoma
Long, GV; Wilmott, JS; Capper, D; et al.
Abstract: This study investigated the sensitivity and specificity of immunohistochemical(IHC)analysis using an anti-BRAF antibody to detect the presence of the BRAF V600E mutation in patients with metastatic melanoma. A total of 100 patients with American Joint Committee on Cancer stage IIIC unresectable or stage IV melanoma and who underwent tumor DNA BRAF mutation testing were selected. Paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed melanoma biopsies were analyzed for the BRAF mutation status by independent, blinded observers using both conventional DNA molecular techniques and IHC with the novel BRAF V600E mutant-specific antibody, VE1. The antibody had a sensitivity of 97%(37/38)and a specificity of 98%(58/59)for detecting the presence of a BRAF V600E mutation. Of the BRAF-mutated cases, none of the non-V600E cases(including V600K)stained positive with the antibody(0/11). There were 5 cases with discordant BRAF mutation results. Additional molecular analysis confirmed the immunohistochemically obtained BRAF result in 3 cases,suggesting that the initial molecular testing results were incorrect. Two of these patients would not have received a BRAF inhibitor on the basis of the initial false-negative mutation testing result. Two cases remained discordant. The reported IHC method is an accurate, rapid,and cost-effective method for detecting V600E BRAF mutations in melanoma patients. Clinical use of the V600E BRAF antibody should be a valuable supplement to conventional mutation testing and allow V600E mutant metastatic melanoma patients to be triaged rapidly into appropriate treatment pathways.
Keywords: copy number analysis; BRAF(V600E)mutation; stage-ii; cancer; polyclonality; metastases; survival; tumors; trial; assay
来源出版物: American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2013, 37(1): 61-65联系邮箱: Long, GV; georgina.long@sydney.edu.au
被引频次: 80
Massive MIMO in the UL/DL of Cellular Networks: How Many Antennas Do We Need?
Hoydis, J; ten Brink, S; Debbah, M
Abstract: We consider the uplink(UL)and downlink(DL)of non-cooperative multi-cellular time-division duplexing(TDD)systems, assuming that the number N of antennas per base station(BS)and the number K of user terminals(UTs)per cell are large. Our system model accounts for channel estimation, pilot contamination, and an arbitrary path loss and antenna correlation for each link. We derive approximations of achievable rates with several linear precoders and detectors which are proven to be asymptotically tight, but accurate for realistic system dimensions, as shown by simulations. It is known from previous work assuming uncorrelated channels, that as N -> infinity while K is fixed, the system performance is limited by pilot contamination, the simplest precoders/detectors, i.e., eigenbeamforming(BF)and matched filter(MF), are optimal, and the transmit power can be made arbitrarily small. We analyze to which extent these conclusions hold in the more realistic setting where N is not extremely large compared to K. In particular, we derive how many antennas per UT are needed to achieve eta% of the ultimate performance limit with infinitely many antennas and how many more antennas are needed with MF and BF to achieve the performance of minimum mean-square error(MMSE)detection and regularized zero-forcing(RZF), respectively.
Keywords: multiuser MIMO; channel; wireless; systems
来源出版物: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2013, 31(2): 160-171
联系邮箱: Hoydis, J; jakob.hoydis@alcatel-lucent.com
被引频次: 50
MIMO Broadcasting for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Zhang, R; Ho, CK
Abstract: Wireless power transfer(WPT)is a promising new solution to provide convenient and perpetual energy supplies to wireless networks. In practice, WPT is implementable by various technologies such as inductive coupling, magnetic resonate coupling, and electromagnetic(EM)radiation, for short-/mid-/long-range applications, respectively. In this paper, we consider the EM or radio signal enabled WPT in particular. Since radio signals can carry energy as well as information at the same time, a unified study on simultaneous wireless information and power transfer(SWIPT)is pursued. Specifically, this paper studies a multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO)wireless broadcast system consisting of three nodes, where one receiver harvests energy and another receiver decodes information separately from the signals sent by a common transmitter, and all the transmitter and receivers may be equipped with multiple antennas. Two scenarios are examined, in which the information receiver and energy receiver are separated and see different MIMO channels from the transmitter, or co-located and see the identical MIMO channel from the transmitter. For the case of separated receivers, we derive the optimal transmission strategy to achieve different tradeoffs for maximal information rate versus energy transfer, which are characterized by the boundary of a so-called rate-energy(R-E)region. For the case of co-located receivers, we show an outer bound for the achievable R-E region due to the potential limitation that practical energy harvesting receivers are not yet able to decode information directly. Under this constraint, we investigate two practical designs for the co-located receiver case, namely time switching and power splitting, and characterize their achievable R-E regions in comparison to the outer bound.
Keywords: cognitive radio networks; sum capacity; channels; duality
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013, 12(5): 1989-2001联系邮箱: Zhang, R; elezhang@nus.edu.sg
被引频次: 50
Energy and Spectral Efficiency of Very Large Multiuser MIMO Systems
Ngo, HQ; Larsson, EG; Marzetta, TL
Abstract: A multiplicity of autonomous terminals simultaneously transmits data streams to a compact array of antennas. The array uses imperfect channel-state information derived from transmitted pilots to extract the individual data streams. The power radiated by the terminals can be made inversely proportional to the square-root of the number of base station antennas with no reduction in performance. In contrast if perfect channel-state information were available the power could be made inversely proportional to the number of antennas. Lower capacity bounds for maximum-ratio combining(MRC), zero-forcing(ZF)and minimum mean-square error(MMSE)detection are derived. An MRC receiver normally performs worse than ZF and MMSE. However as power levels are reduced, the cross-talk introduced by the inferior maximum-ratio receiver eventually falls below the noise level and this simple receiver becomes a viable option. The tradeoff between the energy efficiency(as measured in bits/J)and spectral efficiency(as measured in bits/channel use/terminal)is quantified for a channel model that includes small-scale fading but not large-scale fading. It is shown that the use of moderately large antenna arrays can improve the spectral and energy efficiency with orders of magnitude compared to a single-antenna system.
Keywords: performance analysis; broadcast channel; receiver; capacity
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2013, 61(4): 1436-1449联系邮箱: Ngo, HQ; nqhien@isy.liu.se
被引频次: 43
Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network(TWDM-PON)for Next-Generation PON Stage 2(NG-PON2)
Luo, YQ; Zhou, XP; Effenberger, F; et al.
Abstract: The next-generation passive optical network stage 2(NG-PON2)effort was initiated by the full service access network(FSAN)in 2011 to investigate on upcoming technologies enabling a bandwidth increase beyond 10 Gb/s in the optical access network. The FSAN meeting in April 2012 selected the time-and wavelength-division multiplexed passive optical network(TWDM-PON)as a primary solution to NG-PON2. In this paper, we summarize the TWDM-PON research in FSAN by reviewing the basics of TWDM-PON and presenting the world's first full-system 40 Gb/s TWDM-PON prototype. After introducing the TWDM-PON architecture, we explore TWDM-PON wavelength plan options to meet the NG-PON2 requirements. TWDM-PON key technologies and their respective level of development are further discussed to investigate its feasibility and availability. The first full-system 40 Gb/s TWDM-PON prototype is demonstrated to provide 40 Gb/s downstream and 10 Gb/s upstream bandwidth. This full prototype system offers 38 dB power budget and supports 20 km distance with a 1:512 split ratio. It coexists with commercially deployed Gigabit PON(G-PON)and 10 Gigabit PON(XG-PON)systems. The operator-vendor joint test results testify that TWDM-PON is achievable by the reuse and integration of commercial devices and components.
Keywords: WDM-PON; Gb/s
来源出版物: Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2013, 31(4): 587-593联系邮箱: Luo, YQ; yuanqiu.luo@huawei.com
被引频次: 37
A Survey of Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications
Feng, DQ; Jiang, CZ; Lim, G; et al.
Abstract: Reducing energy consumption in wireless communications has attracted increasing attention recently. Advanced physical layer techniques such as multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO)and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM), cognitive radio, network coding, cooperative communication, etc.; new network architectures such as heterogeneous networks, distributed antennas, multi-hop cellulars, etc.; as well as radio and network resource management schemes such as various cross-layer optimization algorithms, dynamic power saving, multiple radio access technologies coordination, etc. have been proposed to address this issue. In this article, we overview these technologies and present the state-of-the-art on each aspect. Some challenges that need to be solved in the area are also described.
Keywords: cross-layer optimization; cooperative communication; sensor networks; power-control; resource-allocation; spectral efficiency;cellular networks; channel capacity; link adaptation; MIMO
来源出版物: IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2013, 15(1): 167-178联系邮箱: Feng, DQ; fdquan@gmail.com
被引频次: 65
A review of the applications of nanofluids in solar energy
Mahian, O; Kianifar, A; Kalogirou, SA; et al.
Abstract: Utilizing nanofluids as an advanced kind of liquid mixture with a small concentration of nanometer-sized solid particles in suspension is a relatively new field, which is less than two decades old. The aim of this review paper is the investigation of the nanofluids' applications in solar thermal engineering systems. The shortage of fossil fuels and environmental considerations motivated the researchers to use alternative energy sources such as solar energy. Therefore, it is essential to enhance the efficiency and performance of the solar thermal systems. Nearly all of the former works conducted on the applications of nanofluids in solar energy is regarding their applications in collectors and solar water heaters. Therefore, a major part of this review paper allocated to the effects of nanofluids on the performance of solar collectors and solar water heaters from the efficiency, economic and environmental considerations viewpoints. In addition, some reported works on the applications of nanofluids in thermal energy storage, solar cells, and solar stills are reviewed. Subsequently, some suggestions are made to use the nanofluids in different solar thermal systems such as photovoltaic/thermal systems, solar ponds, solar thermoelectric cells, and so on. Finally, the challenges of using nanofluids in solar energy devices are discussed.
Keywords: nanohorn-based nanofluids; radiation-enhanced evaporation; heat-transfer characteristics; thermal-conductivity; cooling system;metal nanoparticles; optical-properties; forced-convection; economic-analysis; particle-size
来源出版物: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 57(2): 582-594联系邮箱: Pop, I; popm.ioan@yahoo.co.uk
被引频次: 49
Entropy generation in steady MHD flow due to a rotating porous disk in a nanofluid
Rashidi, MM; Abelman, S; Mehr, NF
Abstract: We consider the analysis of the second law of thermodynamics applied to an electrically conducting incompressible nanofluid fluid flowing over a porous rotating disk in the presence of an externally applied uniform vertical magnetic field. This study has applications in rotating magneto-hydrodynamic(MHD)energy generators for new space systems and also thermal conversion mechanisms for nuclear propulsion space vehicles. Von Karman transformations are employed to transform the governing equations into a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The entropy generation equation is derived as a function of velocity and temperature gradient. This equation is non-dimensionalized using geometrical and physical flow field-dependent parameters. The velocity profiles in radial, tangential and axial directions, temperature distribution, averaged entropy generation number and Bejan number are obtained. A very good agreement is observed between the obtained results of the current study and those of previously published studies. The effects of physical flow parameters such as magnetic interaction parameter, suction parameter, nanoparticle volume fraction and the type of nanofluid on all fluid velocity components, temperature distribution, averaged entropy generation number and Bejan number, skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number are examined and analyzed and the path for optimizing the entropy is also proposed. In addition, this simulation represents the feasibility of using magnetic rotating disk drives in novel nuclear space propulsion engines and this model has important applications in heat transfer enhancement in renewable energy systems and industrial thermal management.
Keywords: heat-transfer characteristics; stretching sheet; mass-transfer; convection; particles
来源出版物: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 62: 515-525
联系邮箱: Rashidi, MM; mm.rashidi@usherbrooke.ca
被引频次: 39
Numerical investigation of MHD effects on Al2O3-water nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a semi-annulus enclosure using LBM
Sheikholeslami, M; Gorji-Bandpy, M; Ganji, DD
Abstract: In this study, free convection heat transfer in a concentric annulus between a cold square and heated elliptic cylinders in presence of magnetic field is investigated. The square and elliptic cylinders are maintained at uniform temperatures and it is assumed that the walls are insulating magnetic field. Lattice Boltzmann method is applied to solve the governing equations. The effective thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluid are calculated by KKL(Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li)correlation. In this model effect of Brownian motion on the effective thermal conductivity is considered. The numerical investigation is carried out for different governing parameters namely; the Hartmann number, Rayleigh number and nanoparticle volume fraction. Also a correlation of Nusselt number corresponding to active parameters is presented. The results reveal that average Nusselt number is an increasing function of nanoparticle volume fraction and Rayleigh number,while it is a decreasing function of Hartmann number. Moreover it can be found that the enhancement in heat transfer increases as Hartmann number increases but it decreases with increase of Rayleigh number.
Keywords: lattice boltzmann-equation; natural-convection flow; magnetic-field; transfer enhancement; rectangular enclosure; cylindrical annulus; mixed convection; square cavity; cylinder; simulation
来源出版物: Energy, 2013, 60: 501-510联系邮箱: Sheikholeslami, M; mohsen.sheikholeslami@yahoo.com
被引频次: 38
Two phase simulation of nanofluid flow and heat transfer using heatline analysis
Sheikholeslami, M; Gorji-Bandpy, M; Soleimani, S
Abstract: In this study Control Volume based Finite Element Method is applied to solve the problem of natural convection heat transfer in an enclosure filled with nanofluid. The important effect of Brownian motion and thermophoresis has been included in the model of nanofluid. The inner sinusoidal and outer circular walls are maintained at constant temperatures while the two other walls are thermally insulated. The heat transfer between cold and hot regions of the enclosure cannot be well understood by using isotherm patterns so heatline visualization technique is used to find the direction and intensity of heat transfer in a domain. Effects of thermal Rayleigh number(Ra), buoyancy ratio number(Nr)and Lewis number(Le)on streamline, isotherm, isoconcentration and heatline are examined. The results indicate that the average Nusselt number decreases as buoyancy ratio number increases until it reaches a minimum value and then starts increasing. As Lewis number increases, this minimum value occurs at higher buoyancy ratio number.
Keywords: lattice-boltzmann method; boundary-layer-flow; natural-convection; magnetic-field; transfer enhancement; enclosure; cylinder;cavity
来源出版物: International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 47: 73-81
联系邮箱: Sheikholeslami, M; mohsen.sheikholeslami@yahoo.com
被引频次: 35
Pre-combustion capture of carbon dioxide in a fixed bed reactor using the clathrate hydrate process
Babu, P; Kumar, R; Linga, P
Abstract: Hydrate based gas separation(HBGS)process with silica sand and silica gel as contact medium was employed to capture CO2from fuel gas mixture. Gas uptake measurement at three different pressures(7.5, 8.5 and 9.0 MPa)and 274.15 K were conducted for hydrate formation kinetics and overall conversion of water to hydrate, rate of hydrate formation were determined. Water conversion of up to 36% was achieved with silica sand bed compared to 13% conversion in the silica gel bed. Effect of driving force on the rate of hydrate formation and gas consumption was significant in silica sand bed whereas it was found to be insignificant in silica gel bed. Hydrate dissociation experiments by thermal stimulation(at constant pressure)alone and a combination of depressurization and thermal stimulation were carried out for complete recovery of the hydrated gas. A driving force of 23 K was found to be sufficient to recover all the hydrated gas within 1 h. This study indicates that silica sand can be an effective porous media for separation of CO2from fuel gas when compared to silica gel.
