马子量 郭志仪 马丁丑
摘要 基于西部地区12个省域2000-2011年城市化相关数据,通过空间计量经济学方法对西部地区省域城市化动力机制进行了分析。空间相关性检验结果显示,西部地区省域间城市化存在显著的空间相关性,有着空间集聚的趋势,利用传统OLS模型进行解释会造成空间因素的遗漏,空间计量模型更为适用,进一步利用空间杜宾模型对西部地区省域城市化进程中动力因素的空间交互效应进行验证,并在此基础上对其空间效应进行分解,结果显示:西部地区省域产业结构转变对其城市化的正向直接效应最强,但是省域间存在较强的产业竞争,周边省域产业结构转变会对省域城市化产生明显的负向间接效应;经济发展水平的提高对省域城市化的直接效应显著,同时由于西部地区省域间经济发展水平差异不明显,周边省域经济发展水平对省域城市化的负向间接效应并不显著;城市用地规模扩张对省域城市化的正向直接效应仅次于产业结构转变,而且这种城市化推动行为在省域间效仿度较高,导致其对省域城市化的正向间接效应最强;基础设施投入对省域城市化也具有显著的正向直接效应,省域间基础设施投入虽存在效仿行为,但是财政水平较低导致其对省域城市化的正向间接效应并不显著;由于区位劣势,对外开放程度对西部地区省域城市化的正向直接效应不显著,但是周边省域对外开放程度的增强却一定程度上导致省域自身经济要素外溢,对省域城市化产生了显著的负向间接效应。因此,在未来西部地区省域城市化进程中不仅要关注省域自身城市化动力因素,还应注意省域间的城市化动力因素的协调。
关键词 空间效应;西部地区;城市化;空间杜宾模型
中图分类号 F061.5 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0009-07 doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201406002
1 文献综述
一个区域的某种经济现象与周边区域是相关的,忽略空间效应对经济问题进行分析是存在遗漏的,而现代空间计量经济学为捕捉空间效应提供了相应的理论基础和技术方法,从Fisher [6]率先提出空间计量经济学之后,大量的学者不断地进行深入研究,代表性的有Anselin [7]、Heikkila [8]、Lee [9]、 LeSage [10]和Elhorst [11]等,空间计量分析方法的不断进步使现代经济学对于空间因素影响的把握越来越全面。随着空间计量经济学引入国内,部分学者尝试着将这种方法应用到城市化研究方面。蒋伟利用2005年数据对我国31个省域的城市化影响因素进行了空间计量分析,分析结果显示省域间城市化存在空间依赖性,同时发现空间计量方法的解释力强于一般计量方法[12];姜磊和季民河利用截面数据建立空间误差模型对全国的城市化与创新活动进行了分析,发现在城市化过程中存在明显的知识外溢现象[13];连飞以2008年东北地区34个城市为研究对象,通过建立全局和局部空间计量模型,发现城市间工业生产效率存在明显的空间溢出[14];胡玉敏和杜纲通过近二十年的数据对我国29个省区的城市增长进行了分析,通过建立空间面板误差模型发现城市增长具有空间外溢性,城市间增长具有空间示范效应[15]。纵观这些研究,大部分是通过截面数据去分析区域城市化,截面数据由于选取的时间点固定,所以无法反映城市化的动态变化,同时采取的方法为空间滞后模型或空间误差模型,前者只能反映城市化进程的空间交互效应,忽略了城市化动力因素的空间交互效应,而后者把空间交互效应“黑箱化”处理,只能反映区域间存在空间效应,但是对空间效应发生的途径却无法解释,利用二者无法对区域间城市化空间效应进行全面捕捉。
3.2 非空间面板模型估计
首先采用一般面板模型对西部地区城市化动力机制模型进行估计,其目的是为了对模型估计残差序列进行空间相关性检验,以检验是否有必要建立空间计量模型,同时可以通过检验判断哪种模型更为适用。对西部地区城市化动力机制模型进行面板OLS模型估计,结果如表2所示,总体上模型拟合良好,且通过显著性检验,但是DW值为2.46,说明存在序列相关性,进一步检验后发现,残差序列的Morans I在1%的水平下显著,说明残差序列存在空间自相关性,说明利用面板OLS模型进行估计是存在不足的,应当建立空间计量模型。两种拉格朗日乘子检验LM test no spatial lag和LM test no spatial error均在1%的水平下显著,说明空间滞后和空间误差均存在,所以应通过空间杜宾模型来进行分析。
3.3 空间面板数据计量分析
