关键词: 实用光伏模型; 改进电导增量法; MPPT; Matlab仿真
中图分类号: TN964⁃34 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1004⁃373X(2014)08⁃0148⁃03
Modeling of practical PV battery and simulation of MPPT algorithm
GUO Shuang1,2, WANG Feng⁃gui1
(1. Institute of Automation, Shandong Academy of Sciences, 250014, China;
2. Department of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
Abstract: Based on output equation of engineering PV module, a practical simulation model of PV cells was established by means of Matlab/Simulink. This model can simulate the output characteristic curves of practical PV module under different environments. The calculated step length is adopted to track maximum power point on the basis of the traditional incremental conductance method. The simulation results show that the maximum power point of photovoltaic cells can be fast tracked with the improved incremental conductance method as the external environment changes violently. The innovation of this paper is that the gradient variable step incremental conductance method is implemented in Matlab/Simulink, the simulation model diagram of the algorithm is presented in this paper, and the algebraic loop problem existing in simulation is solved by adding a delay module in the case of ensuring the precision.
Keywords: practical PV model; improved incremental conductance; MPPT; Matlab simulation
目前,光伏太阳能等新能源的开发和利用受到越来越多的关注。由于光伏发电的研究需要较高的研发经费和受实际环境因素限制,实验室仿真分析成为光伏电池设计和研究的有效手段[1]。本文在Matlab 环境下建立了光伏电池实用模型,提出改进的电导增量法来实现最大功率点跟踪。通过对Boost电路输出功率的仿真表明,该算法可以较快完成MPPT。