

中国医药科学 2014年4期


[摘要] 目的 探讨心力衰竭患者利尿治疗前后aVR导联QRS波振幅与脑钠肽变化的关系,探讨心力衰竭治疗有效的心电图指标,为临床疗效评估提供简便易行的预测方法。方法 观察心力衰竭患者50例,分别于入院时利尿治疗前及治疗后出院时行12导联心电图检查,观察aVR导联QRS波振幅变化;监测体重;测定脑钠肽浓度。结果 心力衰竭患者经利尿治疗后心电图aVR导联QRS波的振幅较治疗前显著增高,体重显著下降,BNP显著下降。结论 aVR导联QRS波振幅变化与脑钠肽可以用来评估心力衰竭患者利尿治疗疗效的简单可靠的指标。

[关键词] 心力衰竭;利尿剂;aVR导联QRS波振幅;脑钠肽

[中图分类号] R540.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)04-57-03

Analysis on changes of QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead and brain natriuretic peptide before and after the treatment of heart failure

XUN Ping SUN Li LI Hengbin SHANG Yijun

Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Treatment Centre,Jilin Central General Hospital,Jilin 132013,China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the changes of QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead and brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) before and after the diuretic therapy for patients with heart failure, and to explore the effective indices of ECG for the treatment of heart failure, so as to provide easy predictions for the evaluation of clinical curative effects. Methods 50 patients with heart failure were observed and received 12-lead ECG before the diuretic therapy on admission and after the therapy on discharge. Changes of QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead were observed; patients' weights were monitored; concentrations of BNP were tested. Results The QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead for patients with heart failure after the diuretic therapy was significantly higher than that before the therapy. Patients' weights and BNP concentrations significantly reduced. Conclusion Changes of QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead and BNP can be used as easy and reliable indices for the evaluation of curative effects of diuretic therapy for patients with heart failure.

[Key words] Heart failure;Diuretics;QRS-wave amplitude in aVR lead;Brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)

近年来随着人口老龄化,心力衰竭患者的发病率也逐年上升,心血管疾病的诊治水平也得到了飞速发展,检测心力衰竭的技术也在不断进步。心脏彩超、N末端B型人脑利钠肽(NT-proBNP)[1]也大大提高了心力衰竭患者检测的敏感性和特异性,在检测心功能中起到重要作用,但该两项检测仅在一定规模的大医院才能进行,且价格偏贵,基层医院更渴望有一种更简便、更经济、更大众化、随时可以应用的检测技术来评价心力衰竭治疗效果。心电图是目前最为普及的一项检测技术,具有简便、准确、快速、无创等优势,可以用于心力衰竭治疗效果的评价[2]。本文旨在研究心力衰竭患者利尿治疗前后心电图aVR导联(Ld aVR) QRS波振幅与体重及BNP变化的关系。

1 资料与方法

1.1 对象


1.2 观察指标及检测方法

1.2.1 Ld aVR测量 采用日本光电9130P 12导联心电图机,所有患者于入院时利尿治疗前及治疗后出院时安静状态下记录12导联心电图,走纸速度25mm/s,心电图标准电压为1mV。测量方法:将


1.2.2 体重的监测 所有患者穿统一的病号服,应用同一校正后体重计,于入院时利尿治疗前及治疗后出院时晨起空腹,排空膀胱后测量体重,体重以kg为单位,精确到0.1kg。

1.2.3 血清NT-proBNP测定 所有对象采集于入院时利尿治疗前及治疗后出院时行清晨空腹肘静脉血3mL,待自然凝固后1h内在离心机以3000r/min离心10min分离血清,应用德国罗氏诊断公司Elecsys2010NT-proBNP自动分析仪进行检测,以pro-BNP试剂盒(上海西唐生物科技有限公司),利用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA法)测定血清BNP。

1.3 统计学处理


2 结果

2.1 心力衰竭患者利尿治疗前后各指标的比较


2.2 心力衰竭利尿治疗前后体重变化值(△体重)

与aVR导联QRS波振幅增加值(△Ld aVR)有相关性(R=0.240,P<0.05);△Ld aVR与脑钠肽变化值NT-proBNP)有相关性(R=0.382,P<0.05)。

3 讨论



NT-proBNP水平是评价心力衰竭严重程度和预后的敏感客观指标[10],可反映心力衰竭患者心功能变化情况[11],本研究证实心力衰竭利尿治疗后心功能改善,NT-proBNP较前下降,aVR导联QRS波振幅较前升高。aVR导联QRS波振幅变化与NT-proBNP下降值存在良好的相关性。提示aVR导联QRS波振幅变化可以作为一项评价心力衰竭患者利尿治疗后心功能的指标。且Ld aVR相对心脏彩超检查复杂及成本而论,aVR导联QRS波振幅更简便,更直接。



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[5] Madias JE.aVR,an index of all ECG limb leads,with clinical utility for monitoring of patients with edematous states,including heart failure[J].Pacing Clin Electrophysiol,2009,32(12):1567-1576.

[6] Madias JE,Song J,White CM,et al.Response of the ECG to short-term diuresis in patients with heart failure[J].Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol,2005,10(3):288-296.

[7] John EM.On the Use of the Inverse Electrocardiogram Leads[J].Am J Cardiol,2009,103(2):221-226.

[8] Madias JE,Attanti S,Narayan V.Relationship among electrocardiographic potential amplitude,weight,and resistance/reactance/impedance in a patient with peripheral edema treated for congestive heart failure[J].J Electrocardiol,2003,36(2):167-171.

[9] Madias JE.On the mechanism of augmentation of electrocardiogram QRS complexes in patients with congestive heart failure responding to diuresis[J].J Electrocardiol,2005,38(1):54-57.

[10] Cowie MR,Mendez GF.BNP and congestive heart failure[J].Prog Cardiovasc Dis,2002,44(4):293-321.

[11] Galinier M,Berry M,Delmas C,et al.Interest of NT-proBNP in chronic heart failure follow-up[J].Ann Biol Clin(Paris),2013,71:39-45.


[5] Madias JE.aVR,an index of all ECG limb leads,with clinical utility for monitoring of patients with edematous states,including heart failure[J].Pacing Clin Electrophysiol,2009,32(12):1567-1576.

[6] Madias JE,Song J,White CM,et al.Response of the ECG to short-term diuresis in patients with heart failure[J].Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol,2005,10(3):288-296.

[7] John EM.On the Use of the Inverse Electrocardiogram Leads[J].Am J Cardiol,2009,103(2):221-226.

[8] Madias JE,Attanti S,Narayan V.Relationship among electrocardiographic potential amplitude,weight,and resistance/reactance/impedance in a patient with peripheral edema treated for congestive heart failure[J].J Electrocardiol,2003,36(2):167-171.

[9] Madias JE.On the mechanism of augmentation of electrocardiogram QRS complexes in patients with congestive heart failure responding to diuresis[J].J Electrocardiol,2005,38(1):54-57.

[10] Cowie MR,Mendez GF.BNP and congestive heart failure[J].Prog Cardiovasc Dis,2002,44(4):293-321.

[11] Galinier M,Berry M,Delmas C,et al.Interest of NT-proBNP in chronic heart failure follow-up[J].Ann Biol Clin(Paris),2013,71:39-45.



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