Keywords: gas hydrate; flue-gas; phase-equilibrium; porous-media; CO2; recovery; separation; methane; nucleation; mixtures
来源出版物: Energy, 2013, 50: 364-373联系邮箱: Linga, P; chepl@nus.edu.sg
被引频次: 113
Structure-Function of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Superfamily
Katritch, V; Cherezov, V; Stevens, RC
Abstract: During the past few years, crystallography of G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs)has experienced exponential growth, result-ing in the determination of the structures of 16 distinct receptors-9 of them in 2012 alone. Including closely related subtype homology models, this coverage amounts to approximately 12% of the human GPCR superfamily. The adrenergic, rhodopsin, and adenosine receptor systems are also described by agonist-bound active-state structures, including a structure of the receptor-G protein complex for the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. Biochemical and biophysical techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance and hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry, are providing complementary insights into ligand-dependent dynamic equilibrium between different functional states. Additional details revealed by high-resolution structures illustrate the receptors as allosteric machines that are controlled not only by ligands but also by ions, lipids, cholesterol, and water. This wealth of data is helping redefine our knowledge of how GPCRs recognize such a diverse array of ligands and how they transmit signals 30 angstroms across the cell membrane; it also is shedding light on a structural basis of GPCR allosteric modulation and biased signaling.
Keywords: beta(2)adrenergic-receptor; muscarinic acetylcholine-receptor; adenosine a(2a)receptor; structure-based discovery; histamine h-1 receptor; crystal-structure; conformational-changes; allosteric modulation; opioid receptor; drug discovery
来源出版物: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2013, 53: 531-556
联系邮箱: Katritch, V; stevens@scripps.edu
被引频次: 68
Role of Nrf2 in Oxidative Stress and Toxicity
Ma, Q
Abstract: Organismal life encounters reactive oxidants from internal metabolism and environmental toxicant exposure. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species cause oxidative stress and are traditionally viewed as being harmful. On the other hand, controlled production of oxidants in normal cells serves useful purposes to regulate signaling pathways. Reactive oxidants are counterbalanced by complex antioxidant defense systems regulated by a web of pathways to ensure that the response to oxidants is adequate for the body's needs. A recurrent theme in oxidant signaling and antioxidant defense is reactive cysteine thiol-based redox signaling. The nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2(Nrf2)is an emerging regulator of cellular resistance to oxidants. Nrf2 controls the basal and induced expression of an array of antioxidant response element-dependent genes to regulate the physiological and pathophysiological outcomes of oxidant exposure. This review discusses the impact of Nrf2 on oxidative stress and toxicity and how Nrf2 senses oxidants and regulates antioxidant defense.
Keywords: antioxidant response element; transcription factor Nrf2; smoke-induced emphysema; inflammatory cytokine expression; alcohol spectrum disorders; unfolded protein response; cell-cycle progression; heme oxygenase-1 gene; ya-subunit gene; phenolic antioxidants
来源出版物: Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2013, 53: 401联系邮箱: Ma, Q; qam1@cdc.gov
被引频次: 62
A review on antioxidants, prooxidants and related controversy: Natural and synthetic compounds,screening and analysis methodologies and future perspectives
Carocho, M; Ferreira, ICFR
Abstract: Many studies have been conducted with regard to free radicals, oxidative stress and antioxidant activity of food, giving antioxidants a prominent beneficial role, but, recently many authors have questioned their importance, whilst trying to understand the mechanisms behind oxidative stress. Many scientists defend that regardless of the quantity of ingested antioxidants, the absorption is very limited, and that in some cases prooxidants are beneficial to human health. The detection of antioxidant activity as well as specific antioxidant compounds can be carried out with a large number of different assays, all of them with advantages and disadvantages. The controversy around antioxidant in vivo benefits has become intense in the past few decades and the present review tries to shed some light on research on antioxidants(natural and synthetic)and prooxidants, showing the potential benefits and adverse effects of these opposing events, as well as their mechanisms of action and detection methodologies. It also identifies the limitations of antioxidants and provides a perspective on the likely future trends in this field.
Keywords: simulated gastrointestinal digestion; phenolic-acids; vitamin-c; butylated hydroxytoluene; oxidative stress; liquid-chromatography;lipid-peroxidation; gas-chromatography; biological-systems; capacity assays
来源出版物: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 51: 15-25联系邮箱: Ferreira, ICFR; iferreira@ipb.pt
被引频次: 49
Oxidative stress: the mitochondria-dependent and mitochondria-independent pathways of apoptosis
Sinha, K; Das, J; Pal, PB; et al.
Abstract: Oxidative stress basically defines a condition in which prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the cell is disturbed; cellular biomolecules undergo severe oxidative damage, ultimately compromising cells viability. In recent years, a number of studies have shown that oxidative stress could cause cellular apoptosis via both the mitochondria-dependent and mitochondria-independent pathways. Since these pathways are directly related to the survival or death of various cell types in normal as well as pathophysiological situations, a clear picture ofthese pathways for various active molecules in their biological functions would help designing novel therapeutic strategy. This review highlights the basic mechanisms of ROS production and their sites of formation; detail mechanism of both mitochondria-dependent and mitochondria-independent pathways of apoptosis as well as their regulation by ROS. Emphasis has been given on the redox-sensitive ASK1 signalosome and its downstream JNK pathway. This review also describes the involvement of oxidative stress under various environmental toxin- and drug-induced organ pathophysiology and diabetes-mediated apoptosis. We believe that this review would provide useful information about the most recent progress in understanding the mechanism of oxidative stress-mediated regulation of apoptotic pathways. It will also help to figure out the complex cross-talks between these pathways and their modulations by oxidative stress. The literature will also shed a light on the blind alleys of this field to be explored. Finally, readers would know about the ROS-regulated and apoptosis-mediated organ pathophysiology which might help to find their probable remedies in future.
Keywords: n-terminal kinase; signal-regulating kinase-1; induced cell-death; d-saccharic acid-1,4-lactone; alpha-induced apoptosis; necrosis-factor-alpha; arsenic-induced cytotoxicity; pancreatic beta-cells; cytochrome-c release; cajanus-indicus l
来源出版物: Archives of Toxicology, 2013, 87(7): 1157-1180联系邮箱: Sil, PC; parames@bosemain.boseinst.ac.in
被引频次: 44
Recent advances in 2D and 3D in vitro systems using primary hepatocytes, alternative hepatocyte sources and non-parenchymal liver cells and their use in investigating mechanisms of hepatotoxicity,cell signaling and ADME
Godoy, P; Hewitt, NJ; Albrecht, U; et al.
Abstract: This review encompasses the most important advances in liver functions and hepatotoxicity and analyzes which mechanisms can be studied in vitro. In a complex architecture of nested, zonated lobules, the liver consists of approximately 80 % hepatocytes and 20 % non-parenchymal cells, the latter being involved in a secondary phase that may dramatically aggravate the initial damage. Hepatotoxicity,as well as hepatic metabolism, is controlled by a set of nuclear receptors(including PXR, CAR, HNF-4 alpha, FXR, LXR, SHP, VDR and PPAR)and signaling pathways. When isolating liver cells, some pathways are activated, e.g., the RAS/MEK/ERK pathway, whereas others are silenced(e.g. HNF-4 alpha), resulting in up- and downregulation of hundreds of genes. An understanding of these changes is crucial for a correct interpretation of in vitro data. The possibilities and limitations of the most useful liver in vitro systems are summarized, including three-dimensional culture techniques, co-cultures with non-parenchymal cells, hepatospheres, precision cut liver slices and the isolated perfused liver. Also discussed is how closely hepatoma, stem cell and iPS cell-derived hepatocyte-like-cells resemble real hepatocytes. Finally, a summary is given of the state of the art of liver in vitro and mathematical modeling systems that are currently used in the pharmaceutical industry with an emphasis on drug metabolism, prediction of clearance, drug interaction, transporter studies and hepatotoxicity. One key message is that despite our enthusiasm for in vitro systems, we must never lose sight of the in vivo situation. Although hepatocytes have been isolated for decades, the hunt for relevant alternative systems has only just begun.
Keywords: aryl-hydrocarbon receptor; hepatic stellate cells; drug-drug interactions; farnesoid-x-receptor; primary rat hepatocytes; pluripotent stem-cells; anion-transporting polypeptide; salt export pump; nf-kappa-b; constitutive androstane receptor
来源出版物: Archives of Toxicology, 2013, 87(8): 1315-1530联系邮箱: Hewitt, NJ; nickyhewittltd@yahoo.co.uk
Transplantation 移植学
被引频次: 142
Fifth INTERMACS annual report: Risk factor analysis from more than 6,000 mechanical circulatory support patients
Kirklin, JK; Naftel, DC; Kormos, RL; et al.
Abstract: The 5th annual report of the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support(INTERMACS)summarizes and analyzes the first 6 years of patient and data collection. The current analysis includes more than 6000 patients and updated risk factors for continuous flow pumps. Among continuous flow pumps, actuarial survival is 80% at 1 year and 70% at 2 years. Quality of life indicators are generally favorable and adverse event burden will likely influence patient selections of advanced heart failure therapies.
来源出版物: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2013, 32(2): 141-156联系邮箱: Kirklin, JK; jkirklin@uab.edu
被引频次: 88
Investigation of the freely available easy-to-use software 'EZR' for medical statistics
Kanda, Y
Abstract: Although there are many commercially available statistical software packages, only a few implement a competing risk analysis or a proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent covariates, which are necessary in studies on hematopoietic SCT. In addition, most packages are not clinician friendly, as they require that commands be written based on statistical languages. This report describes the statistical software 'EZR'(Easy R), which is based on R and R commander. EZR enables the application of statistical functions that arefrequently used in clinical studies, such as survival analyses, including competing risk analyses and the use of time-dependent covariates,receiver operating characteristics analyses, meta-analyses, sample size calculation and so on, by point-and-click access. EZR is freely available on our website(http://www.jichi.ac.jp/saitama-sct/SaitamaHP.files/statmed.html)and runs on both Windows(Microsoft Corporation, USA)and Mac OS X(Apple, USA). This report provides instructions for the installation and operation of EZR.
Keywords: bone-marrow transplants; competing risk; cumulative incidence; clinician; tests; guide
来源出版物: Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2013, 48(3): 452-458联系邮箱: Kanda, Y; ycanda-tky@umin.ac.jp
被引频次: 82
Consensus Guidelines on the Testing and Clinical Management Issues Associated With HLA and Non-HLA Antibodies in Transplantation
Tait, BD; Susal, C; Gebel, HM; et al.
Abstract: Background. The introduction of solid-phase immunoassay(SPI)technology for the detection and characterization of human leukocyte antigen(HLA)antibodies in transplantation while providing greater sensitivity than was obtainable by complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity(CDC)assays has resulted in a new paradigm with respect to the interpretation of donor-specific antibodies(DSA). Although the SPI assay performed on the Luminex instrument(hereafter referred to as the Luminex assay), in particular, has permitted the detection of antibodies not detectable by CDC, the clinical significance of these antibodies is incompletely understood. Nevertheless, the detection of these antibodies has led to changes in the clinical management of sensitized patients. In addition, SPI testing raises technical issues that require resolution and careful consideration when interpreting antibody results.
Methods. With this background, The Transplantation Society convened a group of laboratory and clinical experts in the field of transplantation to prepare a consensus report and make recommendations on the use of this new technology based on both published evidence and expert opinion. Three working groups were formed to address(a)the technical issues with respect to the use of this technology,(b)the interpretation of pretransplantation antibody testing in the context of various clinical settings and organ transplant types(kidney, heart, lung,liver, pancreas, intestinal, and islet cells), and(c)the application of antibody testing in the posttransplantation setting. The three groups were established in November 2011 and convened for a "Consensus Conference on Antibodies in Transplantation" in Rome, Italy, in May 2012. The deliberations of the three groups meeting independently and then together are the bases for this report.
Results. A comprehensive list of recommendations was prepared by each group. A summary of the key recommendations follows. Technical Group:(a)SPI must be used for the detection of pretransplantation HLA antibodies in solid organ transplant recipients and, in particular,the use of the single-antigen bead assay to detect antibodies to HLA loci, such as Cw, DQA, DPA, and DPB, which are not readily detected by other methods.(b)The use of SPI for antibody detection should be supplemented with cell-based assays to examine the correlations between the two types of assays and to establish the likelihood of a positive crossmatch(XM).(c)There must be an awareness of the technical factors that can influence the results and their clinical interpretation when using the Luminex bead technology, such as variation in antigen density and the presence of denatured antigen on the beads. Pretransplantation Group:(a)Risk categories should be established based on the antibody and the XM results obtained.(b)DSA detected by CDC and a positive XM should be avoided due to their strong association with antibody-mediated rejection and graft loss.(c)A renal transplantation can be performed in the absence of a prospective XM if single-antigen bead screening for antibodies to all class I and II HLA loci is negative. This decision, however, needs to be taken in agreement with local clinical programs and the relevant regulatory bodies.(d)The presence of DSA HLA antibodies should be avoided in heart and lung transplantation and considered a risk factor for liver, intestinal, and islet cell transplantation. Posttransplantation Group:(a)High-risk patients(i.e., desensitized or DSA positive/XM negative)should be monitored by measurement of DSA and protocol biopsies in the first 3 months after transplantation.(b)Intermediate-risk patients(history of DSA but currently negative)should be monitored for DSA within the first month. If DSA is present, a biopsy should be performed.(c)Low-risk patients(nonsensitized first transplantation)should be screened for DSA at least once 3 to 12 months after transplantation. If DSA is detected, a biopsy should be performed. In all three categories, the recommendations for subsequent treatment are based on the biopsy results.
Conclusions. A comprehensive list of recommendations is provided covering the technical and pretransplantation and posttransplantation monitoring of HLA antibodies in solid organ transplantation. The recommendations are intended to provide state-of-the-art guidance in the use and clinical application of recently developed methods for HLA antibody detection when used in conjunction with traditional methods.
Keywords: human-leukocyte antigen; donor-specific antibodies; renal-allograft rejection; antiendothelial cell antibodies; positive cross-match; incompatible kidney-transplantation; coronary-artery-disease; preformed lymphocytotoxic antibodies; pediatric cardiac transplantation; bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
来源出版物: Transplantation, 2013, 95(1): 19-47联系邮箱: Opelz, G; Gerhard.Opelz@med.uni-heidelberg.de
被引频次: 54
OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: Kidney
Matas, AJ; Smith, JM; Skeans, MA; et al.
