

中国医药科学 2014年4期


[摘要] 目的 对大鼠中枢痛觉Apelin的调制作用及其机制进行实验研究,从而探讨Apelin在机体中枢痛敏作用,为降低机体痛觉提供可靠依据,提高临床疗效及生活质量。方法 利用注射器通过自制套管对大鼠侧脑室进行相应物质注射,即实验组注射Apelin、对照组A注射生理盐水、对照组B注射盐酸吗啡,之后10、20、30、40、50、60min分别测量TFL%,给予统计学分析后得出结论。结果 实验组大鼠痛阈较注射前显著降低,且于注射后30min达到最低值;对照组A大鼠较实验前痛阈无显著变化;对照组B大鼠较实验前痛阈显著上升,且注射后30min升至最高,三组大鼠痛阈变化情况对比结果具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 Apelin可显著升高机体痛敏反应,因此有助于研究临床某些镇痛药物无法有效镇痛的原因以提高镇痛效果。

[关键词] Apelin;中枢痛觉调制;甩尾测痛法

[中图分类号] R402 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)04-26-03

Experimental analysis on the effects and mechanism of Apelin in rats' central pain modulation

YANG Yu1 XING Aiping2 JIANG Nan1 RAN Mengxuan1 XIAO Hong1 JIANG Xiaolong1

1.School of Basic Medicine, Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang 110034,China;2.School of Public Health, Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang 110034,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the modulation effects and mechanism of apelin in rats' central pain via experiment,so as to discuss the effect of apelin in central hyperalgesia and provide reliable evidence for lowering pain and thus improve clinical curative effects and life quality. Methods Syringes were used to inject relevant solutions to rats' lateral ventricle via self-made cannula.Experimental group was injected with apelin; control group A was injected with normal saline; control group B was injected with morphine hydrochloride.TFL% in the three groups were measured in 10min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 50min and 60min respectively.The conclusion was drawn based on statistical analysis. Results The pain threshold for rats in experimental group was significantly lower than that before the injection,and it reached the minimum level 30min after the injection; there was no significant change of pain threshold for rats in control group A after the injection; the pain threshold for rats in control group was higher than that before the injection, and it reached the maximum level 30min after the injection. The differences of changes of pain threshold in the three groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Apelin has the effect of significantly improving hyperalgesia, which therefore helps clinically study reasons for some analgesic drugs which fail to show effects and thus improve analgesic effects.

[Key words] Apelin;Central pain modulation;Tail flick test


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

1.2.1 实验前准备 使用戊巴比妥钠(每千克35mg)对大鼠进行腹腔注射麻醉后,将其在脑立体定位仪上固定,给予鼠脑定向图谱(L.J.Pellegtine)对大鼠侧脑室颅骨进行钻孔,之后将自制套管埋入其中并给予牙托粉固定,于5d后实施Apelin实验。

1.2.2 实验方法 利用注射器通过自制套管对大鼠侧脑室进行相应物质注射,即实验组注射Apelin、对照组A注射生理盐水、对照组B注射盐酸吗啡,三组注射剂量均为10μL,于3min注射完毕。对大鼠痛阈采用辐射热刺激甩尾测痛法测量,痛阈指标为大鼠甩尾反应潜伏期,即tail-flick latency,简称TFL。每只大鼠均于胃部后侧1/3处选择相邻两点作为测量点,分别进行TFL测量,并选取两者平均值记录。实验前每间隔5min对其进行一次TFL测量,共测量3次取平均值作为基础痛阈,侧脑室注射药物后10、20、30、40、50、60min分别测量TFL,记录各时间段各组大鼠TFL变化情况,即TFL%=(各时间段药物作用后TFL-基础TFL)/基础TFL×100%,给予统计学分析后得出结论。

1.3 统计学方法


2 结果



3 讨论

疼痛是机体的重要生理指征,可表达机体受到伤害性刺激的相关信息,激发机体发生防御性反应 [1],机体若发生疼痛则大多伴有组织细胞损伤[2]。Peng等[3]研究表明,若机体处于长期剧烈疼痛,则对其身心均造成严重伤害。因此如何减轻甚至消除疼痛已成为广大医务工作者共同关注的问题[4]。





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[5] 陈鹏,白波.侧脑室微量注射apelin对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].泰山医学院学报,2013,29(8):599-601.

[6] Cheng X,Cheng XS,Pang CC.Venous dilator effect of apelin,an endogenous peptide ligand for the orphan APJ conscious rats[J].Eur J Pharmacol,2013,470(3):171-175.

[7] Sluka KA,Willis WD.The effects of G-protein and protein kinase inhibitor on the behavional response of mts to intrademml injection of capaaicin[J].Pain,2011,71(23):165.

[8] 刘玉红,刘文彦,刘海青,等.大鼠尾核内一氧化氮在痛觉调制中作用机制的研究[J].中国疼痛医学杂志,2013,3(1):163-266.

[9] 白波,刘文彦,宋朝佑.中枢神经系统一氧化氮对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].中国神经科学杂志,2010,16(1):52-55.

[10] Marietta MA.Nitric oxide synthase:structure and mechanism[J].Biol Chem,2013,268(34):12231-12234.

