

科技与创新 2014年4期

裴思慧 王兰

摘 要:采用灼伤挤压法摘除眼柄,通过常规石蜡切片、HE染色和实体显微技术观察河南华溪蟹(Sinopotamon Henanense)头胸甲表皮组织细胞和第三颚足内肢刚毛的形态学变化。实验发现,摘除眼柄后随时间的延长,溪蟹头胸甲表皮组织细胞出现染色较深的贮藏细胞,间质增多,表明表皮中糖类或蛋白类物质的合成活动有所增强。溪蟹第三颚足内肢在摘除眼柄后表皮厚度增加,边缘轮廓逐渐模糊化,且边缘厚度变薄,逐渐形成管状样的表皮结构,刚毛腔增宽。通过研究,为预测河南华溪蟹的蜕皮周期、探究其蜕皮生理生化机制提供前期准备。 关键词:河南华溪蟹;摘除眼柄;体壁结构;表皮组织

中图分类号:Q95;S966.16 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2014)04-0114-02


1 材料与方法

1.1 材料与试剂

实验中研究的河南华溪蟹(下文简称“溪蟹”),于2013-05购自太原市五龙口东安水产批发市场,放置实验室水族缸(45 cm×30 cm×30 cm)中暂养2周。

选取头胸甲宽为3~5 cm的健康溪蟹,养殖所用水采用曝气48 h的自来水,水温20±2 ℃,pH值为7.5,溶氧量8.0~8.3 mg/L。每日换水1次,并及时清理缸内排泄物,每日投喂定量土豆1次。


1.2 样品处理

采用灼烧挤压法切除眼柄,用体积分数为75 %的乙醇擦拭镊子、溪蟹眼柄,先用手术剪压碎眼柄的基部并切除双侧眼柄,后用烧红的镊子灼烧使伤口愈合。在双侧眼柄摘除后将其放回缸中饲养,直到开始实验。

1.3 实验方法

分别在24 h、48 h、72 h、96 h、120 h、144 h和168 h随机选取5只溪蟹进行实验。每次实验随机选取未切眼柄的5只溪蟹作为对照,重复3次。分别取正常组和切除眼柄组的溪蟹头胸甲的表皮组织和第三颚足内肢。表皮组织经Bouin氏液固定48 h,流水冲洗,经过系列酒精脱水,二甲苯透明,石蜡包埋,常规切片,Hematoxylin和Eosin染色。第三颚足内肢经体积分数为4%的甲醛固定24 h,流水冲洗,并浸入体积分数为75%的乙醇保存备用。

1.4 实验观察

溪蟹表皮组织HE染色后,经过三目显微镜(Olympus -BX51TF)观察;溪蟹第三颚足内肢活体观察采用体视显微镜(Olympus-SZX2-1LLK)观察。

2 实验结果

2.1 对表皮组织的形态学变化

表皮是蜕皮激素调控蜕皮过程的关键靶组织。因此,我们研究了切除眼柄后,表皮组织的形态学变化。如图1所示,图1-a为正常组河南华溪蟹头胸甲表皮组织,靠近外骨骼的一侧是富含色素颗粒的色素细胞层,呈现黑褐色;内侧的上皮细胞排列较紧密,细胞密度大间质少,包浆透亮,染色较均匀。图1-b~1-h为切除眼柄24~168 h头胸甲表皮组织。摘除眼柄72 h后,表皮组织细胞中开始出现染色较红的颗粒物质,随着时间的延长,到96 h含颗粒的表皮组织细胞逐渐泡状化(如1-e图),120 h后形成贮藏细胞(如图1-f、图1-g、图1-h),且表皮细胞数量减少,间质增多,这表明表皮中糖类或蛋白类物质的合成活动有所增强。

2.2 对第三颚足内肢刚毛的形态学变化

蟹在蜕去几丁质的旧壳时,蟹体上的刚毛会随蟹旧壳一起蜕去,新生刚毛由新体长出,与旧刚毛无关。如图2所示,图2-a和图2-b为正常组溪蟹第三颚足内肢,正常组溪蟹处于蜕皮间期(stage C),外骨骼钙化完全,轮廓清晰,表皮边缘较均匀,刚毛腔(SL)狭窄,在刚毛基部形成刚毛圆锥(IC)(如图2-b);图2-c~图2-h为切除眼柄24~144 h,表皮厚度增加,边缘轮廓逐渐模糊化,且边缘厚度变薄,逐渐形成管状样的表皮结构——刚毛轨迹,同时刚毛腔增宽(如图2-f),此时溪蟹仍然处于蜕皮间期,但表皮与刚毛形态出现变化。现拟定:图2-c~图2-d为C0期,图2-e~图2-f为 C1期,图2-g~图2-h为C2期。图2-i中看出,表皮组织回缩,和外骨骼分离,产生一透明的空隙,回缩腔(RZ),这时溪蟹进入蜕皮前早期D0 期,此时标志着蜕皮的启动。

3 实验分析






[5]Watson R D,Lee K J,Qiu S,et al.Molecular cloning,expression,and tissue distribution of crustacean molt -inhibiting hormone[J].American Zoologist,2001,41:407-417.