Abstract: A shortage of kidneys for transplant remains a major problem for patients with end-stage renal disease. The number of candidates on the waiting list continues to increase each year, while organ donation numbers remain flat. Thus, transplant rates for adult wait-listed candidates continue to decrease. However, pretransplant mortality rates also show a decreasing trend. Many kidneys recovered for transplant are discarded, and discard rates are increasing. Living donation rates have been essentially unchanged for the past decade,despite introduction of desensitization, non-directed donations, and kidney paired donation programs. For both living and deceased donor recipients, early posttransplant results have shown ongoing improvement, driven by decreases in rates of graft failure and return to dialysis. Immunosuppressive drug use has changed little, except for the Food and Drug Administration approval of belatacept in 2011, the first approval of a maintenance immunosuppressive drug in more than a decade. Pediatric kidney transplant candidates receive priority under the Share 35 policy. The number of pediatric transplants peaked in 2005, and decreased to a low of 760 in 2011. Graft survival and short-term renal function continue to improve for pediatric recipients. Postransplant lymphoproliferative disorder is an important concern, occurring in about one-third of pediatric recipients.
来源出版物: American Journal of Transplantation, 2013, 13: 11-46
被引频次: 47
Mortality and cardiovascular events in online haemodiafiltration(OL-HDF)compared with high-flux dialysis: results from the Turkish OL-HDF Study
Ok, E; Asci, G; Toz, H; et al.
Abstract: Background. Online haemodiafiltration(OL-HDF)is considered to confer clinical benefits over haemodialysis(HD)in terms of solute removal in patients undergoing maintenance HD. The aim of this study was to compare postdilution OL-HDF and high-flux HD in terms of morbidity and mortality.
Methods. In this prospective, randomized, controlled trial, we enrolled 782 patients undergoing thrice-weekly HD and randomly assigned them in a 1:1 ratio to either postdilution OL-HDF or high-flux HD. The mean age of patients was 56.5±13.9 years, time on HD 57.9±44.6 months with a diabetes incidence of 34.7%. The follow-up period was 2 years, with the mean follow-up of 22.7±10.9 months. The primary outcome was a composite of death from any cause and nonfatal cardiovascular events. The major secondary outcomes were cardiovascular and overall mortality, intradialytic complications, hospitalization rate, changes in several laboratory parameters and medications used.
Results. The filtration volume in OL-HDF was 17.2±1.3 L. Primary outcome was not different between the groups(event-free survival of 77.6% in OL-HDF versus 74.8% in the high-flux group, P = 0.28), as well as cardiovascular and overall survival, hospitalization rate and number of hypotensive episodes. In a post hoc analysis, the subgroup of OL-HDF patients treated with a median substitution volume >17.4 L per session(high-efficiency OL-HDF, n = 195)had better cardiovascular(P = 0.002)and overall survival(P = 0.03)compared with the high-flux BD group. In adjusted Cox-regression analysis, treatment with high-efficiency OL-BDF was associated with a 46% risk reduction for overall mortality {RR = 0.54 [95% confidence interval(95% CI)0.31-0.93], P = 0.02} and a 71% risk reduction for cardiovascular mortality [RR = 0.29(95% CI 0.12-0.65), P = 0.003] compared with high-flux BD.
Conclusions. The composite of all-cause mortality and nonfatal cardiovascular event rate was not different in the OL-HDF and in the high-flux BD groups. In a post hoc analysis, OL-HDF treatment with substitution volumes over 17.4 L was associated with better cardiovascular and overall survival.
Keywords: post-dilution hemodiafiltration; hemodialysis-patients; membrane-permeability; parameters; removal; therapy; patient; risk; ESRD
来源出版物: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2013, 28(1): 192-202联系邮箱: Ok, E; ercan.ok@ege.edu.tr
被引频次: 17
Finding Reliable Shortest Paths in Road Networks Under Uncertainty
Chen, BY; Lam, WHK; Sumalee, A; et al.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the solution algorithm for solving the problem of determining reliable shortest paths in road networks with stochastic travel times. The availability of reliable shortest paths enables travelers, in the face of travel time uncertainty,to plan their trips with a pre-specified on-time arrival probability. In this study, the reliable shortest path between origin and destination nodes is determined using a multiple-criteria shortest path approach when link travel times follow normal distributions. The dominance conditions involved in such problems are established, thereby reducing the number of generated non-dominated paths during the search processes. Two solution algorithms, multi-criteria label-setting and A* algorithms, are proposed and their complexities analyzed. Computational results using large scale networks are presented. Numerical examples using data from a real-world advanced traveller information system is also given to illustrate the applicability of the solution algorithms in practice.
Keywords: vulnerability analysis; route guidance; time; reliability; optimization; algorithms; dominance; behavior; systems; demand
来源出版物: Networks & Spatial Economics, 2013, 13(2): 123-148联系邮箱: Chen, BY; chen.biyu@gmail.com
被引频次: 16
A Wireless Sensor Network-Based Structural Health Monitoring System for Highway Bridges
Hu, XY; Wang, BW; Ji, H
Abstract: An integrated structural health monitoring(SHM)system for highway bridges is presented. The system is based on a customized wireless sensor network platform with a flexible design that provides a variety of sensors typical in SHM. These sensors include accelerometers, strain gauges, and temperature sensors with ultra-low power consumption. An S-Mote node, an acceleration sensor board, and a strain sensor board are developed to satisfy the requirements of bridge structural monitoring. Communication software components are integrated within TinyOS operating system to provide a flexible software platform whereas the data processing software performs analysis of acceleration, dynamic displacement, and dynamic strain data. The prototype system comprises a nearly linear multi-hop topology and is deployed on an in-service highway bridge. Data acquired from the system are used to examine network performance and to help evaluate the state of the bridge. Experimental results show that the system enables continuous or regular interval monitoring for in-service highway bridges.
Keywords: wavelet neural-network; highrise buildings; genetic algorithm; crack detection; modal-analysis; identification; beams; parameters
来源出版物: Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013, 28(3): 193-209联系邮箱: Hu, XY; huxy@mail.hust.edu.cn
被引频次: 15
Combining Genetic Algorithms with a Meso-Scale Approach for System Identification of a Smart Polymeric Textile
Fuggini, C; Chatzi, E; Zangani, D
Abstract: This article describes a structural system identification approach for the characterization of a novel retrofitting textile, the Composite Seismic Wallpaper. This polymeric textile was developed within the EU co-funded project Polytect as a full coverage method for increasing the seismic resistance of masonry structures. Recently, the wallpaper has been full-scale tested, on a two storey building, at the Eucentre(Pavia)as part of the Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies(SERIES)program. In this article, an advanced multistage identification methodology is proposed for the successful simulation of this novel material based on the results of the extensive experimental campaign. The identification is essentially formulated as an inverse problem that combines a Genetic Algorithm(GA)as the optimizer and a finite element(FE)model as the physical model of the structure. The aim is material characterization and modeling of the dynamic response of the structure; an issue which is nontrivial due to the intrinsic complexities associated with both masonry and polymers. The process outlined herein is successful in yielding a calibrated model that can more accurately capture the experimentally observed behavior of this three-dimensional full-scale test case.
Keywords: wavelet neural-network; modal parameter-identification; finite-element-method; masonry structures; damage detection; structural optimization; highrise buildings; model; walls; excitation
来源出版物: Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013, 28(3): 227-245
联系邮箱: Fuggini, C; clemente.fuggini@dappolonia.it
被引频次: 15
A Cooperative Scheduling Model for Timetable Optimization in Subway Systems
Yang, X; Li, X; Gao, ZY; et al.
Abstract: In subway systems, the energy put into accelerating trains can be reconverted into electric energy by using the motors asgenerators during the braking phase. In general, except for a small part that is used for onboard purposes, most of the recovery energy is transmitted backward along the conversion chain and fed back into the overhead contact line. To improve the utilization of recovery energy, this paper proposes a cooperative scheduling approach to optimize the timetable so that the recovery energy that is generated by the braking train can directly be used by the accelerating train. The recovery that is generated by the braking train is less than the required energy for the accelerating train; therefore, only the synchronization between successive trains is considered. First, we propose the cooperative scheduling rules and define the overlapping time between the accelerating and braking trains for a peak-hours scenario and an off-peak-hours scenario, respectively. Second, we formulate an integer programming model to maximize the overlapping time with the headway time and dwell time control. Furthermore, we design a genetic algorithm with binary encoding to solve the optimal timetable. Last, we present six numerical examples based on the operation data from the Beijing Yizhuang subway line in China. The results illustrate that the proposed model can significantly improve the overlapping time by 22.06% at peak hours and 15.19% at off-peak hours.
Keywords: railway timetables; genetic algorithm; train; robustness; generation; networks; track; times
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, 14(1): 438-447联系邮箱: Yang, X; lixiang@bjtu.edu.cn
被引频次: 15
Evaluation on State of Charge Estimation of Batteries With Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter by Experiment Approach
Xiong, R; He, HW; Sun, FC; et al.
Abstract: An accurate State-of-Charge(SoC)estimation plays a significant role in battery systems used in electric vehicles due to the arduous operation environments and the requirement of ensuring safe and reliable operations of batteries. Among the conventional methods to estimate SoC, the Coulomb counting method is widely used, but its accuracy is limited due to the accumulated error. Another commonly used method is model-based online iterative estimation with the Kalman filters, which improves the estimation accuracy in some extent. To improve the performance of Kalman filters in SoC estimation, the adaptive extended Kalman filter(AEKF), which employs the covariance matching approach, is applied in this paper. First, we built an implementation flowchart of the AEKF for a general system. Second, we built an online open-circuit voltage(OCV)estimation approach with the AEKF algorithm so that we can then get the SoC estimate by looking up the OCV-SoC table. Third, we proposed a robust online model-based SoC estimation approach with the AEKF algorithm. Finally, an evaluation on the SoC estimation approaches is performed by the experiment approach from the aspects of SoC estimation accuracy and robustness. The results indicate that the proposed online SoC estimation with the AEKF algorithm performs optimally, and for different error initial values, the maximum SoC estimation error is less than 2% with close-loop state estimation characteristics.
Keywords: electric vehicles; management-systems; of-charge; parameter-estimation; online estimation; ion batteries; model; packs
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013, 62(1): 108-117联系邮箱: He, HW; rxiong@bit.edu.cn
被引频次: 13
Tradable credit schemes for managing bottleneck congestion and modal split with heterogeneous users
Tian, LJ; Yang, H; Huang, HJ
Abstract: This paper examines the efficiency of a tradable travel credit scheme for managing bottleneck congestion and modal split in a competitive highway/transit network with continuous heterogeneity in the individuals' value of time. Each user is initially endowed with a certain amount of travel credits and can sell or buy additional credits in a free trading market. Time-dependent credit charge is implemented only for usage of the road bottleneck. We show that both the modal split and credit charge at equilibrium are unique, and the scheme is always Pareto-improving when the system optimum is achieved.
Keywords: elastic demand; social cost; model; transport; highway; travel; commuters; existence; private; transit
来源出版物: Transportation Research Part E-logistics and Transportation Review, 2013, 54: 1-13
联系邮箱: Huang, HJ; haijunhuang@buaa.edu.cn
被引频次: 13
Managing rush hour travel choices with tradable credit scheme
Nie, Y; Yin, YF
Abstract: This paper Analyzes a new tradable credit scheme(TCS)for managing commuters' travel choices, which seeks to persuade commuters to spread evenly within the rush hour and between primary and alternative routes so that excessive traffic congestion can be alleviated. The scheme defines a peak time window and charges those who use the primary route within that window in the form of mobility credits. Those who avoid the peak-time window, by either traveling outside the peak time window or switching to the alternative route,may be rewarded credits. A market is created such that those who need to pay credits can purchase them from those who acquire them from their rewarding travel choices. A general analytical framework is proposed for a system of two parallel routes. The framework(1)considers a variety of assumptions about commuters' behavior in response to the discontinuous credit charge introduced at the-boundary of the peak-time window,(2)allows modeling congestion effects(or demand elasticity)on the alternative route, and(3)enables both the design of system optimal TCS and the analysis of the efficiency of any given TCS. Our analyses indicate that the proposed TCS not only achieves up to 33% efficiency gains in the base scenario, but also distributes the benefits among all the commuters directly through the credit trading. The results also suggest that very simple TCS schemes could provide substantial efficiency gains for a wide range of scenarios. Such simplicity and robustness are important to practicability of the proposed scheme. Numerical experiments are conducted to examine the sensitivity of TCS designs to various system parameters.
Keywords: dependent equilibrium distribution; morning commute; error implementation; single bottleneck; departure time; route choice;congestion; model; demand; system
来源出版物: Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 2013, 50: 1-19联系邮箱: Nie, Y; y-nie@northwestern.edu
被引频次: 12
Modelling sources of variation in transportation systems: theoretical foundations of day-to-day dynamic models
Watling, DP; Cantarella, GE
Abstract: The last 20years has seen a growing interest in models of transportation networks which explicitly represent the epoch-to-epoch adaptive behaviour of travellers, such as the day-to-day dynamics of drivers' route choices. These models may represent the system as either a stochastic or deterministic process(DP). A body of theoretical literature now exists on this topic, and the purpose of the present paper is to both synthesise and advance this theory. To provide a focus to the work we analyse such models in terms of their ability to capture various contributory sources of variance in transportation systems. Dealing separately with the cases of uncongested and congested networks, we examine how moment-based deterministic dynamical systems may be exactly or approximately derived from some underlying stochastic process(SP). This opens up such problems to the tools of both deterministic dynamical systems(e.g. stability analysis)and SPs(e.g. Monte Carlo methods, statistical inference). In analysing these sources of variation, we also make several new advances to the existing body of theory, in terms of: extending the model assumptions(e.g. randomly varying choice probabilities and stochastic demand); deriving exact, explicit connections between stochastic and DPs in uncongested networks; applying stability analysis in novel ways to moment characterisations; and last, but not least, providing new limit theorems for asymptotic(large demand)analysis of the dynamics of SP models in congested networks.
Keywords: traffic assignment model; beta-binomial model; stochastic equilibrium; network; stability; information; evolution
来源出版物: Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics, 2013, 1(1): 3-32联系邮箱: Watling, DP; d.p.watling@its.leeds.ac.uk
被引频次: 12
Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
He, F; Wu, D; Yin, YF; et al.
Abstract: This paper develops an equilibrium modeling framework that captures the interactions among availability of public charging opportunities, prices of electricity, and destination and route choices of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles(PHEVs)at regional transportation and power transmission networks coupled by PHEVs. The modeling framework is then applied to determine an optimal allocation of a given number of public charging stations among metropolitan areas in the region to maximize social welfare associated with the coupled networks. The allocation model is formulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints, and is solved by an active-set algorithm. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the models and offer insights on the equilibrium of the coupled transportation and power networks, and optimally allocating resource for public charging infrastructure.
