

中国人口·资源与环境 2014年6期

摘要 随着政府和社会公众等利益相关者对环境保护问题的日益重视,企业环境信息披露逐步成为理论研究的热点问题。已有研究表明,外部制度压力和公司治理结构是影响企业环境信息披露水平的重要因素。那么,作为公司治理的制度基础和企业自律系统的内部控制对环境信息披露水平存在正向影响吗?本文从沪、深两市689家制造业上市公司2009-2011年的公司年报中手工收集环境数据,建立环境信息披露指数用以衡量公司环境信息披露水平,并运用内部控制指数及相关数据,实证研究了我国制造业上市公司环境信息披露现状及内部控制对环境信息披露水平是否存在显著影响。研究发现,我国制造业上市公司的环境信息披露水平呈逐年提高之态势,内部控制作为公司制度性体系对环境信息披露水平有着显著的正向作用。在此基础上,进一步讨论市场化进程与行业特征对内部控制功能发挥的影响。研究结果表明,无论在市场化进程快或慢的地区,内部控制均能显著促进环境信息披露水平的提高,只是在市场化进程快的地区,内部控制的正向作用略强;无论在重污染行业还是在非重污染行业,内部控制与环境信息披露均呈现出显著的正相关关系,但在重污染行业的正向作用更大。为此,提出的对策建议是企业为回应监管部门、投资者与社会公众等利益相关者对环境问题的关切,应强化内部控制建设,尤其是要加强与环境信息披露相关的内部控制制度的建设和实施,规范企业环境信息披露行为,提高企业环境信息披露水平,以满足企业利益相关者对环境信息的需求。

关键词 内部控制;环境信息披露;市场化进程;重污染行业

中图分类号 F234 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0077-07 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.06.012


1 理论分析与假设提出






2 研究设计

2.1 变量定义

2.1.1 环境信息披露水平

2.1.2 内部控制有效性

本文运用“中国上市公司内部控制指数”[13]作为内部控制有效性的评价指标。该指数的构建是以COSO报告中内部控制有效性的定义作为理论依据的,即内部控制的有效性取决于其目标的实现程度。计量该指数的变量有两个层次:一是我国《内部控制基本规范》规定的五大目标,内部控制指数对应包括战略指数、经营指数、报告指数、合规指数和资产安全指数;二是各类目标下的分类变量。在基本评估的基础上,还增加了内部控制修正指数变量,即对内部控制存在重大缺陷的予以扣分,该指数较为全面和准确地反映了上市公司内部控制的有效性。根据评价结果,上市公司内部控制指数的取值范围为[0, 1 000],考虑量纲的同一性,本文取该指数的自然对数作为内部控制有效性的衡量指标。

2.1.3 控制变量


2.2 样本选择

本文选取2009-2011年所有制造业上市公司作为初始样本,在此基础上剔除:①ST公司;②存在重大数据缺失的公司,最后确定689家制造业上市公司作为研究对象,共获得有效样本2 067个。为控制极端值对研究结论的影响,本文对存在极端值的变量在1%和99%分位数处进行了WINSORIZE处理。



4 结论与建议





[1]李志斌,尤雯. 内部控制的基本效应与溢出效应:内涵挖掘视角的研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2013,(5):48-51.


[3]毕茜,彭珏,左永彦.环境信息披露制度 公司治理和环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(7):39-47.



[6]沈洪涛,冯杰.舆论监督 政府监管与企业环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(2):72-78.

[7]程隆云,李志敏,马丽.企业环境信息披露影响因素分析[J]. 经济与管理研究,2011,(11):73-70.

[8]黄珺,周春娜﹒股权结构、管理层行为对环境信息披露影响的实证研究:来自沪市重污染行业的经验证据[J]. 中国软科学,2012,(1):133-143.

[9]Zeng S X, Xu X D, Yin H T, et al. Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, 109(3): 309-321.

[10]肖华,李建发,张国清. 制度压力、组织应对策略与环境信息披露[J]. 厦门大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2013,(3):33-40.

[11]林斌,舒伟,李万福. COSO框架的新发展及其评述:基于ICIF征求意见稿的讨论[J]. 会计研究,2012,(11):64-73.

[12]沈洪涛. 公司特征与公司社会责任信息披露:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 会计研究,2007(3):9-17.


[14]Cormier D, Gordon I M. An Examination of Social and Environmental Reporting Strategies [J]. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2001, 14(5): 587-616.

[15]Ahmad Z, Hassan S, Mohammad J. Determinant of Environmental Reporting in Malaysia [J]. International Journal of Business Studies, 2003, 11(1): 69-90.

