

中国医学创新 2014年34期


【摘要】 目的:括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘可保护肛门功能,但其治疗效果存在争议。本文对采用括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘的文献进行系统综述,探讨其治疗肛瘘的有效性及安全性。方法:检索Pubmed,OvidSP,Web of Science数据库,检索时间从建库至2014年7月,纳入文献为采用括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘的病例报道。结局指标包括随访时间、手术成功率、并发症、手术时间、伤口愈合时间。结果:最终纳入24篇文献,病例数8~93例,共787例患者。术后随访时间1周~44个月,平均随访时间2~26个月。手术成功率40%~95%,平均71.2%(560/787)。术后并发症发生率2.7%,无严重并发症。手术时间7.5~100 min,平均手术时间11~67.5 min。伤口愈合时间1~36周,平均伤口愈合时间18 d~8周。结论:括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)是治疗肛瘘的有效方法,是安全的手术方式。

【关键词】 肛瘘; 括约肌间瘘管结扎术; LIFT

肛瘘的手术方法有多种,一般复发率为10%[1]。切开挂线术是目前治疗肛瘘最确切的手术方法,但是切开挂线术不可避免的造成不同程度的肛门括约肌损伤,严重者可导致肛门失禁。随着现代医学的发展和人们对生活质量的要求越来越高,提高肛瘘的治愈率已经不再是肛瘘治疗的唯一目标,保护肛门功能的理念已经越来越被人们所重视。2007年泰国医生Arun Rojanasakul等[2]报道了括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT),作为一种保护括约肌的手术方式,手术成功率高达94.4%。2009年其介绍了括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)的具体操作过程,手术操作简单[3]。此后应用该术式治疗肛瘘的报道逐渐增多。本文对括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘的文献进行系统综述,探讨其治疗肛瘘的有效性及安全性。

1 方法


1.1 文献检索策略 计算机系统检索Pubmed,OvidSP,Web of Science数据库,检索时间从建库至2014年7月,检索语言包括英文和中文,检索关键词包括:肛瘘、括约肌间瘘管结扎术、LIFT。

1.2 纳入标准 有英文摘要;有括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘的病例报道;文献中至少需包括以下指标:随访时间,手术成功率,并发症;相同作者或同一机构的系列报道。我们只纳入最近发表的,涵盖数据最全的文献。

1.3 排除标准 无个案报道、手术技术介绍、文献综述。

1.4 数据提取 由两名独立的研究员按照上面的检索词及数据库进行独立检索,通过阅读标题、摘要及全文,按照纳入排除标准确定纳入的文献并提取其中的数据,当两名研究员的意见有分歧时,通过讨论达成一致。

2 结果

2.1 手术成功率 24篇文献共纳入患者787例,单纯LIFT 548例,BioLIFT 47例,LIFT+BioLIFT 54例,LIFT-plug 36例,LIFT+皮瓣41例,LIFT+活线 20例,LIFT+瘘管剔除41例。术后随访时间1周~44个月,平均随访时间2~26个月。手术失败被分为三种形式:内口封闭,肛旁窦道不愈合;转为括约肌间瘘;经括约肌瘘不愈合或复发。手术成功率40%~95%,平均71.2%(560/787)。

2.2 术后并发症 共9篇文献报道了21例术后并发症(2.7%)。术后伤口少量出血2例,局部血肿1例,皮下感染1例,血栓痔1例,肛裂3例,肛门疼痛1例,阴道真菌感染2例,失禁10例(9例量表排气失禁,1例直肠测压失禁)。无严重并发症需手术治疗,参照文献[7,8,10,13,14,20,21,22,24]。

2.3 手术时间 共8篇文献报道了220例患者的手术时间,手术时间7.5~100 min,平均手术时间10~67.5 min,参照文献[25,12,14,19,20,21,26]。单纯LIFT 143例,平均手术时间10~67.5 min,LIFT联合其他手术方法77例,平均手术时间17~42 min。

2.4 伤口愈合时间 共11篇文献报道了390例患者的伤口愈合时间,伤口愈合时间1~17周,平均伤口愈合时间18 d~8周,参照文献[2,6,8,9,12,14,16,19,20,22,23]。

2.5 失败患者情况 24篇文献报道共217例失败手术,包括术后伤口持续不愈合及术后复发,其中21篇文献报道了212例患者失败后瘘管分类情况,具体见图3所示。58例(27.4%,58/212)手术失败患者由经括约肌瘘转为括约肌间瘘。