Keywords: complementarity constraints; mathematical programs; destination choice; impact
来源出版物: Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 2013, 47: 87-101联系邮箱: Yin, YF; yafeng@ce.ufl.edu
被引频次: 11
Local sourcing and fashion quick response system: The impacts of carbon footprint tax
Choi, TM
Abstract: Quick response(QR)system is a well-established industrial practice in fashion apparel. It aims at enhancing inventory management by reducing lead time. In addition to employing a faster delivery mode, QR can be achieved by local sourcing(instead of offshore sourcing). This paper analytically studies how a properly designed carbon footprint taxation scheme can be imposed on a QR system to enhance environmental sustainability via employing a local manufacturer by offsetting the probable higher total logistics and production costs. By examining both the single-ordering and the dual-ordering QR systems, we illustrate how the carbon footprint taxation scheme affects the optimal choice of sourcing decision. Our analytical findings reveal that a properly designed carbon footprint taxation scheme by governing body not only can successfully entice the fashion retailer to source from a local manufacturer, but it can also lead to a lower level of risk for the fashion retailer. A mean-risk improving scenario hence results and it provides a significant incentive to convince the fashion retailer to support the idea of joining QR when the carbon footprint tax is in place.
Keywords: supply chain management; policy; performance; contracts; inventory; retailer; goods
来源出版物: Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 2013, 55: 43-54
联系邮箱: Choi, TM; Jason.choi@polyu.edu.hk
被引频次: 11
Global optimization methods for the discrete network design problem
Wang, SA; Meng, Q; Yang, H
Abstract: This paper addresses the discrete network design problem(DNDP)with multiple capacity levels, or multi-capacity DNDP for short, which determines the optimal number of lanes to add to each candidate link in a road network. We formulate the problem as abi-level programming model, where the upper level aims to minimize the total travel time via adding new lanes to candidate links and the lower level is a traditional Wardrop user equilibrium(UE)problem. We propose two global optimization methods by taking advantage of the relationship between UE and system optimal(SO)traffic assignment principles. The first method, termed as SO-relaxation, exploits the property that an optimal network design solution under SO principle can be a good approximate solution under UE principle, and successively sorts the solutions in the order of increasing total travel time under SO principle. Optimality is guaranteed when the lower bound of the total travel time of the unexplored solutions under UE principle is not less than the total travel time of a known solution under UE principle. The second method, termed as UE-reduction, adds the objective function of the Beckmann-McGuire-Winsten transformation of UE traffic assignment to the constraints of the SO-relaxation formulation of the multi-capacity DNDP. This constraint is convex and strengthens the SO-relaxation formulation. We also develop a dynamic outer-approximation scheme to make use of the state-of-the-art mixed-integer linear programming solvers to solve the SO-relaxation formulation. Numerical experiments based on a two-link network and the Sioux-Falls network are conducted.
Keywords: demand uncertainty; equilibrium; algorithms; models; constraints; equity; system
来源出版物: Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 2013, 50: 42-60联系邮箱: Wang, SA; wangshuaian@gmail.com
被引频次: 33
A Five-Country Evaluation of a Point-of-Care Circulating Cathodic Antigen Urine Assay for the Prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni
Colley, DG; Binder, S; Campbell, C; et al.
Abstract: We evaluated a commercial point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen(POC-CCA)test for assessing Schistosoma mansoni infection prevalence in areas at risk. Overall, 4405 school-age children in Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda provided urine for POC-CCA testing and stool for Kato-Katz assays. By latent class analysis, one POC-CCA test was more sensitive(86% versus 62%)but less specific(72% versus similar to 100%)than multiple Kato-Katz smears from one stool. However, only 1% of POC-CCA tests in a non-endemic area were false positives, suggesting the latent class analysis underestimated the POC-CCA specificity. Multivariable modeling estimated POC-CCA as significantly more sensitive than Kato-Katz at low infection intensities(< 100 eggs/gram stool). By linear regression, 72% prevalence among 9-12 year olds by POC-CCA corresponded to 50% prevalence by Kato-Katz, whereas 46% POC-CCA prevalence corresponded to 10% Kato-Katz prevalence. We conclude that one urine POC-CCA test can replace Kato-Katz testing for community-level S. mansoni prevalence mapping.
Keywords: kato-katz technique; reagent strip test; fecal egg counts; cote-divoire; diagnosis; cca; infection; praziquantel; haematobium;intensity
来源出版物: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013, 88(3): 426-432联系邮箱: Colley, DG; dcolley@uga.edu
被引频次: 29
Time to set the agenda for schistosomiasis elimination
Rollinson, D; Knopp, S; Levitz, S; et al.
Abstract: It is time to raise global awareness to the possibility of schistosomiasis elimination and to support endemic countries in their quest to determine the most appropriate approaches to eliminate this persistent and debilitating disease. The main interventions for schistosomiasis control are reviewed, including preventive chemotherapy using praziquantel, snail control, sanitation, safe water supplies, and behaviour change strategies supported by information, education and communication(IEC)materials. Differences in the biology and transmission of the three main Schistosoma species(i.e. Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum), which impact on control interventions, are considered. Sensitive diagnostic procedures to ensure adequate surveillance in areas attaining low endemicity are required. The importance of capacity building is highlighted. To achieve elimination, an intersectoral approach is necessary, with advocacy and action from local communities and the health community to foster cooperative ventures with engineers, the private sector, governments and non-governmental organizations specialized in water supply and sanitation. Examples of successful schistosomiasis control programmes are reviewed to highlight what has been learnt in terms of strategy for control and elimination. These include St. Lucia and other Caribbean islands, Brazil and Venezuela for S. mansoni; Saudi Arabia and Egypt for both S. mansoni and S. haematobium; Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritius and the Islamic Republic of Iran for S. haematobium; Japan and the People's Republic of China for S. japonicum. Additional targets for elimination or even eradication could be the two minor human schistosome species S. guineenisis and S. intercalatum,which have a restricted distribution in West and Central Africa. The examples show that elimination of schistosomiasis is an achievable and desirable goal requiring full integration of preventive chemotherapy with the tools of transmission control. An agenda for the elimination of schistosomiasis would aim to identify the gaps in knowledge, and define the tools, strategies and guidelines that will help national control programmes move towards elimination, including an internationally accepted mechanism that allows verification/confirmation of elimination.
Keywords: neglected tropical diseases; polymerase-chain-reaction; sub-saharan africa; intestinal parasitic infections; soil-transmitted helminthiasis; urinary schistosomiasis; health-education; praziquantel treatment; haematobium infection; transmission sites
来源出版物: Acta Tropica, 2013, 128(2): 423-440联系邮箱: Rollinson, D; d.rollinson@nhm.ac.uk
被引频次: 25
Shifts in malaria vector species composition and transmission dynamics along the Kenyan coast over the past 20 years
Mwangangi, JM; Mbogo, CM; Orindi, BO; et al.
Abstract: Background: Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have investigated the ecology and behaviour of malaria vectors and Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission on the coast of Kenya. Substantial progress has been made to control vector populations and reduce high malaria prevalence and severe disease. The goal of this paper was to examine trends over the past 20 years in Anopheles species composition, density, blood-feeding behaviour, and P. falciparum sporozoite transmission along the coast of Kenya.
Methods: Using data collected from 1990 to 2010, vector density, species composition, blood-feeding patterns, and malaria transmission intensity was examined along the Kenyan coast. Mosquitoes were identified to species, based on morphological characteristics and DNA extracted from Anopheles gambiae for amplification. Using negative binomial generalized estimating equations, mosquito abundance over the period were modelled while adjusting for season. A multiple logistic regression model was used to analyse the sporozoite rates.
Results: Results show that in some areas along the Kenyan coast, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles merus have replaced An. gambiae sensu stricto(s. s.)and Anopheles funestus as the major mosquito species. Further, there has been a shift from human to animal feeding for both An. gambiae sensu lato(s. l.)(99% to 16%)and An. funestus(100% to 3%), and P. falciparum sporozoite rates have significantly declined over the last 20 years, with the lowest sporozoite rates being observed in 2007(0.19%)and 2008(0.34%). There has been, on average, a significant reduction in the abundance of An. gambiae s. l. over the years(IRR = 0.94, 95% CI 0.90-0.98), with the density standing at low levels of an average 0.006 mosquitoes/house in the year 2010.
Conclusion: Reductions in the densities of the major malaria vectors and a shift from human to animal feeding have contributed to the decreased burden of malaria along the Kenyan coast. Vector species composition remains heterogeneous but in many areas An. arabiensis has replaced An. gambiae as the major malaria vector. This has important implications for malaria epidemiology and control given that this vector predominately rests and feeds on humans outdoors. Strategies for vector control need to continue focusing on tools for protecting residents inside houses but additionally employ outdoor control tools because these are essential for further reducing the levels of malaria transmission.
Keywords: anopheles-gambiae complex; plasmodium-falciparum transmission; polymerase chain-reaction; kilifi district; larval habitats;mosquitos; funestus; africa; sporozoite; elisa
来源出版物: Malaria Journal, 2013, 12: 13联系邮箱: Mwangangi, JM; jmwangangi@kemri-wellcome.org
被引频次: 23
Economic and Disease Burden of Dengue in Southeast Asia
Shepard, DS; Undurraga, EA; Halasa, YA
Abstract: Background: Dengue poses a substantial economic and disease burden in Southeast Asia(SEA). Quantifying this burden is critical to set policy priorities and disease-control strategies.
Methods and Findings: We estimated the economic and disease burden of dengue in 12 countries in SEA: Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia,East-Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. We obtained reported cases from multiple sources-surveillance data, World Health Organization(WHO), and published studies-and adjusted for underreporting using expansion factors from previous literature. We obtained unit costs per episode through a systematic literature review, and completed missing data using linear regressions. We excluded costs such as prevention and vector control, and long-term sequelae of dengue. Over the decade of 2001-2010, we obtained an annual average of 2.9 million(m)dengue episodes and 5906 deaths. The annual economic burden(with 95% certainty levels)was US$950 m(US$610 m-US$1384 m)or about US$1.65(US$1.06-US$2.41)per capita. The annual number of disability-adjusted life years(DALYs), based on the original 1994 definition, was 214000(120000-299000), which is equivalent to 372(210-520)DALYs per million inhabitants.
Conclusion: Dengue poses a substantial economic and disease burden in SEA with a DALY burden per million inhabitants in the region. This burden is higher than that of 17 other conditions, including Japanese encephalitis, upper respiratory infections, and hepatitis B.
Keywords: adjusted life years; hemorrhagic-fever; rural cambodia; cost-effectiveness; virus-infection; puerto-rico; health-care; impact;children; illness
来源出版物: Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2013, 7(2): e2055联系邮箱: Shepard, DS; shepard@brandeis.edu
被引频次: 23
Controlled Human Malaria Infections by Intradermal Injection of Cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites
Roestenbeng, M; Bijker, EM; Sim, BKL; et al.
Abstract: Controlled human malaria infection with sporozoites is a standardized and powerful tool for evaluation of malaria vaccine and drug efficacy but so far only applied by exposure to bites of Plasmodium falciparum(Pf)-infected mosquitoes. We assessed in an open label Phase 1 trial, infection after intradermal injection of respectively 2500, 10000, or 25000 aseptic, purified, vialed, cryopreserved Pf sporozoites(PfSPZ)in three groups(N = 6/group)of healthy Dutch volunteers. Infection was safe and parasitemia developed in 15 of 18 volunteers(84%), 5 of 6 volunteers in each group. There were no differences between groups in time until parasitemia by microscopy or quantitative polymerase chain reaction, parasite kinetics, clinical symptoms, or laboratory values. This is the first successful infection by needle and syringe with PfSPZ manufactured in compliance with regulatory standards. After further optimization, the use of such PfSPZ may facilitate and accelerate clinical development of novel malaria drugs and vaccines.
Keywords: vaccine; safety; protection; challenge; mosquitos; efficacy; immunogenicity; gametocytes; immunity; immunization
来源出版物: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013, 88(1): 5-13
联系邮箱: Hoffman, SL; M.Roestenberg@lumc.nl
被引频次: 14
Polyscape: A GIS mapping framework providing efficient and spatially explicit landscape-scale valuation of multiple ecosystem services
Jackson, B; Pagella, T; Sinclair, F; et al.
Abstract: This paper introduces a GIS framework(Polyscape)designed to explore spatially explicit synergies and trade-offs amongst ecosystem services to support landscape management(from individual fields through to catchments of ca 10000 km2scale). Algorithms are described and results presented from a case study application within an upland Welsh catchment(Pontbren). Polyscape currently includes algorithms to explore the impacts of land cover change on flood risk, habitat connectivity, erosion and associated sediment delivery to receptors, carbon sequestration and agricultural productivity. Algorithms to trade these single-criteria landscape valuations against each other are also provided, identifying where multiple service synergies exist or could be established. Changes in land management can be input to the tool and "traffic light" coded impact maps produced, allowing visualisation of the impact of different decisions. Polyscape hence offers a means for prioritising existing feature preservation and identifying opportunities for landscape change. The basic algorithms can be applied using widely available national scale digital elevation, land use and soil data. Enhanced output is possible where higher resolution data are available(e.g., LIDAR, detailed land use or soil surveys). Deficiencies in the data are reduced by incorporating local stakeholder knowledge(increasing stakeholder participation in the negotiation process).
Keywords: upland land management; agricultural land; water-quality; flood risk; carbon; uk; connectivity; climate; soils; biodiversity
来源出版物: Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 112: 74-88联系邮箱: Jackson, B; bethanna.jackson@vuw.ac.nz
被引频次: 12
Physiological and psychological effects of viewing urban forest landscapes assessed by multiple measurements
Tsunetsugu, Y; Lee, J; Park, BJ; et al.
Abstract: The present study investigated the physiological and psychological effects of viewing urban forest landscapes on 48 young male urban residents. Four forested areas and four urban areas located in central and western Japan were used as the test sites. We found that in the forested areas, the subjects exhibited(i)significantly lower diastolic blood pressure,(ii)significantly higher parasympathetic nervous activity, but significantly lower sympathetic nervous activity, and(iii)significantly lower heart rate. The forest landscapes(iv)obtained better scores in subjective ratings, and(v)induced significantly less negative and more vigorous moods. Taken as whole, these findings suggest that even a short-term viewing of forests has relaxing effects. We have thus concluded that the approach taken in this study is useful in exploring the influences of urban green space on humans, as well as contributing to the planning and design of a healthy environment for urban residents.
