王涛 王海燕 徐向明等
摘要:按照流行病学抽样的方法,于2009年5月至2011年6月对江苏省内某个从未使用过疫苗的种猪场进行猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)抗体的监测。每个月分别采集1 440份空怀母猪、保育猪、育肥猪的血清样品,应用商品化的ELISA 试剂盒对PCV2的特异性抗体进行血清学监测。监测结果表明:空怀母猪、保育猪、育肥猪的血清样品中PCV2抗体阳性率均很高,保育猪的平均阳性率为93.6%,可疑率为2.8%,阴性率为3.6%;育肥猪的平均阳性率为87.4%,可疑率为4.6%,阴性率为8%;空怀母猪的平均阳性率为85.2%,可疑率为4.5%,阴性率为63%。结果显示,保育猪和育肥猪的抗体水平比空怀母猪高,表明在没有使用疫苗的情况下,猪群中PCV2的感染率很高,需要对猪群进行人为干预。
中图分类号: S855.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1002-1302(2014)07-0229-02
通信作者:王海燕,女,博士,副教授,主要从事动物传染病和人兽共患病研究。Tel:(0523)86158218;E-mail:wanghyyz@hotmail.com。 猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)是近些年新发现的一种猪传染病。PCV2感染可引起断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome,PMWS)[1]、怀孕母猪繁殖障碍(reproductive failure,RF)[2]、断奶猪和育肥猪呼吸道疾病(porcinerespiratory disease syndrome,PRDS)[3]、猪皮炎和肾炎综合征(porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome,PDNS)[4]、幼龄仔猪先天性震颤(congential tremor,CT)[5]等疾病。PCV2感染的发病率一般为10%~20%,仔猪感染的死亡率较高,耐过猪发育受阻[6-7],PCV2感染还可造成猪的免疫抑制,使猪群对其他病原微生物的抵抗力下降[8]而引起继发感染,严重影响养猪业的发展。1991年加拿大首次报道PMWS之后,世界各国相继报道有该病发生[9-11],PMWS现已成为全球养猪生产中的重要问题之一。郎洪武等用ELISA方法检测来自北京、河北、山东、天津、吉林、河南等7省(市)22个猪群的559 份血清,结果显示猪的血清样品中大多存在PCV2 抗体[12];王忠田等用PCR方法对我国北京、天津、河北、山东、山西、深圳、广东等省(市)的12个规模化猪场发病猪群进行PCV2 感染的流行病学调查发现,PCV2感染情况相当严重[13]。为了调查PCV2在未用PCV2疫苗的种猪场的流行情况,本试验用商品化的ELISA方法对某种猪场不同日龄猪群进行了PCV2感染的血清学监测,以期为更好地控制该猪场的PCV2感染的流行提供理论依据。
本研究采用简单随机法采集1 440份不同时期、不同阶段的猪外周血液制备血清,应用ELISA法检测PCV2抗体,结果发现抗体阳性率很高,可达90%以上,但不同种类的猪群之间没有明显差异,不同采集时间之间的差异也不明显,偶尔会出现抗体水平稍低的月份。保育猪的平均阳性率为936%,可疑率为2.8%,阴性率为3.6%;育肥猪的平均阳性率为87.4%,可疑率为4.6%,阴性率为8%;空怀母猪的平均阳性率为85.2%,可疑率为4.5%,阴性率为6.3%。其中保育猪和育肥猪的抗体水平比空怀母猪的抗体水平高。
[1]Allan G M,Mcneilly F,Kennedy S,et al. Isolation of porcine circovirus-like viruses from pigs with a wasting disease in the USA and Europe[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1998,10(1):3-10.
[2]West K H,Bystrom J M,Wojnarowicz C,et al. Myocarditis and abortion associated with intrauterine infection of sows with porcine circovirus 2[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1999,11(6):530-532.
[3]Harms P A,Halbu P G,Sorden S D. Three cases of porcine respiratory disease complex associated with porcine circovirus type 2 infection[J]. Journal of Swine Health and Production,2002,10(1):27-30.
[4]Molnár T,Glávits R,Szeredi L,et al. Occurrence of porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome in Hungary[J]. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica,2002,50(1):5-16.
[5]Stevenson G W,Kiupel M,Mittal S K,et al. Tissue distribution and genetic typing of porcine circoviruses in pigs with naturally occurring congenital tremors[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,2001,13(1):57-62.
[6]Kennedy S,Allan G,McNeilly F,et al. Porcine circovirus infection in Northern Ireland[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(18):495-496.
[7]Kiupel M,Stevenson G W,Mittal S K,et al. Circovirus-like viral associated disease in weaned pigs in Indiana[J]. Veterinary Pathology,1998,35(4):303-307.
[8]Sarli G,Mandrioli L,Laurenti M,et al. Immunohistochemical characterisation of the lymph node reaction in pig post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS)[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2001,83(1/2):53-67.
[9]Allan G,Meehan B,Todd D,et al. Novel porcine circovirus from pigs with wasting disease syndrome[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(17):467-468.
[10]Elbers A R,Hunneman W A,Vos J H,et al. Increase in PDNS diagnoses in the Netherlands[J]. Veterinary Record,2000,147(11):311.
[11]anasakul-Banlunara A W,Tantilertcharoen R,Suzuk I K,et al. Detection of porcine circovirus 2(PCV2)DNA by nested PCR from formalin-fixed tissues of post weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS) pigs in Tailand[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science,2002,64(5):449-452.
