

风景园林 2014年1期









Back when I was a child, the city I lived in was poor in natural environment and urban infrastructure. City was surrounded by waves of barren mountains; and there were barely trees except for those in the two parks and some Institutions and schools. However,some natural elements were fortunately gratifying in many places: the Yellow River ran across the city and brought beautiful river shoals alongside the river; plentiful ponds could be found in piedmont, and vegetable farms in between groups in city; lands were merely hardened on roads and buildings. Poor and simple, life was easy and comfortable enough, especially for kids. Interactions with nature were fascinating: wild gooses and eagles could be found now and again in the blue sky; bees and butterflies came and stayed among flowers; nights were filled with shining stars and chorus of frogs and insects… Those were the memories that had planted in everyone's childhood.

Today, my hometown has changed beyond recognition. The city are now filled with clusters of high-rise buildings and complicated road network; street trees are planted and waste mountains has been afforested; river shoals and farms are replaced by roads and buildings, leaving only a few shoals being transformed into an artificial park green space with lots of plant species which are new to the city. Rich and prosperous, life has become difficult and troublesome. Instead of birds and blue skies, what people often meet are traffic jams, polluted air, and frequent incidents of landslide, water loss and soil erosion. Wild gooses and eagles no longer fly in the sky, bees or crickets are nowhere to be found; what's left in the city are pet dogs and cats.

Sadly, this is not the only case in China. In the past 20 years, almost every city in China experienced the same transformation.Cities have been expanding at the cost of the destruction of natural fields, lakes and forest and the extinction of the diverse creatures that live in it.

Let us remind that the epigeosphere is a giant biosphere made up by all living creatures such as animals, plants and microorganism and the environment they survive in, and human beings are only one of them. However, since the existence of human being, especially since the industry revolution, the global population has expanded greatly and therefore the needs for means of livelihood. As the take-out from natural resources becomes limitless and the range of human activity expands, the interruption caused to the nature has increased sharply, resulting in the huge shrink and fragmentation of the living space and the sharp decline in the population quantity of other living creatures. If such decline cannot be controlled in time, according to the scientists, about 1/4 to 1/2 of the species will die out or be endangered by 2050. We are experiencing the 6thmass extinction in earth history, but only that this time the leading cause is not from the nature, but ourselves.

The degradation of nature also takes away the conditions and environment for the evolution of species. The mass extinction of the existing species and the absent of new species have destroyed the balance of the ecological system, leaving it vulnerable and being on the verge of collapse. If such trend cannot be turned over, we human beings may very likely be the next extinct species.

Therefore, it is an urgent and critical mission to protect biodiversity on earth. Protecting wildlife habitats for and creating nature reserves and national parks are not enough; we must also spare sufficient living and migration space in human's living environment for other species, allowing their habitats to form a network and assuring the survival and evolution of their tribes. Cities have to become connections in the ecological network where human culture and ecosystem can be integrated and balanced. To do so, we must, in the process of urban construction, respect for natural conditions such as landforms, hydrology and vegetation, study and preserve existing habitats for animals and plants; and, on this basis, create a landscape system network; select urban plants according to native vegetation community, retain natural communities as many as possible in order to create environment suitable for animals to live in; control river pollutions and recover waterfront revetment to provide habitat for aquatic animals, amphibian and birds; develop urban green roofs to create "sky grasslands" for insects and birds to live or to stay… Such cities not only fulfill the needs of human's life, recreation,aesthetics and education, but also provide sufficient foods and waters, safe habitats and migrant space for animals. In this way, the ecological environment in city will be largely improved, and therefore our life will be happier and healthier.

Cities in China are facing enormous pressure from population and environmental issues. The old urban planning and construction pattern has brought us a bitter end. Finding a development pattern mutually beneficial for the environment and economy is our top priority. In this process of history, what roles should landscape architecture plays?


第12话 完美生物