Brief Introduction维也纳概况
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a world-famous cultural city. It is famous as the City of Music for its beautiful music, the City of Architecture for its splendid and unique buildings, the City of Culture for its long history, and the City of Decoration for its exquisite decoration. 维也纳是奥地利首都和享誉世界的文化名城,它既有“音乐之都”的盛誉,又有以雄伟壮观、风格各异的建筑而赢得的“建筑之都”的美称;又以历史悠久被称为“文化之都”;以精妙绝伦的装饰而被称为“装饰之都”。
Vienna is one of the four official stations of the United Nations. It is also the place where headquarters of OPEC( Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), OSCE (Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe) and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) locate. 维也纳是联合国的四个官方驻地之一,以及石油输出国组织、欧洲安全与合作组织和国际原子能机构的总部所在地。
The Goddess of the Danube 多瑙河的女神
Vienna is known as the Goddess of the Danube. For the Danube winds through the city, and the scenery is picturesque all the year round. Vienna faces the Danube Basin in the east. In the north of Vienna there is a wide grassland, looking like a grand green felt. And the Danube winds through the grassland. 维也纳有“多瑙河的女神”之称。多瑙河流贯市内,一年四季风景如画。城东面对多瑙河盆地。北面宽阔的草地宛如一块特大绿色绒毡,碧波粼粼的多瑙河蜿蜒穿流其间。
Musicians 音乐大师
Vienna is always connected with music. The New Year Concert in Vienna has become an international music banquet. Musicians like Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert all spent most of their music career in Vienna. 维也纳的名字始终是和音乐连在一起的。维也纳的新年音乐会已成为国际性的音乐盛会。许多音乐大师,如海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特都曾在此度过多年音乐生涯。