“坏小子” 的艺术江湖


留学 2014年22期

特约撰稿_Stella Wang 学术指导_Oscar Yan 编辑_曹尔寅 夏媛媛 供图_AIP艺术留学

“坏小子” 的艺术江湖

特约撰稿_Stella Wang 学术指导_Oscar Yan 编辑_曹尔寅 夏媛媛 供图_AIP艺术留学


笼罩在文艺复兴光环下的16世纪下半叶,艺术江湖群星陨落、青黄不接。整体感觉不啻告别城市中一众莺莺燕燕后爬上一隅土山头儿,撇见一位羞嗒嗒的俏美村姑(笔者注:此处暗指样式主义),暧昧可以,一辈子却显得太 长。

Comparing with the status in Renaissance, there were just few artists presenting their talents in the second half of the 16th century, which looked like a man who waved bye-bye to his soul mate, and bumped into his ‘Lolita’.(here referred to as Mannerism)

状况维系至17世纪初,历经沉寂与探索,意大利美术江湖再现三雄, 它们分别是—意大利学院派艺术、巴洛克艺术以及以卡拉瓦乔为代表的现实主义美术。英雄既出,满地便是江湖。

It was not until the early 1600s that ‘the Musketeer’ emerged after the years of silence and depression, they were Academic Art, Baroque Art and the Realism Art represented by Caravaggio respectively. Now that here came the heroes, the battle was already on.


There are three reasons to choose Caravaggio to start our topic: it is obvious that his status in the field of art is important as there are 4 pages introducing Caravaggion in the book ‘History of Western Arts’; To avoid the so-called feminism, a super hero becomWes the best theme to be inked this time.There is no one who can compare with Caravaggio in the aspects of painting.

神样的画技 Proficiency


Michela ngelo Merisi (or Amerighi) da Caravaggio was an Italian painter active in Italy during the late 16th century a nd the early 17th century. He was a genius in his field. Initiating “Caravaggisti” or“Caravagesques”, he inspired numerous of famous artists as well. His paintings, which combined a realistic observation of the human state, both physicaland emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, had a formative influence on Baroque paintings.

执拗的英雄主义 Heroism


Caravaggio was often referred to as “Bad Boy” by people.His whole life, could be described as an Italian version of Gangster. He once killed someone, made trouble and was in jail for several times, and he ultimately even joined reactionary gang. He had a volcanic temper and was a frequent caller of the local court. His unruly spirit and rebellion were profoundly reflected in his paintings.


A s a m a n o f s t u b b o r n character, the “reality” his paintings reflected had been greatly praised by the public. Howe v e r, h e w a s a l s o a n obstinate seller;the so-called“reality”of his paintings set himself in an opposite position to some religious commissions. Besides, with the observation of live models. he always worked at great speed, scoring basic guides directly onto the canvas with the end of the brush handle. However, re ga rd i n g t o h i s p a i nt i n g approach,there is no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.

综述 Conclusion


C a ravaggio’s p a i nt i ng i s uninhibited but irreplaceable. His stubborn character was also vividly embodied in his masterpieces. God always bless the one who has talents and so do the public. Though a person who was self-centered and made numerous of mistakes, his defects were always accepted and were only treated as the reflection of ‘artistic character’. Hundreds of years later, when starting at Caravaggio’s paintings, I am always indulged in his caprice and appreciate his talents. Generally, there are very few of artists who perform like Gangsters as Caravaggio did and I have to say that what he painted was just like an Eden flashing with swords.


canvas n.帆布

caprice n.任性

commission n.委员会

embody v.体现

feminist n.女性主义

formative adj. 形成的

Heroism n. 英雄主义

indulge v.放任

Mannerism n.样式主义

marvel v. 对……感到惊讶

obstinate adj. 顽固的

rampant adj.嚣张的

reactionary adj. 反动的

reemerged v. 再度出现

Renaissance n.文艺复兴

unanimous adj.无异议的








