Lesson Fifty-seven Differences in negative T waves among acute coronary syndrome,acute pulmonary embolism,and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy


心电与循环 2014年1期


Lesson Fifty-seven Differences in negative T waves among acute coronary syndrome,acute pulmonary embolism,and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Negative T waves are common electrocardiographic changes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome(ACS).In particular,negative T waves in the precordial leads suggest severe ischemia of the left ventricular anterior wall due to a critical stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD). However,this electrocardiographic finding is also frequently observed in patients with acute pulmonary embolism(APE),especially in those at risk for adverse outcomes.Furthermore,Takotsubo cardiomyopathy(TC)1is a recently recognized novel cardiac syndrome characterized by new electrocardiographic abnormalities (ST-segment elevation,negative T waves),elevated cardiac enzymes and transient left ventricular apical ballooning without obstructive coronary disease.

APE and TC should thus be included in the differential diagnosis of ACS in patients who have precordial negative T waves at initial presentation.Prompt differentiation among these three diseases is essential to ensure selection of an appropriate management strategy and thus improve outcomes.The 12-lead ECG is a simple,prompt,inexpensive,and most widely available initial clinical diagnostic examination.

300 consecutive patients(198 with ACS,81 with APE and 21 with TC)were admitted to coronary care unit and fulfilled the following criteria:(1)admission within 48 h after the onset of symptoms such as chest pain/discomfort,dyspnea or other ischemic symptoms; (2)no conditions precluding the evaluation of ST-segment changes on ECG(i.e.complete left or right bundle branch block,left ventricular hypertrophy,ventricular pacing or receiving drugs with potential effects on ECG); (3)no obvious past history of cardiopulmonary disease; and(4)fully assessable ECG on admission with negative T waves of at least 1.0 mm in two or more contiguous precordial leads(V1to V4).Patients with new ST-segment elevation of at least 2.0 mm in two contiguous precordial leads on admission ECG were excluded.

Patients with ACS who had an unstable pattern of symptoms,including rest,new-onset,or increasing angina were studied.The culprit lesion was defined as the lesion associated with angiographic findings suggesting local thrombus,the most severe lesion,or both, and it was confirmed to be located in the LAD.The diagnosis of APE was confirmed by pulmonary angiography,lung perfusion scintigraphy or computed tomographic scan.The patients with TC showed the following features:(1)transient hypokinesis,akinesis or dyskinesis2of the left ventricular apical segment(and midventricular segment)with regional wall-motion abnormalities extending beyond a single epicardial vascular distribution;(2)the absence of significant(>50%)obstructive coronary artery disease or angiographic evidence of acute plaque rupture;(3)new electrocardiographic abnormalities(T wave inversions);and(4)the absence of pheochromocytoma or myocarditis.

In this study,the anatomically contiguous Cabrera sequence3(Ⅲ,aVF,Ⅱ,-aVR,Ⅰand aVL)was used todisplay the limb leads.

Electrocardiographic findings on admission are presented in Table 1.APE was more frequently associated with P pulmonale,S1S2S3pattern and clockwise rotation.Right axis deviation and S1Q3T3pattern were observed in only APE.ACS was more frequently associated with ST-segment depression as well as greater summed ST-segment depression.The number and maximal amplitude of negative T waves were greatest in patients with TC,followed by those with ACS and were lowest in patients with APE.The prevalence of negative T waves in the three groups is shown in Figure 1.In the limb leads,negative T waves were frequently observed in leads I and aVL,particularly in the latter,and were rare in inferior leads and lead-aVR in patients with ACS.In contrast,the prevalence of negative T waves gradually decreased from leadsⅢto-aVR,and negative T waves were not found in leadⅠor aVL in patients with APE,whereas a high prevalence of negative T waves centered around4lead-aVR in patients with TC.In the precordial leads,the distribution of negative T waves centered around lead V3in patients with ACS. In contrast,negative T waves were consistently observed in leads V1and V2,and their prevalence gradually decreased from leads V3to V6in patients with APE, whereas a high prevalence of negative T waves was noted in precordial leads except for lead V1in patients with TC.Negative T waves in both leadsⅢand V1were present in 90%of patients with APE,but only in 3%of patients with ACS or TC.Negative T waves in lead-aVR (i.e.positive T waves in lead aVR)and no negative T waves in lead V1were observed in 95%of patients with TC in contrast to only 3%of patients with ACS or APE. Negative T waves in leadⅢwas highly predictive of APE;furthermore,the diagnostic accuracy of this finding combined with negative T waves in lead V1was very high,representing the highest predictive accuracy.Negative T waves in lead-aVR(i.e.positive T waves in lead aVR)and no negative T waves in lead V1were highly predictive of TC,but the positive predictive values of these findings were low.However,the combination of these two findings resulted in the highest ability to differentiate TC.Figure 2 shows representative ECGs for one patient from each group.

