

中国人口·资源与环境 2014年9期

摘要 我国区域间存在广泛而密切的经济关系。任何一个区域的能源消耗既满足了本地区的生产和生活需要,同时又支撑了其他地区的经济活动。科学、公平地核算区域能耗责任不仅有助于识别各区域对全国能耗的贡献,也有利于制定有效的跨区域能源政策。由于各类经济主体使用能源的动机是为了获得各种经济利益,因此利益原则被普遍认为是能耗责任核算的基本原则。不过,利益原则的具体含义并不是单一的。根据经济利益的类型,利益原则可区分为生产原则、收入原则、消费原则等三种基本原则及由它们衍生出来的收入加权原则、消费加权原则、综合利益原则及加权综合利益原则等四种共担责任原则。鉴于多区域投入产出(MRIO)模型是刻画各区域之间深刻的经济关联和各种经济利益的有力工具,本文基于MRIO模型建立了各种利益原则下的区域能耗责任核算框架,并将之用于分析中国的省际能源效率和能耗责任。结果表明:不同省份同一产业的能源效率差异显著。各省在不同原则下的能源效率和能耗责任也都具有显著差异。不过,不管采用哪种原则,传统能源密集型产业比重较大的省份(如宁夏、贵州、青海、山西和内蒙古)总是具有较低的能源效率,而一些沿海省份(如浙江、北京、广东、上海、江苏等)的能源效率总是较高。同时,经济规模较大的省份(如广东、江苏、山东)总是具有较大的能耗责任,而经济规模较小的省份(如海南、宁夏、青海)总是具有较小的能耗责任。这些发现具有丰富的政策含义:①宁夏、贵州、青海、山西、内蒙古、新疆、甘肃和云南等能源密集型产业比重较大的省份,以及河北、湖北、湖南、广西等生产责任大于其他责任的省份,其节能的重点在于优化生产方式。②北京、天津、吉林、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、广东、重庆、四川等消费责任或消费加权责任相对于其他责任较大的省份,其节能政策重点在于优化消费模式并尽可能从能源效率更高的地区调入同类产品。③黑龙江、海南、山东、陕西、辽宁、河南等收入责任或收入加权责任相对其他责任较大的地区,应在积极优化生产方式的同时更多的向能源效率更高的地区调出产品。当然,无论那个区域的节能战略都应包含生产、流通、消费等多个领域的措施,只不过它们的侧重点不同而已。同时,我国还需要努力打破地方贸易壁垒,形成统一的国内市场,使各地区能通过公平竞争充分发挥自己的比较优势,促进跨区域的产业结构优化。

关键词 区域能耗责任;区域能源效率;利益原则;多区域投入产出模型

中图分类号 F206 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0075-09


同时,区域间能耗责任核算还需要采用公平、合理的分配原则。许多学者和政策制定者认为,恰当的资源消耗或污染排放责任分配原则应是各经济主体根据其所获得的经济利益及相关的资源、环境影响承担相应的责任,我们不妨称之为“利益原则”。从现有文献来看,基本的利益原则有三种:生产责任原则、收入责任原则和消费责任原则。生产责任原则又称领土原则[1],是指经济主体应根据其生产过程中直接消耗的资源或排放的污染承担责任。收入责任原则强调经济主体要根据其在生产活动中获得的收益及由此“激活”的下游资源、环境影响承担责任[2- 3]。消费责任原则意味着经济主体应根据其消费(或提供的最终消费品)及由此产生的上游资源、环境影响承担责任[4]。我们不妨将上述利益原则对应的资源消耗或污染排放责任分别称为生产责任、收入责任和消费责任。