[12]郎洪武,张广川,吴发权,等. 断奶猪多系统衰弱综合征血清抗体检测[J]. 中国兽医科技,2000,30(3):3-5.
[13]王忠田,杨汉春,郭鑫. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的流行病学调查[J]. 中国兽医杂志,2002,38(10):3-6.
[14]宋建国,高生智,魏润生. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的血清学调查[J]. 中国兽医科技,2004,34(12):28-30.endprint
[1]Allan G M,Mcneilly F,Kennedy S,et al. Isolation of porcine circovirus-like viruses from pigs with a wasting disease in the USA and Europe[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1998,10(1):3-10.
[2]West K H,Bystrom J M,Wojnarowicz C,et al. Myocarditis and abortion associated with intrauterine infection of sows with porcine circovirus 2[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1999,11(6):530-532.
[3]Harms P A,Halbu P G,Sorden S D. Three cases of porcine respiratory disease complex associated with porcine circovirus type 2 infection[J]. Journal of Swine Health and Production,2002,10(1):27-30.
[4]Molnár T,Glávits R,Szeredi L,et al. Occurrence of porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome in Hungary[J]. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica,2002,50(1):5-16.
[5]Stevenson G W,Kiupel M,Mittal S K,et al. Tissue distribution and genetic typing of porcine circoviruses in pigs with naturally occurring congenital tremors[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,2001,13(1):57-62.
[6]Kennedy S,Allan G,McNeilly F,et al. Porcine circovirus infection in Northern Ireland[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(18):495-496.
[7]Kiupel M,Stevenson G W,Mittal S K,et al. Circovirus-like viral associated disease in weaned pigs in Indiana[J]. Veterinary Pathology,1998,35(4):303-307.
[8]Sarli G,Mandrioli L,Laurenti M,et al. Immunohistochemical characterisation of the lymph node reaction in pig post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS)[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2001,83(1/2):53-67.
[9]Allan G,Meehan B,Todd D,et al. Novel porcine circovirus from pigs with wasting disease syndrome[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(17):467-468.
[10]Elbers A R,Hunneman W A,Vos J H,et al. Increase in PDNS diagnoses in the Netherlands[J]. Veterinary Record,2000,147(11):311.
[11]anasakul-Banlunara A W,Tantilertcharoen R,Suzuk I K,et al. Detection of porcine circovirus 2(PCV2)DNA by nested PCR from formalin-fixed tissues of post weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS) pigs in Tailand[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science,2002,64(5):449-452.
[12]郎洪武,张广川,吴发权,等. 断奶猪多系统衰弱综合征血清抗体检测[J]. 中国兽医科技,2000,30(3):3-5.
[13]王忠田,杨汉春,郭鑫. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的流行病学调查[J]. 中国兽医杂志,2002,38(10):3-6.
[14]宋建国,高生智,魏润生. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的血清学调查[J]. 中国兽医科技,2004,34(12):28-30.endprint
[1]Allan G M,Mcneilly F,Kennedy S,et al. Isolation of porcine circovirus-like viruses from pigs with a wasting disease in the USA and Europe[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1998,10(1):3-10.
[2]West K H,Bystrom J M,Wojnarowicz C,et al. Myocarditis and abortion associated with intrauterine infection of sows with porcine circovirus 2[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,1999,11(6):530-532.
[3]Harms P A,Halbu P G,Sorden S D. Three cases of porcine respiratory disease complex associated with porcine circovirus type 2 infection[J]. Journal of Swine Health and Production,2002,10(1):27-30.
[4]Molnár T,Glávits R,Szeredi L,et al. Occurrence of porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome in Hungary[J]. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica,2002,50(1):5-16.
[5]Stevenson G W,Kiupel M,Mittal S K,et al. Tissue distribution and genetic typing of porcine circoviruses in pigs with naturally occurring congenital tremors[J]. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,2001,13(1):57-62.
[6]Kennedy S,Allan G,McNeilly F,et al. Porcine circovirus infection in Northern Ireland[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(18):495-496.
[7]Kiupel M,Stevenson G W,Mittal S K,et al. Circovirus-like viral associated disease in weaned pigs in Indiana[J]. Veterinary Pathology,1998,35(4):303-307.
[8]Sarli G,Mandrioli L,Laurenti M,et al. Immunohistochemical characterisation of the lymph node reaction in pig post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS)[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2001,83(1/2):53-67.
[9]Allan G,Meehan B,Todd D,et al. Novel porcine circovirus from pigs with wasting disease syndrome[J]. Veterinary Record,1998,142(17):467-468.
[10]Elbers A R,Hunneman W A,Vos J H,et al. Increase in PDNS diagnoses in the Netherlands[J]. Veterinary Record,2000,147(11):311.
[11]anasakul-Banlunara A W,Tantilertcharoen R,Suzuk I K,et al. Detection of porcine circovirus 2(PCV2)DNA by nested PCR from formalin-fixed tissues of post weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome(PMWS) pigs in Tailand[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science,2002,64(5):449-452.
[12]郎洪武,张广川,吴发权,等. 断奶猪多系统衰弱综合征血清抗体检测[J]. 中国兽医科技,2000,30(3):3-5.
[13]王忠田,杨汉春,郭鑫. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的流行病学调查[J]. 中国兽医杂志,2002,38(10):3-6.
[14]宋建国,高生智,魏润生. 规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型感染的血清学调查[J]. 中国兽医科技,2004,34(12):28-30.endprint