来源出版物: Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 113: 90-93联系邮箱: Miyazaki, Y; yukot@ffpri.affrc.go.jp
被引频次: 12
Fire-smart management of forest landscapes in the Mediterranean basin under global change
Fernandes, PM
Abstract: Modified, more severe fire regimes are developing in the Mediterranean basin as a result of changes in land use and climate.Current fire management privileges fire suppression and tends to ignore land management issues, which may further accelerate the transition to a more fire-prone future and magnify the problem. Fire-smart management aims to control the fire regime by intervening on vegetation(fuel)to foster more fire-resistant(less flammable)and/or fire-resilient environments. Scientific knowledge supporting the creation and maintenance of fire-smart wildlands is critically reviewed, considering the landscape and the forest stand scales. Fuel management strategies(isolation, structural modification, and type conversion)are discussed in regards to their current and future potential to buffer the effects of global change on the extent and severity of fires. Uncertainty in the outcomes of fire-smart management arises mainly from insufficient understanding of the relative weights of fuel and weather-drought on the fire regime. Likewise, linkage between global change processes and the fire regime is not straightforward. Shrublands and, in general, open and dry vegetation types will prevail even more in future landscapes. Decrease in biomass will limit fire incidence over parts of the Mediterranean. However, the fire regime will be largely driven by weather, advising concentration of fuel management efforts in wildland-urban interfaces and in forests and their vicinity; decrease of landscape fire severity rather than area burned as the objective; prescribed burning as the treatment of choice, except in the wildland-urban interface; and focus on forest types that are fire-resilient irrespective of flammability.
Keywords: catalonia northeast spain; climate-change; fuel treatments; ponderosa pine; united-states; sydney region; eastern spain; wildfire;behavior; model
来源出版物: Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 110: 175-182联系邮箱: Fernandes, PM; pfern@utad.pt
被引频次: 9
Civic greening and environmental learning in public-access community gardens in Berlin
Bendt, P; Barthel, S; Colding, J
Abstract: We analyse environmental learning in public-access community gardens('PAC-gardens')in Berlin, representing public green spaces that are collectively managed by civil society groups. Through extensive fieldwork, and drawing upon social theories of learning, we describe learning communities in four PAC-gardens and analyse factors that influence participation and boundary interaction, that is when experiences brought in from the outside encounter socially defined competences. Results show that these PAC-gardens have self-generated social and physical structures, which to different degrees inhibit or facilitate boundary interactions, whereas skills of individuals to put those to work, in combination with the quality of the surrounding neighbourhoods, can be ascribed for creating broader participation and greater diversity in the content of learning about local sustainability. Identified learning streams included learning about gardening and local ecological conditions; about urban politics, and about social entrepreneurship. We discuss results in relation to environmental learning that combats the generational amnesia in cities about our dependence on nature, where PAC-gardens clearly distinguish themselves from more closed forms of urban gardening such as allotment gardens and gated community gardens. We conclude that PAC-gardens that intertwine gardening with social, political and economic practices can create broader and more heterogeneous learning about social-ecological conditions, and help develop sense-of-place in degraded neighbourhoods.
Keywords: water-resources management; biodiversity conservation; ecosystem services; global change; urban; knowledge; space; agriculture; association; extinction
来源出版物: Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 109(1): 18-30联系邮箱: Barthel, S; pim.bendt@gmail.com
被引频次: 9
The contribution of local parks to neighbourhood social ties
Kazmierczak, A
Abstract: The social ties between the residents of urban neighbourhoods are in decline due to changing work patterns, increased mobility and developments in communications. Neighbourhood open spaces, and green spaces in particular, provide opportunities for social interactions that may help the residents to establish recognition and develop relationships. This paper investigates the contribution of local parks to the development of social ties in inner-city neighbourhoods. Combining quantitative methods(questionnaire survey)with a qualitative approach(focus group discussions), the research was carried out in three inner-city neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester, UK, characterised by different levels of material deprivation and ethnic diversity. The social survey explored the associations between the respondents' visits to local parks and the number of friends and acquaintances they had. The findings suggest that local parks may support the development of social ties in inner-city areas. Associations were found between the quality of the parks, the character of visits. and the extent of social ties in the neighbourhood. The study concludes that for inner-city parks to realise their full potential in supporting social interactions and developing social ties, they need to be well-maintained and provide good recreational facilities. The development of social ties was also found to be considerably affected by the characteristics of the individuals and the neighbourhood.
Keywords: urban parks; common spaces; weak ties; community; cohesion; city; crime; integration; disorder; adults
来源出版物: Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 109(1): 31-44
联系邮箱: Kazmierczak, A; Aleksandra.kazmierczak@manchester.ac.uk
被引频次: 98
Image-Guided Prostate Biopsy Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Derived Targets: A Systematic Review
Moore, CM; Robertson, NL; Arsanious, N; et al.
Abstract: Context: Technical improvements in prostate magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)have resulted in the use of MRI to target prostate biopsies.
Objective: To systematically review the literature to compare the accuracy of MRI-targeted biopsy with standard transrectal biopsy in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer.
Evidence acquisition: The PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases were searched from inception until December 32011, using the search criteria 'prostate OR prostate cancer' AND 'magnetic resonance imaging OR MRI' AND 'biopsy OR target'. Four reviewers independently assessed 4222 records; 222 records required full review. Fifty unique records(corresponding to 16 discrete patient populations)directly compared an MRI-targeted with a standard transrectal approach.
Evidence synthesis: Evidence synthesis was used to address specific questions. Where MRI was applied to all biopsy-naivemen, 62%(374 of 599)had MRI abnormalities. When subjected to a targeted biopsy, 66%(248 of 374)had prostate cancer detected. Both targeted and standard biopsy detected clinically significant cancer in 43%(236 or 237 of 555, respectively). Missed clinically significant cancers occurred in 13 men using targeted biopsy and 12 using a standard approach. Targeted biopsy was more efficient. A third fewer men were biopsied overall. Those who had biopsy required a mean of 3.8 targeted cores compared with 12 standard cores. A targeted approach avoided the diagnosis of clinically insignificant cancer in 53 of 555(10%)of the presenting population.
Conclusions: MRI-guided biopsy detects clinically significant prostate cancer in an equivalent number of men versus standard biopsy. This is achieved using fewer biopsies in fewer men, with a reduction in the diagnosis of clinically insignificant cancer. Variability in study methodology limits the strength of recommendation that can be made. There is a need for a robust multicentre trial of targeted biopsies.
Keywords: transrectal ultrasound biopsy; previous negative biopsies; contrast-enhanced mri; neoplasia hgpin foci; high psa levels; cancer-detection; peripheral zone; endorectal mri; elevated psa; 3 tesla
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 63(1): 125-140联系邮箱: Moore, CM; carolinemoore@doctors.org.uk
被引频次: 88
EAU Guidelines on the Treatment and Follow-up of Non-neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Including Benign Prostatic Obstruction
Oelke, M; Bachmann, A; Descazeaud, A; et al.
Abstract: Objective: To present a summary of the 2013 version of the European Association of Urology guidelines on the treatment and follow-up of male lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS).
Evidence acquisition: We conducted a literature search in computer databases for relevant articles published between 1966 and 31 October 2012. The Oxford classification system(2001)was used to determine the level of evidence for each article and to assign the grade of recommendation for each treatment modality.
Evidence synthesis: Men with mild symptoms are suitable for watchful waiting. All men with bothersome LUTS should be offered lifestyle advice prior to or concurrent with any treatment. Men with bothersome moderate-to-severe LUTS quickly benefit from alpha(1)-blockers. Men with enlarged prostates, especially those >40 ml, profit from 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors(5-ARIs)that slowly reduce LUTS and the probability of urinary retention or the need for surgery. Antimuscarinics might be considered for patients who have predominant bladder storage symptoms. The phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor tadalafil can quickly reduce LUTS to a similar extent as alpha(1)-blockers, and it also improves erectile dysfunction. Desmopressin can be used in men with nocturia due to nocturnal polyuria. Treatment with an alpha(1)-blocker and 5-ARI(in men with enlarged prostates)or antimuscarinics(with persistent storage symptoms)combines the positive effects of either drug class to achieve greater efficacy. Prostate surgery is indicated in men with absolute indications or drug treatment-resistant LUTS due to benign prostatic obstruction. Transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP)is the current standard operation for men with prostates 30-80 ml, whereas open surgery or transurethral holmium laser enucleation is appropriate for men with prostates >80 ml. Alternatives for monopolar TURP include bipolar TURP and transurethral incision of the prostate(for glands <30 ml)and laser treatments. Transurethral microwave therapy and transurethral needle ablation are effective minimally invasive treatments with higher retreatment rates compared with TURP. Prostate stents are an alternative to catheterisation for men unfit for surgery. Ethanol or botulinum toxin injections into the prostate are still experimental.
Conclusions: These symptom-oriented guidelines provide practical guidance for the management of men experiencing LUTS.
Keywords: holmium laser enucleation; tolterodine extended-release; randomized controlled-trial; monopolar transurethral resection; bladder outlet obstruction; titanyl-phosphate laser; 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor dutasteride; aluminum-garnet vapoenucleation; serenoa-repens extract; intensity diode-laser
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 64(1): 118-140联系邮箱: Gravas, S; sgravas2002@yahoo.com
被引频次: 83
Early Detection of Prostate Cancer: AUA Guideline
Carter, HB; Albertsen, PC; Barry, MJ; et al.
Abstract: Purpose: The guideline purpose is to provide the urologist with a framework for the early detection of prostate cancer in asymptomatic average risk men.
Materials and Methods: A systematic review was conducted and summarized evidence derived from over 300 studies that addressed the predefined outcomes of interest(prostate cancer incidence/mortality, quality of life, diagnostic accuracy and harms of testing). In addition to the quality of evidence, the panel considered values and preferences expressed in a clinical setting(patient-physician dyad)rather than having a public health perspective. Guideline statements were organized by age group in years(age <40; 40 to 54; 55 to 69;≥70).
Results: Except prostate specific antigen-based prostate cancer screening, there was minimal evidence to assess the outcomes of interest for other tests. The quality of evidence for the benefits of screening was moderate, and evidence for harm was high for men age 55 to 69 years. For men outside this age range, evidence was lacking for benefit, but the harms of screening, including over diagnosis and overtreatment,remained. Modeled data suggested that a screening interval of two years or more may be preferred to reduce the harms of screening.
Conclusions: The Panel recommended shared decision-making for men age 55 to 69 years considering PSA-based screening, a target age group for whom benefits may outweigh harms. Outside this age range, PSA-based screening as a routine could not be recommended based on the available evidence. The entire guideline is available at www.AUAnet.org/education/guidelines/prostate-cancer-detection.cfm.
Keywords: screening trial; intraepithelial neoplasia; radical prostatectomy; randomized prostate; follow-up; antigen; mortality; interval;autopsy; model
来源出版物: Journal of Urology, 2013, 190(2): 419-426
被引频次: 71
EAU Guidelines on Non-Muscle-invasive Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder: Update 2013
Babjuk, M; Burger, M; Zigeuner, R; et al.
Abstract: Context: The first European Association of Urology(EAU)guidelines on bladder cancer were published in 2002 [1]. Since then,the guidelines have been continuously updated.
Objective: To present the 2013 EAU guidelines on non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer(NMIBC).
Evidence acquisition: Literature published between 2010 and 2012 on the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC was systematically reviewed. Previous guidelines were updated, and the levels of evidence and grades of recommendation were assigned.
Evidence synthesis: Tumours staged as Ta, T1, or carcinoma in situ(CIS)are grouped as NMIBC. Diagnosis depends on cystoscopy and histologic evaluation of the tissue obtained by transurethral resection(TUR)in papillary tumours or by multiple bladder biopsies in CIS. In papillary lesions, a complete TUR is essential for the patient's prognosis. Where the initial resection is incomplete, where there is no muscle in the specimen, or where a high-grade or T1 tumour is detected, a second TUR should be performed within 2-6 wk. The risks of both recurrence and progression may be estimated for individual patients using the EORTC scoring system and risk tables. The stratification of patients into low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups is pivotal to recommending adjuvant treatment. For patients with a low-risk tumour,one immediate instillation of chemotherapy is recommended. Patients with an intermediate-risk tumour should receive one immediate instillation of chemotherapy followed by 1 yr of full-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin(BCG)intravesical immunotherapy or by further instillations of chemotherapy for a maximum of 1 yr. In patients with high-risk tumours, full-dose intravesical BCG for 1-3 yr is indicated. In patients at highest risk of tumour progression, immediate radical cystectomy should be considered. Cystectomy is recommended in BCG-refractory tumours. The long version of the guidelines is available from the EAU Web site: http://www.uroweb.org/guidelines/.
Conclusions: These abridged EAU guidelines present updated information on the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC for incorporation into clinical practice.
Patient summary: The EAU Panel on Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer released an updated version of their guidelines. Current clinical studies support patient selection into different risk groups; low, intermediate and high risk. These risk groups indicate the likelihood of the development of a new(recurrent)cancer after initial treatment(endoscopic resection)or progression to more aggressive(muscle-invasive)bladder cancer and are most important for the decision to provide chemo-or immunotherapy(bladder installations). Surgical removal of the bladder(radical cystectomy)should only be considered in patients who have failed chemo-or immunotherapy, or who are in the highest risk group for progression.
Keywords: bacillus-calmette-guerin; transitional-cell carcinoma; randomized clinical-trials; intravesical mitomycin-c; immediate postoperative instillation; T1 papillary carcinoma; follow-up cystoscopy; care proteomic assay; long-term efficacy; phase-iii trial
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 64(4): 639-653联系邮箱: Babjuk, M; marek.babjuk@lfmotol.cuni.cz
被引频次: 64
Efficacy and Tolerability of Mirabegron, a beta(3)-Adrenoceptor Agonist, in Patients with Overactive Bladder: Results from a Randomised European-Australian Phase 3 Trial
Khullar, V; Amarenco, G; Angulo, JC; et al.
Abstract: Background: Mirabegron, a beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonist, has been developed for the treatment of overactive bladder(OAB).
Objective: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of mirabegron versus placebo.
Design, setting, and participants: Multicenter randomised double-blind, parallel-group placebo-and tolterodine-controlled phase 3 trial conducted in 27 countries in Europe and Australia in patients≥18 yr of age with symptoms of OAB for≥3 mo.
Intervention: After a 2 wk single-blind placebo run-in period, patients were randomised to receive placebo, mirabegron 50 mg, mirabegron 100 mg, or tolterodine extended release 4 mg orally once daily for 12 wk.
Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Patients completed a micturition diary and quality-of-life(QoL)assessments. Co-primary efficacy end points were change from baseline to final visit in the mean number of incontinence episodes and micturitions per 24 h. The primary comparison was between mirabegron and placebo with a secondary comparison between tolterodine and placebo. Safety parameters included adverse events(AEs), laboratory assessments, vital signs, electrocardiograms, and postvoid residual volume.
Results and limitations: A total of 1978 patients were randomised and received the study drug. Mirabegron 50-mg and 100 mg groups demonstrated statistically significant improvements(adjusted mean change from baseline [95% confidence intervals])at the final visit in the number of incontinence episodes per 24 h(-1.57 [-1.79 to -1.35] and -1.46 [-1.68 to -1.23], respectively, vs placebo -1.17 [-1.39 to -0.95])and number of micturitions per 24 h(-1.93 [-2.15 to -1.72] and -1.77 [-1.99 to -1.56], respectively, vs placebo -1.34 [-1.55 to -1.12];p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Statistically significant improvements were also observed in other key efficacy end points and QoL outcomes. The incidence of treatment-emergent AEs was similar across treatment groups. The main limitation of this study was the short(12 wk)duration of treatment.