除了基本的利益原则外,近年来还有一类利益原则引起了人们的广泛关注,那就是共担责任(shared responsibility)原则。这类原则可以看成上述三种基本原则的组合和拓展。目前已经被正式提出的共担责任原则有四种:收入加权责任原则、消费加权责任原则、综合利益责任原则及加权综合利益责任原则[5]。类似地,我们不妨将这四种原则对应的环境责任分别称为收入加权责任、消费加权责任、综合责任和加权综合责任。收入加权原则要求经济主体(收入获得者)及其产品或服务的购买者共同承担其下游资源、环境责任;消费加权责任原则主张经济主体(消费者或最终消费品提供者)及其上游供货方共同承担其上游资源、环境责任[6-8]。将经济主体收入责任和消费责任的平均值作为其环境责任,这就是综合利益原则[9]。类似地,如果经济主体承担的环境责任是其收入加权责任和消费加权责任的平均值,则我们称此分配原则为加权综合利益原则。


1 区域能耗责任核算框架

区域能耗责任核算框架的核心就是要准确刻画跨区域的能耗影响,这可以通过两种方法来实现:一是基于单区域投入产出模型的双边贸易含污量(emissions embodied in bilateral trade,EEBT)方法,另一种是多区域投入产出模型。由于只有多区域投入产出模型能够刻画区域间的资源和环境溢出反馈效应(spillover and feedback effects),因此我们将基于这种模型来讨论跨区域的能耗责任核算问题。


1.3 区域环境责任核算框架的拓展







2 实证分析




2.1 省际能源效率




以金属冶炼及压延业的直接能源强度为例,其值在浙江、江苏、重庆、广东等省份均低于0.5 tce/万元,在内蒙古、贵州、宁夏则超过了2 tce/万元,在黑龙江和青海更是超过了3 tce/万元。又如非金属矿物制品业的直接能源强度,其值在上海、河南、山东、河北及江苏等地均为超过0.9 tce/万元,在贵州、陕西、新疆、宁夏、云南等省份则达到3-5 tce/万元。



2.2 省际能耗责任

表2显示了各种分配原则下各区域2012年的能耗责任。生产责任较大(超过2.0亿tce)的省份包括山东、河北、广东、江苏、河南、辽宁以及四川等。这主要是因为这几个省份重化工业,特别是金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿物制品业以及电力、热力的生产和供应业的生产规模(总产出)较大。海南、青海、宁夏、甘肃、北京以及江西由于生产规模较小,因而其直接生产耗能较少(小于7×107 tce),生产责任也较小。




2.3 各省(区、市)不同核算原则下的能耗责任差异








3 结论与建议












[1]Eder P, Narodoslawsky M. What Environmental Pressures Are A Regions Industries Responsible for? A Method of Analysis with Descriptive Indices and Inputoutput Models[J]. Ecological Economics, 1999, 29 (3): 359-374.

[2]Lenzen M, Murray J. Conceptualising Environmental Responsibility[J]. Ecological Economics, 2010, 70 (2): 261-270.

[3]Marques A, Rodrigues J, Lenzen M, et al. Incomebased Environmental Responsibility[J]. Ecological Economics, 2012, 84:57-65.

[4]Munksgaard J, Pedersen K A. CO2 Accounts for Open Economies: Producer or Consumer Responsibility? [J]. Energy Policy, 2001, 29 (4):327-334.

[5]Zhang Y. The Responsibility for Carbon Emissions and Carbon Efficiency at the Sectoral Level: Evidence from China[J]. Energy Economics, 2013, 40: 967-975.

[6]Gallego B, Lenzen M. A Consistent Inputoutput Formulation of Shared Consumer and Producer Responsibility[J]. Economic Systems Research, 2005, 17 (4):365-391.

[7]Lenzen M, Murray J, Sacb F, et al. Shared Producer and Consumer Responsibility:Theory and Practice [J]. Ecological Economics, 2007, 61(1): 27-42.

[8]Lenzen M. Consumer and Producer Environmental Responsibility: A Reply [J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 66 (2-3): 19-24.

[9]Rodrigues J, Domingos T, Giljum S, et al. Designing an Indicator of Environmental Responsibility[J]. Ecological Economics, 2006, 59(3): 256-266.

