赵艳婷 余宏峰 陈镇 殷勇
摘 要:为了辅助低温燃烧研究,本项目组以国4重型柴油机为基础,保持高压EGR系统不变,搭建各种方案的低压EGR系统,以高/低压EGR系统共同作用下产生50%的EGR率为目标进行仿真计算,最终推荐一种可行方案,并在该方案基础上实现了低温燃烧。
中图分类号:TK421+.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0063-06
Analysis of Simulation Program of High and Low Pressure EGR System of Diesel Engine
ZHAO Yan-ting, YU Hong-feng, CHEN Zhen, YIN Yong
(Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Technical Center of DFCV, Wuhan 430056, China)
Abstract: In order to assist advanced combustion research, this project is based on the euro 4 heavy-duty diesel engine, maintain the same high pressure EGR system, set up various options of low pressure EGR systems, under the combined effect of the high / low pressure EGR system EGR rate of 50% target simulation, and ultimately determine a feasible solution, and experimental verification of the program.
Key Words: high pressure; low pressure; EGR; simulation; testendprint
摘 要:为了辅助低温燃烧研究,本项目组以国4重型柴油机为基础,保持高压EGR系统不变,搭建各种方案的低压EGR系统,以高/低压EGR系统共同作用下产生50%的EGR率为目标进行仿真计算,最终推荐一种可行方案,并在该方案基础上实现了低温燃烧。
中图分类号:TK421+.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0063-06
Analysis of Simulation Program of High and Low Pressure EGR System of Diesel Engine
ZHAO Yan-ting, YU Hong-feng, CHEN Zhen, YIN Yong
(Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Technical Center of DFCV, Wuhan 430056, China)
Abstract: In order to assist advanced combustion research, this project is based on the euro 4 heavy-duty diesel engine, maintain the same high pressure EGR system, set up various options of low pressure EGR systems, under the combined effect of the high / low pressure EGR system EGR rate of 50% target simulation, and ultimately determine a feasible solution, and experimental verification of the program.
Key Words: high pressure; low pressure; EGR; simulation; testendprint
摘 要:为了辅助低温燃烧研究,本项目组以国4重型柴油机为基础,保持高压EGR系统不变,搭建各种方案的低压EGR系统,以高/低压EGR系统共同作用下产生50%的EGR率为目标进行仿真计算,最终推荐一种可行方案,并在该方案基础上实现了低温燃烧。
中图分类号:TK421+.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2014)03-0063-06
Analysis of Simulation Program of High and Low Pressure EGR System of Diesel Engine
ZHAO Yan-ting, YU Hong-feng, CHEN Zhen, YIN Yong
(Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Technical Center of DFCV, Wuhan 430056, China)
Abstract: In order to assist advanced combustion research, this project is based on the euro 4 heavy-duty diesel engine, maintain the same high pressure EGR system, set up various options of low pressure EGR systems, under the combined effect of the high / low pressure EGR system EGR rate of 50% target simulation, and ultimately determine a feasible solution, and experimental verification of the program.
Key Words: high pressure; low pressure; EGR; simulation; testendprint