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[14]Hou J L,Lin H Y.A multiple regression model for patent appraisal[J].Industrial Management & Data Systems,2006,106(9):1304-1332.
[19]Nordhaus W D.The optimum life of a patent:reply[J].The American economic review,1972:428-431.
[21]Scherer F M Vopel K HARHOFF D.Citations,family size,opposition and the value of patent rights[J].Research Policy,2003,32(8):1343-1363.
[32]Reitzig M.What determines patent value?:Insights from the semiconductor industry[J].Research Policy,2003,32(1):13-26.
[33]Hu Y,Bian Y,Wang Y.Opening the black box of pharmaceutical patent value:an empirical analysis[J].Drug Information Journal,2008,42(6):561-568.
[34]Chen Y S,Chang K C.The relationship between a firms patent quality and its market value—the case of US pharmaceutical industry[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2010,77(1):20-33.
[35]Chen Y S,Chang K C.Exploring the nonlinear effects of patent citations,patent share and relative patent position on market value in the US pharmaceutical industry[J].Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2010,22(2):153-169.
[36]Chen Y S,Chang K C.Using neural network to analyze the influence of the patent performance upon the market value of the US pharmaceutical companies[J].Scientometrics,2009,80(3):637-655.
[37]Messinis G.Triadic citations,country biases and patent value:The case of pharmaceuticals[J].Scientometrics,2011,89(3):813-833.
[38]Albino V,Messeni Petruzzelli A,Rotolo D.Measuring patent value:an empirical analysis of the US Biotech Industry[J].Available at SSRN 1400688,2009.
[39]Sneed K A,Johnson D K N.Selling ideas:the determinants of patent value in an auction environment[J].R&d Management,2009,39(1):87-94.
[40]Greenberg G.Small firms,big patents?Estimating patent value using data on Israeli start-up firms financing rounds[J].Unpublished Working Paper,2010.
[41]Bessen J.Estimates of firms patent rents from firm market value[J].Boston,MA:Boston University School of Law Working Paper Series,2006:6-14.
[14]Hou J L,Lin H Y.A multiple regression model for patent appraisal[J].Industrial Management & Data Systems,2006,106(9):1304-1332.
[19]Nordhaus W D.The optimum life of a patent:reply[J].The American economic review,1972:428-431.
[21]Scherer F M Vopel K HARHOFF D.Citations,family size,opposition and the value of patent rights[J].Research Policy,2003,32(8):1343-1363.
[32]Reitzig M.What determines patent value?:Insights from the semiconductor industry[J].Research Policy,2003,32(1):13-26.
[33]Hu Y,Bian Y,Wang Y.Opening the black box of pharmaceutical patent value:an empirical analysis[J].Drug Information Journal,2008,42(6):561-568.
[34]Chen Y S,Chang K C.The relationship between a firms patent quality and its market value—the case of US pharmaceutical industry[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2010,77(1):20-33.
[35]Chen Y S,Chang K C.Exploring the nonlinear effects of patent citations,patent share and relative patent position on market value in the US pharmaceutical industry[J].Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2010,22(2):153-169.
[36]Chen Y S,Chang K C.Using neural network to analyze the influence of the patent performance upon the market value of the US pharmaceutical companies[J].Scientometrics,2009,80(3):637-655.
[37]Messinis G.Triadic citations,country biases and patent value:The case of pharmaceuticals[J].Scientometrics,2011,89(3):813-833.
[38]Albino V,Messeni Petruzzelli A,Rotolo D.Measuring patent value:an empirical analysis of the US Biotech Industry[J].Available at SSRN 1400688,2009.
[39]Sneed K A,Johnson D K N.Selling ideas:the determinants of patent value in an auction environment[J].R&d Management,2009,39(1):87-94.
[40]Greenberg G.Small firms,big patents?Estimating patent value using data on Israeli start-up firms financing rounds[J].Unpublished Working Paper,2010.
[41]Bessen J.Estimates of firms patent rents from firm market value[J].Boston,MA:Boston University School of Law Working Paper Series,2006:6-14.