摘要:对2013年白龙岗站点自动监测数据和手工采集的PM25中水溶性阴离子进行了分析,结果表明:宜昌市城区灰霾发生频率较高,PM25为首要污染物,冬季灰霾天数和PM25月均值最高,夏季最低;在典型灰霾日,PM25、PM10、SO2和NO2具有相同的变化趋势,在污染物排放总量不改变的情况下,短暂降雨难以从本质上改变灰霾状态;NO-3和SO2-4是PM25中的主要水溶性离子,其灰霾日的质量浓度高于非灰霾日,工业区高于商业区;灰霾日NO-3/ SO2-4的比值大于非灰霾日,机动车尾气对灰霾的形成影响较大。
白龙岗站点(按照新空气质量标准建设)2013年1月1日~12月31日试运行的自动监测数据显示宜昌市城区首要污染物为PM25,其超标天数占有效监测天数的比例为547%。如图1所示,宜昌市城区灰霾发生频率较高,其中:冬季(12月、1月、2月)、3月和10月属于灰霾频发期,因降水频次较少和不利扩散气象条件所致,超过一半的天数出现灰霾;春季(4月、5月)和秋季(9月、11月)次之,有超过1/3的天数出现灰霾;夏季因降雨和雷暴天气增多,灰霾出现较少,7月和8月发生频率最低,与付晓辉[4]等对宜昌市近53年(1955~2007 年)霾月际变化规律的研究结果基本一致。
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[6] 湖北省环境保护厅2013年上半年湖北省环境质量状况[R]武汉:湖北省环境保护厅公告,2013年第1号
[7] 岳玎利,谢敏,周炎,等环境空气质量新标准对珠三角区域空气质量评价的影响[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):38~42
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[9] 陈纯,朱泽军,刘丹,等郑州市大气PM25的污染特征及源解析[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):47~52
Abstract: This article analyzes the data from air quality automation monitoring system in Bai Longgang and water soluble ions in PM25 by manual samplingin 2013The results indicate that smogappears frequently in Yichang City,and PM25is its primary pollutants;the smog frequency and PM25 value in winter are maximum,while in summer are minimum;PM25,PM10,SO2 and NO2 have the same variation trend;if total pollutant emissions are unchanged,smog can not beeliminated by short rains;NO3- and SO42-are the main water soluble ions,both of which concentration in smog daysare higher than in non-smog days,and inindustrial zoneare higher than in commercial district;NO3-/ SO42-in smog days is also higher in non-smog days;the off gases of motor vehicles have important influences on the smog formation
Key words:air quality;smog;PM25;pollution characteristicsendprint
[6] 湖北省环境保护厅2013年上半年湖北省环境质量状况[R]武汉:湖北省环境保护厅公告,2013年第1号
[7] 岳玎利,谢敏,周炎,等环境空气质量新标准对珠三角区域空气质量评价的影响[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):38~42
[8] HAN Q K,BIN Z,JI F S,et alAanlysis of a long-lasting haze episode in Nanjing,China[J]Atmospheric Research,2013,120:78~87
[9] 陈纯,朱泽军,刘丹,等郑州市大气PM25的污染特征及源解析[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):47~52
Abstract: This article analyzes the data from air quality automation monitoring system in Bai Longgang and water soluble ions in PM25 by manual samplingin 2013The results indicate that smogappears frequently in Yichang City,and PM25is its primary pollutants;the smog frequency and PM25 value in winter are maximum,while in summer are minimum;PM25,PM10,SO2 and NO2 have the same variation trend;if total pollutant emissions are unchanged,smog can not beeliminated by short rains;NO3- and SO42-are the main water soluble ions,both of which concentration in smog daysare higher than in non-smog days,and inindustrial zoneare higher than in commercial district;NO3-/ SO42-in smog days is also higher in non-smog days;the off gases of motor vehicles have important influences on the smog formation
Key words:air quality;smog;PM25;pollution characteristicsendprint
[6] 湖北省环境保护厅2013年上半年湖北省环境质量状况[R]武汉:湖北省环境保护厅公告,2013年第1号
[7] 岳玎利,谢敏,周炎,等环境空气质量新标准对珠三角区域空气质量评价的影响[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):38~42
[8] HAN Q K,BIN Z,JI F S,et alAanlysis of a long-lasting haze episode in Nanjing,China[J]Atmospheric Research,2013,120:78~87
[9] 陈纯,朱泽军,刘丹,等郑州市大气PM25的污染特征及源解析[J]中国环境监测,2013,29(5):47~52
Abstract: This article analyzes the data from air quality automation monitoring system in Bai Longgang and water soluble ions in PM25 by manual samplingin 2013The results indicate that smogappears frequently in Yichang City,and PM25is its primary pollutants;the smog frequency and PM25 value in winter are maximum,while in summer are minimum;PM25,PM10,SO2 and NO2 have the same variation trend;if total pollutant emissions are unchanged,smog can not beeliminated by short rains;NO3- and SO42-are the main water soluble ions,both of which concentration in smog daysare higher than in non-smog days,and inindustrial zoneare higher than in commercial district;NO3-/ SO42-in smog days is also higher in non-smog days;the off gases of motor vehicles have important influences on the smog formation
Key words:air quality;smog;PM25;pollution characteristicsendprint