[6]Zeleny C.Compensatory regulation[J].Journal of experimental biology,1905,2(01).

[7]Chu K H,Chow W K.Effect of unilateral versus bilateral eyestalk ablation on moulting and growth of the shrimp Penaeus chinensis(Osbeck,1765)(Decapoda,Penaeidea)[J]. Crustaceana,1992,62(03):225-233.

[8]Nan F H,Sheen S C,Liu P C,et al.The effect of eyestalk ablation on growth,haemolymph composition and gill Na+,K+- ATP activity of Penaeus monodon juveniles[J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,1993,106A:621-626.

[9]Spaziani E.Morphology,histology,and ultrastructure of the ecdysial gland(Y-organ)in Crustacea∥Gupta A P.Morp -hogenetic Hormones of Arthropods,vol[J].New Brunswick: Rutgers University.Press,1990,233-267.

[10]Lachaise F,Le Roux A,Huber M,et al.The molting gland of crustaceans:localization,activity,and endocrine controla[J].Crustacean Biology,1993,13:198-234.

[11]Chung J S,Webster S G.Moult cycle-related changes in biological activity of moult-inhibiting hormone(MIH)and crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone(CHH)in the crab,Carcinus maenas from target to transcript[J].European Journal of Biochemistry,2003,270(15):3280-3288.

[12]Imayavaramban L,Dhayaparan D,Devaraj H.Molecular mechanism of molt-inhibiting hormone(MIH)induced suppression of ecdysteroidogenesis in the Y-organ of mud crab:Scylla serrata[J].FEBS Letters,2007,581(27):5167-5172.

[13]Laverdure A M,Breuzet M,Soyez D.Detection of the mRNA encoding vitellogenesis inhibiting hormone in neurosecretory cells of the X-organ in Homarus americanus by in situ hybridization[J].General and comparative endocrinology,1992,87(03): 443-450.

[14]Tian Z H,Kang X J,Mu S M.The molt stages and the hepatopancreas contents of lipids,glycogen and selected inorganic elements during the molt cycle of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis[J].Fish science,2012,78:67-74.

[15]Promwikorn W,Kirirat P,Thaweethamsewee P.Index of molt staging in the black tiger shrimp(Penaeus monodon) [J].Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology,2004,26(05):765 -772.



Abstract: The removal of eye burns extrusion handle by conventional paraffin sections, HE staining and microscopy techniques to observe physical Sinopotamon Henanense morphological changes carapace epidermal cells and the third jaw foot limb setae. It was found that after the removal of the eye pattern over time, the Sinopotamon Henanense carapace epidermal cells appear darker stain storage cells, increased quality, indicating that the synthesis of carbohydrate or protein activity in the epidermis substances has been enhanced. Sinopotamon Henanense within the third limb jaw foot increase in epidermal thickness after removal of the eye stalk, gradually blurring the edge contours and edges thinner, gradually forming a tubular-like structure of the epidermis, bristle cavity widened. Through research, to predict Sinopotamon Henanense molting cycle, explore its physiological and biochemical mechanisms molt preparation.

Key words: Sinopotamon Henanense; removal of eye stalk; body wall structure; epidermal tissue

[6]Zeleny C.Compensatory regulation[J].Journal of experimental biology,1905,2(01).

[7]Chu K H,Chow W K.Effect of unilateral versus bilateral eyestalk ablation on moulting and growth of the shrimp Penaeus chinensis(Osbeck,1765)(Decapoda,Penaeidea)[J]. Crustaceana,1992,62(03):225-233.

[8]Nan F H,Sheen S C,Liu P C,et al.The effect of eyestalk ablation on growth,haemolymph composition and gill Na+,K+- ATP activity of Penaeus monodon juveniles[J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,1993,106A:621-626.

[9]Spaziani E.Morphology,histology,and ultrastructure of the ecdysial gland(Y-organ)in Crustacea∥Gupta A P.Morp -hogenetic Hormones of Arthropods,vol[J].New Brunswick: Rutgers University.Press,1990,233-267.

[10]Lachaise F,Le Roux A,Huber M,et al.The molting gland of crustaceans:localization,activity,and endocrine controla[J].Crustacean Biology,1993,13:198-234.

[11]Chung J S,Webster S G.Moult cycle-related changes in biological activity of moult-inhibiting hormone(MIH)and crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone(CHH)in the crab,Carcinus maenas from target to transcript[J].European Journal of Biochemistry,2003,270(15):3280-3288.