3 讨论


所有患者术后均未发生严重肛门失禁,但仅2项研究应用了肛门功能量表,发现9例术后排气失禁[13,20]。Tomiyoshi等[24]的研究进行了肛门直肠测压检查,发现1例术后失禁。括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)治疗肛瘘术后肛门功能下降的发生率可能比报道的高,但所有研究并没有报道随时间延长,肛门功能的改善情况。其他并发症的发生率较低,多与手术操作及括约肌间切口有关,如肛裂、血栓痔、肛门疼痛、出血、血肿、伤口裂开及皮下感染,均无需手术治疗。改进术中、术后处理有可能降低这些并发症的发生率。术中良好的麻醉及改进肛门镜的口径可减轻术中组织损伤。Rojanasakul[3]描述术后无需特殊处理,每天可冲洗肛门。如果术后伤口局部加压,控制术后排便,保持肛门局部清洁,对促进括约肌间切口愈合,减少并发症应该是有利的。24项研究报道的平均手术时间10~67.5 min,单纯LIFT与LIFT联合其他手术方法相比手术时间无明显差别。括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)手术操作的关键步骤是于括约肌间游离瘘管并结扎。王振军[32]认为括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)适用于瘘管已经形成的经括约肌瘘,不适于没有形成瘘管的早期瘘。对于未形成瘘管或瘘管不规则的肛瘘,建议引流后再行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT),可降低手术难度,缩短手术时间。术后伤口平均愈合时间18 d~8周,括约肌间切口多在4周内愈合,外口愈合时间与瘘管具体情况有关。Campbell等[33]报道复杂肛瘘LIFT术后1个月和术后3个月的成功率分别为70%(14/20)和80%(16/20),其中9例患者为既往治疗失败患者,LIFT术后1个月和术后3个月的成功率分别为67%和89%,随观察时间延长,成功率增加,可能与复杂肛瘘外口逐渐愈合有关。LIFT-plug避免了将瘘管外口开放,愈合时间长的缺点,但费用较高,且不利于引流,有发生感染的可能。括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)手术失败被分为三种类型:(1)内口封闭,肛旁窦道不愈合。(2)转为括约肌间瘘。(3)经括约肌不愈合或复发。肛旁窦道及括约肌间瘘可直接切开引流治疗,不会造成外括约肌损伤,不影响肛门功能。经括约肌瘘可再次行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT),8项研究中31例初次行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)失败患者再次行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT),占失败患者的35.6%(31/87),手术成功率80.6%(25/31),参照文献[6,9,10,11,13,18,22,23]。初次手术失败后再次行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)因局部炎症反应会增加手术难度,但报道的成功率仍很高,可能与病例选择有关。初次手术失败后多需局部切开挂线,引流后再行括约肌间瘘管结扎术(LIFT)。Guillermo等[34]报道术后2例失败,1例重复LIFT,1例挂线引流后行LIFT加BioLIFT,再次手术均成功。Sirikurnpiboon等[23]报道1例失败患者再次手术时证实为临近部位新发生的瘘管,与原手术瘘管无关。部分手术失败患者仍处于观察中,不知是否还存在这种情况。




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[24] Tomiyoshi Sergio Danilo Tanahara,Santos Carlos Henrique Marques Dos.Effectiveness of the ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) in the treatment of anal fistula: initial results[J].Arquivos Brasileiros De Cirurgia Digestiva:ABCD,2014,27(2):101-103.

[25] Tan K K,Lee P J.Early experience of reinforcing the ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract procedure with a bioprosthetic graft (BioLIFT) for anal fistula[J].ANZ Journal of Surgery,2014,84(10):280-283.

[26] Daniel S Gingold,Zuri A Murrell,Phillip R Fleshner.A prospective evaluation of the ligation of the intersphincteric tract procedure for complex anal fistula in patients with crohn disease annals of surgery[J].Annals of Surgery,2013,259(3):1-5.

[27] N A Yassin,T M Hammond,P J Lunniss,et al.Phillips Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract in the management of anal fistula[J].A Systematic Review Colorectal Dis,2013,15(5):527-535.

[28] S Alasari S,Kim N K.Overview of anal fistula and systematic review of ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT)[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(1):13-22.

[39] Hong K D,Kang S,Kalaskar S,et al.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) to treat anal fistula: systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(8):685-91.

[30] Jothi Murugesan,Isabella Mor,Stephen Fulham,et al.Systematic review of efficacy of LIFT procedure in crpytoglandular fistula-in-ano[J].J Coloproctol,2014,34(2):109-119.

[31] Vergara-Fernandez O, Espino-Urbina L A.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract: What is the evidence in a review?[J].World J Gastroenterol.2013,19(40):6805-6813.


[33] Campbell M L,Abboud E C,Dolberg M E,et al.Treatment of Refractory Perianal Fistulas with Ligation of the Intersphincteric Fistula Tract: Preliminary Results[J].American Surgeon,2013,79(7):723-727.

[34] Guillermo R,Carina C,Esteban G,et al.Anal fistulas: what's new? Lift procedure.XXV Biennal Congress Of The International Society Of University Colon & Rectal Surgeons-ISUCRS: X National Congress Of Italian Society Of University Surgeons-SICU[C].2012:77-82.

(收稿日期:2014-08-18) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint

[22] Sirikurnpiboon S,Awapittaya B,Jivapaisarnpong P.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract and its modification: Results from treatment of complex fistula[J].World J Gastrointest Surg,2013,5(5):123-128.