Conclusions: Mirabegron represents a new class of treatment for OAB with proven efficacy and good tolerability.
Trial identification: This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT00689104.
Keywords: urinary-tract symptoms; double-blind; heart-rate; metaanalysis
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 63(2): 283-295联系邮箱: Khullar, V; vik.khullar@imperial.ac.uk
被引频次: 59
Testosterone Deficiency in Men: Systematic Review and Standard Operating Procedures for Diagnosis and Treatment
Buvat, J; Maggi, M; Guay, A; et al.
Abstract: Introduction. Testosterone(T)deficiency(TD)may significantly affect sexual function and multiple organ systems. Aim. To provide recommendations and Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)based on best evidence for diagnosis and treatment of TD in men. Methods. Medical literature was reviewed by the Endocrine subcommittee of the ISSM Standards Committee, followed by extensive internal discussion over two years, then public presentation and discussion with other experts. Main Outcome Measure. Recommendations and SOPs based on grading of evidence-based medical literature and interactive discussion. Results. TD is the association of a low serum T with consistent symptoms or signs. T level tends to decline with age. T modulates sexual motivation and erection. It also plays a broader role in men's health. Recent studies have established associations between low T, male sexual dysfunctions and metabolic risk factors. Though association does not mean causation, low T is associated with reduced longevity, risk of fatal cardiovascular events, obesity, sarcopenia, mobility limitations, osteoporosis, frailty, cognitive impairment, depression, Sleep Apnea Syndrome, and other chronic diseases. The paper proposes a standardized process for diagnosis and treatment of TD, and updates the knowledge on T therapy(Tth)and prostate and cardiovascular safety. There is no compelling evidence that Tth causes prostate cancer or its progression in men without severe TD. Polycythemia is presently the only cardiovascular-related adverse-event significantly associated with Tth. But follow-up of controlled T trials is limited to 3 years. Conclusions. Men with sexual dysfunctions, and/or with visceral obesity and metabolic diseases should be screened for TD and treated. Young men with TD should also be treated. Benefits and risks of Tth should be carefully assessed in older men. Prospective,long-term, placebo-controlled, interventional studies are required before screening for TD in more conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, and considering correction of TD as preventive medicine. Buvat J, Maggi M, Guay A, and Torres LO. Testosterone deficiency in men: Systematic review and standard operating procedures for diagnosis and treatment.
Keywords: placebo-controlled trials; late-onset hypogonadism; low serum testosterone; middle-aged men; androgen deprivation therapy;benign prostatic hyperplasia; randomized controlled-trial; endogenous sex-hormones; population-based cohort; gastric bypass-surgery
来源出版物: Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2013, 10(1): 245-284联系邮箱: Buvat, J; jacques@buvat.org
被引频次: 57
High-Efficiency Postdilution Online Hemodiafiltration Reduces All-Cause Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
Maduell, F; Moreso, F; Pons, M; et al.
Abstract: Retrospective studies suggest that online hemodiafiltration(OL-HDF)may reduce the risk of mortality compared with standard hemodialysis in patients with ESRD. We conducted a multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial in which we assigned 906 chronic hemodialysis patients either to continue hemodialysis(n=450)or to switch to high-efficiency postdilution OL-HDF(n=456). The primary outcome was all-cause mortality, and secondary outcomes included cardiovascular mortality, all-cause hospitalization, treatment tolerability,and laboratory data. Compared with patients who continued on hemodialysis, those assigned to OL-HDF had a 30% lower risk of all-cause mortality(hazard ratio [HR], 0.70; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.53-0.92; P=0.01), a 33% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality(HR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.44-1.02; P=0.06), and a 55% lower risk of infection-related mortality(HR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.21-0.96; P=0.03). The estimated number needed to treat suggested that switching eight patients from hemodialysis to OL-HDF may prevent one annual death. The incidence rates of dialysis sessions complicated by hypotension and of all-cause hospitalization were lower in patients assigned to OL-HDF. In conclusion, high-efficiency postdilution OL-HDF reduces all-cause mortality compared with conventional hemodialysis.
Keywords: patients receiving hemodiafiltration; remarkable removal; flux hemodialysis; hemofiltration; reduction; dialysis; risk; esrd
来源出版物: Journal of The American Society of Nephrology, 2013, 24(3): 487-497联系邮箱: Maduell, F; fmaduell@clinic.ub.es
被引频次: 57
Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Urothelial Bladder Cancer
Burger, M; Catto, JWF; Dalbagni, G; et al.
Abstract: Context: Urothelial bladder cancer(UBC)is a disease of significant morbidity and mortality. It is important to understand the risk factors of this disease.
Objective: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of UBC and to review and interpret the current evidence on and impact of the related risk factors.
Evidence acquisition: A literature search in English was performed using PubMed. Relevant papers on the epidemiology of UBC were selected.
Evidence synthesis: UBC is the 7th most common cancer worldwide in men and the 17th most common cancer worldwide in women. Approximately 75% of newly diagnosed UBCs are noninvasive. Each year, approximately 110500 men and 70000 women are diagnosed with new cases and 38200 patients in the European Union and 17000 US patients die from UBC. Smoking is the most common risk factor and accounts for approximately half of all UBCs. Occupational exposure to aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are other important risk factors. The impact of diet and environmental pollution is less evident. Increasing evidence suggests a significant influence of genetic predisposition on incidence.
Conclusions: UBC is a frequently occurring malignancy with a significant impact on public health and will remain so because of the high prevalence of smoking. The importance of primary prevention must be stressed, and smoking cessation programs need to be encouraged and supported.
Keywords: environmental tobacco-smoke; genome-wide association; hair dye use; confers susceptibility; radical cystectomy; sequence variant; EAU guidelines; fluid intake; mortality; consumption
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 63(2): 234-241联系邮箱: Burger, M; Burger_M2@klinik.uni-wuerzburg.de
被引频次: 54
Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Worldwide: The PRIAS Study
Bul, M; Zhu, XY; Valdagni, R; et al.
Abstract: Background: Overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment are important side effects of screening for, and early detection of,prostate cancer(PCa). Active surveillance(AS)is of growing interest as an alternative to radical treatment of low-risk PCa.
Objective: To update our experience in the largest worldwide prospective AS cohort.
Design, setting, and participants: Eligible patients had clinical stage T1/T2 PCa, prostate-specific antigen(PSA)≤10 ng/ml, PSA density<0.2 ng/ml per milliliter, one or two positive biopsy cores, and Gleason score≤6. PSA was measured every 3-6 mo, and volume-based repeat biopsies were scheduled after 1, 4, and 7 yr. Reclassification was defined as more than two positive cores or Gleason >6 at repeat biopsy. Recommendation for treatment was triggered in case of PSA doubling time <3 yr or reclassification.
Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Multivariate regression analysis was used to evaluate predictors for reclassification at repeat biopsy. Active therapy-free survival(ATFS)was assessed with a Kaplan-Meier analysis, and Cox regression was used to evaluate the association of clinical characteristics with active therapy over time.
Results and limitations: In total, 2494 patients were included and followed for a median of 1.6 yr. One or more repeat biopsies were per-formed in 1480 men, of whom 415 men(28%)showed reclassification. Compliance with the first repeat biopsy was estimated to be 81%. During follow-up, 527 patients(21.1%)underwent active therapy. ATFS at 2 yr was 77.3%. The strongest predictors for reclassification and switching to deferred treatment were the number of positive cores(two cores compared with one core)and PSA density. The disease-specific survival rate was 100%. Follow-up was too short to draw definitive conclusions about the safety of AS.
Conclusions: Our short-term data support AS as a feasible strategy to reduce overtreatment. Clinical characteristics and PSA kinetics during follow-up can be used for risk stratification. Strict monitoring is even more essential in men with high-risk features to enable timely recognition of potentially aggressive disease and offer curative intervention. Limitations of using surrogate end points and markers in AS should be recognized.
Keywords: radical prostatectomy; tumor volume; conservative management; contemporary cohort; men; progression; outcomes; predictors;program; density
来源出版物: European Urology, 2013, 63(4): 597-603联系邮箱: Bul, M; m.bul@erasmusmc.nl
被引频次: 52
EAU Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. Part 1: Screening, Diagnosis, and Local Treatment with Curative Intent-Update 2013
Heidenreich, A; Bastian, PJ; Bellmunt, J; et al.
Abstract: Context: The most recent summary of the European Association of Urology(EAU)guidelines on prostate cancer(PCa)was published in 2011.
Objective: To present a summary of the 2013 version of the EAU guidelines on screening, diagnosis, and local treatment with curative intent of clinically organ-confined PCa.
Evidence acquisition: A literature review of the new data emerging from 2011 to 2013 has been performed by the EAU PCa guideline group. The guidelines have been updated, and levels of evidence and grades of recommendation have been added to the text based on a systematic review of the literature, which included a search of online databases and bibliographic reviews.
Evidence synthesis: A full version of the guidelines is available at the EAU office or online(www.uroweb.org). Current evidence is insufficient to warrant widespread population-based screening by prostate-specific antigen(PSA)for PCa. Systematic prostate biopsies under ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia are the preferred diagnostic method. Active surveillance represents a viable option in men with low-risk PCa and a long life expectancy. A biopsy progression indicates the need for active intervention, whereas the role of PSA doubling time is controversial. In men with locally advanced PCa for whom local therapy is not mandatory, watchful waiting(WW)is a treatment alternative to androgen-deprivation therapy(ADT), with equivalent oncologic efficacy. Active treatment is recommended mostly for patients with localized disease and a long life expectancy, with radical prostatectomy(RP)shown to be superior to WW in prospective randomized trials. Nerve-sparing RP is the approach of choice in organ-confined disease, while neoadjuvant ADT provides no improvement in outcome variables. Radiation therapy should be performed with≥74 Gy in low-risk PCa and 78 Gy in intermediate-or high-risk PCa. For locally advanced disease, adjuvant ADT for 3 yr results in superior rates for disease-specific and overall survival and is the treatment of choice. Follow-up after local therapy is largely based on PSA and a disease-specific history, with imaging indicated only when symptoms occur.
Conclusions: Knowledge in the field of PCa is rapidly changing. These EAU guidelines on PCa summarize the most recent findings and put them into clinical practice.
Patient summary: A summary is presented of the 2013 EAU guidelines on screening, diagnosis, and local treatment with curative intent of clinically organ-confined prostate cancer(PCa). Screening continues to be done on an individual basis, in consultation with a physician. Diagnosis is by prostate biopsy. Active surveillance is an option in low-risk PCa and watchful waiting is an alternative to androgen-deprivation therapy in locally advanced PCa not requiring immediate local treatment. Radical prostatectomy is the only surgical option. Radiation therapy can be external or delivered by way of prostate implants. Treatment follow-up is based on the PSA level.
Keywords: assisted radical prostatectomy; randomized controlled-trial; phase-iii trial; extended pelvic lymphadenectomy; digital rectal examination; term androgen deprivation; salvage radiation-therapy; lymph-node involvement; follow-up; high-risk
来源出版物: European Urology, 2014, 65(1): 124-137联系邮箱: Heidenreich, A; aheidenreich@ukaachen.de
被引频次: 27
Explosive spread of a neuroinvasive lineage 2 West Nile virus in Central Europe, 2008/2009
Bakonyi, T; Ferenczi, E; Erdelyi, K; et al.
Abstract: For the first time outside sub-Saharan Africa, a lineage 2 West Nile virus(WNV)emerged in Hungary in 2004. It caused sporadic cases of encephalitis in goshawks(Accipiter gentilis), other predatory birds, and in mammals. As a consequence, a surveillance programwas initiated in Hungary and in Austria, which included virological, molecular, serological and epidemiological investigations in human beings, birds, horses, and mosquitoes. The virus strain became endemic to Hungary, however only sporadic cases of infections were observed between 2004 and 2007. Unexpectedly, explosive spread of the virus was noted in 2008, when neuroinvasive West Nile disease(WND)was diagnosed all over Hungary in dead goshawks and other birds of prey(n = 25), in horses(n = 12), and humans(n = 22). At the same time this virus also spread to the eastern part of Austria, where it was detected in dead wild birds(n = 8). In 2009, recurrent WND outbreaks were observed in Hungary and Austria, in wild birds, horses, and humans in the same areas. Virus isolates of both years exhibited closest genetic relationship to the lineage 2 WNV strain which emerged in 2004. As we know today, the explosive spread of the lineage 2 WNV in 2008 described here remained not restricted to Hungary and Austria, but this virus dispersed further to the south to various Balkan states and reached northern Greece, where it caused the devastating neuroinvasive WND outbreak in humans in 2010.
Keywords: usutu-virus; encephalitis; hungary; flaviviruses; surveillance; temperature; infections; emergence; culicidae; outbreak
来源出版物: Veterinary Microbiology, 2013, 165(1-2): 61-70联系邮箱: Nowotny, N; Norbert.Nowotny@vetmeduni.ac.at
被引频次: 25
Recent developments in altering the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods
Shingfield, KJ; Bonnet, M; Scollan, ND
Abstract: There is increasing evidence to indicate that nutrition is an important factor involved in the onset and development of several chronic human diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease(CVD), type II diabetes and obesity. Clinical studies implicate excessive consumption of medium-chain saturated fatty acids(SFA)and trans-fatty acids(TFA)as risk factors for CVD, and in the aetiology of other chronic conditions. Ruminant-derived foods are significant sources of medium-chain SFA and TFA in the human diet, but also provide high-quality protein, essential micronutrients and several bioactive lipids. Altering the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods offers the opportunity to align the consumption of fatty acids in human populations with public health policies without the need for substantial changes in eating habits. Replacing conserved forages with fresh grass or dietary plant oil and oilseed supplements can be used to lower medium-chain and total SFA content and increase cis-9 18:1, total conjugated linoleic acid(CLA), n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA)to a variable extent in ruminant milk. However, inclusion of fish oil or marine algae in the ruminant diet results in marginal enrichment of 20- or 22-carbon PUFA in milk. Studies in growing ruminants have confirmed that the same nutritional strategies improve the balance of n-6/n-3 PUFA, and increase CLA and long-chain n-3 PUFA in ruminant meat, but the potential to lower medium-chain and total SFA is limited. Attempts to alter meat and milk fatty acid composition through changes in the diet fed to ruminants are often accompanied by several-fold increases in TFA concentrations. In extreme cases, the distribution of trans 18:1 and 18:2 isomers in ruminant foods may resemble that of partially hydrogenated plant oils. Changes in milk fat or muscle lipid composition in response to diet are now known to be accompanied by tissue-specific alterations in the expression of one or more lipogenic genes. Breed influences both milk and muscle fat content, although recent studies have confirmed the occurrence of genetic variability in transcript abundance and activity of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis and identified polymorphisms for several key lipogenic genes in lactating and growing cattle. Although nutrition is the major factor influencing the fatty acid composition of ruminant-derived foods, further progress can be expected through the use of genomic or marker-assisted selection to increase the frequency of favourable genotypes and the formulation of diets to exploit this genetic potential.
