

重庆与世界 2014年10期

□ 文/见习记者 蒋正








This October will be the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Chongqing Branch of Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Chongqing, as the only municipality directly under the Central Government in West China, is a hub city in both the administrative and economic terms. Given its location at the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, it is the frontier of Western Development. Besides, Chongqing, with a population of 30 million, stands for a huge market which can not be overlooked. The director of Chongqing Branch of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Masahiro Okoshi said that Nihon Keizai Shimbun, as a comprehensive media focusing on economic reports, has great expectation of Chongqing’s future development.

First, his major concern it that how Chongqing will adapt itself to the opening-up in the new era. The focus of the world economy has shifted to the emerging developing countries from the developed countries. And the focus of Chinese economy has shifted to the inland regions from the coastal regions. With the growth of Chinese economy, the pillar of the industrial framework is expected to shift to the service industry from the manufacturing industry. Just like the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway connecting Europe and Chongqing, Chongqing, located in the inland area will directly connect with the overseas market. In addition, its distance with Southeast Asian will be shortened, which make it possible that Chongqing grows into a new hub of this vast market.

Masahiro Okoshi said that those changes are not easy to achieve. But only changes can bring opportunities. Chongqing or China at large under transformation is teemed with attraction toward foreign enterprises, including Japanese enterprises. The focus is whether Chongqing can achieve a deeper opening-up. China is gradually transformed into the world market from the world factory. In this process, if Chongqing can seize the opportunity to reform ahead of other cities, it can attract more foreign investment.

“Middle and West China is the center of the urbanization drive, along with which population migration from rural areas to urban areas will also speed up. Population migration brings new economic activities. And enterprises can recruit more talents. Since the establishment of our Chongqing Branch, they have been following the development of the household registration, farmland reform and urbanization in Chongqing. In the future, they will continue to present the important reform measures in Chongqing to the overseas readers.”

Compared with the coastal cities like Shanghai and Beijing, Chongqing is still under development, a fact which can not be denied. But due to such fact, there is great potential to develop industries including environmental protection, health care and software into pillar industries. One of the development directions may be to build characteristic tourism with the advantages of Three Gorges Dam, hot springs and Chongqing cuisines.

Masahiro Okoshi said, “During the 10 years since the establishment of Chongqing Branch, we have witnessed the construction of high-rises in Chongqing and the great improvement of citizen’s living standards. We are looking forward to presenting Chongqing as the city embodying China’s greatest changes to readers in Japan and world at large in the next10 years.”

