

湖北农业科学 2014年12期


摘要:为研究长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)免疫基因TLR2-2对MyD88-2基因表达的调控作用,将体外合成的dsRNA注射进入成体长牡蛎体内,72 h后检测TLR2-2基因和MyD88-2基因的表达量。结果表明,成功地对TLR2-2基因和MyD88-2基因进行了干扰,而在TLR2-2基因被干扰后,MyD88-2基因的表达量显著下降,但在MyD88基因被干扰的长牡蛎中TLR2-2基因表达量没有明显变化。

关键词:RNA干扰;长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas);TLR2-2基因;MyD88-2基因

中图分类号:Q786        文献标识码:A        文章编号:0349-8114(2014)12-2860-04

Effects of Inhibition of TLR2-2 Gene by RNA Interference on MyD88-2 Gene in Crassostrea gigas

LI Ying-xiang1,2,DU Yi-shuai1,ZHANG Lin-lin1,LI Li1,ZHANG Guo-fan1

(1.Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071,Shandong,China;

2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China)

Abstract:Double strands RNA synthesized in vitro transcription was injected to adult Pacific oysters(Crassostrea gigas), to study the interaction between TLR2-2 and its potential downstream MyD88 gene. The expression of TLR2-2 and MyD88-2 analyzed by qPCR reduced 72 h after injection. Moreover, in oysters where expression of TLR2-2 was inhibited by dsRNA, MyD88-2 was also found down-regulated, while the expression level of TLR2-2 in oysters where MyD88-2 was suppressed was not significant different compared with that of control group.

Key words: RNA interference; Crassostrea gigas; TLR2-2 gene; MyD88-2 gene

由于技术手段的限制,经典的基因功能研究方法(如诱变)在软体动物中暂时无法得到应用,而RNA干扰技术则成为了软体动物基因沉默的反向遗传学研究工具[1]。利用双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)诱导转录后的基因沉默也是一种应用非常普遍的技术手段。在细胞中,dsRNA可以被Dicer酶切割成约21~23 bp的双链RNA片段,即siRNA(small interference RNA),siRNA整合到沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC),引导复合体中的酶切割目标基因的mRNA,从而达到使目标基因沉默[2-5];在脊椎动物中,dsRNA已经被证明可以特异性地抑制目标基因的表达;而在软体动物中,尤其是双壳贝类,虽然已经有研究在日本珍珠贝、栉孔扇贝等物种中利用dsRNA成功实现目标基因沉默[6-8],但整体上,在双壳贝类中RNA干扰技术的应用还远远滞后于脊椎动物。

Toll-like receptor(TLR)家族参与的信号通路是天然免疫系统中非常重要的通路,其中TLR家族能够作为模式识别受体(Pattern recognition receptor,PRRs)参与入侵微生物或病原体的识别并激活免疫反应。研究表明,MyD88(Myeloid differentiation factor 88)可以通过其TIR结构域参与到该信号通路来阐明TLR信号通路。本研究通过在长牡蛎中对TLR2-2基因和MyD88-2基因进行dsRNA干扰,研究了长牡蛎天然免疫中TLR2-2基因与MyD88-2基因的上下游调控关系,为长牡蛎天然免疫的深入研究提供了参考,也为RNA干扰技术在双壳贝类的应用提供了借鉴。

1   材料与方法

1.1  材料

1.1.1  试验材料  长牡蛎取自山东省青岛市胶南海域,选择大小一致、健康的个体,试验前于海水培养箱中暂养1周,每天换水。

1.1.2  主要试剂  Trizol购自Invitrogen公司;PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit With gDNA Eraser和SYBR Premix Ex Taq酶购自宝生物工程(大连)有限公司;氨苄青霉素、卡那霉素、LB培养基、胶回收试剂盒和质粒提取试剂盒购自生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司;Revert Aid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit、Transcript Aid T7 High Yield Transcription Kit购自Fermentas公司,其他试剂购自国药集团化学试剂有限公司。endprint

1.1.3  主要仪器   7500 Fast型荧光定量PCR仪(Applied Biosystems公司),高速冷冻离心机、Nanodrop 2000超微量分光光度计(ThermoFisher公司),普通PCR仪(BIOER公司),冰箱、超低温冰箱、微量可调移液器、恒温摇床、高压锅、制冰机、水浴锅和超净工作台等。