由于模型存在空间滞后项,所以OLS估计是有偏的,通过Matlab R2012b软件和空间计量软件包将式(8)的SDM模型进行了ML估计,其中依据面板模型固定效应分为三种形式:空间固定效应、时期固定效应和空间时期双向固定效应。估计结果如表3所示,三种效应下SDM模型的拟合度均比非空间面板模型高,极大似然值也高于非空间面板模型,同时三种效应下的模型在瓦尔德检验和似然比率检验时均拒绝模型简化为SLM或SEM,说明SDM模型是适用的。从三种效应的模型估计来看,双向固定模型的拟合度更优,极大似然值最高,各变量的显著性也得到了明显的增强,同时利用似然比率检验对固定效应进行检验时,时期固定效应和空间固定效应均在1%的水平下显著,所以依据双向固定效应的SDM模型进行相应分析。在双向固定效应的SDM模型下,ρ的系数为-0.13,且在1%的水平下显著,说明西部地区省域城市化进程中存在显著的集聚效应,城市化水平的提高一定程度上依赖于周边省区人口的流出,城市化进程存在空间非均衡性,这与之前的空间相关性检验结果是吻合的。
3.4 空间效应分解
4 结论及建议
(编辑:李 琪)
[1]陈明星,陆大道,张华. 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析[J].地理学报,2009,64(4):387-398.
[2]房国坤,王咏,姚士谋. 快速城市化时期城市形态及其动力机制研究[J].人文地理,2009,160(2):40-43.
[3]汪段泳,朱农. 中国城市化发展决定因素的地区差异[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007,17(1):66-71.
[4]王新娜. FDI在发展中国家城市化中的动力作用:基于国外研究的综述[J].云南财经大学学报,2010,(6):59-65.
[5]吴建峰,周伟林. 新时期我国城市化动力机制及政策选择[J].城市发展研究,2011,18(5):21-26.
[6]Fisher W D. Econometric Estimation with Spatial Dependence[J]. Regional and Urban Economics,1971,(1): 19-40.
[7]Anselin L. Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models[M]. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1988.
[8]Heikkila E J, Kantiotou C. Calculating Fiscal Impacts Where Spatial Effects Are Present[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics,1992,(22): 475-490.
[9]Lee L F. Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Autoregressive Models[J]. Econometrica,2004, 72 (6):1899-1925.
[10]LeSage J P. Spatial Econometrics [J]. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005,(3): 613-619.
[11]Elhorst J P. Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar [J].Spatial Economic Analysis,2010, 5 (1), 9-28.
[12]蒋伟. 中国省域城市化水平影响因素的空间计量分析[J].经济地理,2009,29(4):613-616.
[13]姜磊,季民河. 城市化、区域创新集群与空间知识溢出:基于空间计量经济学模型的实证[J].软科学,2011,25(12):86-90.
[14]连飞. 工业集聚与劳动生产率的空间计量经济分析:来自我国东北34个城市的经验证据[J].中南财经政法大学学报, 2011,(1):108-114.
[15]胡玉敏,杜纲. 中国城市增长的空间计量经济学研究[J].科学·经济·社会,2012,30(1):50-56.
[16]Elhorst J P. Dynamic Spatial Panels: Models, Methods and Inferences [J]. Journal of Geographical Systems,2012,(1):5-28.
[17]LeSage J P, Pace R K. Introduction to Spatial Econometrics [M]. Boca Raton,US:CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2009: 20-44.