[12]Imayavaramban L,Dhayaparan D,Devaraj H.Molecular mechanism of molt-inhibiting hormone(MIH)induced suppression of ecdysteroidogenesis in the Y-organ of mud crab:Scylla serrata[J].FEBS Letters,2007,581(27):5167-5172.

[13]Laverdure A M,Breuzet M,Soyez D.Detection of the mRNA encoding vitellogenesis inhibiting hormone in neurosecretory cells of the X-organ in Homarus americanus by in situ hybridization[J].General and comparative endocrinology,1992,87(03): 443-450.

[14]Tian Z H,Kang X J,Mu S M.The molt stages and the hepatopancreas contents of lipids,glycogen and selected inorganic elements during the molt cycle of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis[J].Fish science,2012,78:67-74.

[15]Promwikorn W,Kirirat P,Thaweethamsewee P.Index of molt staging in the black tiger shrimp(Penaeus monodon) [J].Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology,2004,26(05):765 -772.



Abstract: The removal of eye burns extrusion handle by conventional paraffin sections, HE staining and microscopy techniques to observe physical Sinopotamon Henanense morphological changes carapace epidermal cells and the third jaw foot limb setae. It was found that after the removal of the eye pattern over time, the Sinopotamon Henanense carapace epidermal cells appear darker stain storage cells, increased quality, indicating that the synthesis of carbohydrate or protein activity in the epidermis substances has been enhanced. Sinopotamon Henanense within the third limb jaw foot increase in epidermal thickness after removal of the eye stalk, gradually blurring the edge contours and edges thinner, gradually forming a tubular-like structure of the epidermis, bristle cavity widened. Through research, to predict Sinopotamon Henanense molting cycle, explore its physiological and biochemical mechanisms molt preparation.

Key words: Sinopotamon Henanense; removal of eye stalk; body wall structure; epidermal tissue

[6]Zeleny C.Compensatory regulation[J].Journal of experimental biology,1905,2(01).

[7]Chu K H,Chow W K.Effect of unilateral versus bilateral eyestalk ablation on moulting and growth of the shrimp Penaeus chinensis(Osbeck,1765)(Decapoda,Penaeidea)[J]. Crustaceana,1992,62(03):225-233.

[8]Nan F H,Sheen S C,Liu P C,et al.The effect of eyestalk ablation on growth,haemolymph composition and gill Na+,K+- ATP activity of Penaeus monodon juveniles[J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,1993,106A:621-626.

[9]Spaziani E.Morphology,histology,and ultrastructure of the ecdysial gland(Y-organ)in Crustacea∥Gupta A P.Morp -hogenetic Hormones of Arthropods,vol[J].New Brunswick: Rutgers University.Press,1990,233-267.

[10]Lachaise F,Le Roux A,Huber M,et al.The molting gland of crustaceans:localization,activity,and endocrine controla[J].Crustacean Biology,1993,13:198-234.

[11]Chung J S,Webster S G.Moult cycle-related changes in biological activity of moult-inhibiting hormone(MIH)and crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone(CHH)in the crab,Carcinus maenas from target to transcript[J].European Journal of Biochemistry,2003,270(15):3280-3288.

[12]Imayavaramban L,Dhayaparan D,Devaraj H.Molecular mechanism of molt-inhibiting hormone(MIH)induced suppression of ecdysteroidogenesis in the Y-organ of mud crab:Scylla serrata[J].FEBS Letters,2007,581(27):5167-5172.

[13]Laverdure A M,Breuzet M,Soyez D.Detection of the mRNA encoding vitellogenesis inhibiting hormone in neurosecretory cells of the X-organ in Homarus americanus by in situ hybridization[J].General and comparative endocrinology,1992,87(03): 443-450.

[14]Tian Z H,Kang X J,Mu S M.The molt stages and the hepatopancreas contents of lipids,glycogen and selected inorganic elements during the molt cycle of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis[J].Fish science,2012,78:67-74.

[15]Promwikorn W,Kirirat P,Thaweethamsewee P.Index of molt staging in the black tiger shrimp(Penaeus monodon) [J].Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology,2004,26(05):765 -772.



Abstract: The removal of eye burns extrusion handle by conventional paraffin sections, HE staining and microscopy techniques to observe physical Sinopotamon Henanense morphological changes carapace epidermal cells and the third jaw foot limb setae. It was found that after the removal of the eye pattern over time, the Sinopotamon Henanense carapace epidermal cells appear darker stain storage cells, increased quality, indicating that the synthesis of carbohydrate or protein activity in the epidermis substances has been enhanced. Sinopotamon Henanense within the third limb jaw foot increase in epidermal thickness after removal of the eye stalk, gradually blurring the edge contours and edges thinner, gradually forming a tubular-like structure of the epidermis, bristle cavity widened. Through research, to predict Sinopotamon Henanense molting cycle, explore its physiological and biochemical mechanisms molt preparation.

Key words: Sinopotamon Henanense; removal of eye stalk; body wall structure; epidermal tissue