1.2  方法

1.2.1  引物的设计  PCR所用的引物根据GenBank中长牡蛎TLR2-2基因(OYG_10012212)和MyD88-2基因(Accession No. KC155822.1)序列设计,EF-1α(Elongation Factor-1α)基因为内参基因,具体序列见表1。

1.2.2  dsRNA的制备   剖取大小一致、健康的长牡蛎鳃组织,以Trizol法提取总RNA,反转录后得到cDNA。以cDNA为模版,用5′端带T7启动子的引物进行扩增,PCR扩增片段连接pMD 19-T载体并转化大肠杆菌DH5α。挑取菌落进行PCR,选取阳性克隆对应的剩余菌液扩大培养并测序。根据测序结果,提取的质粒即为双链RNA体外转录的模版。体外转录模版,利用T7体外转录试剂盒,按照试剂盒提供步骤进行操作,即可获取dsRNA。

将获得的dsRNA以琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测其纯度;用Nanodrop 2 000超微量分光光度计测量浓度和RNA纯度;同时用RNase A和DNase I两种酶检测产物的质量。用RNase A和DNase I进行检测时,按照试剂说明书,将转录产物分别与RNase A以1∶1的比例,与DNase I以1∶4的比例一起在37 ℃孵育30 min,孵育后电泳检测。

1.2.3  dsRNA的注射及取样   将体外转录合成的dsRNA溶解于灭菌的PBS缓冲液中,使其终浓度为1 μg/μL。从暂养1周后的长牡蛎中选取健康个体48只,随机分为4组,分别标记为空白对照组、PBS对照组、TLR干扰组和MyD88干扰组,每组单独置于一个养殖桶中。TLR干扰组和MyD88干扰组每只分别注射100 μL其对应的dsRNA,PBS对照组每只注射100 μL的PBS缓冲液,空白对照组不做处理。注射后72 h进行血细胞样品的取样,提取总RNA,用于检测目的基因表达量。

1.2.4  目的基因表达量的检测   基因表达量的检测通过实时荧光定量PCR进行。以Trizol法提取总RNA,以Nanodrop 2000超微量分光光度计和琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测RNA的浓度和纯度。反转录合成cDNA,以cDNA为模版,进行实时荧光定量PCR反应。反应体系为20 μL,PCR扩增程序为95 ℃预变性30 s;95 ℃变性5 s,60 ℃退火30 s,40个循环。以Elongation Factor-1α(EF-1α)基因为内参基因,数据分析采用2-ΔΔCt法。

2   结果与分析

2.1   dsRNA的制备与检测

以Nanodrop 2000超微量分光光度计检测合成的dsRNA的纯度,发现A260 nm/280 nm为1.9,产量为120 μg/个转录反应(20 μL)。同时琼脂糖凝胶进行电泳检测发现dsRNA的条带单一,且片段大小与模版cDNA大小相符(图1、图2)。对于合成的dsRNA的检测,主要采用了RNase A和DNase I两种酶进行。将转录产物与RNase A以1∶1的比例在37 ℃孵育30 min,电泳检测发现产物完全降解,而将转录产物与DNase I以1∶4的比例在37 ℃孵育30 min,则发现产物未被降解(图3)。检测结果说明转录产物是RNA,而不是DNA。

2.2  dsRNA干扰的效果检测

dsRNA注射72 h后,提取血细胞检测目的基因相对表达量(相对内参基因EF-1α的表达量)。与空白对照组、PBS对照组相比,TLR组(图4A)和MyD88 组(图4B)注射的dsRNA均有效地降低了目的基因的相对表达量,其中TLR组TLR2-2基因表达量较PBS组下降了76.7%,而MyD88组MyD88-2基因相对表达量也是较PBS组下降了74.3%,而PBS组与空白对照组中,两个目的基因的相对表达量没有统计学差异。

2.3   TLR2-2基因干扰后对下游MyD88-2基因影响的检测


3  小结与讨论




[1] ELBASHIR S M, HARBORTH J, LENDECKEL W, et al. Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells[J]. Letters to Nature,2001,411:494-498.

[2] RAND T A, PETERSEN S, DU F, et al. Argonaute2 cleaves the anti-guide strand of siRNA during RISC activation[J]. Cell,2005,123(4):621-629.

[3] BERNSTEIN E, CAUDY A A, HAMMOND S M, et al. Role for a bidentate ribonuclease in the initiation step of RNA interference[J]. Letters to Nature, 2001,409:363-366.