[10]Andrew R, Forgie V. A Threeperspective View of Greenhouse Gas Emission Responsibilities in New Zealand[J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 68(1-2): 194-204.

[11]Ferng J J. Allocating the Responsibility of CO2 Overemissions from the Perspectives of Benefit Principle and Ecological Deficit[J]. Ecological Economics, 2003, 46 (1): 691-701.

[12]Bastianoni S, Federico M, Enzo T. The Problem of Assigning Responsibility for Greenhouse Gas Emissions[J]. Ecological Economics, 2004, 49 (3): 253-257.

[13]张友国.基于经济利益的产业间环境责任分配[J].中国工业经济,2012,(7): 57-69。[Zhang Youguo. Benefit based Interindustrial Environmental Responsibility Allocation[J].China Industrial Economics, 2012,(7): 57-69.]

Abstract There are common and deep economic relationships between regions in China, thus the energy consumption of each region not only satisfies the requirement of production and consumption in each region but also supports economic activities in other regions. Scientifically and fairly accounting regional responsibility for energy consumption is not only helpful for identifying the contributions of each region to total energy consumption in China but also useful for designing efficient interregional energy policies. Because motivations of various economic agents consuming energy consumption are acquiring various kinds of benefit, the benefit principle is commonly regarded as the basic principle of accounting responsibility for energy consumption. However, the specific meaning of benefit principle is not single. According to the types of benefit, the benefit principle can be categorized as three primary principles, including the production principle, the income principle and the consumption principle, and four shared responsibility principles, including the income weighted principle, the consumption weighted principle, the comprehensive principle and the weighted comprehensive principles, which are derived from the primary principles. Considering that the multiregional inputoutput (MRIO) model is a powerful tool for describing the deeply economic relationship between regions and various kinds of benefit, this paper proposes a framework for accounting responsibility for energy consumption at the regional level according to various benefit principles, using the MRIO model, and applies it to analyze the energy efficiency and responsibility for energy consumption at the provincial level in China. The results indicate that the energy efficiencies of the same sector in different provinces are significantly different from each other. For each province, its efficiencies and responsibilities under different principles are significantly different for each other. However, the energy efficiencies of provinces (such as Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia) with high proportions of classical energy intensive industries are always ranked lower, whereas the efficiencies of coastal provinces (such as Zhejiang, Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai and Jiangsu) are always ranked higher, irrespective to the principles. At the same time, the responsibilities of provinces with larger economic sizes (such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong) are always very large, whereas those of provinces with smaller economic sizes (such as Hainan, Ningxia and Qinghai) are always very small. These findings have abundant policy implications. First, the key point of energy conservation for those regions with higher share of intensive industries, including Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu and Yunnan, and the provinces whose production responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Hebei, Hubei, Hunan and Guangxi, is optimize the mode of production. Second, the major policy for energy conservation in those provinces whose consumption or consumption weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Chongqing and Sichuan, is optimizing consumption pattern and purchasing products from regions with higher energy efficiency as far as possible. Third, the regions whose income or income weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Heilongjiang, Hainan, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning and Henan, should optimize the mode of production as well as sell more products to regions with higher energy efficiency. But of course the energy conservation strategies of each region should cover measures including production, selling and consumption, and they just emphasize different areas. At the same time, China should make efforts to break the regional trade barrier to build a uniform domestic market, enable each province to exert their comparative advantages through fair competition and promote industrial structure optimization across regions.

Key words regional energy consumption responsibility; regional energy efficiency; benefit principle; multiregional input-output model

[7]Lenzen M, Murray J, Sacb F, et al. Shared Producer and Consumer Responsibility:Theory and Practice [J]. Ecological Economics, 2007, 61(1): 27-42.

[8]Lenzen M. Consumer and Producer Environmental Responsibility: A Reply [J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 66 (2-3): 19-24.

