

风景园林 2014年1期









1 全球城市化进程的趋势及挑战



此前, 联合国千年系统评估提出了一个激进的论点,那就是:“‘城市的成功或者失败’将决定千年发展目标的实现”[5]。这一主张是基于城市化和社会经济发展之间的联系,包括城市发展对于城市周边农村环境的影响、提供为农村发展和支持农村经济的源动力。这个大胆的论点,在全球范围内掀起了对于城市规划者和设计者的基本挑战,即“如何以可持续的方式,扩张现有城市规


2 城市动态的类型学






3 蔓生的城市作为城市实验室



4 衡量城市生态系统服务



生物生态系统则是与生活和生命系统相关。生态系统为野生动物物种提供栖息地和行动走廊。空气污染减排及污染防治可以通过城市森林实现。伟大的哲学家和科学家,比如利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)提醒我们,保护生物多样性是明智的,因为我们无法知道在未来,哪一些物种将会被证明有多么重要。马萨诸塞大学教授德里克·洛夫利发现了生活在华盛顿特区波托马克河的沉积物中的地杆菌。这种细菌能代谢和稳定有毒废物。这就是一个表面看似毫无价值,但最终被证明价值非凡的生物体的例子。如果我们想要实现城市的可持续发展,我们就要使它们成为生物多样性的中心——而不是生物多样性的沙漠!



5 绿道和绿色基础设施中的生态系统功能监测







6 总结


This article is a summary of the keynote presentation given by the author at the 2013 Fábos Landscape Planning and Greenway Conference, University of Massachusetts Amherst

1 Trends and Challenges of Global Urbanization

At the start of the 20thCentury approximately 10 percent of the world's population lived in cities. The 21stCentury has already been called the century of the city because, in 2007 for the first time in history, the world's population became more than 50% urban. In the coming decades the world’s total population is expected to rise from 7 billion to 10 billion, with much of that increase occurring in the world's cities[1]. Importantly, this trend towards an urban population is expected to continue throughout the century, reaching 6.3 billion urban inhabitants by 2050 and 8.5 billion by 2100[2]. This urbanization is expected to occur at different rates around the world but will mostly occur in the developing countries. Much of this increase in urban population will occur during the professional careers of the current generation of university students and recent graduates in planning and design. If this new hyper-urban world is to be sustainable, its cities must be sustainable -

and that represents a profound challenge, especially for urban and landscape planning and design professions.

By the year 2100, the Asian region will see the world's largest increase in urban population from 1.8 billion in 2010 to 3.3 billion in 2050 to 3.8 billion (UN ESA 2012). Through the popular media, China is widely misunderstood as a hyperurban country. In 2011 China's population was far less urban (50.6%) than the United States (82%), or The Netherlands 83%[3]. However, China is in the process of a massive, unprecedented urban migration. In the next 25 years, China will build more cities with more than one million people than total of current cities with over one million population in United States. In China, this ruralto-urban migration is well underway, with 250 million additional Chinese planned to move into new and existing cities in the next 12 years alone![4]In this respect China has the potential to become a laboratory from which the rest of the world can learn how to plan and design cities to accommodate this new urban population in a sustainable manner.

The United Nation's Millennium Assessment raised the radical proposition that "the struggle to achieve the Millennium Development Goals will be `won or lost in cities'"[5]. This proposition is based on the link between urbanization and socioeconomic development including the effect of urban development on the rural environments around cities, providing engines for rural development and supporting the rural economy. This bold proposition, in a global context, raises a basic challenge for urban planners and designers "How can existing cities be expanded, and new cities created - in a sustainable manner, to meet the crushing demands of the new urban population while managing landscapes and ecosystems to provide the ecosystem services that the cities, and their residents depend on?

2 A Typology of Urban Dynamics

The dynamics of urbanization can be understood with a typology based on the level of population growth and the density of the built urban environment (Fig.02). Sprawling Cities occur where high rates of population growth occur in the context of a high-density built environment. Because these cities continue to grow they expand from the center, typically along transportation routes. In sprawling cities, urban open space becomes scarce due to the intense economic competition for urban space. The effectiveness of planning is often limited by the exigency for new development, and the existing density that limits change through planning. However, the motivation and opportunity to implement and test innovative urban development and green infrastructure is substantial. The common response to sprawl is containment, or smart growth - allowing the city grow in a more deliberate way crafting a connected, networked open space structure to provide ecosystem services.