Table 1 Electrocardiographic findings

Negative T waves in ACS

In patients with ACS caused by LAD disease in this study,negative T waves were distributed primarily around leads V2to V4in the precordial leads,facing the anterior region of the left ventricle,and in lead aVL in the limb leads,facing the lateral region of the left ventricle.Negative T waves in lead V1were observed in 63%of these patients.Lead V1is considered to reflect the right paraseptal region,often supplied by the septal branch of the LAD.Negative T waves in this lead may suggest severe ischemia in the interventricular septum caused by more proximal LAD disease.In this study,the majority(75%)of patients with ACS had proximal LAD disease.Conversely,the prevalence of negative T waves in lead-aVR and inferior leads was very low.Lead -aVR(+30°)bridges the gap between5leadⅠ(0°)and leadⅡ(60°);in other words,lead-aVR faces the apical region of the left ventricle.The perfusion territory of the LAD might not extend to the inferior as well as the

Figure 1 Prevalence of negative T waves in patients with ACS,APE and TC.apical regions of the left ventricle,resulting in less negative T waves in leads facing these regions.

Figure2 Representative ECGs of ACS,APE and TC.A.ACS:Negative T waves were observed in leads aVL and V1to V4.When the limb leads were displayed according to the anatomically contiguous Cabrera sequence,negative T waves were seen in only lead aVL,which faces the upper lateral region of the left ventricle. Coronary angiography revealed 90%stenosis of the proximal lesion of the LAD.B.APE:Negative T waves were observed in leadsⅢ,aVF and V1to V4.When the limb leads were displayed according to the Cabrera sequence,the amplitude of negative T waves was greatest in leadⅢ,which faces the inferior region of the right ventricle,and smaller in lead aVF.T wave was slightly inverted in leadⅡ.A computed tomographic scan of the chest showed multiple filling defects in the main right and left pulmonary arteries.Lung perfusion scintigraphy revealed filling defects in the right upper,right middle and left upper lung fields.C.TC:Negative T waves were observed in leadsⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,aVF and V2to V6.In lead aVR,positive T waves were observed.When the limb leads were displayed

Negative T waves in APE

In the present study,electrocardiographic findings associated with APE,such as P pulmonale,right and left axis deviation,S1S2S3and S1Q3T3patterns,low voltage and clockwise rotation were specific,but not sensitive for APE.In the present study,negative T waves in leadsⅢ,V1and V2were very common in patients with APE. LeadⅢfaces the inferior region of the right ventricle, and leads V1and V2face the anterior region of the right ventricle.With increasing severity of right heart failure and dilation of the right ventricle towards the left owing to limited pericardial expansion,negative T waves are thought to move towards the left,i.e.from leadsⅢto aVF toⅡin the limb leads and from leads V1to V6in the precordial leads.

Negative T waves in both leadsⅢand V1could differentiate APE from ACS in patients who had precordial negative T waves.

Negative T waves in TC

Electrocardiographic changes in TC have been shown to be similar to those in anterior acute myocardialaccording to the Cabrera sequence,negative T waves were broadly distributed in all leads except for lead aVL,which faces the upper lateral region of the left ventricle. Echocardiography showed transient akinesis of the left ventricular apical and mid-ventricular segments,and coronary angiography revealed no significant coronary stenosis.

infarction.TC was associated with a greater amplitude and higher prevalence of negative T waves,as compared with ACS and APE.In addition,negative T waves were more broadly distributed around lead-aVR in the limb leads and the precordial leads except lead V1.These findings are probably ascribed to the fact that wall motion abnormalities in TC are centered around the apical region of the left ventricle faced by lead-aVR and less frequently extend to the regions faced by lead V1,i.e.the right ventricular anterior region as well as the right paraseptal region.Moreover,less negative T waves in lead V1may be attributed to another reason:TC,but not ACS caused by LAD disease or APE,is usually associated with wall motion abnormalities in the posterolateral region,resulting in negative T waves in this region.


