英语原先用to have/get oneself photographed, to takea photo/portrait of oneself 表示“ 自拍”; 用self-portrait, selfportraitphotograph, photographic self- portrait, self- photograph, self- photo, self- snapshot, self- shot, 表示“ 自拍照”。例如:
1. 我借助自拍定时器自拍了一张照片。I had myself photographed with the help of aself-timer.
2. 罗伯特·科尼利厄斯在1839年拍摄的这张自拍照是美国历史上第一张已知的人物照。This self- portrait photograph of Robert Cornelius taken in 1839 is the first knownphotograph of a human inAmerican history.
上述表达“自拍”和“自拍照”的方式比较复杂。近年来,人们流行在社交网站上晒自拍照,出现了简短的selfie 一词。动词“自拍”,英语可以译为to take a selfie of oneself,to take/grab/snap a selfie。例如:
3. 我拍摄了一张自拍照,发布到网上。I took a selfie and posted itto the web.
4. 这个影迷设法跟这位奥斯卡奖得主拍摄了一张自拍照。Thefilm fan managed to grab a selfiewith the Oscar winner.
5. 她与母亲在天安门广场拍摄了一张自拍照。She snapped a selfie with her mother in the Tiananmen Square.
随着时间的推移,自拍照的功用也发生了巨大变化。现在,随时随地拍摄和即时上传自拍照与人共享,已成为许多人的社交方式和不可或缺的生活内容。自拍照的范围也不断扩大, 社交媒体出现了各式各样的自拍照和相应的专门词汇, 包括发型自拍照(helfie: hairstyle + selfie), 腿部自拍照(legsie: leg + selfie),臀部自拍照(belfie: bum/butt + selfie), 健身自拍照(welfie: workout+ selfie), 醉酒自拍照(drelfie:drunken + selfie), 书柜自拍照(shelfie/bookshelfie: bookshelf +selfie), 裸体自拍照(nude/nakedselfie),甚至垃圾自拍照(rubbishselfie)。例如:
6. 她正在浏览社交媒体上最近发布的发型自拍照。She isbrowsing the helfies which haverecently been posted on socialmedia.7. 这位记者利用垃圾自拍照吸引人们注意遍布这个城市大街小巷的成堆垃圾。The journalist used rubbish selfies to drawattention to piles of rubbish littering the city's streets.▲