Stable cities have a moderate to high density of built environment, but a stable population. These cities often have established urban open space systems, and the opportunity to include new green space in conjunction with new or redevelopment because the competition for urban space is moderate to low in comparison with sprawling cities. In stable cities urban planning can be intentional and opportunistic, and the need for routine re-development of buildings and infrastructure provides opportunity to implement green building and infrastructure. Because cities need to be rebuilt every few decades, that rebuilding creates the opportunity for sustainability retrofits. Take the example of major roads that generally need repaving/rebuilding every 20 years. During rebuilding a road can become a green street with permeable, high-albedo paving materials, bicycle lanes, tree planting belts, and wildlife underpasses added where appropriate.

New/Planned cities occur in national or regional contexts where population growth is high, but the existing density of the built environment is low. New cities are often located in agricultural regions, requiring resettlement, in "greenfields" where existing development is minimal and the environment is relatively clean, and "brownfields" where prior economic activity left a contaminated environment, but existing population is low. New/ Planned cities provide the greatest opportunity for bold, visionary planning and design - employing the best practices for efficient land use and transportation while including an intentional urban open/green space system to deliver ecosystem services. The "eco-city" movement demonstrates the potential for new urbanization to explore innovative models and urbanization concepts.

Shrinking cities are defined by a declining population and eventually produce a low, or lower density of built environment. Shrinking cities occur because of macroeconomic changes and suffer from lack of employment and public revenues. Shrinking cities provide unique opportunities to renew and rebuild through deliberate "editing" of un/underused urban development - by introducing sustainable infill developments, integrated with urban transportation and open space resources. Shrinking cities hold the potential and the challenge to reinvent their identity and economy, and physical form - including their urban/green space structure.

The typology of urban dynamics offers a structured system to classify urban regions based on their population growth and density of urban form. The typology suggests the particular opportunities and challenges that are inherent in a particular type of urban dynamic. In this "Century of the City" perhaps the most challenging and important type are the sprawling cities.

3 Sprawling Cities as Urban Laboratories

Shanghai is a quintessential sprawling city.

It has a long urban history and is currently in the midst of a development boom. This mega-regional context of Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta provides a unique opportunity for research. The Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-restoration (SHUES) at East China Normal University has been organized to address the simultaneous challenge and opportunity.

SHUES is an interdisciplinary research group funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China, among other sources. SHUES conducts research in three areas: 1) complex urban and rural ecosystems, 2) planning managing and design of the urban and regional ecosystem and 3) ecological engineering. SHUES applies its research to solve urban environmental and ecological problems. Under the Direction of Xiang, Wei-ning, SHUES has become a model for using an urban region as a laboratory where monitoring and data base management can document urban conditions over time. In many respects SHUES is similar to the Urban Long Term Research Centers in Phoenix Arizona and Baltimore Maryland in the US. However, because Shanghai is one of the world’s largest cities, and is expected to expand into the future, SHUES has a unique opportunity to "learn-by-doing" in understanding complex urban ecological issues, and designing and monitoring innovative and experimental solutions①.

4 Measuring Urban Ecosystem Services

The concept of ecosystem services was popularized in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. There are four categories of services, supporting, provisioning, regulatory and cultural. These are the services and functions provided by natural ecosystems to the benefit of humans. I've organized them into three broad categories for the sake of illustration: Abiotic, Biotic and Cultural[6]. The abiotic are the non-living services that come from the physical environment, for example hydrology, which is perhaps the most important process in the urban ecology planning and design.

The biotic ecosystem services are related to life and living systems. Ecosystems provide habitat and movement corridors for wildlife species. Air pollution mitigation and remediation can be provided by urban forests. Great philosophers and scientists like Aldo Leopold remind us that it is wise to protect biodiversity, because we don't know how important any species may prove to be in the future. A professor at the University of Massachusetts, Derek Lovley, discovered the geobacter bacteria living in the sediment of the Potomac River in Washington. This bacteria can metabolize and stabilize toxic waste. Here is an example of an organism with no apparent value that has proven to be highly valuable. If our cities are to be sustainable, we need them to be centers of biodiversity - not biodiversity deserts!