Abstract Based on the urbanization data of 12 provinces in the western region from 2000 to 2011, provincial urbanization dynamic factors in the western region are analyzed through spatial econometrics methods. According to the results of the spatial correlation test, there is a spatial correlation in the western region provincial urbanization,and there is a spatial agglomeration trend. Therefore, using the traditional OLS model will miss the space factors, and spatial econometric model is more suitable. Spatial interaction effect of provincial urbanization in the western region is verified by spatial durbin model; on the basis,the spatial effects are decomposed.The results show that the transformation of industrial structure in western provinces has the most positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,and due to the industrial competition between provinces,transformation of industrial structure in neighboring provinces has negative indirect effects to provincial urbanization; level of economic development in western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,but due to the gap of economic development between western provinces is small, and the indirect effects of economic development in neighboring provinces to provincial urbanization is not significant;the positive direct effects of urban land scale expansion to provincial urbanization are the second only to transformation of industrial structure,and due to the imitation between western provinces,it is has the most positive indirect effects to provincial urbanization;infrastructure investment of western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization, but subject to the low level of provincial fiscal revenue,the indirect effects of infrastructure investment between western provinces are not significant;because of the disadvantage of location, the direct effects of openingup degree to provincial urbanization is not significant,but the enhancement of openingup degree in neighboring provinces will cause the provincial economic element spillover,it is has significant negative direct effects.Therefore, in the process of provincial urbanization in the western region, decision makers shouldnt only enhance provincial own motivation factors, should also coordinate the urbanization motivation factors between provinces.
Key words spatial effects; westerns region; urbanization; spatial Durbin model
(编辑:李 琪)
[1]陈明星,陆大道,张华. 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析[J].地理学报,2009,64(4):387-398.
[2]房国坤,王咏,姚士谋. 快速城市化时期城市形态及其动力机制研究[J].人文地理,2009,160(2):40-43.
[3]汪段泳,朱农. 中国城市化发展决定因素的地区差异[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007,17(1):66-71.
[4]王新娜. FDI在发展中国家城市化中的动力作用:基于国外研究的综述[J].云南财经大学学报,2010,(6):59-65.
[5]吴建峰,周伟林. 新时期我国城市化动力机制及政策选择[J].城市发展研究,2011,18(5):21-26.
[6]Fisher W D. Econometric Estimation with Spatial Dependence[J]. Regional and Urban Economics,1971,(1): 19-40.
[7]Anselin L. Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models[M]. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1988.
[8]Heikkila E J, Kantiotou C. Calculating Fiscal Impacts Where Spatial Effects Are Present[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics,1992,(22): 475-490.
[9]Lee L F. Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Autoregressive Models[J]. Econometrica,2004, 72 (6):1899-1925.
[10]LeSage J P. Spatial Econometrics [J]. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005,(3): 613-619.
[11]Elhorst J P. Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar [J].Spatial Economic Analysis,2010, 5 (1), 9-28.
[12]蒋伟. 中国省域城市化水平影响因素的空间计量分析[J].经济地理,2009,29(4):613-616.
[13]姜磊,季民河. 城市化、区域创新集群与空间知识溢出:基于空间计量经济学模型的实证[J].软科学,2011,25(12):86-90.
[14]连飞. 工业集聚与劳动生产率的空间计量经济分析:来自我国东北34个城市的经验证据[J].中南财经政法大学学报, 2011,(1):108-114.
[15]胡玉敏,杜纲. 中国城市增长的空间计量经济学研究[J].科学·经济·社会,2012,30(1):50-56.
[16]Elhorst J P. Dynamic Spatial Panels: Models, Methods and Inferences [J]. Journal of Geographical Systems,2012,(1):5-28.
[17]LeSage J P, Pace R K. Introduction to Spatial Econometrics [M]. Boca Raton,US:CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2009: 20-44.
Abstract Based on the urbanization data of 12 provinces in the western region from 2000 to 2011, provincial urbanization dynamic factors in the western region are analyzed through spatial econometrics methods. According to the results of the spatial correlation test, there is a spatial correlation in the western region provincial urbanization,and there is a spatial agglomeration trend. Therefore, using the traditional OLS model will miss the space factors, and spatial econometric model is more suitable. Spatial interaction effect of provincial urbanization in the western region is verified by spatial durbin model; on the basis,the spatial effects are decomposed.The results show that the transformation of industrial structure in western provinces has the most positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,and due to the industrial competition between provinces,transformation of industrial structure in neighboring provinces has negative indirect effects to provincial urbanization; level of economic development in western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,but due to the gap of economic development between western provinces is small, and the indirect effects of economic development in neighboring provinces to provincial urbanization is not significant;the positive direct effects of urban land scale expansion to provincial urbanization are the second only to transformation of industrial structure,and due to the imitation between western provinces,it is has the most positive indirect effects to provincial urbanization;infrastructure investment of western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization, but subject to the low level of provincial fiscal revenue,the indirect effects of infrastructure investment between western provinces are not significant;because of the disadvantage of location, the direct effects of openingup degree to provincial urbanization is not significant,but the enhancement of openingup degree in neighboring provinces will cause the provincial economic element spillover,it is has significant negative direct effects.Therefore, in the process of provincial urbanization in the western region, decision makers shouldnt only enhance provincial own motivation factors, should also coordinate the urbanization motivation factors between provinces.