[11] Losano G,Penna C,Cappeuo S,et al.Activity of apelinand APJ receptors on myocardial contractility and Vasomotor tone[J].Ital Heart J Suppl,2012,6(11):272-278.

[12] Charles CJ,Rademaker MT,Richards AM.Apelin-13 induces a biphasic haemodynamic response and hormonal activation in normal conscious sheep[J].J Endocrinol,2011,189(14):701-7l0.

[13] 汤健,陈启盛,周东丰.脑室注射cAMP和cGMP对大鼠电针和吗啡镇痛的影响[J].中华医学杂志,1981,56:225-228.

[14] Meller ST,Pechman PS,Gebhan GF,et al.Nitric oxide mediates the thermal hyperalgesia produced in amodel of neuropathic pain in the rat[J].Neuroscience,2012,50(1):7-10.

[15] Jaszberenyi M,Bujdoso E,Telegdy G.Behavioral,neuroendocrine and thermoregulatory actions of apelin-13[J].Neuroscience,2011,129(25):811-816.


[5] 陈鹏,白波.侧脑室微量注射apelin对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].泰山医学院学报,2013,29(8):599-601.

[6] Cheng X,Cheng XS,Pang CC.Venous dilator effect of apelin,an endogenous peptide ligand for the orphan APJ conscious rats[J].Eur J Pharmacol,2013,470(3):171-175.

[7] Sluka KA,Willis WD.The effects of G-protein and protein kinase inhibitor on the behavional response of mts to intrademml injection of capaaicin[J].Pain,2011,71(23):165.

[8] 刘玉红,刘文彦,刘海青,等.大鼠尾核内一氧化氮在痛觉调制中作用机制的研究[J].中国疼痛医学杂志,2013,3(1):163-266.

[9] 白波,刘文彦,宋朝佑.中枢神经系统一氧化氮对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].中国神经科学杂志,2010,16(1):52-55.

[10] Marietta MA.Nitric oxide synthase:structure and mechanism[J].Biol Chem,2013,268(34):12231-12234.

[11] Losano G,Penna C,Cappeuo S,et al.Activity of apelinand APJ receptors on myocardial contractility and Vasomotor tone[J].Ital Heart J Suppl,2012,6(11):272-278.

[12] Charles CJ,Rademaker MT,Richards AM.Apelin-13 induces a biphasic haemodynamic response and hormonal activation in normal conscious sheep[J].J Endocrinol,2011,189(14):701-7l0.

[13] 汤健,陈启盛,周东丰.脑室注射cAMP和cGMP对大鼠电针和吗啡镇痛的影响[J].中华医学杂志,1981,56:225-228.

[14] Meller ST,Pechman PS,Gebhan GF,et al.Nitric oxide mediates the thermal hyperalgesia produced in amodel of neuropathic pain in the rat[J].Neuroscience,2012,50(1):7-10.

[15] Jaszberenyi M,Bujdoso E,Telegdy G.Behavioral,neuroendocrine and thermoregulatory actions of apelin-13[J].Neuroscience,2011,129(25):811-816.


[5] 陈鹏,白波.侧脑室微量注射apelin对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].泰山医学院学报,2013,29(8):599-601.

[6] Cheng X,Cheng XS,Pang CC.Venous dilator effect of apelin,an endogenous peptide ligand for the orphan APJ conscious rats[J].Eur J Pharmacol,2013,470(3):171-175.

[7] Sluka KA,Willis WD.The effects of G-protein and protein kinase inhibitor on the behavional response of mts to intrademml injection of capaaicin[J].Pain,2011,71(23):165.

[8] 刘玉红,刘文彦,刘海青,等.大鼠尾核内一氧化氮在痛觉调制中作用机制的研究[J].中国疼痛医学杂志,2013,3(1):163-266.

[9] 白波,刘文彦,宋朝佑.中枢神经系统一氧化氮对大鼠痛阈的影响[J].中国神经科学杂志,2010,16(1):52-55.

[10] Marietta MA.Nitric oxide synthase:structure and mechanism[J].Biol Chem,2013,268(34):12231-12234.

[11] Losano G,Penna C,Cappeuo S,et al.Activity of apelinand APJ receptors on myocardial contractility and Vasomotor tone[J].Ital Heart J Suppl,2012,6(11):272-278.

[12] Charles CJ,Rademaker MT,Richards AM.Apelin-13 induces a biphasic haemodynamic response and hormonal activation in normal conscious sheep[J].J Endocrinol,2011,189(14):701-7l0.

[13] 汤健,陈启盛,周东丰.脑室注射cAMP和cGMP对大鼠电针和吗啡镇痛的影响[J].中华医学杂志,1981,56:225-228.

[14] Meller ST,Pechman PS,Gebhan GF,et al.Nitric oxide mediates the thermal hyperalgesia produced in amodel of neuropathic pain in the rat[J].Neuroscience,2012,50(1):7-10.

[15] Jaszberenyi M,Bujdoso E,Telegdy G.Behavioral,neuroendocrine and thermoregulatory actions of apelin-13[J].Neuroscience,2011,129(25):811-816.