[4] HAMMOND S M, BERNSTEIN E, BEACH D, et al. An RNA-directed nuclease mediates post-transcriptional gene silencing in Drosophila cells [J]. Letters to Nature, 2000,404:293-296.

[5] HAMMOND S M, BOETTCHER S, CAUDY A A, et al. Argonaute2, a link between genetic and biochemical analyses of RNAi[J].Science,2001, 293:1146-1150.

[6] SUZUKI M, SARUWATARI K, KOGURE T, et al. An acidic matrix protein, Pif, is a key macromolecule for nacre formation [J]. Science magaizing,2009, 325:1388-1390.

[7] FANG D, XU G, HU Y, et al. Identification of genes directly involved in shell formation and their functions in pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata [J]. PLoS One,2011,6(7):e21860.

[8] WANG M, YANG J, ZHOU Z, et al. A primitive Toll-like receptor signaling pathway in mollusk Zhikong scallop Chlamys farrer [J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2011, 35(4): 511-520.

[9] SOPHIE J, RUDI B. A universal role for MyD88 in TLR/IL-1R-mediated signaling [J]. Trends Biochem Sci, 2002, 27(9): 474-482.

[10] SUBHRA K B, VINAY T. Myeloid differentiation factor 88-independent Toll-like receptor pathway: Sustaining inflammation or promoting tolerance[J]. Inte J Biochem Cell Biology, 2007, 39(9): 1582-1592.

[11] CUI L Y, PENG K. Molecular cloning and expression of MyD88 in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunol, 2009, 26(2): 249-255.

[12] HIMANSHU K, TARO K, SHIZUO A. Toll-like receptors and innate immunity[J]. Biochem Bioph Res Co, 2009, 388(4): 621-625.

[13] HUVET A, HERPIN A, DEGREMONT L, et al. The identification of genes from the oyster Crassostrea gigas that are differentially expressed in progeny exhibiting opposed susceptibility to summer mortality[J]. Gene, 2004, 343(1):211-220.

[14] ESCOUBAS J M, BRIANT L, MONTAGNANI C, et al. Oyster IKK-like protein shares structural and functional properties with its mammalian homologues[J]. FEBS Lett, 1999, 453(3):293-298.

[15] JIANG Y, LOKER E S, ZHANG S M. In vivo and in vitro knockdown of FREP2 gene expression in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata using RNA interference[J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2006, 30(10):855–866.

[16] FABIOUX C, CORPOREAU C, QUILLIEN V, et al. In vivo RNA interference in oyster-vasa silencing inhibits germ cell development [J]. FEBS J, 2009, 276(9):2566-2573.endprint

[1] ELBASHIR S M, HARBORTH J, LENDECKEL W, et al. Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells[J]. Letters to Nature,2001,411:494-498.

[2] RAND T A, PETERSEN S, DU F, et al. Argonaute2 cleaves the anti-guide strand of siRNA during RISC activation[J]. Cell,2005,123(4):621-629.

[3] BERNSTEIN E, CAUDY A A, HAMMOND S M, et al. Role for a bidentate ribonuclease in the initiation step of RNA interference[J]. Letters to Nature, 2001,409:363-366.

[4] HAMMOND S M, BERNSTEIN E, BEACH D, et al. An RNA-directed nuclease mediates post-transcriptional gene silencing in Drosophila cells [J]. Letters to Nature, 2000,404:293-296.

[5] HAMMOND S M, BOETTCHER S, CAUDY A A, et al. Argonaute2, a link between genetic and biochemical analyses of RNAi[J].Science,2001, 293:1146-1150.

[6] SUZUKI M, SARUWATARI K, KOGURE T, et al. An acidic matrix protein, Pif, is a key macromolecule for nacre formation [J]. Science magaizing,2009, 325:1388-1390.

[7] FANG D, XU G, HU Y, et al. Identification of genes directly involved in shell formation and their functions in pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata [J]. PLoS One,2011,6(7):e21860.

[8] WANG M, YANG J, ZHOU Z, et al. A primitive Toll-like receptor signaling pathway in mollusk Zhikong scallop Chlamys farrer [J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2011, 35(4): 511-520.

[9] SOPHIE J, RUDI B. A universal role for MyD88 in TLR/IL-1R-mediated signaling [J]. Trends Biochem Sci, 2002, 27(9): 474-482.

[10] SUBHRA K B, VINAY T. Myeloid differentiation factor 88-independent Toll-like receptor pathway: Sustaining inflammation or promoting tolerance[J]. Inte J Biochem Cell Biology, 2007, 39(9): 1582-1592.