Cultural and social ecosystem services are equally important for urban sustainability. Parks are important, of course for human recreation, but also to support human health and to provide places for healthy social interaction. We are creating a new nature in 21stCentury cities and we need this new nature to provide a broad suite of ecosystem services, abiotic, biotic and cultural. These, and other concepts both define the term and affirm that ecosystem services are essential for all aspects of human health and well-being. Ecosystem services are what humans depend on for survival in a sustainable world. If the challenge for sustainability will be won or lost in 21stCentury cities, it will depend on the ecosystem services that cities provide. Ecosystem services can therefore be understood as the metrics of urban sustainability.

Ecosystem services can serve as assessment metrics to link urban form (pattern) with urban process (ecosystem services). Once understood, measured, and mapped, ecosystem services can become the goals and benchmarks of planning for urban sustainability. In planning and designing sustainable cities, landscape architects have learned from ecologists of the importance of protecting and restoring connectivity between large, and small patches of urban green spaces and habitats. Greenways are understood for their potential to provide a broad suite of ecosystem services in urban areas. Green infrastructure is another contemporary concept for providing urban ecosystem services[6]. Ecological design concepts including greenways and green infrastructure are increasingly understood and valued. As urbanization advances globally, designers will be increasingly challenged to measure and document the ecosystem services that their plans actually provide.

5 Monitoring Ecosystem Services in Greenways and Green Infrastructure

The concept of ecosystem services is increasingly understood as a useful goal and metric for urban sustainability. The next challenge for design professionals is to advocate for and practice monitoring of projects that aim to provide particular ecosystem services. Design professions do not have a tradition of supporting monitoring. If monitoring can be conducted on small-scale, safeto-fail design experiments, the risk of failure can be minimized and the potential to earn success can be maximized[7].

I have developed methods for monitoring specific ecosystem services associated with greenways and green infrastructure with landscape architecture students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. We developed a “toolbox”of methods that landscape architects and planners can readily build into projects that intend to provide ecosystem services.

One of the expected benefits of urban forests is to increase biodiversity. Measuring of bird diversity can be conducted with the “point count” method where one or more trained/expert observers visit an urban forest or neighborhood and record the number and type(s) of birds seen and heard in a specific observation time(Fig. 06). The results between multiple observers, observation dates, and locations can be compared and averaged. This method is well-known in biology but is rarely practiced by design professionals. These data serve to document the biodiversity benefits of particular types of urban forest plantings and configurations. If landscape architects can learn to promote biodiversity monitoring they can become partners with scientists in "design experiments" to learn how to provide ecosystem services in cities.

Green roofs are advocated for the multiple ecosystem services they provide: energy savings, stormwater retention, water quality improvement, extending building roof replacement, and supporting biodiversity - particularly of beneficial insects. In highly urbanized environments where green space and habitat is limited, green roofs may become valuable habitats for pollinating insects. The bees that pollinate urban vegetables, trees and flowers can find habitat on green roofs. The presence and diversity of bee species can be measured by several types of traps. The "pantrap" deploys yellow pans filled with soapy water that attracts and captures the bees. The traps can be collected and monitored on a regular schedule to learn how many individuals and which species of bees are present on the green roof - and providing pollination services to the surrounding neighborhood. Malaise traps are larger tent-like structures that can capture a wide diversity of flying insects. As with pan traps, malaise traps can be sampled and recorded on a regular basis to learn which insects are present on the green roof(Fig. 07).

Created wetlands are commonly used to provide ecosystem services. Floating wetlands are a unique type of green infrastructure that constructs

artificial floating habitats on urban waters to provide habitat and water quality improvements. Because floating wetlands can move across large water surfaces, they are difficult to monitor by conventional methods. Figure 8 illustrates a monitoring method that employs GPS-linked sensors to report data to satellites on the floating wetland location, water temperature and water quality parameters. Because this system works with remote sensing it can report data continuously on water quality at different locations with known coordinates(Fig. 08).

