李莉 王岩 杨军 崔丽萍
【摘 要】目的:分析41例肝硬化患者合并消化性溃疡的临床特点。方法:对肝硬化患者行胃镜检查时发现合并消化性溃疡的41例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:肝硬化合并消化性溃疡病例特点:男性多于女性,十二指肠球部溃疡较多见,多发生于前壁或大弯侧,溃疡在0.8~2.0cm左右,胃溃疡以胃角、胃窦部多发,溃疡在0.5~1.5cm左右。十二指肠球部溃疡及胃溃疡可同时存在,溃疡以活动期为主。结论:肝硬化患者应定期行内镜检查,内镜检查是主要确诊方法。
【中图分类号】R573.6 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】004-7484(2014)04-2579-02
Analysis of clinical 41 patients with cirrhosis complicated with peptic ulcer
Li Li,WANG Yan,YANG Jun,CUI Liping
(Shenyang Municipal Sixth People's Hospital,Shenyang 110006,China)
【Abstract】Objective To analysis the clinical characteristics of 41 inpatients with cirrhosis complicated with peptic ulcer patients. Method To retrospectively analyze the clinical date of 41 inpatients cirrhosis complicated with peptic ulcer in March--October 2013 in shenyang municipal sixth people's hospital. Results The clinical characteristics:male more than female;duodenal ulcer exceed gastric ulcer.Duodenal ulcer occurred antertheca and greater curvature about 0.8-2.0cm;gastric ulcer occurred gastric angle and Gastric antrum about 0.5-1.5cm.The ulcers occupy active stage,Duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer could be simultaneous.Conclusions It is suggested that patients with cirrhosis will be examined by endoscopy periodic.
【Key words】Cirrhosis;Peptic ulcer;Clinical characteristics
1 资料与方法
2 结果
2.1 临床表现:本组患者多因乏力、食欲减退、腹胀不适、反酸、上腹隐痛、轻度腹泻等行胃镜检查,多无消化性溃疡的典型症状及体征,腹痛没有明显规律,具有典型溃疡的节律性疼痛仅6例,占14.63%,4例患者表现为黑便,占9.76%。
2.2 胃及十二指肠内镜表现:胃粘膜充血明显,胃窦粘膜伴有多发糜烂。发现胃溃疡15例:胃角5例、胃窦7例、胃体2例、胃底贲门1例,溃疡在0.5~1.5cm左右;十二指肠球部溃疡26例,多发生于前壁14例,大弯侧12例,溃疡灶在O.8cm~2.5cm之间;其中8例为复合型溃疡。溃疡程度:A期31例,H期10例。形态有:圆形、椭圆形、不规则形;表面附有白苔或黄苔。
2.3 幽门螺杆菌(HP)测定采用快速尿素酶测定法:HP阳性:27例(65.85%)。
3 讨论
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