[11] CUI L Y, PENG K. Molecular cloning and expression of MyD88 in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunol, 2009, 26(2): 249-255.

[12] HIMANSHU K, TARO K, SHIZUO A. Toll-like receptors and innate immunity[J]. Biochem Bioph Res Co, 2009, 388(4): 621-625.

[13] HUVET A, HERPIN A, DEGREMONT L, et al. The identification of genes from the oyster Crassostrea gigas that are differentially expressed in progeny exhibiting opposed susceptibility to summer mortality[J]. Gene, 2004, 343(1):211-220.

[14] ESCOUBAS J M, BRIANT L, MONTAGNANI C, et al. Oyster IKK-like protein shares structural and functional properties with its mammalian homologues[J]. FEBS Lett, 1999, 453(3):293-298.

[15] JIANG Y, LOKER E S, ZHANG S M. In vivo and in vitro knockdown of FREP2 gene expression in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata using RNA interference[J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2006, 30(10):855–866.

[16] FABIOUX C, CORPOREAU C, QUILLIEN V, et al. In vivo RNA interference in oyster-vasa silencing inhibits germ cell development [J]. FEBS J, 2009, 276(9):2566-2573.endprint

[1] ELBASHIR S M, HARBORTH J, LENDECKEL W, et al. Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells[J]. Letters to Nature,2001,411:494-498.

[2] RAND T A, PETERSEN S, DU F, et al. Argonaute2 cleaves the anti-guide strand of siRNA during RISC activation[J]. Cell,2005,123(4):621-629.

[3] BERNSTEIN E, CAUDY A A, HAMMOND S M, et al. Role for a bidentate ribonuclease in the initiation step of RNA interference[J]. Letters to Nature, 2001,409:363-366.

[4] HAMMOND S M, BERNSTEIN E, BEACH D, et al. An RNA-directed nuclease mediates post-transcriptional gene silencing in Drosophila cells [J]. Letters to Nature, 2000,404:293-296.

[5] HAMMOND S M, BOETTCHER S, CAUDY A A, et al. Argonaute2, a link between genetic and biochemical analyses of RNAi[J].Science,2001, 293:1146-1150.

[6] SUZUKI M, SARUWATARI K, KOGURE T, et al. An acidic matrix protein, Pif, is a key macromolecule for nacre formation [J]. Science magaizing,2009, 325:1388-1390.

[7] FANG D, XU G, HU Y, et al. Identification of genes directly involved in shell formation and their functions in pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata [J]. PLoS One,2011,6(7):e21860.

[8] WANG M, YANG J, ZHOU Z, et al. A primitive Toll-like receptor signaling pathway in mollusk Zhikong scallop Chlamys farrer [J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2011, 35(4): 511-520.

[9] SOPHIE J, RUDI B. A universal role for MyD88 in TLR/IL-1R-mediated signaling [J]. Trends Biochem Sci, 2002, 27(9): 474-482.

[10] SUBHRA K B, VINAY T. Myeloid differentiation factor 88-independent Toll-like receptor pathway: Sustaining inflammation or promoting tolerance[J]. Inte J Biochem Cell Biology, 2007, 39(9): 1582-1592.

[11] CUI L Y, PENG K. Molecular cloning and expression of MyD88 in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunol, 2009, 26(2): 249-255.

[12] HIMANSHU K, TARO K, SHIZUO A. Toll-like receptors and innate immunity[J]. Biochem Bioph Res Co, 2009, 388(4): 621-625.

[13] HUVET A, HERPIN A, DEGREMONT L, et al. The identification of genes from the oyster Crassostrea gigas that are differentially expressed in progeny exhibiting opposed susceptibility to summer mortality[J]. Gene, 2004, 343(1):211-220.

[14] ESCOUBAS J M, BRIANT L, MONTAGNANI C, et al. Oyster IKK-like protein shares structural and functional properties with its mammalian homologues[J]. FEBS Lett, 1999, 453(3):293-298.

[15] JIANG Y, LOKER E S, ZHANG S M. In vivo and in vitro knockdown of FREP2 gene expression in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata using RNA interference[J]. Dev Comp Immunol, 2006, 30(10):855–866.

[16] FABIOUX C, CORPOREAU C, QUILLIEN V, et al. In vivo RNA interference in oyster-vasa silencing inhibits germ cell development [J]. FEBS J, 2009, 276(9):2566-2573.endprint