balloon n.&v.&adj.气球;使鼓起,使激增,鼓起,激增;像气球般鼓起的

preclude v.阻止,妨碍,排除

assessable adj.可评价的,可征税的

contiguous adj.连续的,相邻的,接触的

scintigraphy n.闪烁扫描术

pheochromocytoma n.嗜铬细胞瘤


1.Takotsubo cardiomyopathy指应激性心肌病、左心室心尖球囊综合征,其主要特征为可逆的左心室室壁运动异常而无冠状动脉的异常。


3.Cabrera sequence又称Cabrera format。我们目前所用心电图额面六轴系统中,没有-aVR,只有aVR(210°),而其镜像虚构导联即为-aVR(30°),位于Ⅰ(0°)与Ⅱ(60°)正中间,使得Ⅲ、aVF、Ⅱ、-aVR、Ⅰ和aVL之间的夹角均为30°,这种顺序关系即称为Cabrera sequence或Cabrera format。-aVR的心电图可由aVR的心电图作一个上下翻转获得。-aVR作为标准导联最早见于瑞典的相关文献中。 around指以…为中心,如center around human being以人为本。

5.bridges the gap between指消除…之间的隔阂,弥合…之间的差异。





300例(ACS198例、APE81例、TC 21例)连续入住ICU的患者,并符合以下标准:(1)胸痛、不适、呼吸困难或其他缺血症状发作48h内入院;(2)没有影响心电图ST段变化的情况如完全性左或右束支传导阻滞、左心室肥大、心室起搏或使用影响心电图的药物;(3)无明显的心肺疾病史;(4)入院心电图符合全面分析,倒置的T波在两个或以上相邻的胸导联上(V1~V4)至少达1mm。入院时两个相邻胸导联上ST段抬高至少2mm以上者剔除。



入院时心电图表现见表1。APE较常伴随肺型P波,S1S2S3和顺钟向转位。电轴右偏和S1Q3T3只见于APE。ACS较常伴随ST段压低和较大的ST段压低总值。在T波倒置的数量和最大振幅上,TC最大,ACS次之,而APE最低。3组T波倒置的发生率见图1。在肢体导联上,ACS患者T波倒置常见于Ⅰ和aVL,特别是后者,极少见于下壁导联和-aVR。相反,APE患者从Ⅲ到-aVR,T波倒置发生率逐渐下降,Ⅰ或aVL未见T波倒置。而TC患者,围绕-aVR T波倒置发生率高。在胸导联,ACS患者T波倒置分布集中围绕V3。相反,APE患者V1和V2T波始终倒置,从V3到V6,T波倒置发生率逐渐下降,而TC患者,除V1外,胸导联T波倒置发生率高。Ⅲ和V1T波倒置见于90%APE患者,但只见于3%的ACS或TC患者。-aVR T波倒置(即aVR T波直立)和V1无T波倒置见于95%的TC患者,相反只见于3%的ACS或APE患者。ⅢT波倒置高度预示APE,结合V1T波倒置诊断准确性非常高,呈现最高的预测准确性。-aVR T波倒置(即aVR T波直立)和V1无T波倒置高度预示TC,但阳性预测值较低。当两者结合时能最大程度上区分TC。图2是每组一例患者的代表性心电图。

ACS T波倒置


APE T波倒置



TC T波倒置



图1 ACS,APE和TC患者倒置T波发生率。

图2 ACS,APE和TC的代表性心电图。A.ACS:倒置T波见于aVL和V1~V4。当肢体导联按结构上连贯的Cabrera顺序排列,倒置T波只见于aVL,该导联面对左心室上外侧区域。冠状动脉造影显示LAD近端90%狭窄。B.APE:倒置T波见于Ⅲ、aVF和V1~V4。当肢体导联按Cabrera顺序排列,面对右心室下壁区域的Ⅲ倒置T波最深,aVF较浅。ⅡT波浅倒置。胸部CT扫描显示左右侧大的肺动脉多发充盈缺损。肺灌注闪烁扫描术显示右上中肺和左上肺充盈缺损。C. TC:倒置T波见于Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,aVF和V2~V6。aVR上T波直立。当肢体导联按Cabrera顺序排列时,倒置T波广泛分布于除面向左心室上侧壁的aVL外的所有导联。心脏超声显示左心室心尖和中段短暂的运动消失,冠状动脉造影显示无明显冠状动脉狭窄。

[1]Kosuge M,Ebina T,Hibi K,et al.Differences in negative T waves among acute coronary syndrome,acute pulmonary embolism,and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy[J].European Heart Journal:Acute Cardiovascular Care,2012,1(4):349-357.









房室交接区期前收缩致复杂心电图表现1 例