陈清军 周成杰 杨永胜
中图分类号:TU311.3 文献标识码:A
Abstract: To address the damage identification problem of frame structures after earthquakes, a new damage identification method based on the wavelet packet decomposition was proposed. The structural vibration signal under environmental vibrations was used to constitute damage indicator (DI) as follows: the vibration signal was decomposed into each frequency band with wavelet packet decomposition, then, a damage indicator was established on the basis of the energy ratio variation on frequency domain. On the above basis, a 3D finite element model of a frame structure was created by calculating DI using the proposed method. The influence on the damage identification of different floors and different types of excitation was discussed.The results show that the DI proposed can be used to identify damage effectively and the DI value is approximately linear to the damage degree. Damage identification based on vibration signal of higher floor is better than that of lower floor and the damage identification effect with velocity signals is better than acceleration signals.
Key words: environmental vibration record; wavelet packet decomposition; RC frame structure; damage identification; identification effect
5 结论
1) 利用文中构建的损伤指标DI可以有效识别框架结构的损伤,损伤指标DI与损伤程度之间有近似线性的关系.
2) 选取不同楼层的振动信号对损伤识别效果有较大影响.基于较高楼层振动信号的损伤指标值对结构的损伤识别效果较好,建议采用结构顶层的振动信号构造损伤指标.
3) 在本文算例中,速度信号比加速度信号对损伤变化更为敏感;基于速度信号的损伤指标与损伤程度的拟合结果,较基于加速度信号的拟合结果更接近线性,识别效果更好.
ZONG Zhouhong, REN Weixin, RUAN Yi. Recent advances in research on damage diagnosis for civil engineering structures\[J\]. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2003, 36(5):105-110.(In Chinese)
TENG Jun, HE Chunkai. Wavelet packet analysis of earthquake damage of highrise structures based on fuzzy evaluation method\[J\]. Journal of Civil Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 2010, 32(12):469-471.(In Chinese)
DING Youliang, LI Aiqun, MIAO Changqing. Investigation on the structural damage alarming method based on wavelet packet energy spectrum\[J\]. Engineering Mechanics, 2006, 23(8): 42-48.(In Chinese)
TAN Dongmei, QU Weilian, QIN Wenke. Damage identification of transmission tower based on wavelet packet transform and fuzzy clustering \[J\]. Journal of Tianjin University, 2011, 44(8): 695-700.(In Chinese)
[5]YONG N H,KRISHNAN N K, LIGNOS D G, et al. Use of waveletbased damagesensitive features for structural damage diagnosis using strong motion data[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2011,137(10):1215-1228.
Branch of architectural vibration, China association for engineering construction standardization. Building vibration engineering handbook[M]. Beijing: Chinese Building Industry Press, 2002:586-588.(In Chinese)
XIONG Lihong, DU Xiuli, LU Ming, et al. Damage of multistory buildings during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake\[J\]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2008, 34(11):1166-1172.(In Chinese)
[8]齐岳,郑文忠.低周反复荷载下核心高强混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究\[J\] .湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2009,36(12):6-12.
1) 利用文中构建的损伤指标DI可以有效识别框架结构的损伤,损伤指标DI与损伤程度之间有近似线性的关系.
2) 选取不同楼层的振动信号对损伤识别效果有较大影响.基于较高楼层振动信号的损伤指标值对结构的损伤识别效果较好,建议采用结构顶层的振动信号构造损伤指标.
3) 在本文算例中,速度信号比加速度信号对损伤变化更为敏感;基于速度信号的损伤指标与损伤程度的拟合结果,较基于加速度信号的拟合结果更接近线性,识别效果更好.
ZONG Zhouhong, REN Weixin, RUAN Yi. Recent advances in research on damage diagnosis for civil engineering structures\[J\]. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2003, 36(5):105-110.(In Chinese)
TENG Jun, HE Chunkai. Wavelet packet analysis of earthquake damage of highrise structures based on fuzzy evaluation method\[J\]. Journal of Civil Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 2010, 32(12):469-471.(In Chinese)
DING Youliang, LI Aiqun, MIAO Changqing. Investigation on the structural damage alarming method based on wavelet packet energy spectrum\[J\]. Engineering Mechanics, 2006, 23(8): 42-48.(In Chinese)
TAN Dongmei, QU Weilian, QIN Wenke. Damage identification of transmission tower based on wavelet packet transform and fuzzy clustering \[J\]. Journal of Tianjin University, 2011, 44(8): 695-700.(In Chinese)
[5]YONG N H,KRISHNAN N K, LIGNOS D G, et al. Use of waveletbased damagesensitive features for structural damage diagnosis using strong motion data[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2011,137(10):1215-1228.
Branch of architectural vibration, China association for engineering construction standardization. Building vibration engineering handbook[M]. Beijing: Chinese Building Industry Press, 2002:586-588.(In Chinese)
XIONG Lihong, DU Xiuli, LU Ming, et al. Damage of multistory buildings during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake\[J\]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2008, 34(11):1166-1172.(In Chinese)
[8]齐岳,郑文忠.低周反复荷载下核心高强混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究\[J\] .湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2009,36(12):6-12.
1) 利用文中构建的损伤指标DI可以有效识别框架结构的损伤,损伤指标DI与损伤程度之间有近似线性的关系.
2) 选取不同楼层的振动信号对损伤识别效果有较大影响.基于较高楼层振动信号的损伤指标值对结构的损伤识别效果较好,建议采用结构顶层的振动信号构造损伤指标.
3) 在本文算例中,速度信号比加速度信号对损伤变化更为敏感;基于速度信号的损伤指标与损伤程度的拟合结果,较基于加速度信号的拟合结果更接近线性,识别效果更好.
ZONG Zhouhong, REN Weixin, RUAN Yi. Recent advances in research on damage diagnosis for civil engineering structures\[J\]. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2003, 36(5):105-110.(In Chinese)
TENG Jun, HE Chunkai. Wavelet packet analysis of earthquake damage of highrise structures based on fuzzy evaluation method\[J\]. Journal of Civil Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 2010, 32(12):469-471.(In Chinese)
DING Youliang, LI Aiqun, MIAO Changqing. Investigation on the structural damage alarming method based on wavelet packet energy spectrum\[J\]. Engineering Mechanics, 2006, 23(8): 42-48.(In Chinese)
TAN Dongmei, QU Weilian, QIN Wenke. Damage identification of transmission tower based on wavelet packet transform and fuzzy clustering \[J\]. Journal of Tianjin University, 2011, 44(8): 695-700.(In Chinese)
[5]YONG N H,KRISHNAN N K, LIGNOS D G, et al. Use of waveletbased damagesensitive features for structural damage diagnosis using strong motion data[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2011,137(10):1215-1228.
Branch of architectural vibration, China association for engineering construction standardization. Building vibration engineering handbook[M]. Beijing: Chinese Building Industry Press, 2002:586-588.(In Chinese)
XIONG Lihong, DU Xiuli, LU Ming, et al. Damage of multistory buildings during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake\[J\]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2008, 34(11):1166-1172.(In Chinese)
[8]齐岳,郑文忠.低周反复荷载下核心高强混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究\[J\] .湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2009,36(12):6-12.