Key words spatial effects; westerns region; urbanization; spatial Durbin model
(编辑:李 琪)
[1]陈明星,陆大道,张华. 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析[J].地理学报,2009,64(4):387-398.
[2]房国坤,王咏,姚士谋. 快速城市化时期城市形态及其动力机制研究[J].人文地理,2009,160(2):40-43.
[3]汪段泳,朱农. 中国城市化发展决定因素的地区差异[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2007,17(1):66-71.
[4]王新娜. FDI在发展中国家城市化中的动力作用:基于国外研究的综述[J].云南财经大学学报,2010,(6):59-65.
[5]吴建峰,周伟林. 新时期我国城市化动力机制及政策选择[J].城市发展研究,2011,18(5):21-26.
[6]Fisher W D. Econometric Estimation with Spatial Dependence[J]. Regional and Urban Economics,1971,(1): 19-40.
[7]Anselin L. Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models[M]. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1988.
[8]Heikkila E J, Kantiotou C. Calculating Fiscal Impacts Where Spatial Effects Are Present[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics,1992,(22): 475-490.
[9]Lee L F. Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Autoregressive Models[J]. Econometrica,2004, 72 (6):1899-1925.
[10]LeSage J P. Spatial Econometrics [J]. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005,(3): 613-619.
[11]Elhorst J P. Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar [J].Spatial Economic Analysis,2010, 5 (1), 9-28.
[12]蒋伟. 中国省域城市化水平影响因素的空间计量分析[J].经济地理,2009,29(4):613-616.
[13]姜磊,季民河. 城市化、区域创新集群与空间知识溢出:基于空间计量经济学模型的实证[J].软科学,2011,25(12):86-90.
[14]连飞. 工业集聚与劳动生产率的空间计量经济分析:来自我国东北34个城市的经验证据[J].中南财经政法大学学报, 2011,(1):108-114.
[15]胡玉敏,杜纲. 中国城市增长的空间计量经济学研究[J].科学·经济·社会,2012,30(1):50-56.
[16]Elhorst J P. Dynamic Spatial Panels: Models, Methods and Inferences [J]. Journal of Geographical Systems,2012,(1):5-28.
[17]LeSage J P, Pace R K. Introduction to Spatial Econometrics [M]. Boca Raton,US:CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2009: 20-44.
Abstract Based on the urbanization data of 12 provinces in the western region from 2000 to 2011, provincial urbanization dynamic factors in the western region are analyzed through spatial econometrics methods. According to the results of the spatial correlation test, there is a spatial correlation in the western region provincial urbanization,and there is a spatial agglomeration trend. Therefore, using the traditional OLS model will miss the space factors, and spatial econometric model is more suitable. Spatial interaction effect of provincial urbanization in the western region is verified by spatial durbin model; on the basis,the spatial effects are decomposed.The results show that the transformation of industrial structure in western provinces has the most positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,and due to the industrial competition between provinces,transformation of industrial structure in neighboring provinces has negative indirect effects to provincial urbanization; level of economic development in western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization,but due to the gap of economic development between western provinces is small, and the indirect effects of economic development in neighboring provinces to provincial urbanization is not significant;the positive direct effects of urban land scale expansion to provincial urbanization are the second only to transformation of industrial structure,and due to the imitation between western provinces,it is has the most positive indirect effects to provincial urbanization;infrastructure investment of western provinces has significant positive direct effects to provincial urbanization, but subject to the low level of provincial fiscal revenue,the indirect effects of infrastructure investment between western provinces are not significant;because of the disadvantage of location, the direct effects of openingup degree to provincial urbanization is not significant,but the enhancement of openingup degree in neighboring provinces will cause the provincial economic element spillover,it is has significant negative direct effects.Therefore, in the process of provincial urbanization in the western region, decision makers shouldnt only enhance provincial own motivation factors, should also coordinate the urbanization motivation factors between provinces.
Key words spatial effects; westerns region; urbanization; spatial Durbin model