Keywords: conjugated linoleic-acid; stearoyl-coa desaturase; japanese black cattle; lactating dairy-cows; subcutaneous adipose-tissue;element-binding protein-1; fed maize silage; mammary lipogenic enzymes; sunflower-seed oil; red-clover silage
来源出版物: Animal, 2013, 7: 132-162联系邮箱: Shingfield, KJ; kevin.shingfield@mtt.fi
被引频次: 25
Salmon lice - impact on wild salmonids and salmon aquaculture
Torrissen, O; Jones, S; Asche, F; et al.
Abstract: Salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, are naturally occurring parasites of salmon in sea water. Intensive salmon farming provides better conditions for parasite growth and transmission compared with natural conditions, creating problems for both the salmon farming industry and, under certain conditions, wild salmonids. Salmon lice originating from farms negatively impact wild stocks of salmonids, although the extent of the impact is a matter of debate. Estimates from Ireland and Norway indicate an odds ratio of 1.1:1-1.2:1 for sea lice treated Atlantic salmon smolt to survive sea migration compared to untreated smolts. This is considered to have a moderate population regulatory effect. The development of resistance against drugs most commonly used to treat salmon lice is a serious concern for both wild and farmed fish. Several large initiatives have been taken to encourage the development of new strategies, such as vaccines and novel drugs, for the treatment or removal of salmon lice from farmed fish. The newly sequenced salmon louse genome will be an important tool in this work. The use of cleaner fish has emerged as a robust method for controlling salmon lice, and aquaculture production of wrasse is important towards this aim. Salmon lice have large economic consequences for the salmon industry, both as direct costs for the prevention and treatment, but also indirectly through negative public opinion.
Keywords: louse lepeophtheirus-salmonis; farmed atlantic salmon; juvenile pink salmon; sea lice; salar l; emamectin benzoate; britishcolumbia; west-coast; oncorhynchus-gorbuscha; gene-expression
来源出版物: Journal of Fish Diseases, 2013, 36(3): 171-194联系邮箱: Torrissen, O; olet@imr.no
被引频次: 22
Emergence of Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in the United States: clinical signs,lesions, and viral genomic sequences
Stevenson, GW; Hoang, H; Schwartz, KJ; et al.
Abstract: During the 10 days commencing April 29, 2013, the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory received the first 4 of many submissions from swine farms experiencing explosive epidemics of diarrhea and vomiting affecting all ages, with 90-95% mortality in suckling pigs. Histology revealed severe atrophy of villi in all segments of the small intestines with occasional villus-epithelial syncytial cells, but testing for rotaviruses and Transmissible gastroenteritis virus(Alphacoronavirus 1)were negative. Negative-staining electron microscopy of feces revealed coronavirus-like particles and a pan-coronavirus polymerase chain reaction(PCR)designed to amplify a conserved region of the polymerase gene for all members in the family Coronaviridae produced expected 251-bp amplicons. Subsequent sequencing and analysis revealed 99.6-100% identity among the PCR amplicons from the 4 farms and 97-99% identity to the corresponding portion of the polymerase gene of Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV)strains, with the highest identity(99%)to strains from China in 2012. Findings were corroborated at National Veterinary Services Laboratories using 2 nested S-gene and 1 nested N-gene PCR tests where the sequenced amplicons also had the highest identity with 2012 China strains. Whole genome sequence for the virus from 2 farms in 2 different states using next-generation sequencing technique was compared to PEDV sequences available in GenBank. The 2013 U.S. PEDV had 96.6-99.5% identity with all known PEDV strains and the highest identity(>99.0%)to some of the 2011-2012 Chinese strains. The nearly simultaneous outbreaks of disease, and high degree of homology(99.6-100%)between the PEDV strains from the 4 unrelated farms,suggests a common source of virus.
来源出版物: Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2013, 25(5): 649-654联系邮箱: Stevenson, GW; stevengw@iastate.edu
被引频次: 22
Phlebotomine sandflies and the spreading of leishmaniases and other diseases of public health concern
Maroli, M; Feliciangeli, MD; Bichaud, L; et al.
Abstract: Phlebotomine sandflies transmit pathogens that affect humans and animals worldwide. We review the roles of phlebotomines in the spreading of leishmaniases, sandfly fever, summer meningitis, vesicular stomatitis, Chandipura virus encephalitis and Carrion's disease. Among over 800 species of sandfly recorded, 98 are proven or suspected vectors of human leishmaniases; these include 42 Phlebotomus species in the Old World and 56 Lutzomyia species in the New World(all: Diptera: Psychodidae). Based on incrimination criteria, we provide an updated list of proven or suspected vector species by endemic country where data are available. Increases in sandfly diffusion and density resulting from increases in breeding sites and blood sources, and the interruption of vector control activities contribute to the spreading of leishmaniasis in the settings of human migration, deforestation, urbanization and conflict. In addition, climatic changes can be expected to affect the density and dispersion of sandflies. Phlebovirus infections and diseases are present in large areas of the Old World,especially in the Mediterranean subregion, in which virus diversity has proven to be higher than initially suspected. Vesiculovirus diseases are important to livestock and humans in the southeastern U.S.A. and Latin America, and represent emerging human threats in parts of India. Carrion's disease, formerly restricted to regions of elevated altitude in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, has shown recent expansion to non-endemic areas of the Amazon basin.
Keywords: sand flies diptera; vesicular stomatitis-virus; american cutaneous leishmaniasis; lutzomyia-longipalpis diptera; canine antibody-response; north-central venezuela; new-jersey virus; visceral leishmaniasis; chandipura-virus; toscana virus
来源出版物: Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2013, 27(2): 123-147联系邮箱: Gradoni, L; luigi.gradoni@iss.it
被引频次: 105
Post-Treatment HIV-1 Controllers with a Long-Term Virological Remission after the Interruption of Early Initiated Antiretroviral Therapy ANRS VISCONTI Study
Saez-Cirion, A; Bacchus, C; Hocqueloux, L; et al.
Abstract: Combination antiretroviral therapy(cART)reduces HIV-associated morbidities and mortalities but cannot cure the infection. Given the difficulty of eradicating HIV-1, a functional cure for HIV-infected patients appears to be a more reachable short-term goal. We identified 14 HIV patients(post-treatment controllers [PTCs])whose viremia remained controlled for several years after the interruption of prolonged cART initiated during the primary infection. Most PTCs lacked the protective HLA B alleles that are overrepresented in spontaneous HIV controllers(HICs); instead, they carried risk-associated HLA alleles that were largely absent among the HICs. Accordingly, thePTCs had poorer CD8+T cell responses and more severe primary infections than the HICs did. Moreover, the incidence of viral control after the interruption of early antiretroviral therapy was higher among the PTCs than has been reported for spontaneous control. Off therapy,the PTCs were able to maintain and, in some cases, further reduce an extremely low viral reservoir. We found that long-lived HIV-infected CD4+T cells contributed poorly to the total resting HIV reservoir in the PTCs because of a low rate of infection of naive T cells and a skewed distribution of resting memory CD4+T cell subsets. Our results show that early and prolonged cART may allow some individuals with a rather unfavorable background to achieve long-term infection control and may have important implications in the search for a functional HIV cure.
Keywords: T-cell responses; primary infection; immune function; plasma viremia; viral load; ex-vivo; in-vivo; virus; nonprogressors; replication
来源出版物: Plos Pathogens, 2013, 9(3): e1003211联系邮箱: Saez-Cirion, A; asier.saez-cirion@pasteur.fr
被引频次: 74
New World Bats Harbor Diverse Influenza A Viruses
Tong, SX; Zhu, XY; Li, Y; et al.
Abstract: Aquatic birds harbor diverse influenza A viruses and are a major viral reservoir in nature. The recent discovery of influenza viruses of a new H17N10 subtype in Central American fruit bats suggests that other New World species may similarly carry divergent influenza viruses. Using consensus degenerate RT-PCR, we identified a novel influenza A virus, designated as H18N11, in a flat-faced fruit bat(Artibeus planirostris)from Peru. Serologic studies with the recombinant H18 protein indicated that several Peruvian bat species were infected by this virus. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that, in some gene segments, New World bats harbor more influenza virus genetic diversity than all other mammalian and avian species combined, indicative of a long-standing host-virus association. Structural and functional analyses of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase indicate that sialic acid is not a ligand for virus attachment nor a substrate for release, suggesting a unique mode of influenza A virus attachment and activation of membrane fusion for entry into host cells. Taken together,these findings indicate that bats constitute a potentially important and likely ancient reservoir for a diverse pool of influenza viruses.
Keywords: hemagglutinin membrane glycoprotein; maximum-likelihood; viral polymerase; pb2 protein; sars-like; segment 3; neuraminidase; binding; host; coronaviruses
来源出版物: Plos Pathogens, 2013, 9(10): e1003657联系邮箱: Tong, SX; sot1@cdc.gov
被引频次: 51
The Retroviral Restriction Ability of SAMHD1, but Not Its Deoxynucleotide Triphosphohydrolase Activity, Is Regulated by Phosphorylation
White, TE; Brandariz-Nunez, A; Valle-Casuso, JC; et al.
Abstract: SAMHD1 is a cellular enzyme that depletes intracellular deoxynucleoside triphosphates(dNTPs)and inhibits the ability of retroviruses, notably HIV-1, to infect myeloid cells. Although SAMHD1 is expressed in both cycling and noncycling cells, the antiviral activity of SAMHD1 is limited to noncycling cells. We determined that SAMHD1 is phosphorylated on residue T592 in cycling cells but that this phosphorylation is lost when cells are in a noncycling state. Reverse genetic experiments revealed that SAMHD1 phosphorylated on residue T592 is unable to block retroviral infection, but this modification does not affect the ability of SAMHD1 to decrease cellular dNTP levels. SAMHD1 contains a target motif for cyclin-dependent kinase 1(cdk1)(592 TPQK 595), and cdk1 activity is required for SAMHD1 phosphorylation. Collectively, these findings indicate that phosphorylation modulates the ability of SAMHD1 to block retroviral infection without affecting its ability to decrease cellular dNTP levels.
Keywords: immunodeficiency-virus type-1; aicardi-goutieres syndrome; Cd4+T-cells; HIV-1 restriction; dendritic cells; vpx protein; reverse transcription; primate lentiviruses; nuclear-localization; ubiquitin ligase
来源出版物: Cell Host & Microbe, 2013, 13(4): 441-451联系邮箱: Diaz-Griffero, F; felipe.diaz-griffero@einstein.yu.edu
被引频次: 50
Fusobacterium nucleatum Potentiates Intestinal Tumorigenesis and Modulates the Tumor-Immune Microenvironment
Kostic, AD; Chun, EY; Robertson, L; et al.
Abstract: Increasing evidence links the gut microbiota with colorectal cancer. Metagenomic analyses indicate that symbiotic Fusobacterium spp. are associated with human colorectal carcinoma, but whether this is an indirect or causal link remains unclear. We find that Fusobacterium spp. are enriched in human colonic adenomas relative to surrounding tissues and in stool samples from colorectal adenoma and carcinoma patients compared to healthy subjects. Additionally, in the Apc(Min/+)mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis, Fusobacterium nucleatum increases tumor multiplicity and selectively recruits tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells, which can promote tumor progression. Tumors from Apc(Min/+)mice exposed to F. nucleatum exhibit a proinflammatory expression signature that is shared with human fuso-bacteria-positive colorectal carcinomas. However, unlike other bacteria linked to colorectal carcinoma, F. nucleatum does not exacerbate colitis, enteritis, or inflammation-associated intestinal carcinogenesis. Collectively, these data suggest that, through recruitment of tumor-infiltrating immune cells, fusobacteria generate a proinflammatory microenvironment that is conducive for colorectal neoplasia progression.
Keywords: regulatory t-cells; nf-kappa-b; colorectal-cancer; microbial products; bet deficiency; inflammation; activation; diversity; innate;system
来源出版物: Cell Host & Microbe, 2013, 14(2): 207-215联系邮箱: Meyerson, M; matthew_meyerson@dfci.harvard.edu
被引频次: 50
Mortality in well controlled HIV in the continuous antiretroviral therapy arms of the SMART and ESPRIT trials compared with the general population
Rodger, AJ; Lodwick, R; Schechter, M; et al.
Abstract: Background: Due to the success of antiretroviral therapy(ART), it is relevant to ask whether death rates in optimally treated HIV are higher than the general population. The objective was to compare mortality rates in well controlled HIV-infected adults in the SMART and ESPRIT clinical trials with the general population.
Methods: Non-IDUs aged 20-70 years from the continuous ART control arms of ESPRIT and SMART were included if the person had both low HIV plasma viral loads(≤400 copies/ml SMART, ≤500 copies/ml ESPRIT)and high CD4+T-cell counts(≥350 cells/mu l)at any time in the past 6 months. Standardized mortality ratios(SMRs)were calculated by comparing death rates with the Human Mortality Database.
Results: Three thousand, two hundred and eighty individuals [665(20%)women], median age 43 years, contributed 12357 person-years of follow-up. Sixty-two deaths occurred during follow up. Commonest cause of death was cardiovascular disease(CVD)or sudden death(19,31%), followed by non-AIDS malignancy(12, 19%). Only two deaths(3%)were AIDS-related. Mortality rate was increased compared with the general population with a CD4+cell count between 350 and 499 cells/mu l [SMR 1.77, 95% confidence interval(CI)1.17-2.55]. No evidence for increased mortality was seen with CD4+cell counts greater than 500 cells/mu l(SMR 1.00, 95% CI 0.69-1.40).
Conclusion: In HIV-infected individuals on ART, with a recent undetectable viral load, who maintained or had recovery of CD4(+)cell counts to at least 500 cells/ml, we identified no evidence for a raised risk of death compared with the general population.
Keywords: CD4 cell count; low-income countries; all-cause mortality; life expectancy; infected patients; united-states; cohort; adults;people; interleukin-2
来源出版物: Aids, 2013, 27(6): 973-979联系邮箱: Rodger, AJ; alison.rodger@ucl.ac.uk
被引频次: 65
Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review
Michael, I; Rizzo, L; McArdell, CS; et al.
Abstract: Urban wastewater treatment plants(UWTPs)are among the main sources of antibiotics' release into various compartments of the environment worldwide. The aim of the present paper is to critically review the fate and removal of various antibiotics in wastewater treatment, focusing on different processes(i.e. biological processes, advanced treatment technologies and disinfection)in view of the current concerns related to the induction of toxic effects in aquatic and terrestrial organisms, and the occurrence of antibiotics that may promote the selection of antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria, as reported in the literature. Where available, estimations of the removal of antibiotics are provided along with the main treatment steps. The removal efficiency during wastewater treatment processes varies and is mainly dependent on a combination of antibiotics' physicochemical properties and the operating conditions of the treatment systems. As a result, the application of alternative techniques including membrane processes, activated carbon adsorption, advanced oxidation processes(AOPs),and combinations of them, which may lead to higher removals, may be necessary before the final disposal of the effluents or their reuse for irrigation or groundwater recharge.