[23] Liu W Y,Aboulian A,Kaji A H,et al.Long-term results of ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) for fistula-in-ano[J].Dis Colon Rectum,2013,56(3):343-347.

[24] Tomiyoshi Sergio Danilo Tanahara,Santos Carlos Henrique Marques Dos.Effectiveness of the ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) in the treatment of anal fistula: initial results[J].Arquivos Brasileiros De Cirurgia Digestiva:ABCD,2014,27(2):101-103.

[25] Tan K K,Lee P J.Early experience of reinforcing the ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract procedure with a bioprosthetic graft (BioLIFT) for anal fistula[J].ANZ Journal of Surgery,2014,84(10):280-283.

[26] Daniel S Gingold,Zuri A Murrell,Phillip R Fleshner.A prospective evaluation of the ligation of the intersphincteric tract procedure for complex anal fistula in patients with crohn disease annals of surgery[J].Annals of Surgery,2013,259(3):1-5.

[27] N A Yassin,T M Hammond,P J Lunniss,et al.Phillips Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract in the management of anal fistula[J].A Systematic Review Colorectal Dis,2013,15(5):527-535.

[28] S Alasari S,Kim N K.Overview of anal fistula and systematic review of ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT)[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(1):13-22.

[39] Hong K D,Kang S,Kalaskar S,et al.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) to treat anal fistula: systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(8):685-91.

[30] Jothi Murugesan,Isabella Mor,Stephen Fulham,et al.Systematic review of efficacy of LIFT procedure in crpytoglandular fistula-in-ano[J].J Coloproctol,2014,34(2):109-119.

[31] Vergara-Fernandez O, Espino-Urbina L A.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract: What is the evidence in a review?[J].World J Gastroenterol.2013,19(40):6805-6813.


[33] Campbell M L,Abboud E C,Dolberg M E,et al.Treatment of Refractory Perianal Fistulas with Ligation of the Intersphincteric Fistula Tract: Preliminary Results[J].American Surgeon,2013,79(7):723-727.

[34] Guillermo R,Carina C,Esteban G,et al.Anal fistulas: what's new? Lift procedure.XXV Biennal Congress Of The International Society Of University Colon & Rectal Surgeons-ISUCRS: X National Congress Of Italian Society Of University Surgeons-SICU[C].2012:77-82.

(收稿日期:2014-08-18) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint

[22] Sirikurnpiboon S,Awapittaya B,Jivapaisarnpong P.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract and its modification: Results from treatment of complex fistula[J].World J Gastrointest Surg,2013,5(5):123-128.

[23] Liu W Y,Aboulian A,Kaji A H,et al.Long-term results of ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) for fistula-in-ano[J].Dis Colon Rectum,2013,56(3):343-347.

[24] Tomiyoshi Sergio Danilo Tanahara,Santos Carlos Henrique Marques Dos.Effectiveness of the ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) in the treatment of anal fistula: initial results[J].Arquivos Brasileiros De Cirurgia Digestiva:ABCD,2014,27(2):101-103.

[25] Tan K K,Lee P J.Early experience of reinforcing the ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract procedure with a bioprosthetic graft (BioLIFT) for anal fistula[J].ANZ Journal of Surgery,2014,84(10):280-283.

[26] Daniel S Gingold,Zuri A Murrell,Phillip R Fleshner.A prospective evaluation of the ligation of the intersphincteric tract procedure for complex anal fistula in patients with crohn disease annals of surgery[J].Annals of Surgery,2013,259(3):1-5.

[27] N A Yassin,T M Hammond,P J Lunniss,et al.Phillips Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract in the management of anal fistula[J].A Systematic Review Colorectal Dis,2013,15(5):527-535.

[28] S Alasari S,Kim N K.Overview of anal fistula and systematic review of ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT)[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(1):13-22.

[39] Hong K D,Kang S,Kalaskar S,et al.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) to treat anal fistula: systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Tech Coloproctol,2014,18(8):685-91.

[30] Jothi Murugesan,Isabella Mor,Stephen Fulham,et al.Systematic review of efficacy of LIFT procedure in crpytoglandular fistula-in-ano[J].J Coloproctol,2014,34(2):109-119.

[31] Vergara-Fernandez O, Espino-Urbina L A.Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract: What is the evidence in a review?[J].World J Gastroenterol.2013,19(40):6805-6813.


[33] Campbell M L,Abboud E C,Dolberg M E,et al.Treatment of Refractory Perianal Fistulas with Ligation of the Intersphincteric Fistula Tract: Preliminary Results[J].American Surgeon,2013,79(7):723-727.

[34] Guillermo R,Carina C,Esteban G,et al.Anal fistulas: what's new? Lift procedure.XXV Biennal Congress Of The International Society Of University Colon & Rectal Surgeons-ISUCRS: X National Congress Of Italian Society Of University Surgeons-SICU[C].2012:77-82.

(收稿日期:2014-08-18) (本文编辑:王宇)endprint

