雅思口语Part 3应对法宝之RED公式


新东方英语 2014年8期


雅思口语考试共包含三部分:第一部分(Part 1)要求考生回答一些关于个人情况(如学习、工作、生活等)的简单问题;第二部分(Part 2)要求考生围绕话题卡(Cue Card)内容作1~2分钟的阐述,并回答考官就此提出的一两个问题;第三部分(Part 3)要求考生围绕一些比较抽象、深入的话题同考官进行讨论,时间为4~5分钟。从考核内容、题目要求和解题思路来看,Part 3的难度最大,也是目前众多考生的失分所在。失分原因主要是考生对题目理解不够透彻,答题思路混乱。此外,很多考生认为在考试时自己只要能答好前两部分,考官就会给出相对较高的分数,不会再仔细听Part 3的回答,所以在备考时常常忽视了对Part 3的准备。其实,Part 3才是反映考生口语水平和对话能力的关键部分,考生务必要认真对待。本文笔者将针对Part 3介绍一种十分有效的答题技巧——RED公式,具体如下:


首先,我们来看看RED公式中R、E、D这三个字母分别代表什么含义。R即Reason,代表考生针对考题提出的观点;E即Explanation,指考生围绕自己提出的观点所给予的说明或解释;D即Detail,是考生为了支持自己的观点所举出的具体事例(如亲身经历等)。考生若想在Part 3取得高分,就需要在回答中给出清晰、明确的观点,详尽的阐释和具体的例证。接下来,笔者再来具体介绍公式中除R、E、D外的其他元素:话语标记、第1类串句、第2类串句和第3类串句。


英文中的话语标记是指在句子中划分言语单位的依附成分,相当于汉语里的口头语,是在无意识的情况下说出的像well、so这样的词。别看这些小词不起眼,它们可是雅思口语考试的加分点。因为雅思口语评分标准的第一项是语言的流畅度与连贯性(Fluency & Coherence),其中特别提到要“uses a range of connectives and discourse markers”,以便在语篇中起停顿、过渡作用,从而保持语篇的连贯性与条理性。常用的话语标记包括:Well …/So …/Actually …/As a matter of fact, …/In actuality, …/In fact, …/You see …/You know …/How shall I put it …/Hum, let me see, …等等。



Its a good question. Ive never thought about it, but I guess …

Regarding this question, I would like to say/discuss/come up with …

With respect to this trend, I want to speculate/predict …

In relation to this matter, I would like to address/identify/mention/propose/suggest/talk about …


第2类串句出现在具体阐述之前,相当于汉语中的“我的意思是……”“我想说的是……”等,有助于考生针对已经提出的观点做进一步阐释。第2类串句的使用也能为考生加分,因为雅思口语的第二项评分标准词汇运用(Lexical Resource)曾特别强调,考生若想增强词汇运用能力,平时可多做复述和改述练习,而第2类串句的应用刚好能体现出考生在这方面所做的努力。常用的第2类串句包括:In other words, …/And that means …/Let me put it another way, …/What Im suggesting is …/All Im trying to say is …/What Im saying here is …/What Im getting at is …/If I can rephrase that, …/Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying …/Perhaps it would be more accurate to say …/The point Im making is that …等等。


第3类串句用于考生叙述具体事例或自己的亲身经历之前,可以被称为“举例串句”,也就是考生喜欢用的for example、for instance、such as等。考生在答题时可以多举一些和自身相关的事例,或是讲一些真实的小故事,这些都要比考生背诵的模板答案生动得多。毕竟,考官也喜欢原创,不希望总是听到千篇一律的答案。常用的“举例串句”还包括:Let me give you an example./Take ... for instance, …/A good example of this would be …/And as evidence of that, …/Let me cite a few instances./To exemplify this point, …/To give you an example of this, …/In illustration, …/A quote from …/To illustrate this point, …/From one of my personal experiences, …等等。


How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings?

你们国家的人是如何看待历史建筑保护的? (选自《剑4》Test 1 Speaking Part 3)

参考答案:Well, its a good question. Ive never thought about it, but I guess Chinese people arent doing enough to protect the historic buildings. What Im trying to say here is that, people in my country pay too much attention to economic development and neglect the protection of historic buildings, even though the buildings have a distinct charm that modern buildings have difficulty replicating (使复现,重复). Now, a good example Id like to share with you is that, there is a lack of attention to the old buildings in my hometown, so they have been decaying or destroyed, and the charm disappeared eventually.

解析:在这段回答中,开头的well是话语标记,三个划线部分依次为第1类串句、第2类串句和第3类串句。该回答的观点(R)为people arent doing enough to protect the historic buildings (人们在保护历史建筑上做得不够),进一步阐述的原因(E)为they pay too much attention to economic development and neglect the protection of historic buildings (人们因过于注重经济发展而忽视了历史建筑的保护),所举的例子(D)为old buildings in my hometown have been decaying or destroyed (我家乡的古老建筑已腐蚀或被毁坏)。


How were you taught history when you were at school?

你在上学时,学校是怎样教历史课的?(选自《剑4》Test 1 Speaking Part 3)

参考答案:You know, if my memory doesnt fail me, regarding this I can possibly think that the way I learnt history was so boring. What I am saying here is that our history teacher just stood in front of us, telling us what events happened in the past. It was so tiresome. All you had to remember were the dates and figures. What I can remember now is just the death tolls in a war, instead of a vividly narrated story. I think telling an interesting story would be a good way to captivate the students.

解析:在这段回答中,开头的You know是话语标记,三处划线部分为三个串句。该回答的观点(R)是the way I learnt history was boring (我以前学习历史的方式很枯燥),进一步阐释的理由(E)为“It was so tiresome. All you had to remember were the dates and figures”(学习的内容很枯燥,学生所必须识记的就只是日期和数字),所举的事例(D)为what I can remember now is just the death tolls (现在我能记起来的只有伤亡数字了)。


Would you say the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years?

你是否觉得在过去的50年里,闲暇时间的多少已经发生了很大变化?(选自《剑4》Test 2 Speaking Part 3)

参考答案:Actually, to put it bluntly, that is a very interesting question. I guess that depends on how people define “free time.” Broadly speaking, nowadays people have higher standard for free time; they want to live free both physically and mentally. In a way they have less free time than before. For instance, if a man working constantly for more than eight hours comes back home for free time, but a chattering wife is waiting for him, this time at home could not be counted as “free time” to him, you know.

解析:上述回答中,开头的Actually是话语标记,三处划线部分为串句。该回答的观点(R)是that depends on how people define “free time” (这取决于人们如何定义“闲暇时光”),进一步阐释的原因(E)为“nowadays people have higher standard for free time … In a way they have less free time than before”(现在人们对闲暇时光的标准高了……某种程度上,他们拥有的闲暇时光比以前少了)。最后,该回答举例(D)说,如果一个工作了一整天的男人回到家还要听妻子唠叨,那他在家的时间也算不上真正的闲暇时光。

上述回答先通过depends on来引出关于闲暇时间的定义,然后再表明自己的观点,方式新颖,不落俗套,所举的例子也比较独特,值得考生学习、参考。

考生在备考雅思口语Part 3的时候,一定要多加练习,积极思考,考试时多谈自己独到的想法与观点,只有这样才会得到考官的认可。下面是笔者给出的一些备考建议,希望对考生有所帮助。






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