[16]汤亚莉,陈自力,刘星,等. 我国上市公司环境信息披露状况及影响因素的实证研究[J].管理世界,2006,(1):158-159.

[17]Freedman M,Jaggi B. Global Warming, Commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, and Accounting Disclosures by the Largest Global Public Firms from Polluting Industries [J]. The International Journal of Accounting,2005, 40(3):215-232.

[18]李志斌. 市场化进程、实际控制人与内部控制有效性:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 财经科学, 2013,(3): 63-70.

[19]樊纲,王小鲁,朱恒鹏.中国市场化指数:各地区市场化相对进程2011年报告[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2011: 5-18.

Abstract Environmental information disclosure has become a hot research topic along with the rising concerns by the government and the public on environmental protection. Prior researches have indicated that external systematic pressure and corporate governance are important determinants of firmlevel environmental information disclosure. Internal control is considered to be the institutional foundation and selfdiscipline system of a firm, so that is there a positive relation between internal control and firmlevel environmental information disclosure? This paper constructs an environmental information index by collecting data from annual reports in 2009-2011 among 689 manufacturing listed firms, and studies the current situation of environmental information disclosure, and the interaction between internal control and the environmental information index. Our research indicates that the environmental information disclosure level has been improved year by year in manufacturing listed firms, and internal control, as the firmlevel institutional system, has a significant positive correlation with environmental information disclosure. We also run a serial of sensitivity tests to consider the effect of other factors, including the marketization progress and industrial effect. Results shows that the positive effect of internal control exists within both higher and lower marketization level firms, and the positive correlation is slightly stronger in higher marketization level firms. As for industrial effect, results shows that the positive effects of internal control exist within both heavy polluting industries and nonheavy polluting industries, and stronger correlation reveals in heavy polluting industries. Based on the results, we suggest that listed companies should strengthen the internal control system, especially the construction and implementing of internal control system on environmental information disclosure, and improve the transparency and information disclosure behavior to satisfy the growing environmental information demands of stakeholders, including the supervision authorities, investors, and the general public.

Key words internal control; environmental information disclosure; marketization progress; heavy polluting industry


[3]毕茜,彭珏,左永彦.环境信息披露制度 公司治理和环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(7):39-47.



[6]沈洪涛,冯杰.舆论监督 政府监管与企业环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(2):72-78.

[7]程隆云,李志敏,马丽.企业环境信息披露影响因素分析[J]. 经济与管理研究,2011,(11):73-70.

[8]黄珺,周春娜﹒股权结构、管理层行为对环境信息披露影响的实证研究:来自沪市重污染行业的经验证据[J]. 中国软科学,2012,(1):133-143.

[9]Zeng S X, Xu X D, Yin H T, et al. Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, 109(3): 309-321.

[10]肖华,李建发,张国清. 制度压力、组织应对策略与环境信息披露[J]. 厦门大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2013,(3):33-40.

[11]林斌,舒伟,李万福. COSO框架的新发展及其评述:基于ICIF征求意见稿的讨论[J]. 会计研究,2012,(11):64-73.

[12]沈洪涛. 公司特征与公司社会责任信息披露:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 会计研究,2007(3):9-17.


[14]Cormier D, Gordon I M. An Examination of Social and Environmental Reporting Strategies [J]. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2001, 14(5): 587-616.

[15]Ahmad Z, Hassan S, Mohammad J. Determinant of Environmental Reporting in Malaysia [J]. International Journal of Business Studies, 2003, 11(1): 69-90.

[16]汤亚莉,陈自力,刘星,等. 我国上市公司环境信息披露状况及影响因素的实证研究[J].管理世界,2006,(1):158-159.

[17]Freedman M,Jaggi B. Global Warming, Commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, and Accounting Disclosures by the Largest Global Public Firms from Polluting Industries [J]. The International Journal of Accounting,2005, 40(3):215-232.

[18]李志斌. 市场化进程、实际控制人与内部控制有效性:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 财经科学, 2013,(3): 63-70.

[19]樊纲,王小鲁,朱恒鹏.中国市场化指数:各地区市场化相对进程2011年报告[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2011: 5-18.