[9]Rodrigues J, Domingos T, Giljum S, et al. Designing an Indicator of Environmental Responsibility[J]. Ecological Economics, 2006, 59(3): 256-266.

[10]Andrew R, Forgie V. A Threeperspective View of Greenhouse Gas Emission Responsibilities in New Zealand[J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 68(1-2): 194-204.

[11]Ferng J J. Allocating the Responsibility of CO2 Overemissions from the Perspectives of Benefit Principle and Ecological Deficit[J]. Ecological Economics, 2003, 46 (1): 691-701.

[12]Bastianoni S, Federico M, Enzo T. The Problem of Assigning Responsibility for Greenhouse Gas Emissions[J]. Ecological Economics, 2004, 49 (3): 253-257.

[13]张友国.基于经济利益的产业间环境责任分配[J].中国工业经济,2012,(7): 57-69。[Zhang Youguo. Benefit based Interindustrial Environmental Responsibility Allocation[J].China Industrial Economics, 2012,(7): 57-69.]

Abstract There are common and deep economic relationships between regions in China, thus the energy consumption of each region not only satisfies the requirement of production and consumption in each region but also supports economic activities in other regions. Scientifically and fairly accounting regional responsibility for energy consumption is not only helpful for identifying the contributions of each region to total energy consumption in China but also useful for designing efficient interregional energy policies. Because motivations of various economic agents consuming energy consumption are acquiring various kinds of benefit, the benefit principle is commonly regarded as the basic principle of accounting responsibility for energy consumption. However, the specific meaning of benefit principle is not single. According to the types of benefit, the benefit principle can be categorized as three primary principles, including the production principle, the income principle and the consumption principle, and four shared responsibility principles, including the income weighted principle, the consumption weighted principle, the comprehensive principle and the weighted comprehensive principles, which are derived from the primary principles. Considering that the multiregional inputoutput (MRIO) model is a powerful tool for describing the deeply economic relationship between regions and various kinds of benefit, this paper proposes a framework for accounting responsibility for energy consumption at the regional level according to various benefit principles, using the MRIO model, and applies it to analyze the energy efficiency and responsibility for energy consumption at the provincial level in China. The results indicate that the energy efficiencies of the same sector in different provinces are significantly different from each other. For each province, its efficiencies and responsibilities under different principles are significantly different for each other. However, the energy efficiencies of provinces (such as Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia) with high proportions of classical energy intensive industries are always ranked lower, whereas the efficiencies of coastal provinces (such as Zhejiang, Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai and Jiangsu) are always ranked higher, irrespective to the principles. At the same time, the responsibilities of provinces with larger economic sizes (such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong) are always very large, whereas those of provinces with smaller economic sizes (such as Hainan, Ningxia and Qinghai) are always very small. These findings have abundant policy implications. First, the key point of energy conservation for those regions with higher share of intensive industries, including Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu and Yunnan, and the provinces whose production responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Hebei, Hubei, Hunan and Guangxi, is optimize the mode of production. Second, the major policy for energy conservation in those provinces whose consumption or consumption weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Chongqing and Sichuan, is optimizing consumption pattern and purchasing products from regions with higher energy efficiency as far as possible. Third, the regions whose income or income weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Heilongjiang, Hainan, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning and Henan, should optimize the mode of production as well as sell more products to regions with higher energy efficiency. But of course the energy conservation strategies of each region should cover measures including production, selling and consumption, and they just emphasize different areas. At the same time, China should make efforts to break the regional trade barrier to build a uniform domestic market, enable each province to exert their comparative advantages through fair competition and promote industrial structure optimization across regions.

Key words regional energy consumption responsibility; regional energy efficiency; benefit principle; multiregional input-output model

[7]Lenzen M, Murray J, Sacb F, et al. Shared Producer and Consumer Responsibility:Theory and Practice [J]. Ecological Economics, 2007, 61(1): 27-42.