Rain gardens are one of the more common types of green infrastructure to provide waterrelated ecosystem services including stormwater retention, infiltration and water quality improvement. Unfortunately monitoring is rarely conducted in rain gardens. However, if a commitment to monitoring is made before the rain garden is constructed, simple monitoring wells can be easily installed at low cost. The wells can be used to gather water samples at multiple depths beneath the rain garden to measure the effect of the substrate on selected water quality parameters (i.e. Nitrate, Phosphorous) through laboratory analysis of the samples(Fig. 09). If these wells are not installed during installation they become very disruptive and expensive to install.

These examples demonstrate how the ecosystem services intended and expected from greenways and green infrastructure can be accurately monitored. If the data are collected with standard accepted methods, it can be scientifically analyzed to learn the differential effects of alternative greenway or green infrastructure configurations or treatments on ecosystem services. When monitoring becomes a regular practice, every urban construction can be understood as an experiment, in an adaptive design process where plans and designs are conceived as opportunities to explore and develop new research, and to test ideas. It’s a different way of thinking about professional planning and design practice than conventional work that tends to apply standard solutions.

6 Summary

In this century of the city, sustainability will be won-or-lost in existing and future cities. Urban sustainability can be understood, and measured, as the specific ecosystem services provided in cities to support human populations and the biodiversity on which humans depend. Design professionals can contribute to urban sustainability by integrating ecosystem services into plans and designs for infrastructure, settlements and green systems in cities. Because this is a new challenge, and is specific and different in every city, designers must develop and test new ideas and "learn-by-doing" how these ideas perform over time under specific conditions and locations. If planners and designers can effectively practice adaptive design, they may realize the possibility to learn from, and benefit by the process of urbanization. In this way urbanization can change from a perceived human problem - to the source of new ideas and practices that can be important to the solution for urban sustainability.

[1]Urban Age Project.The Endless City[M].London:Phaidon Press,2007.

[2]United Nations.World Urbanization Prospects: the 2011 Revision[R/OL].United Nations.(2013-10-07) [2013-12-14].

[3]Central Intelligence Agency.The World Factbook: Urbanization[M/OL].Washington,DC:Central Intelligence Agency,2013.[2013-12-04] fields/2212.html

[4]JOHNSON Ian.China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million into Cities[N/OL].New York Times,2013-07-14.(2013-07-14)[2013-12-04].

[5]United Nations.The Struggle to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals will be Won or Lost in Cities[J].State of the World’s Cities,2006,(7):46-55.

[6]NOVOTNY V,AHERN J,BROWN P.Water-centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment[M].New York:John Wiley and Sons,2010

[7]AHERN Jack.From Fail-safe to Safe-to-fail: Sustainability and Resilience in the New Urban World[J].Landscape and Urban Planning,2011,100:3,341-343.

[8]PIERCE N R,JOHNSON C W.Century of the City: No Time to Lose[M].New York:The Rockefeller Foundation,2008.

[9]United Nations.Millennium Ecosystem Assessment[R].United Nations,2005.

[10]Urban Age Project.Living in the Endless City[M]. London:Phaidon Press,2011.







Jack AHERN, FASLA, Ph.D, is a Professor of Landscape Architecture in the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. He is also the Vice Provost for International Programs.

About the translator:

HUANG Yi-wei is a graduate student and teaching assistance of Landscape Architecture in the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.

Landscape Planning and Design in the Century of the City

Text by: Jack AHERN (US)
Translation by: HUANG Yi-wei

Urbanization is expected to occur at different rates around the world but will mostly occur in developing countries. Based on the challenges that “the struggle to achieve the millennium development goals will be won or lost in cities”, the author discusses four aspects in this paper: urban dynamics typology, using sprawling cities as urban laboratories(taking Shanghai as an example), the significance and measurement of urban ecosystem services, and methods to monitor ecosystem services in greenways and green infrastructures. The paper emphasizes the opportunities and challenges of contemporary urban development that landscape architects and urban planners confront.

Urbanization; Ecosystem Services; Urban Sustainability; Green Infrastructure