Abstract Environmental information disclosure has become a hot research topic along with the rising concerns by the government and the public on environmental protection. Prior researches have indicated that external systematic pressure and corporate governance are important determinants of firmlevel environmental information disclosure. Internal control is considered to be the institutional foundation and selfdiscipline system of a firm, so that is there a positive relation between internal control and firmlevel environmental information disclosure? This paper constructs an environmental information index by collecting data from annual reports in 2009-2011 among 689 manufacturing listed firms, and studies the current situation of environmental information disclosure, and the interaction between internal control and the environmental information index. Our research indicates that the environmental information disclosure level has been improved year by year in manufacturing listed firms, and internal control, as the firmlevel institutional system, has a significant positive correlation with environmental information disclosure. We also run a serial of sensitivity tests to consider the effect of other factors, including the marketization progress and industrial effect. Results shows that the positive effect of internal control exists within both higher and lower marketization level firms, and the positive correlation is slightly stronger in higher marketization level firms. As for industrial effect, results shows that the positive effects of internal control exist within both heavy polluting industries and nonheavy polluting industries, and stronger correlation reveals in heavy polluting industries. Based on the results, we suggest that listed companies should strengthen the internal control system, especially the construction and implementing of internal control system on environmental information disclosure, and improve the transparency and information disclosure behavior to satisfy the growing environmental information demands of stakeholders, including the supervision authorities, investors, and the general public.

Key words internal control; environmental information disclosure; marketization progress; heavy polluting industry


[3]毕茜,彭珏,左永彦.环境信息披露制度 公司治理和环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(7):39-47.



[6]沈洪涛,冯杰.舆论监督 政府监管与企业环境信息披露[J].会计研究,2012,(2):72-78.

[7]程隆云,李志敏,马丽.企业环境信息披露影响因素分析[J]. 经济与管理研究,2011,(11):73-70.

[8]黄珺,周春娜﹒股权结构、管理层行为对环境信息披露影响的实证研究:来自沪市重污染行业的经验证据[J]. 中国软科学,2012,(1):133-143.

[9]Zeng S X, Xu X D, Yin H T, et al. Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, 109(3): 309-321.

[10]肖华,李建发,张国清. 制度压力、组织应对策略与环境信息披露[J]. 厦门大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2013,(3):33-40.

[11]林斌,舒伟,李万福. COSO框架的新发展及其评述:基于ICIF征求意见稿的讨论[J]. 会计研究,2012,(11):64-73.

[12]沈洪涛. 公司特征与公司社会责任信息披露:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 会计研究,2007(3):9-17.


[14]Cormier D, Gordon I M. An Examination of Social and Environmental Reporting Strategies [J]. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2001, 14(5): 587-616.

[15]Ahmad Z, Hassan S, Mohammad J. Determinant of Environmental Reporting in Malaysia [J]. International Journal of Business Studies, 2003, 11(1): 69-90.

[16]汤亚莉,陈自力,刘星,等. 我国上市公司环境信息披露状况及影响因素的实证研究[J].管理世界,2006,(1):158-159.

[17]Freedman M,Jaggi B. Global Warming, Commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, and Accounting Disclosures by the Largest Global Public Firms from Polluting Industries [J]. The International Journal of Accounting,2005, 40(3):215-232.

[18]李志斌. 市场化进程、实际控制人与内部控制有效性:来自我国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 财经科学, 2013,(3): 63-70.

[19]樊纲,王小鲁,朱恒鹏.中国市场化指数:各地区市场化相对进程2011年报告[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2011: 5-18.

Abstract Environmental information disclosure has become a hot research topic along with the rising concerns by the government and the public on environmental protection. Prior researches have indicated that external systematic pressure and corporate governance are important determinants of firmlevel environmental information disclosure. Internal control is considered to be the institutional foundation and selfdiscipline system of a firm, so that is there a positive relation between internal control and firmlevel environmental information disclosure? This paper constructs an environmental information index by collecting data from annual reports in 2009-2011 among 689 manufacturing listed firms, and studies the current situation of environmental information disclosure, and the interaction between internal control and the environmental information index. Our research indicates that the environmental information disclosure level has been improved year by year in manufacturing listed firms, and internal control, as the firmlevel institutional system, has a significant positive correlation with environmental information disclosure. We also run a serial of sensitivity tests to consider the effect of other factors, including the marketization progress and industrial effect. Results shows that the positive effect of internal control exists within both higher and lower marketization level firms, and the positive correlation is slightly stronger in higher marketization level firms. As for industrial effect, results shows that the positive effects of internal control exist within both heavy polluting industries and nonheavy polluting industries, and stronger correlation reveals in heavy polluting industries. Based on the results, we suggest that listed companies should strengthen the internal control system, especially the construction and implementing of internal control system on environmental information disclosure, and improve the transparency and information disclosure behavior to satisfy the growing environmental information demands of stakeholders, including the supervision authorities, investors, and the general public.

Key words internal control; environmental information disclosure; marketization progress; heavy polluting industry