[8]Lenzen M. Consumer and Producer Environmental Responsibility: A Reply [J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 66 (2-3): 19-24.

[9]Rodrigues J, Domingos T, Giljum S, et al. Designing an Indicator of Environmental Responsibility[J]. Ecological Economics, 2006, 59(3): 256-266.

[10]Andrew R, Forgie V. A Threeperspective View of Greenhouse Gas Emission Responsibilities in New Zealand[J]. Ecological Economics, 2008, 68(1-2): 194-204.

[11]Ferng J J. Allocating the Responsibility of CO2 Overemissions from the Perspectives of Benefit Principle and Ecological Deficit[J]. Ecological Economics, 2003, 46 (1): 691-701.

[12]Bastianoni S, Federico M, Enzo T. The Problem of Assigning Responsibility for Greenhouse Gas Emissions[J]. Ecological Economics, 2004, 49 (3): 253-257.

[13]张友国.基于经济利益的产业间环境责任分配[J].中国工业经济,2012,(7): 57-69。[Zhang Youguo. Benefit based Interindustrial Environmental Responsibility Allocation[J].China Industrial Economics, 2012,(7): 57-69.]

Abstract There are common and deep economic relationships between regions in China, thus the energy consumption of each region not only satisfies the requirement of production and consumption in each region but also supports economic activities in other regions. Scientifically and fairly accounting regional responsibility for energy consumption is not only helpful for identifying the contributions of each region to total energy consumption in China but also useful for designing efficient interregional energy policies. Because motivations of various economic agents consuming energy consumption are acquiring various kinds of benefit, the benefit principle is commonly regarded as the basic principle of accounting responsibility for energy consumption. However, the specific meaning of benefit principle is not single. According to the types of benefit, the benefit principle can be categorized as three primary principles, including the production principle, the income principle and the consumption principle, and four shared responsibility principles, including the income weighted principle, the consumption weighted principle, the comprehensive principle and the weighted comprehensive principles, which are derived from the primary principles. Considering that the multiregional inputoutput (MRIO) model is a powerful tool for describing the deeply economic relationship between regions and various kinds of benefit, this paper proposes a framework for accounting responsibility for energy consumption at the regional level according to various benefit principles, using the MRIO model, and applies it to analyze the energy efficiency and responsibility for energy consumption at the provincial level in China. The results indicate that the energy efficiencies of the same sector in different provinces are significantly different from each other. For each province, its efficiencies and responsibilities under different principles are significantly different for each other. However, the energy efficiencies of provinces (such as Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia) with high proportions of classical energy intensive industries are always ranked lower, whereas the efficiencies of coastal provinces (such as Zhejiang, Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai and Jiangsu) are always ranked higher, irrespective to the principles. At the same time, the responsibilities of provinces with larger economic sizes (such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong) are always very large, whereas those of provinces with smaller economic sizes (such as Hainan, Ningxia and Qinghai) are always very small. These findings have abundant policy implications. First, the key point of energy conservation for those regions with higher share of intensive industries, including Ningxia, Guizhou, Qinghai, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu and Yunnan, and the provinces whose production responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Hebei, Hubei, Hunan and Guangxi, is optimize the mode of production. Second, the major policy for energy conservation in those provinces whose consumption or consumption weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Chongqing and Sichuan, is optimizing consumption pattern and purchasing products from regions with higher energy efficiency as far as possible. Third, the regions whose income or income weighted responsibilities are higher than their other responsibilities, including Heilongjiang, Hainan, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning and Henan, should optimize the mode of production as well as sell more products to regions with higher energy efficiency. But of course the energy conservation strategies of each region should cover measures including production, selling and consumption, and they just emphasize different areas. At the same time, China should make efforts to break the regional trade barrier to build a uniform domestic market, enable each province to exert their comparative advantages through fair competition and promote industrial structure optimization across regions.

Key words regional energy consumption responsibility; regional energy efficiency; benefit principle; multiregional input-output model