Keywords: tandem mass-spectrometry; advanced oxidation processes; solid-phase extraction; sewage-treatment plant; photo-fenton process; fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents; endocrine disrupting compounds; activated-sludge treatment; personal care products; aquatic environment
来源出版物: Water Research, 2013, 47(3): 957-995联系邮箱: Fatta-Kassinos, D; dfatta@ucy.ac.cy
被引频次: 53
Pore-scale imaging and modelling
Blunt, MJ; Bijeljic, B; Dong, H; et al.
Abstract: Pore-scale imaging and modelling - digital core analysis - is becoming a routine service in the oil and gas industry, and has po-tential applications in contaminant transport and carbon dioxide storage. This paper briefly describes the underlying technology, namely imaging of the pore space of rocks from the nanometre scale upwards, coupled with a suite of different numerical techniques for simulating single and multiphase flow and transport through these images. Three example applications are then described, illustrating the range of scientific problems that can be tackled: dispersion in different rock samples that predicts the anomalous transport behaviour characteristic of highly heterogeneous carbonates; imaging of super-critical carbon dioxide in sandstone to demonstrate the possibility of capillary trapping in geological carbon storage; and the computation of relative permeability for mixed-wet carbonates and implications for oilfield waterflood recovery. The paper concludes by discussing limitations and challenges, including finding representative samples, imaging and simulating flow and transport in pore spaces over many orders of magnitude in size, the determination of wettability, and upscaling to the field scale. We conclude that pore-scale modelling is likely to become more widely applied in the oil industry including assessment of unconventional oil and gas resources. It has the potential to transform our understanding of multiphase flow processes, facilitating more efficient oil and gas recovery, effective contaminant removal and safe carbon dioxide storage.
Keywords: nuclear-magnetic-resonance; lattice boltzmann method; x-ray microtomography; of-fluid method; porous-media; carbon-dioxide;multiphase flow; 2-phase flow; hydrodynamic dispersion; capillary-pressure
来源出版物: Advances in Water Resources, 2013, 51: 197-216联系邮箱: Blunt, MJ; m.blunt@imperial.ac.uk
被引频次: 47
Magnetic nanoparticles: Essential factors for sustainable environmental applications
Tang, SCN; Lo, IMC
Abstract: In recent years, there has been an increasing use of engineered magnetic nanoparticles for remediation and water treatments,leading to elevated public concerns. To this end, it is necessary to enhance the understanding of how these magnetic nanoparticles react with contaminants and interact with the surrounding environment during applications. This review aims to provide a holistic overview of current knowledge of magnetic nanoparticles in environmental applications, emphasizing studies of zero-valent iron(nZVI), magnetite(Fe3O4)and maghemite(gamma-Fe2O3)nanoparticles. Contaminant removal mechanisms by magnetic nanoparticles are presented, along with factors affecting the ability of contaminant desorption. Factors influencing the recovery of magnetic nanoparticles are outlined, describing the challenges of magnetic particle collection. The aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles is described, and methods for enhancing stability are summarized. Moreover, the toxicological effects owing to magnetic nanoparticles are discussed. It is possible that magnetic nanoparticles can be applied sustainably after detailed consideration of these discussed factors.
Keywords: zero-valent iron; modified FeO nanoparticles; nanoscale zerovalent iron; heavy-metal cations; oxide nanoparticles; waste-water;humic-acid; engineered nanoparticles; hexavalent chromium; polyacrylic-acid
来源出版物: Water Research, 2013, 47(8): 2613-2632联系邮箱: Lo, IMC; cemclo@ust.hk
被引频次: 44
Seawater intrusion processes, investigation and management: Recent advances and future challenges
Werner, AD; Bakker, M; Post, VEA; et al.
Abstract: Seawater intrusion(SI)is a global issue, exacerbated by increasing demands for freshwater in coastal zones and predisposed to the influences of rising sea levels and changing climates. This review presents the state of knowledge in SI research, compares classes of methods for assessing and managing SI, and suggests areas for future research. We subdivide SI research into categories relating to processes, measurement, prediction and management. Considerable research effort spanning more than 50 years has provided an extensive array of field, laboratory and computer-based techniques for SI investigation. Despite this, knowledge gaps exist in SI process understanding, in particular associated with transient SI processes and timeframes, and the characterization and prediction of freshwater-saltwater interfaces over regional scales and in highly heterogeneous and dynamic settings. Multidisciplinary research is warranted to evaluate interactions between SI and submarine groundwater discharge, ecosystem health and unsaturated zone processes. Recent advances in numerical simulation, calibration and optimization techniques require rigorous field-scale application to contemporary issues of climate change,sea-level rise, and socioeconomic and ecological factors that are inseparable elements of SI management. The number of well-characterized examples of SI is small, and this has impeded understanding of field-scale processes, such as those controlling mixing zones, saltwater upconing, heterogeneity effects and other factors. Current SI process understanding is based mainly on numerical simulation and laboratory sand-tank experimentation to unravel the combined effects of tides, surface water-groundwater interaction, heterogeneity, pumping and density contrasts. The research effort would benefit from intensive measurement campaigns to delineate accurately interfaces and their movement in response to real-world coastal aquifer stresses, encompassing a range of geological and hydrological settings.
Keywords: submarine groundwater discharge; sea-water intrusion; variable-density flow; linked simulation-optimization; heterogeneous coastal aquifers; sharp interface problem; ion-exchanging solutes; fresh-water; salt-water; saltwater intrusion
来源出版物: Advances in Water Resources, 2013, 51: 3-26联系邮箱: Werner, AD; adrian.werner@flinders.edu.au
被引频次: 38
Nanoscale zero valent iron and bimetallic particles for contaminated site remediation
O'Carroll, D; Sleep, B; Krol, M; et al.
Abstract: Since the late 1990s, the use of nano zero valent iron(nZVI)for groundwater remediation has been investigated for its potential to reduce subsurface contaminants such as PCBs, chlorinated solvents, and heavy metals. nZVI shows tremendous promise in the environmental sector due to its high reactivity and as such, numerous laboratory and field studies have been performed to assess its effectiveness. This paper reviews the current knowledge of nZVI/bimetallic technology as it pertains to subsurface remediation of chlorinated solvents and heavy metals. The manuscript provides background on the technology, summarizing nZVI reactions with chlorinated solvents and metals, and examines the factors affecting nZVI reactivity. Studies on subsurface transport of bare and coated nZVI particles are also reviewed and challenges with field implementation are discussed. This manuscript offers a comprehensive review of nZVI technology and highlights the work still needed to optimize it for subsurface remediation.
Keywords: natural organic-matter; ray photoelectron-spectroscopy; permeable reactive barriers; modified fe-0 nanoparticles; saturated porous-media; nano-zerovalent iron; core-shell structure; anaerobic enrichment culture; long-term performance; dnapl source zone
来源出版物: Advances in Water Resources, 2013, 51: 104-122联系邮箱: O'Carroll, D; docarroll@eng.uwo.ca
被引频次: 65
Quantifying individual variation in behaviour: mixed-effect modelling approaches
Dingemanse, NJ; Dochtermann, NA
Abstract: Growing interest in proximate and ultimate causes and consequences of between- and within-individual variation in labile components of the phenotype such as behaviour or physiology characterizes current research in evolutionary ecology. The study of individual variation requires tools for quantification and decomposition of phenotypic variation into between- and within-individual components. This is essential as variance components differ in their ecological and evolutionary implications. We provide an overview of how mixed-effect models can be used to partition variation in, and correlations among, phenotypic attributes into between- and within-individual variance components. Optimal sampling schemes to accurately estimate(with sufficient power)a wide range of repeatabilities and key(co)variance components, such as between- and within-individual correlations, are detailed. Mixed-effect models enable the usage of unambiguous terminology for patterns of biological variation that currently lack a formal statistical definition(e.g. animal personality or behavioural syndromes), and facilitate cross-fertilisation between disciplines such as behavioural ecology, ecological physiology and quantitative genetics.
Keywords: covariate measurement error; random regression-models; reaction norms; evolutionary ecology; animal personality; practical guide; parus-major; plasticity; repeatability; temperament
来源出版物: Journal of Animal Ecology, 2013, 82(1): 39-54联系邮箱: Dingemanse, NJ; ndingemanse@orn.mpg.de
被引频次: 53
Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles amharicus, new members of the Anopheles gambiae complex
Coetzee, M; Hunt, RH; Wilkerson, R; et al.
Abstract: Two new species within the Anopheles gambiae complex are here described and named. Based on molecular and bionomical evidence, the An. gambiae molecular "M form" is named Anopheles coluzzii Coetzee & Wilkerson sp. n., while the "S form" retains the nominotypical name Anopheles gambiae Giles. Anopheles quadriannulatus is retained for the southern African populations of this species,while the Ethiopian species is named Anopheles amharicus Hunt, Wilkerson & Coetzee sp. n., based on chromosomal, cross-mating and molecular evidence.
Keywords: african malaria vector; molecular-forms; genetic differentiation; incipient speciation; S forms; reproductive isolation; chromosomal forms; culicidae; diptera; identification
来源出版物: Zootaxa, 2013, 3619(3): 246-274联系邮箱: Coetzee, M; maureen.coetzee@wits.ac.za
被引频次: 30
Between-individual differences in behavioural plasticity within populations: causes and consequences
Dingemanse, NJ; Wolf, M
Abstract: Behavioural traits are characterized by their labile expression: behavioural responses can, in principle, be up- and down-regulated in response to moment-to-moment changes in environmental conditions. Evidence is accumulating that individuals from the same population differ in the degree and extent of this form of phenotypic plasticity. We here discuss how such between-individual differences in behavioural plasticity can result from additive and interactive effects of genetic make-up and past environmental conditions,and under which conditions natural selection might favour this form of between-individual variation. We highlight how spatial or temporal variation in the environment, in combination with competition among individuals, can promote adaptive individual differences in plasticity;and we detail how differences in plasticity can emerge as a result of selection pressures induced by social interactions or as a response to between-individual differences in state. We further discuss both ecological and evolutionary consequences of individual differences in plasticity. We outline, for example, how individual differences in plasticity can have knock-on effects on the rate of evolution; and how such differences can enhance the stability and persistence of populations.
Keywords: adaptive personality-differences; random regression-models; phenotypic plasticity; reaction norms; quantitative genetics; animal personality; wild populations; ecologists guide; coping styles; evolution
来源出版物: Animal Behaviour, 2013, 85(5): 1031-1039联系邮箱: Dingemanse, NJ; ndingemanse@orn.mpg.de
被引频次: 28
Towards a Comprehensive Catalog of Zebrafish Behavior 1.0 and Beyond
Kalueff, AV; Gebhardt, M; Stewart, AM; et al.
Abstract: Zebrafish(Danio rerio)are rapidly gaining popularity in translational neuroscience and behavioral research. Physiological similarity to mammals, ease of genetic manipulations, sensitivity to pharmacological and genetic factors, robust behavior, low cost, and potential for high-throughput screening contribute to the growing utility of zebrafish models in this field. Understanding zebrafish behavioral phenotypes provides important insights into neural pathways, physiological biomarkers, and genetic underpinnings of normal and pathological brain function. Novel zebrafish paradigms continue to appear with an encouraging pace, thus necessitating a consistent terminology and improved understanding of the behavioral repertoire. What can zebrafish 'do', and how does their altered brain function translate into behavioral actions? To help address these questions, we have developed a detailed catalog of zebrafish behaviors(Zebrafish Behavior Catalog, ZBC)that covers both larval and adult models. Representing a beginning of creating a more comprehensive ethogram of zebrafish behavior, this effort will improve interpretation of published findings, foster cross-species behavioral modeling, and encourage new groups to apply zebrafish neurobehavioral paradigms in their research. In addition, this glossary creates a framework for developing a zebrafish neurobehavioral ontology, ultimately to become part of a unified animal neurobehavioral ontology, which collectively will contribute to better integration of biological data within and across species.
Keywords: dorsal light response; open-field test; danio-rerio; larval zebrafish; adult zebrafish; gene-expression; neuroanatomical substrate;valvula-cerebelli; drug discovery; brain-function
来源出版物: Zebrafish, 2013, 10(1): 70-86联系邮箱: Kalueff, AV; avkalueff@gmail.com
被引频次: 28
Advances in research of fish immune-relevant genes: A comparative overview of innate and adaptive immunity in teleosts
Zhu, LY; Nie, L; Zhu, G; et al.
Abstract: Fish is considered to be an important model in comparative immunology studies because it is a representative population of lower vertebrates serving as an essential link to early vertebrate evolution. Fish immune-relevant genes have received considerable attention due to its role in improving understanding of both fish immunology and the evolution of immune systems. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of teleost immune-relevant genes for both innate and adaptive immunity, including pattern recognition receptors,antimicrobial peptides, complement molecules, lectins, interferons and signaling factors, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, adaptive immunity relevant cytokines and negative regulators, major histocompatibility complexes, immunoglobulins, and costimulatory molecules. The implications of these factors on the evolutionary history of immune systems were discussed and a perspective outline of innate and adaptive immunity of teleost fish was described. This review may provide clues on the evolution of the essential defense system in vertebrates.
Keywords: trout oncorhynchus-mykiss; carp ctenopharyngodon-idella; toll-like receptors; c-type lectin; catfish ictalurus-punctatus; antimicrobial peptide gene; zebrafish danio-rerio; turbot scophthalmus-maximus; salmon salmo-salar; protein nramp cdna
来源出版物: Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2013, 39(1-2): 39-62联系邮箱: Xiang, LX; xianglx@zju.edu.cn
Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics
Gelman, A; Shalizi, CR
A substantial school in the philosophy of science identifies Bayesian inference with inductive inference and even rationality as such, and seems to be strengthened by the rise and practical success of Bayesian statistics. We argue that the most successful forms of Bayesian statistics do not actually support that particular philosophy but rather accord much better with sophisticated forms of hypothetico-deductivism. We examine the actual role played by prior distributions in Bayesian models, and the crucial aspects of model checking and model revision, which fall outside the scope of Bayesian confirmation theory. We draw on the literature on the consistency of Bayesian updating and also on our experience of applied work in social science. Clarity about these matters should benefit not just philosophy of science, but also statistical practice. At best, the inductivist view has encouraged researchers to fit and compare models without checking them;at worst, theorists have actively discouraged practitioners from performing model checking because it does not fit into their framework.
composite null models; goodness-of-fit; p-values; multiparty electorates; spatial-distribution; probabilistic model; hierarchical-models; social-research; party support; 2nd levels
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an online survey of electronic cigarette users